3 minute read
Editor’s Comment
Welcome all
Covid is still rampant with current daily infections in South Africa still topping the 20000 a day. Vaccinations are going slower than anticipated even though the country has enough to reach population immunity ... or so we’re led to believe. But there’s a new world ahead of us and the new world, certainly in the foreseeable future will require proof that you’ve been vaccinated in order to attend events, travel, go to restaurants and gatherings ... so if you haven’t had the jab yet, I guess you’d best make an appointment. I’ve had both of mine and experienced no side effects.
Plans are underway for Pride in Cape Town in 2022 and hopefully the Covid situation will be under control to allow it. Bur even so the event will be restricted to those people in the community who’ve been vaccinated.
Likewise with travel... go to page 24 and discover the best post-Covid travel spots for gay people.
History was made by Nolo Machaba, the KZN, trangender woman who made it through to the final 30 of the Miss South Africa pageant. Go to page 6 for find out more ...
Homophobia and bullying are problems that our community face everyday, especially those who attend school. We take a look at a superb film that has just been released which follows the story of a father whose gay son committed suicide because of the bullying he faced daily. See page 4 for more information.
Our cover features the DJ, radio celebrity, podcaster and singer, Bujy Bikwa, who became a household name on Metro FM. Go to page 28 to find out more of what makes this talented person tick.
For those readers who follow Ru Paul’s Drag Race, we have an article looking at the best of the All Stars ... and if the winter has seen you packing on a few pounds, turn to page 42 for the health and fitness section which will see you fighting fit in time for summer.

The Music page features the return, after 15 years, of gay icon, Diana Ross. Her new album features that awesome sound that made her a superstar in the 1960’s, with hit albums and songs in almost every decade since.
Our regular features, Guy Candy, The Buzz, OUT on Film and more bring you interesting information and snippets on what’s happening in the LGBTQI+ world.
Stay safe, remember to social distance and mask up... and here’s to hoping that the country can get a handle on this devastating pandemic.
ISSN 2304-859X
Published by:
P.O. Box 397, Sea Point 8060 Cell: 082 562 3358 E-mail: outmagafrica@telkomsa.net outmagazine@mweb.co.za outlet@telkomsa.net
Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358

Rob Hamilton
Lawrence Manyapelo Phindo The Soil
Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358
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