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May 2023 Horoscopes
by Alanna L.P.
Hi everyone, this month is all about selfcare. This month, there is a lunar eclipse with the sun in Taurus and the moon in Scorpio. This will illuminate areas in which you need to find balance between what your feelings are internally versus how outside factors make you feel. The purpose of this eclipse is to destroy boundaries that aren’t serving you anymore, so if you’re ready to do the work, you may want to get in touch with a professional because it’s about to get intense out there.
Tarot Mantra: 10 of Wands – I’m almost there.
It’s time to heal old wounds that prevent you from dealing with the big issues in life, dear Aries. If you find yourself turning to retail therapy, now would be the time to learn to constructively deal with traumas without pulling out the pocketbook.
Tarot Mantra: The Star – There is always hope.
Happy birthday, May Taurus! We love how you’re always our rock! This month, if you’re feeling pushback in your relationships, ask yourself if you’re expecting too much from those you care about. This may be a make-or-break moment, but cutting someone toxic loose is always good for mental health in the long run.
Tarot Mantra: Justice – What goes around comes around.
Happy birthday, May Geminis! We love your quirky, witty ways! If you feel overwhelmed by big changes, now is the time to start taking better care of yourself. Get out there and exercise; enjoy the warm weather, and maybe plant some vegetables to help improve your diet. You’re the only you you’ve got, so take care of you first!
Tarot Mantra: Two of Swords (Reversed) – Change doesn’t happen unless I choose to change.
You may be wondering why it never works out this month, dear Cancer. The answer is, you may be going after the wrong thing! Look to your friends and social groups to find people with common connections, and before you know it, you may find yourself falling for someone who’s the right fit this time around.
Tarot Mantra: 6 of Pentacles – I’m ready for a relationship that gives back.
This month, you may need to resolve wounds from your childhood involving the toxic masculine. Believe it or not, this has been what’s been holding you back, especially in living up to your full potential in your career. It’s possible to heal, and it’s totally OK to get help from a professional. All you need to do is reach out.
Tarot Mantra7 of Wands – I know when to say no!
One thing we know about Virgos, your input is always valued! You know how to see the devil in the details, which is why everyone comes to you for help. But don’t let people dump their problems on you. If you’re finding you don’t have time for yourself, reclaim your time and energy, and don’t bite off more than you can chew. You’ll feel a lot better if you do.
Tarot Mantra: The Leader – I give what I can of myself—nothing more and nothing less.
We all know that Libras value the pleasures in life. You like to look good, have nice things and show— not tell—the world that you know your worth. But don’t let your possessions define who you are. Detach yourself from identifying with what you own. Instead, do things you enjoy that don’t involve spending money to get in touch with who you are on a deeper level.
Tarot Mantra: Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)– I am not my belongings.
We all know you’re full of secrets, but holding back from getting help isn’t doing you much good, dear Scorpio. If you’re pushing for others to notice you, it may be because you felt you didn’t get enough attention from someone you loved in the past. It hurts, and your feelings are valid. Now seek out a therapist who can help you move forward.
Tarot Mantra: Three of Swords – It doesn’t rain forever.
If you feel like you’re in a showdown with yourself, get some clarity by working on your self-care routine. The right amount of sleep, nutrition and exercise can do wonders to clear the mind, especially in the wake of so many big life changes!
Tarot Mantra: The Sun -- It’s all good.
It’s a good time to be a Capricorn. Everything seems to be going your way! The only problem is that you’re doing so well at work, and you’re so busy with your loved ones, that you may be feeling exhausted. Time to set those boundaries with yourself so that you develop the best work/play balance that works for you.
Tarot Mantra: 5 of Wands – Not everyone deserves my attention.
This month, insecurities from your younger days are resurfacing. If you’re stuck on memory lane, your loved ones can help ground you in the present. And if you’re still feeling stuck in a rut, it’s time to talk to a professional.
Tarot Mantra: The Ten of Swords – Memory lane is a nice place to visit but don’t buy a house there.
New experiences are here to help you expand your mind if you’ve been feeling stuck. Stick close to home for the first couple weeks of the month, but try to get away towards the end of the month— Just make sure you stay within your budget! You may make a discovery while traveling that you never expected.
Tarot Mantra: 8 of Wands – Inspiration strikes when you least expect it.