8 minute read
Spencer Nutting, ‘The Gay Divorcé‘ sets his stakes in Puerto Vallarta
from O&APV Summer of Fun and Pride 2023
by Out and About Puerto Vallarta - LGBTQ Puerto Vallarta Magazine
His frst visit to Puerto Vallarta occurred after he had won a 10-daystay here in a seven-bedroom condo. Accompanied by close friends, and his now ex husband, the three gay couples headed out on what they hoped would be the trip of a lifetime.
“These were tumultuous times, then, I’m a survivor because I was in a monogamous relationship. One of the couples, both close friends and one a newly hired employee, Marty Zeitman, had just been diagnosed with AIDS, which was essentially a death sentence in those days.”
As you can imagine, some 40-years-ago Puerto Vallarta was a lot diferent than it is today. “We didn’t see any gay bars because we weren’t looking for any.”
“After spending the day at the beach, we would retreat to local restaurants on the way back to the condo.” One particular restaurant, Andale’s, became our hangout, and the gang would party there with Margaritas and even had their group photo taken on the iconic sweeping staircase there. “That picture hung in my walk-in closet for a decade. I’d see and remember it daily.”
One particular night, after drinking too much tequila, Marty was so sick in the bathroom stall, emotionally broken down, and most likely a human biohazard. “That moment still brings tears to my eyes recalling it.”
“It was up to me to assist and comfort him,” he said. “After all these decades later, it was as memorable as if it happened a week ago. Marty blubbered through his tears, ‘I’m going to die! I’m going to die!’ and with all the gumption I could ofer I told him, ‘Marty, no matter what, you’ll always be alive in Puerto Vallarta!’”
Marty Zeitman and his partner, Al Crook, both died within a year from AIDS. Spencer last saw Marty while crossing a major Soho street in London where Marty was on a work assignment with another company, while Spencer was also in London on a business trip as well. Neither knew the other was there.

“We met coincidentally on the crosswalk, mid intersection. One signal diference & we would not have made the reconnection.”
Since neither had plans, they enjoyed the evening together in a local restaurant, reminiscing about that trip to Puerto Vallarta. I remember Marty telling me, I look forward to going back. Sadly, he never did, except in spirit.

Flash forward to September 2022. After living in Vancouver, BC for the past four years, Spencer decided to relocate to Puerto Vallarta. He booked an airbnb from Vancouver, with the plan to fnd a place for a longer stay in December. Spencer was directed to meet in Andale’s Restaurant’s bar & await delivery for the keys to be delivered.
While waiting, enjoying his frst Corona, here in 40+ years, he looked around at his ambient surroundings, and was awestruck to see that he was in the very same location he had been in with his amigos 40 years prior - something he felt was a good omen for his future stay. “It was the last place I was in during my previous visit and the frst place on this one. A good sign.”

The day before his departure back to Vancouver, he found his current domicile on the edge of the infamous Romantica Zone.
“I have always lived a serendipitous life. I have a purpose and a vision of what I’m bringing with me here: An upcoming best selling biography, plans for my Queerassic World Franchise, A Rainbow Gay Wedding Cake company, ‘Let Them Eat Cake!’, a huge Gay Pirate Ship Party, ‘High Jacked in Puerto Vallarta!’, and flm, his gay tee shirt Design company plus a few more tricks up his sleeve to dazzle. Watch! Encuentra nuestra versión en español en: outandaboutpv.com

Ballroom Voguing Evolves, and Emerges in Puerto Vallarta

By Oscar Almeida
It marks the frst time the Puerto Vallarta trans, drag, non-binary & queer community will be doing an event that sets them apart from the tourist-focused and commercial focus of Vallarta Pride and its organizers.
It will highlight and celebrate the new "House" scene that is springing up in Vallarta and major cities in Mexico, with the intention to provide multi-faceted support within and for these communities (in the pretty obvious absence of legal, social and cultural support from employers - even gay employers in hiring and providing dignifed opportunities for them).
The event during Vallarta Pride will bring in House leaders from
Guadalajara and Mexico City, as well as from the local Houses, including Kiki House of Paradise, House of Storm and others.
The Paradises are ready to walk their categories and show their voguing skills.
In their words, the best part of the event is that it’s made for the community and it’s been being planned for months with enthusiasm by the Houses. Organizers said they have received lots of help from friends and community members such as Alfredo Soria (organizing) and Paul Crist (Mercurio Hotel and Swimwear) as principal sponsor.
The event marks the rising of the movement in Puerto Vallarta. A movement that was started by the heads behind the liberation. The head of Kiki House of Paradise, Mother Uli, knows we still have a long way to go to achieve the recognition of our beings in Mexico.
Over the years Mother Culi discovered the scene just as her queer self in Mexico City. Originally from Acapulco, where she fnished high school. With an insecurity crisis in her hometown, her family decided to send her away to study dance in Mexico City. It was her last year of studying dance that she got involved in the ballroom community in Mexico City.
She became part of House of Mamis and soon found her way in the voguing arts.
After fnishing school and fnding out the life scenario of a just graduated artist, she started applying for casts and auditions. Somehow she got an audition for Rhythms of the Night. She passed the audition - producers told her they wanted her - even though she was under their required heightbecause of her talent.
That led to her frst big opportunity in a production directed by Gill de la Croix (Cirque Du Soleil founder), where she shared the stage with artists from Russia,Mongolia and many other countries. She did this for a year and then lost herself.
“I started feeling like not loving doing the same numbers every night
Voguing Has Roots Back To 1960s

