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The Green Team

Caption needed. Photo by Butch Comegys

Students from a variety of Greater Wilmington schools were on hand at last month's Wilmington rally. Photo by Butch Comegys

Looking to get involved? Here are more than a dozen options.

Looking to do more than just

read about climate change? Ready to dig deeper than simply making an online donation or applying your signature to a petition? Here are some organizations looking for you:

• Citizens Climate Lobby — A nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on national policies to address climate change, whose approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations. Delaware Chapter at St. Andrew’s School, Middletown. citizensclimatelobby.org; facebook.com/CitizensClimateLobby

• Eco Health Alliance — Is a global environmental health nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting wildlife and public health from the emergence of disease. ecohealthalliance.org; facebook.com/EcoHealthNYC

• Extinction Rebellion Delaware — Declares non-violent rebellion against the U.S. government for its criminal inaction on the ecological crisis. extinctionrerebellion.us; facebook.com/xrdelaware

• EQOT (Earth Quaker Action Team), Philly — Grassroots, nonviolent action group including Quakers and people of diverse beliefs, who join with millions of people around the world fighting for a just and sustainable economy. Their Power Local Green Jobs Campaign uses nonviolent, direct action to demand that PECO, Pennsylvania’s largest utility company, make a major shift to locally generated solar power that benefits low-income communities and communities of color. New online volunteer interest session on Nov. 8 at 7pm. eqat.org; facebook.com/EarthQuakerActionTeam

• Fridays For Future (FFF) — is part of a hopeful new wave of change, inspiring millions of people to take action on the climate crisis, started by 15-year-old Greta Thunberg in Sweden. Updates on Twitter @FridaysForFuture or subscribe to their monthly online newsletter. fridaysforfuture.org; facebook.com/FridaysForFuture.org

• Green Team Worldwide Environmental — Specializes in recycling clothing by ensuring the vending and selling of hundreds of tons of donated clothing monthly at their brightly colored bins, which are thoroughly cleaned after each pickup. greenteamworldwide.com

• Interfaith Power and Light — Working through faith communities and community partners to provide a religious response to the causes and impacts of climate change. Signature initiative: Green Empowerment Program aimed at low-income neighborhoods. delawareipl.org/wp123

• Keep Delaware Beautiful — Was formed in 2016 with the purpose of fostering and promoting Keep America Beautiful programs focused on litter prevention, community beautification and minimizing the impact of solid waste in the State of Delaware. Look for their Household Hazardous Waste Collection events monthly on their website for each county. keepdelawarebeautiful.com; facebook.com/KeepDeBeautiful

• Plastic Free Delaware — Aims to eliminate the scourge of plastic pollution and build a culture of zero waste in Delaware through educational programs, awareness building, and policy initiatives. Learn more at 3rd Thursdays Lunch & Learn from 12- 1:15 pm via Zoom or join in at the Green Drinks Virtual BYOB on Mon. Nov. 15 from 6:30-8pm. plasticfreeedelaware.org; twitter.com/byobd

• Sierra Club — Founded by John Muir in 1892 to protect the environment with chapters in all 50 states. General info: information@sierraclub.org. Legislative office: 202-547-1141 Click on “Take Action” page on sierraclub.org or visit sierraclub. org/Delaware or facebook.com/delawaresierraclub • Students for the Environment — Is a student-led club at High Tech High Media Arts where students come together to discuss interesting topics involving world/nationwide environmental issues, ways to be eco-friendly in our daily lives, and how we can make an impact in our community. hthmastudentsfortheenvironment.weebly.com

• Sunrise Movement Mission — Stop climate change and create millions of good-paying jobs in the process. Signature initiative launched in 2017, The Green New Deal: a congressional resolution to mobilize every aspect of American Society to 100% clean and renewable energy in the next 10 years. unrisemovement.org; facebook.com/sunrisemvmt

• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)

Environmental Justice — Believes that everyone, regardless of race, color, national origin or income is entitled to equal protection from environmental harms and risks. The EPA in Delaware is in Rehoboth Beach but managed out of the regional Philadelphia office. epa.gov/aboutepa; twitter.com/EPAregion3

• Walk for Our Grandchildren & Mother Earth — Driven by the question ‘What kind of ancestors will we be?’ a group of grandparents and elders took bold action and risked arrest in the fight against climate change and for a renewable energy future. 2021walk.wixsite.com/4ourgrandchildren; Steven Norris: earthsun2@gmail.com

Claire Andreasen, a senior at Charter School of Wilmington lets her sign do the talking during a recent event calling for more action on climate change. Photo by Butch Comegys

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