Table of Contents Mid-America Union December 2010
Find individual conference reports on the following pages...
Minnesota Conference 18 Dakota Conference 12
Editorials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 “Farewell to the Mid-America Family”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 “Collaborating in Healing Ministry”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 “Honey, I’m Home”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 You Can’t Judge a Story by its Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Iowa-Missouri 14 Conference
Rocky Mountain Conference 20 Central States 10 Conference Note: Central States is an ethnically diverse regional conference encompassing the entire Mid-America Union territory.
Union College 22 Kansas-Nebraska 16 Conference
Central States News . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Dakota News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Iowa-Missouri News. . . . . . . . . . . 14 Kansas-Nebraska News. . . . . . . 16
In This Issue... Christmas is a season for worship and giv-
Minnesota News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
ing. These two expressions are in spiritual
Rocky Mountain News. . . . . . . . . 20
partnership—first comes worship, then giving.
Union College News . . . . . . . . . . . 22
We see this in the story of the wise men from
Adventist Health System . . . . . . . . 24
the east.What was the primary purpose of their
Lifting Up Jesus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Farewell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
long journey? They announced it upon their arrival:“We have come to worship Him” (Mat. 2:2). Upon entering the presence of Jesus,“they fell
Sunset Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their
Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
treasures, they offered Him gifts” (verse 8). Generous giving is the sure result of heart-
On the Cover: Sheila Schlisner and Zainab Al-Baaj witnessed to America through Parade magazine that not all Christians are bigots and not all Muslims are terrorists. They can be friends and even partners in community ministry. Cover by Steve Nazario and Chris McConnell. OUTLOOK, (ISSN 0887-977X) Decmber 2010, Volume 31, Number 11. Outlook is published monthly by the Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 8307 Pine Lake Road, Lincoln, NE 68516; Telephone: 402.484.3000; Fax: 402.483.4453; E-mail: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Outlook, PO Box 6128, Lincoln, NE 68506. E-mail: When possible clip name and address from a previous issue. Printed at Pacific Press Publishing Association, Standard postage paid at Nampa, ID. Free for Mid-America church members and $10 per year for non-Mid-America subscribers. ©2010 Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. All Rights Reserved. Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are the registered trademarks of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
felt worship. If we are not inclined to give— significantly, according to our ability—then something must be missing in our worship. What might that be? What motivates our worship? We don’t need to guess. The worship of the wise men was sparked by joyous gratitude for God’s gracious provision: “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” (verse 10). They were audaciously happy about Jesus. So joy to the world this holiday season! Then there will be heartfelt worship throughout our churches—followed by significant giving.
Unless otherwise noted, all photos are stock photography. 2
December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Martin Weber, editor
Outlook Outlook Staff Staff Editor: Martin Martin Weber Weber Editor: Managing Editor/Ad Editor/Ad Manager: Manager: Amy Amy Prindle Prindle Managing Layout Designer: Designer: Chris Amy Prindle Layout McConnell Classifieds/Subscriptions:Brenda Chris Smith Classifieds/Subscriptions: Dickerson Copy Editor: Editor: Brenda Chris Smith Copy Dickerson News Editors Editors News Central States: States: Roger Kymone Hinds Central Bernard Dakota: Jacquie Heidi Shoemaker Dakota: Biloff Iowa-Missouri: Michelle Michelle Miracle Miracle Iowa-Missouri: Kansas-Nebraska: John JohnTreolo Treolo Kansas-Nebraska: Minnesota: Jeff Claudio Consuegra Minnesota: Wines Rocky Mountain: Mountain: Karen Jim Brauer Rocky Cress Union College: College: Ryan Jacque L. Smith Union Teller
Mid-America Mid-America Union Union Conference Conference
President: President: Roscoe Roscoe J.J. Howard Howard III III VP VP for for Administration: Administration: Thomas Charles L. W.Lemon Drake III VP VP for for Finance: Finance: Elaine Elaine Hagele Hagele Associate Associate VP VP for for Finance: Finance: Troy WaltPeoples Sparks
Local Local Conferences Conferences
