6 minute read
American Queer Life The Lamentable Loss of 4 Commons: Decency, Ground, Knowledge, Sense
by Rick Kitzman
Tragedies defined 2020: the COVID-19 pandemic, racial strife, a bitter election. And I lay them all at the feet of Donnie John Trump.
Four years of fingernails on a chalkboard were to have come to an end on November 3. The day was to be filled with joyful shouts and sighs of release. But with a contested outcome—and its disgusting, dangerous support by liars, cowards, and traitors (oh my!)—the screeching continued and will continue indefinitely.
I’m left disheartened, worried about my country’s future, and feeling disconnected from the 74 million citizens who voted for Donnie-John. Much of Americans’ commonality seems to have been lost, assuming it was ours in the first place
The social convention of everyday courtesy, respect, and politeness is missing.
When Donnie-John came on the political scene he embodied an attack, accuse, distract, cheat, and claim victory mode of campaigning. As president, he has acted no differently—215 indictments during his administration; Nixon had 76, Obama 0—lying, blaming, proving himself reckless, cruel, narcissistic. He and his sycophants, inept family members, cronies, and brownnosing reporters epitomize indecency at every rally, in every Twitter snit, and with every fake-news report.
Overlapping interest and compromise are missing.
There was much wailing and keening when three, simple guides to combat COVID 19—wear masks, keep six feet away from others, wash your hands—supposedly trampled constitutional rights and threatened the delicate masculinity of American men.
“It’s my body, and I’ll do what I want.” (Let’s hope they remember that rallying cry when abortion issues arise.) Never mind a killer disease is loose; the health of others doesn’t matter. Donnie-John stupidly led us into our American debacle—the worst in the world—and has failed miserably to lead us out of it. But he’ll take credit for the vaccines.
COMMON KNOWLEDGE Belief in facts is missing.
One person’s fact is another’s fake news. Still, you’d think Americans could agree the world is round; trials have witnesses; 81 million votes is greater than 74 million votes; sexual assault is bad. But in Donnie-John’s bizarro world, flat-earthers have made a big comeback; an impeachment trial can be held without witnesses; 74 beats 81, and women enjoy having their privates grabbed.
Here’s a fact that was missing from my bucket of common knowledge: Every democrat is a cannibal and traffics in sex with children inside pizza parlors.
Sound, practical judgment is missing. Christians love Donnie-John, chosen by God to lead this country away from its sinful, liberal path, meaning away from queer marriage, trans rights, abortion, racial equity, etc. Common sense should tell them the man has broken most of their Ten Commandments, hitting the jackpot with adultery and coveting neighbors’ wives. I assume he hasn’t killed anyone, but he did brazenly declare, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose voters.” Let’s hope we never have to test his braggadocio. His believers say, “God works in mysterious ways.” Mysterious, yes, moronic, no. I quote their Bible: Matthew 7:15—“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Donnie-John is foaming and howling all the way to the bank in an ill-fitting, $6,000, off-the-rack, Brioni wool suit. Any Christian who voted for him has forfeited their right to claim they are a Christian. That’s just common sense.
Turns out sense is not so common; neither is decency, common ground, or knowledge in this four-year shit-show.
I come from a white, working-class family in a small, agricultural town. My parents and aunts and uncles, some Russian immigrants, were conservative republicans, and they would have been appalled at everything, EVERYTHING, Donnie-John says and does.
Devotees of this megalomaniac, who could not care less about them except as sources of devotion and dollars, have been duped but will never admit it. Why should they? They have permission to rape America, and if you’re a white supremacist, neo-Nazi, or fascist, you’ve been given permission to threaten and attack people of color, and by extension healthcare workers and election officials. Thinking themselves courageous patriots, these cowardly turncoats betray their country to its foreign enemies who slink closer and closer to their ultimate goal: the destruction of America from within.
When Donnie-John declared the 2020 election fraudulent and himself victor, he elevated this self-inflicted ruination of our democratic ideals to treasonous sabotage. With zero evidence, 18 state attorneys supported a baseless, Texas lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to overturn Biden’s victory with 126 U.S., Republican representatives adding their names. All of them are traitors and should be charged, tried, convicted of treason, and jailed. Now that’s law and order. And holding people accountable. And wouldn’t that be a great way to celebrate the new year.
Before the president-elect is sworn in, I’m betting Donnie-John’s selfish and psychotic unpredictability will spawn some final tricks. Whether he believes it or not, America has said, “You’re fired!” With Biden and Harris at the helm, maybe American commonalities will return. At least, they give us a chance to reconnect.

Quality Self-Care
It’s a new year, and you’ve already crossed all the presents off your Christmas list. Now, make a little you time and enjoy some of the tasty treats you’ve been waiting to indulge in.
Dalwhinnie Farms Cannabis
You have to drive all the way to Aspen to get Dalwhinnie Farms flower, but it’s worth it. The shop is elite and luxurious, but it’s not all looks, and nor is the cannabis all great packaging and gorgeous colors. It’s tasty, fluffy, and definitely worth the trip.

PHYX THC Sparkling Water
These beverages combine the awesomeness of seltzer water and hydration with a clean, tasty, cannabis high. The nano-encapsulation technology used by the brand helps you feel the THC right away, and it’s easy, and healthy, to sip.
Dolce Foglia
If you crave a tasty, flavored, cannabis treat while you deck the halls or make merry, Dolce Foglia has you covered with all kinds of bolder-than-usual flavors. Concierge flavor house Dolce Foglia has just launched a retail shopping portion, and it offers some amazing, flavored joints and sour edibles. The joints come in banana, peppermint, and pineapple, and the edibles come in watermelon, orange creamsicle, watermelon, green apple, and lemon drop.

NectarBee Edibles at Green Solution
NectarBee is a company that truly stands out from the crowd as far as flavor goes. Many edibles do the job and still manage to taste good but, the attention to detail in NectarBee’s flavor is amazing. With truffle flavors like key lime and raspberry cheesecake, the NectarBee packaging still skips the frills and ruffles, but it definitely delivers the fluffy, sweet flavor one would expect from truffles, with the taste of cannabis barely there and mixed in well. They’ve also got a ton of other offerings, including gummies, chocolate, hard candies, frozen pops, brownie bars, and sodas. You can’t miss with this array of choices. Available at all Green Solution locations.