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FEATURE: Meet Wentzel April - Pride Director 2023
age I knew I was going to be a teacher. I still have that teacher in me, but I used it differently nowadays. I think after 11 years of not growing personally, I started to feel stagnant and complacent. I made the decision to leave teaching because I also felt that this season of my life has ended. I have done my best and given my all for the profession, and I felt content with what I gave my students.
You are well known in the Cape Town LGBTI+ community by your alter-ego, Wendy LaRosa. How did you start doing drag and where did the name come from?
Wentzel: I started doing drag for fun at first, in 2011. I attended the Miss Gay Western Cape pageant that night and wanted to explore drag. It wasn’t until 2013 when I entered my first pageant, Miss Pestova, that I started to do drag more frequently. As they say, the rest is history. My drag name passed through many changes/phases, some including, WendyHaus, Wendy LaShade and eventually settling on Wendy LaRosa. Wendy means “white” in Gayle; LaRosa is Spanish for “the rose” Hence, “the white rose”
You have been involved in various groups; organisations allied to the LGBTI+ community for a number of years. What motivated you to get involved in helping the community?
Wentzel: I love my community. I love to see people grow, develop, and improve themselves. (the teacher inme) With getting involved in community work, I knew I could make significant changes and improvements where I can. When I won Miss Gay Western Cape in 2018, I joined Impulse Group a week later. I wanted to use my platform as MGWC by joining forces with Impulse to better our community. This has borne excellent fruits.
You are currently Vice President of Impulse Group Cape Town. Tell us a little more about the organisation and where you fit in.
Wentzel: Impulse Group is a global social movement who promotes and creates awareness around safer and healthier lifestyles within the LGBTQIA+ community. It is a sex-positive group who aims to stamp out the stigma around HIV/AIDS and sexual activity in the community. In my role as VP, I manage and coordinate many of our events through liaising with vendors, artists, suppliers etc. I work hand in hand with the President and team members to ensure things run smoothly. I’m basically the mother of the organisation, lol.
The hashtag for Pride 2023 is #OwnYourTruth. As an openly, proudly gay man and a positive role model for young people struggling with their sexuality, what is your advice coming to terms with your true self?
Wentzel: This is and will never be an easy journey. There are so many adults who still struggle with this issue. My best advice I can relay to young people, is to stand firm, work hard at everything you do, respect others, yourself and a higher being and most importantly, learn to pour into your own cup as well.
As the Director of Cape Town Pride 2023, can you tell us a little more about what we can expect to see on the Pride calendar that hasn’t been
Wentzel: I am so excited to have been given the liberty to add new additions to our calendar. With the popularity of Vogue/ Ball culture growing in Cape Town, it is only fitting that a ball be added. Other new events include a Queer Fashion show which will showcase designs from the LGBTQIA+ community. Another exciting event is our Pride Pets Walk where you can bring your pet/s for a walk, dress them up in their finest outfits and even have a chance to interact with animal welfares to ensure your pet stays healthy and strong. Pride is a family event, and this includes our lovely pets.
On a more personal level … are you single, in a relationship or married?
Wentzel: Happily single but a rich man between the ages of 38 and an oxygen tank, is welcome to take me on a date.
Do you have any role models?
Wentzel: On the local scene, anyone who walks out of their house in drag. This takes courage and it is a political statement as well. I salute all my queens because I know how powerful drag can make you feel. What confidence and beauty it brings to your character.
How do you relax and unwind?
Wentzel: I enjoy watching documentaries, specifically on history, European royalties, and true crime. Oh and of course, napping.
What is your binge worthy TV show?
Wentzel: Will and Grace, The Devil Wears Prada – I know most of the scripts and lines by now, hehe
Who is your favourite singer?
Wentzel: There is no particular one. I think I can listen to a song and love it without having to be obsessed with the artist. My playlist/s can literally go from gospel to opera to indie pop. I’m weird like that.
What’s your favourite indulgence?
Wentzel: Mexican Chilli pepper, chilli biltong
Your tipple of choice?
Wentzel: Anything that contains vodka
Best party night?
Wentzel: A Sunday night (because I don’t work on Mondays)
Favourite outfit?
Wentzel: A short shorts and crop top/vest
Your worst date night?
Wentzel: Omg, what is a date????