By Oscar Almeida
It’s been 55 years since Crystal Labeija was called as third runnerup for 1967 Miss All-America Camp Beauty Pageant, sadly and with a panel of judges that included Andy Warhol.
At the time it seemed to be a repeating of a history she knew too well. She walked ofstage, in the middle of the awards, never to walk another pageant in the white-centric circuit again.
LaBeija, who was the reigning Miss Manhattan at the time, was one of a few non-white queens who had ever won “Queen of the Ball” (A prestigious title at the time). Queens of color were routinely short shrifted and snubbed in favor of their white counterparts.
Later in 1972- and with Stonewall (1969) as a milestone - Crystal & Lottie Labeija convened the “House of LaBeija's First Annual Ball” taking place somewhere in Harlem, New York.
This was the frst time the term "house" or "casa" was used as the concept within ballroom culture that it is not only about a group of LGBTI+ people who team up, dance and compete in diferent categories in ballrooms, but also function as community spaces and chosen families.
During the last fve decades, this subversive and revolutionary movement had celebrated and exalted the diversity of racialized dissident people who recognize that and decided to quit,” she said. She was living in Puerto Vallarta and decided to stay - knowing that Vallarta was a LGBTQ+ destination - since she used to go to parties in Zona Romantica. She hadn’t realized this before moving to Vallarta.

She began to wonder where the voguers were - so now without a job - she started looking for opportunities in the hotels and theater shows. But it was complicated and competitive environment, with performing artists fghting for the spots and lowering their prices to get the gigs - this lead to her deciding to start giving contemporary dance lessons.
She was the only contemporary dance instructor at the time, so with a great response of the people, she eventually started teaching other dance styles (including vogue) and it was on the frst vogue lesson when Deriva (who was also part of the ballroom community in Mexico City) appeared at the class and the team started taking shape.
Eventually Deriva brought in Carmilla to the vogue lessons; and then Elektra, who at a younger age had a private vogue lesson with Culi, became part of the classes.
“This is not only a political movement and making statements through looks and dance,” she said. “It’s a discipline and requires a lot of strength to dance in high heels and look fabulous at the same time.” they are mainly support networks for trans, non-binary, HIV positive, sexual workers, black and Latino people Who since then and before have spearheaded the liberation movement.
The voguers are athletes and have to learn about their body’s capabilities and limitations - so the raising team was showing their interest through constant efort.
In this context, voguing arose, a dance style that although in its beginnings sought to imitate poses of models from Vogue magazine; over time it was enriched by multiple characters on the scene at the time like Willi Ninja (Mother of House of Ninja) who brought to the foor movements inspired such as in Egyptian hieroglyphic poses as martial arts or gymnastics as well as other non queer welcoming dance currents.

As spectators, we are used to interpreting vogue as a 'mainstream
-Crystal Labeija 1967
show' linked to dance, Madonna, the catwalk, fashion, music and category “Pose” & the eleganza extravaganza. It is really a very competitive environment. However, the houses, the voguing and the ballroom are loaded with symbolism. And their main objective is to exalt a community environment and celebrate gender as in its dissidences for anti-racist and antihate activism purposes.
It's also a resistance to the hetero patriarchal system and the bodily and binary hegemony of those who judge and have excluded us.

In the words of house members they found in the house the sense of belonging to a community, in a very active dynamic way. They were creating a creative and emotional support web from these sisters. They found a way to be themselves but in the way that also creates something for others. This is a family.
The straightened tendencies against queer expressions in the gay man community often causes queers to slow down on their gender expressions just to ft.
To adapt to what is seen as sexy and attractive while not being loyal to your real self eventually Alexis, Alvaro and AnaPau joined the House, and with the team together the name was obvious for the Mother.
Mother Uli said “we live in this paradise and the House of Paradise was introduced ofcially as a Kiki House with all the community at “Prohibido Ball”.
After that they started promoting the house around Puerto Vallarta and have received a great response from the public - they achieved to now be one of the headline events during Vallarta Pride 2023.