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the state-wide residential prop tax rate to 0.94% from 1.35%,” Brown wrote in a follow-up email to EBS. “The net result is a $162 million property tax increase from the state on Montana’s homeowners over the next two years.”
Action items and appeals
Brown said every property owner “should take that assessment notice with a massive grain of salt. If they have questions, they should call the [Montana] Department of Revenue,” he said.
Property owners can also appeal the appraised value of their property. Appeals must be made using form AB-26, due 30 days after notice was received by mail.
“If you’re interested in learning about that, you can contact your Department of Revenue office and they can walk you through that,” Brown said. He added that DOR offers property tax relief programs for groups including disabled veterans and those on fixed or limited incomes.
The public can call (406) 444-6900 or submit an