اليوم في ـارك ـ ش GET INVOLVED IN OUTDOOR !الدراســي الخارجــي CLASSROOM DAY! HERE ARE A FEW TIPS TO HELP PLAN Aالتي FANTASTIC التخطيط علىYOU تساعدك فيما يلي بعض النصائح OUTDOOR CLASSROOM DAY! !لقضاء يوم دراسي خارجي رائع في الهواء الطلق
قبل اليوم
BEFOREHAND Sign up to say you are taking part!
!لتخ�نا بمشاركتك قم بالتسجيل ب
تس� أ Plan مور ahead – يknowing what you are going and how are going to doبالتخطيط it will make go ولكن اترك- بسالسة اال ستضمن أن القيام به تنوي وكيفtoبهdoالقيام تنويyou معرفة ما مسبقاً – إن قمsure things ف smoothly - but do leave some room to be inspired on the day! !مجاال ً لالبتكار ي� اليوم نفسه ف اتفق عىل جدول ف،ستق� اليوم ف� الخارج زم� مسبق ت حصة عادلة منIfعىل المدرسة كلها إذاhas a fair theالجميع wholeيحصل school�ح is going to يget outside, agree a timetable in يadvance so that كانت everyone ي .المساحة الخارجية share of the outdoor space. تأكد من الحصول عىل االذن بالتصوير الفوتوغر فا� من آ .يمكن تصويره شخص ال هناك أي كان المصور إذا �وأخ االباء إphotographer know if there بphotos ِّ يparents and let your Make sure you have permissions for from ف ف أ ت ! (يمكنكis �ر ياanyone التصوير الفوتوغ الصور المشاركة ي� مسابقة الضو� لالستمارات ح� يمكنك إرسالها مع قم بالمسح ي who can’t be photographed. Scan the forms so you can send them with your photography .)تحميل االستمارات من قسم الموارد بالموقع competition entries! (Forms can be downloaded from the resources section of the website). االباء أ بإ�اك آ قم ش وإذا كان- فالحصول عىل دعمهم ومساهمتهم سيجعل اليوم أفضل.واالمهات ومقدمي الرعاية آ أ Involve parents and carers. Getting their support and input will make the day even better and if ! فمن الجيد أن يعرف االباء لماذا،ًاالطفال سيعودون إىل منازلهم ومالبسهم متسخة قليال children are going to come home a little bit grubby it’s good that they know why! يف �المحلي المشاه� ورجال الدين بما ف ي� ذلك،المحىل فكر ف ي� شإ�اك أشخاص آخرين من المجتمع ي ي أ ش Think about involving other people from your community, including celebrities, .ورجال ال�طة وأصحاب االعمال local faith leaders, the police and businesses owners.
فكّر ف ي� استخدام الشارع خارج المدرسة، إذا لم تكن لديك مساحة كافية داخل المدرسة ف مفتوحة لهذا خ�اءgrounds, مساحاتthen محلية أو حديقة إىلusing الذهابthe يمكنك إغالقه؟) أو If you don’t have any school think about street outsideيمكن your(هل .اليوم school (can it be closed?) Or you could go to your local park or open green space for the day. أ- تأكد من أن الجميع. كن مستعداً أالحوال الطقس لديهم المالبس والحماية المناسبة ت- االطفال والكبار �ح and Be prepared for the weather. Make sure everyone – children and adults – have the right clothes ت ف !يتمكنوا من ال� يك� عىل االستمتاع protection so they can concentrate on having fun!
في اليوم
Get everyone involved – What الطلق؟ about having outdoor assembly forماذا the- الجميع whole school? قم ش ف� الهواءanبأكملها للمدرسة عن تجمع بإ�اك
فك فmatter تthe ًيوماuniform Consider day المدرس a يnon school uniform day,مدرس school day, أن so �itِّر يdoesn’t المزعج اتساخ يكون منmaking ح� ال ،القديم يوم الزي أو،موحد بدون زي تجعل اليوم يor an old if they get messy. .المالبس فكِّر ف الكث� من أفكار خطط الدروس ت المق�حة - وبعده اليوم قبلother أخرىlessons وربطه بدروس لليوم ideas Think about theming يthe هناك day and linking into before andموضوع after –اختيار there� يare loads of ت !الموارد بالموقع قسم تحميلها منsection وال� يمكن in the suggested lesson plans, which can be downloaded from the resources يof the website! وشاركها اللهام آ،ال� حصلت عليها التقط الصور الفوتوغرافية والفيديوهات للمتعة ت- خ�اتك سجل !خرين اال إexperiences – take يphotographs Record your and videos of the fun that you have بhadِّ and share them to inspire others!
AFTERWARDS Share your experiences. Outdoor Classroom Day is all about building a movement, so inspire everyone! Send a press release, put up photos on noticeboards, include information in your newsletters, publish a report on your websites, give a presentation to governors. Check out what everyone else has shared – are there great ideas for next year? Send your photos and stories to info@outdoorclassroomday.com and share with the world! Post on Twitter or Facebook. Can the resources in the Outdoor Library help you make outdoor learning and play part of the every school day? Can you also inspire parents to get their children outdoors more too outside of school?
THE LEGAL STUFF: Going outside on your own school ground is straightforward and shouldn’t require any special permissions. If you are going off site then make sure you abide by your school’s off site rules and procedures. Make sure that you carry out a risk/benefit assessment of the activities you are going to do - whether off site or on site (see “Taking a Balanced Approach to Risk and Benefit” by Tim Gill in the Outdoor Library) - and have the right first aid/incident reporting procedures in place. If you are going off site you need to make sure that your insurance policy covers you for any liabilities in accordance with any usual off site activities that you undertake. This also applies to any transportation that you may be using.
There is a whole community of teachers from around the world who are waiting to welcome you outdoors and share practice, ideas and successes. Connect with them by sharing your experiences on the Outdoor Classroom Day #outdoorclassroom. Facebook page, on Twitter and on Instagram with the hashtag #outdoorclassroom. You can also share with parents on #dirtisgood! #dirtisgood!