2 minute read
Editor’s Comment
Welcome all
I had a thought by now with the lowering of the Covid restrictions to level 1 that we were on the road to putting the pandemic behind us, only to be blind-sided by yet another variant which seems to shutting down the world with the whole of Southern Africa on worldwide red lists ... and why one asks! Let me tell you ... this pandemic will NEVER go away until everyone is vaccinated ... so all those selfish unvaccinated individuals stop putting not only yourselves, but the rest of the population at risk, GET YOUR JAB!!! The science shows vaccines are effective! This is a no brainer ... Duh!
Plans are well underway for Pride in Cape Town in 2022. All the events on the Pride calender will be restricted to those people who’ve been vaccinated or tested - this will be rigorously enforced!
A new event will be on the Pride calender - The Cape Town Pride Proms with the Cape Town Philharmonic and some of the countries top talent... go to page 7 to find out more.
South African personality Somizi was recently refused entry to Zimbabwe because he is gay! Go to page 8 for the low down.
For the first time in South Africa’s history an openly gay man has been elected as mayor... you can find out more on page 3, about Chris Pappas.
Elderly LGBT+ people suffer discrimination from within our community ... go to page 36 ... with luck all the youngsters out there will get old so its time to deal with the issue of agediscrimination.
On page 32 is Louw Breytenbach, the new Mr Gay World 2021 ... South Africa has now taken the title for the 3rd time - a huge feather in our cap... For those readers who follow Ru Paul’s Drag Race, there is a new Christmas movie, The Bitch Who Stole Christmas, starring the World’s No 1 drag diva ... find out when you can see it on page 52

The Music page features Lil Nas X’s Montero album on page 55
Our regular features, Guy Candy, The Buzz, OUT on Film and more bring you interesting information and snippets on what’s happening in the LGBTQI+ world.
Happy Christmas, Happy Hannukah and happy holidays to everyone.
Stay safe, remember to social distance, mask up... and for F’s sake get vaccinated ...
ISSN 2304-859X
Published by:
P.O. Box 397, Sea Point 8060 Cell: 082 562 3358 E-mail: outmagafrica@telkomsa.net outmagazine@mweb.co.za outlet@telkomsa.net
Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358

Rob Hamilton
Lawrence Manyapelo Phindo The Soil
Tommy Patterson 082 562 3358
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