CENTRAL STATES: CENTRAL STATES: 3301 3301 Parallel Parallel Pkwy., Pkwy.,Kansas City, KS 66104; Telephone: 913.371.1071; Kansas City, KS 66104; 913.371.1071 DAKOTA: P.O. Box 520, 217 North Grand, DAKOTA: P.O. Box 520, 217 North Grand Ave., Pierre, SD 57501; Telephone: 605.224.8868; Pierre, SD 57501; 605.224.8868 IOWA-MISSOURI: P.O. Box 65665, 1005 Grand IOWA-MISSOURI: P.O. Box 65665, 1005 Grand Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50265; Telephone: Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50265; 515.223.1197 515.223.1197; KANSAS-NEBRASKA: 3440 Urish Road, Topeka, KANSAS-NEBRASKA: 3440 Urish Road, KS 66614-4601; Telephone: 785.478.4726; Topeka, KS 66614-4601; 785.478.4726 MINNESOTA: 7384 Kirkwood Court, Maple MINNESOTA: 7384 Kirkwood Court, Grove, MN 55369; Telephone: 763.424.8923; Maple Grove, MN 55369; 763.424.8923 ROCKY MOUNTAIN: 2520 So. Downing, ROCKY MOUNTAIN: 2520 S. Downing St., Denver, CO 80210; Telephone: 303.733.3771; Denver, CO 80210; 303.733.3771
Editorial Farewell to the Mid-America Family by Roscoe J. Howard III The outgoing president of the Mid-America Union shares his farewell message. The Union Executive Committee met to elect a new president Nov. 18, after Outlook’s publishing deadline. For the latest news, visit
o the churches of God in the Mid-America Union, grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the privilege of serving you these past two and a half years. From camp meetings to committees and constituencies, it has been a joy. From collaborating to counseling and communicating in a variety of ways, it has been a joy. From negotiating to navigating and nurturing knotty issues, it has been a joy. From listening and learning to loving people from every class, culture and character, it has been a joy. From weeping and wishing to waiting for more of His wisdom, it has been a joy. From preaching and praying to planting seeds of hope, it has been a joy. I think you get the picture—I have enjoyed the privilege of being your servant leader in the Mid-America Union! Thank you for being patient during the difficult times and forgiving when it mattered most. My experience here will forever shape my journey and path toward heaven. Thank you for the hospitality I’ve experienced everywhere in Mid-America. Each of our six local conferences comprises a unique yet integral part of the body of Christ. Each of our nearly 500 churches has a perspective and personality of its own. I wish I could assure you that all of them are safe places for seekers from the community—and also nurturing centers for our own youth and young adults to experience God’s grace and express themselves in service. I urge you to pray and plan and work together for such a spiritual environment. Please also pray for me as I transition into my new ministry within the Adventist Health System. The decision to make this change was difficult. I have spent 31 years of my life working on the ecclesiastical side of this great movement. Family, function and an expanded ability to contribute toward the overall wellbeing of the church influenced my deliberations. I am passionate about the Seventh-day Adventist Church having a more inclusive, grace-filled mentality with increased diversity of thought and practice—while maintaining our doctrinal uniqueness. I’m excited about the possibility of helping shape this in my new role. Adventist healthcare offers a unique opportunity to extend Christ’s healing ministry, giving the church an entering wedge like no other ministry in the denomination. I want our churches to have increased opportunity to collaborate with a world-class system that brings healing to hurting humanity and opens doors of intense inquiry about life’s meaning and purpose. For us as Adventists to show people truth in the context of love is more powerful than trying to proselytize them. Ellen White calls this “disinterested benevolence.” Loving people simply because God asks us to reflect Him is the greatest form of evangelism that I can imagine. I want to see vibrant disciples of Christ rather than the few who hold membership as a badge to glory but have no knowledge of a practical, daily, living, loving relationship with Jesus. When true discipleship takes place, doctrine will follow in its train. This is the context of ministry that excites me and helped shape my decision. Before my days as a pastor and church leader, I began ministry in the healthcare system emptying bedpans and garbage cans. Now it is time to return to the place where I learned selfless service for the Savior. In the words of Ellen White, “The Savior of the world devoted more time and labor to healing the afflicted of their maladies than to preaching. His last injunction to His apostles, His representatives upon the earth, was to lay hands on the sick that they might recover. When the Master shall come, He will commend those who have visited the sick and relieved the necessities of the afflicted” (Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 225).
