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Happy Pride y'all!
It’s here—another Pride season! While we are certainly not completely out of the woods when it comes to the pandemic, we are eternally grateful that this is yet another summer we can spend outdoors and with our chosen family.
This year, we are beyond thrilled to put Black Pride front and center, showcasing all the important work they do to honor queer, Black folks this time of year and all year. You’ll hear from the Black Pride founder as well as some of the entertainers and learn more about why June is such a monumental month for the Black, queer community.
In 2023, the focus is global, and we know queer rights are human rights, and there are no queer rights without intersectionality. That’s why we’re also stoked to highlight the global phenomenon that Denver Pridefest has become, including all the diverse entertainment, as well as every last corner of Colorado, including the queer comings and goings on the Western Slope.
So this year, expand your horizons, and dive into all things Colorado and Pride season have to offer, not just the regularly scheduled programming. See you all out there!
-Addison Herron-Wheeler