OUTDOOR HOLIDAYS™ PRESENT: A lost World – Apuseni Mountains
Apuseni Mountains are any trekkers dream. Combining an amazing karstic system (gorges, caves) with traditional romanian features like old houses, churches and mountain villages. Wherever you look in Apuseni mountains there’s certainly an foto oportunity, being the huge arcade of a cave, or a crystal clear waterfall, it doesn’t matter you will be astonished. Accomodation may be in tents, agrotouristical pensions, or why not, in a villager’s geuine house. Our tours take you through the most important sight seeing objectives of the Apuseni Mountains, usualy on fairly easy paths for you to enjoy the views as confortably as possbile (all though, probably while traversing gorges you might get wet) Apuseni offer a wide span of periods in which they can be visited, because being low-altitude mountains, it does not get very cold. Typical Season starts in april and ends in october, but we also offer winter trips. If you are looking for an active holiday in smaller, nonalpine mountains, or with lots of caving, check out more about Apuseni mountains Tours on our website at www.outdoorholiday.com or send us an E-mail at office@outdoorholiday.com.
Aleea Rotunda nr.4 • BL H6 • Ap.26 • 032705 Bucuresti • ROMANIA Tel: +40-21-643.24.02 • Fax: +40-21-340.37.85 • E-mail: office@outdoorholiday.com • www.outdoorholiday.com