My prayer is that Jesus will help me to build an even better bridge from Christ-centered healing ministry in Adventist hospitals to Christ-centered holistic discipleship in our churches. In His Service,
Roscoe J. Howard III is the new vice president for mission and ministries of Adventist Health System.
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Editorial Collaborating in a Healing Ministry by Gary Thurber
lder Roscoe Howard has now begun his new ministry at Adventist Health System (AHS) as vice president for mission and ministries. Let me first say “Thank You” to Elder Howard for his time here in the Mid-American Union. He has truly been a blessing to me, and I wish him God’s very best as he begins to wrap his mind around the incredible ministry opportunities of becoming “head pastor” for the health system. I joined the AHS board in 2002 and quickly learned to appreciate their mission statement: “Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ.” With 43 hospitals and 55,000 employees treating more than four million patients a year in AHS facilities, there is an amazing opportunity for mission. I have appreciated AHS’s desire and intentionality about extending the healing hand of Christ—not only to those who walk through their doors, but also to work hand-in-hand with our churches and schools to enhance their ministries as well. Let me share a couple of ways I have seen personally how the church and hospital system work together to strengthen each other’s mission.
I believe we have only scratched the surface of ways our local churches can juncture with our hospitals.
While I was president of the Indiana Conference, there was no AHS facility in our territory. Even so, AHS still wanted to extend the healing ministry of Christ there. Through an AHS grant program designed to reach the community with our health message, the Indiana Conference was able to develop a program called “Indiana Healthy Choices.” A new wellness and lifestyle program was created with leadership and training support for churches throughout the conference. The result of the program has been dramatic. Churches have begun to partner with local hospitals, physicians and organizations to impact the health of the community. Not only have valuable community relationships been developed, but also many people received the blessings of lifestyle changes. Some have become part of the church family. Upon leaving Indiana and arriving here in Colorado, I met Tom Roth. One of Tom’s gifts is working with those in the community who deal with substance abuse. He, along with Rick Laub, developed a program called “Step Seven” to reach out to those who need victory from substance abuse. The program is based on the foundation of Christ as the great healer and incorporates biblical doctrines of the SDA church. Terry Forde, CEO at Parker Adventist Hospital, and the hospital’s chaplain, Mike Hansen, opened their arms to this program and invited Tom to come and meet patients who might want to be part of Step Seven. Tom and Rick now work fulltime in this ministry. All you have to do is visit the Franktown Church to meet some who have gone through or are currently going through the program; many are now active members of the church. I currently have the privilege of being a board member for Porter Adventist Hospital. I have witnessed firsthand the impact the hospital has on the community. Randy Haffner, CEO at Porter Hospital, and his team care deeply about the mission of the hospital. This became apparent recently in a JCAHO—a joint commission that serves as a government monitoring agency holding hospitals in the state to certain standards and best practices. Recently, representatives visited Porter Hospital for an evaluation that yielded enthusiastic affirmation. As always, there were a few recommendations on procedural issues, but their closing statement caught my ear. They said, “The hospital is truly fulfilling its mission!” Coming from a secular government agency, I was proud and grateful for the witness of our hospital to the community it serves. Our hospitals are on the front lines of a spiritual battle in which we often find ourselves serving with patients who have a tender ear for the Savior. I believe we have only scratched the surface of ways our local churches can juncture with our hospitals. I am grateful for our hospitals’ leaders and their desire to work hand-in-hand with our churches and schools. Please join me in praying for them, and especially for Elder Howard as he provides leadership in their mission of “Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ.”
Gary Thurber is president of Rocky Mountain Conference.
