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Art Loop Wilmington

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In the City

Friday, Feb. 4 5pm Start


The Delaware Contemporary

200 South Madison Street 656-6466 • decontemporary.org Artist/Event: Winter/Spring 2022 Season: Narrative


Chris White Gallery

701 N. Shipley Street 475-0998 Artist: 10th Anniversary Exhibition with 30 artists

City of Wilmington’s Redding Gallery

800 N. French Street 576-2100 • cityfestwilm. com/redding-gallery Artist: Erica Jones

Christina Cultural Arts Center

705 N. Market Street 652-0101 • ccacde.org Artist: “Sylone” by Ameerah York-James

Gallery at Grace Church

900 N. Washington Street 331-0719 Artist: Harriet Tubman Artwork created by Padua Academy Students, led by their art teacher Jen Mzozek

A program of the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs

The Grand Opera House

818 N. Market Street 658-7897 thegrandwilmington.org Grand Gallery: “Pursuing Serenity” Craig Hable baby grand Gallery: “Every Image with a Different Lens” by Ray Magnani

Mezzanine Gallery at the Carvel State Building

820 N. French Street 577-8278 arts.delaware.gov Artist: Shari Dierkes: On Display II

Music School of Delaware

4101 N. Washington Street 762-1132 musicschoolofdelaware.org Artist: Diamond Art Painting by Patricia Kemp


Blue Streak Gallery

1412 N. Dupont Street 429-0506 Artist: Hearts, Flowers and Things We Love Alida Fish, Nancy Josephson, Roberta Little, Ann Oldach, Doris Peltzman and Lynda Schmid

Blue Streak Gallery (offsite at Piccolina Toscana)

1412 N. Dupont Street 429-0506 (Blue Streak) Artist: Paintings by Kathleen Keane


Arden Buzz Ware Village Center

2119 The Highway, Arden 981-4811 Artists: “I need a place to hide” A.J. Stalloni

COCA Pop-Up Gallery

3829 Kennett Pike 218-4411 Artists: Group Show featuring local artists

Next Art Loop Wilmington: Friday, March 4, 2022

Complimentary Shuttle

Most exhibitions listed here continue through January

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