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War on Words

War on Words


You do realize you’re a grown man, sitting by yourself in of one-sided games early, eager to join a neighborhood pickup a basement, yelling at the television over a stupid ball or get in a couple of games in my imaginary league. game,” my wife has exclaimed more times than the 2020 Of course — you guessed it — the call came, and I was Phillies bullpen blew a lead. “Well, they never should’ve signed this guy. He’s a disaster,” I retort. What I’m thinking to myself but don’t dare verbalize: What part don’t you understand? out playing baseball with the boys — on a neighborhood diamond we had collectively built with our own hands (back stop, home run fence, dugout benches, real bases, lined field).

To be honest, it is rather immature behavior from a grown My mom answered, which was the equivalent of me being man. And the fact that a tough Phillies loss can cast a shadow called upon to solve a long-algebra equation. She considered on my entire day is not something to be proud of. never telling me about the call, realizing I’d be crushed.

But it’s an affliction I’ve been suffering since age 6 or 7. And But she did. And I was. I’ll bet you season tickets I’m So, I never cut out early not the only one. In other words, For many, a season this long again. But a second call never came. the Phillies are my longest steady relationship — by a mile. Before newspaper routes, high school, dating, may sound as monotonous as watching the grass grow. This lifelong affair has been on my mind as college, marriage, kids…I’ve been wedded to baseball. But I’m OK watching the this 2021 baseball season gets underway (I’ve caught every For better or worse till death grass grow — as long as game but one thus far). We’re do us part. It goes back to the mid- the game is on. back to 162 games after last year’s pandemic-shorted 60s when I sat glued in front aberration. And that’s a of the television for every game — regardless of weather. Then, upon the final out, I’d dash to the back yard and conduct my own imaginary baseball league. It was a full and gratifying day. Back then, each Phillies broadcast would be followed by a beautiful thing. For many, a season this long may sound as monotonous as watching the grass grow. But I’m OK watching the grass grow — as long as the game is on. In fact, while much has been made of limited fans now contest called Diamond Derby. To be eligible, you had to mail being allowed to attend games, I’m appreciative of something the Phillies your name and phone number. As a highlight to much more fundamental. A full season will be played, the post-game analysis, the host would randomly select from which means a game almost every day for six solid months. those mailed-in numbers, call the fan, and ask a question A sense of normalcy. about the just-completed game. Answer correctly and you In other words, I’ll have my lifelong companion would win tickets to a future game. throughout spring, summer and into fall. The only thing

Trust me, I mailed in at least 100 times. And I religiously better? Well, you could throw in another 11 or 12 games. watched every game — keeping score, taking notes, hoping Because that would mean playoffs. And the World Series. my phone would ring. The ultimate destination for any fan, for sure. But for me, the

After hundreds of games and no call, I accepted the fact true joy is in the journey. that it simply was not going to happen. So, I began cutting out — Jerry duPhily

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