December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
“Honey, I’m Home” by Amy Prindle Outlook’s Managing Editor Answers a Call to Transition
If someone asked me to sum up my recent life in one word, I would have to settle with that little dollop of onomatopoeia. I blinked a couple times, and my son, Vincent, is 10 months old. My New Year’s resolutions from the launch of 2010 still seem new, and I still feel like “I’ll get to them.” Just about everything I decided I would accomplish, savor or discover this year—it has now transitioned to next year’s list. But as I take in the scents of apple cider and sugar plum spice tea, the sights of Christmas lights and Nativity scenes, I am compelled to hit pause. Yes, Thanksgiving was last month’s holiday, but Christmastime should continue the spirit of gratitude. And as I enforce this respite upon myself, I realize that amid the whirlwind that is our life, we have been blessed with many gifts that I risk taking for granted. I have worked for the Mid-America Union for the better part of a decade, and it has been an experience that has dramatically helped shape me into the Christian person I am today. Through the relationships I’ve built, the articles I’ve edited, the pages I’ve designed, the projects I’ve been part of, I’ve witnessed the numerous ways God can knit things together to accomplish His will. I’ve learned how each of our individual talents, strengths and personal flair collaborate to paint a unique picture of God’s character. I’m fortunate to have been part of such initiatives that have enriched my perception of my Creator. I consider it a gift. My family is another gift that I think of right now. My household has now expanded by an additional soul, and I think he’s pretty great. Of course I’ve never been so busy or had so much on my plate, but he’s well worth the effort. My life has grown exponentially in ways I couldn’t have imagined until it’s right here happening to me. Becoming a parent is something I also consider a gift from God. I’ve also been given a gift of opportunity. A chance to make a change in my life. I perceive this as a God-inspired notion to try my hand at a new challenge: full-time motherhood—and making my life more like that of the Proverbs 31 wife. My husband, Cale, and I read the part of that chapter about the “wife of noble character” out loud. “Interesting,” he remarked. “That makes a housewife sound more like a business manager.” Indeed. I’m seeing this as a career switch, not as “quitting.” I’m not necessarily trading in my workdesk for an apron and rolling pin. Just as many church workers take calls to other churches, other offices, other divisions, I am taking this call to pursue “the affairs of [my] household” and striving to keep far away from “the bread of idleness” (verse 27, NIV). I didn’t expect this course of events. In fact, if you had asked me a little over a year ago about quitting my job to stay home with kids, I would have denied it up and down: “Who, me? No, I’m a workforce woman. I’ll find a way to balance things.” But I soon ate my words—and I find myself welcoming this transition with open arms. But I will miss my Mid-America Union office family immensely, as well as the relationships I’ve developed in the various networking opportunities my position has afforded me. And I hope to stay in touch-—with Outlook magazine, with church communication, with my home conference and union. My family and I remain Mid-Americans and I will simply be refocusing my ministry efforts to a more localized level. But please know, Mid-America, that you have helped me grow on my Christian walk. You’re a wonderful union of believers, united in a common belief, though unique in your diversity (evident in the data coming in from the Mid-America Union demograhpic study!). What a gift we have, being part of such an enriching family of believers. May that inspire our spirit of gratitude this holiday season.
Amy Dolinsky Prindle is the outgoing associate communication director of the Mid-America Union. She now works by freelance from her home in Lincoln, Nebraska, where she lives with her husband and son.
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Zainab Al-Baaj (in green) serves Iraqi food at College View Adventist Church to guests of the “Samples of the World” banquet. She coordinates a ministry to 1,000 fellow Muslim immigrants through MENA Hope Project at Good Neighbor Community Center.
Photo courtesy of Clover Frederick of Nonprofit Marketing Network
You Can’t Judge a Story by Its Cover by Martin Weber
Parade magazine, the most circulated magazine in the nation, recently featured a cover story about the Muslim community services outreach of Seventh-day Adventist-run Good Neighbor Community Center in Lincoln, Nebraska. Yet somehow the magazine failed to mention the Adventist connection to that ministry. Following is the story of how the local Lincoln media spoke up on behalf of the Adventist Church.
December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Photo by Steve Nazario
Photo by Steve Nazario
t isn’t often that a major national publication features an Adventist-run ministry as its cover story. But that happened for the Mid-America Union on Sunday, Oct. 10, as Parade magazine (embedded in Sunday newspapers with a weekly circulation of 32.2 million) highlighted the work of Good Neighbor Community Center (GNCC) in Lincoln, Nebraska. GNCC had 58,000 compassion contacts with Lincolnarea residents this past year. Its MENA Hope division, led by Muslim staff member Zainab Al- English language tutoring Baaj, assists about 1,000 mostlyIslamic immigrants from 200 families who came to Lincoln from the Middle East and North Africa. In addition to providing immediate physical necessities, MENA Hope offers cultural assimilation counseling along with classes in citizenship, healthy cooking, swimming and parenting. It is exactly the type of crosscultural, interfaith, goodwill initiative that society is yearning for and that Christ has called His church to implement. It was the Muslim connection that caused Parade to fea-
Participants in MENA Hope practice curtural assimilation exercises.
ture GNCC. Its reporter focused on the fact that most Muslim immigrants to America become peace-loving patriots, not terrorists. They are loyal to their new homeland and flourishing in their various communities. All that is certainly true. But the real story is not about “politically correct” applause for Islam as a religion or its majority of peaceful people. Instead it’s about the love of God shared by the local Christian
Photo by Steve Nazario
GNCC is an education and social center for longtime Lincoln residents as well as immigrants—including political and religious refugees. Thanks to donations, the ministry also provides emergency food and clothing.
Olga Petrova (standing), instructor at Southeast Community College, conducts classes at Good Neighbor Community Center. Photo by Steve Nazario
community, led by Adventists, with new neighbors of a different faith who see themselves serving the same Creator that we do (from a different perspective, of course). Completely absent from the Parade story was the connection between GNCC/MENA Hope and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Center was started by the first Adventist policewoman (Hulda Roper) in the city of Lincoln back in 1973 as a collaborative ministry among Lincoln-area Adventist churches. Kansas-Nebraska Conference owns its building and provides it rent-free to GNCC/MENA Hope. GNCC director Sheila Schlisner is not only an Adventist herself but is the volunteer leader of Adventist Community Services (ACS) for the Mid-America Union.* In light of the above facts, it was inexplicable that the name “Seventh-day Adventist” appeared nowhere in Parade’s article, despite earnest requests by Schlisner to ensure that the good name of our church would be noted. Parade had indicated that it would at least link their website to the GNCC website, but even that did not happen. What could and should have been a public relations blessing for the Adventist Church came up empty. All this provided a challenge for the communication department of the Mid-America Union. Immediately we posted a statement on Parade’s website (see sidebar). Then I had to leave Lincoln to fulfill responsibilities at an annual meeting of Adventist magazine editors, along with
the subsequent Society of Adventist Communicators’ convention in Rochester, New York. I phoned media expert Jacque Smith, formerly with Union College and now living in Ohio. Would she be willing to help me by arranging coverage in the Lincoln media market and lining up interviews for Schlisner? She quickly agreed—and was wonderfully successful. Providentially, GNCC was holding its annual “Samples of the World” banquet that week, which provided local media a fresh story to cover. As a result, what began as a public relations disappointment for Seventh-day Adventists was turned into a media bonanza in the city of Lincoln: • The two local network TV stations, channel 8 and 10/11, gave Adventists positive coverage by promoting the work of Sheila Schlisner at GNCC.
The real story here is the love of God shared by the local Christian community, led by Adventists, with new neighbors of a different faith.
December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
• Both of the leading radio talk shows in town featured Schlisner, one of them running her interview multiple times. • Lincoln’s daily newspaper, Journal Star, ran a favorable feature story that clearly identified Adventists as being involved with this outreach. Later it devoted a feature in its food section to the Center, highlight-
Tom Randa, project manager at the Good Neighbor Community Center, enjoys helping children experience Christmas cheer.
This is exactly the type of crosscultural, interfaith, goodwill initiative that society is yearning for and that Christ has called His church to implement. ing College View Adventist Church as the host for “Samples of the World” banquet. • L magazine (“Lincoln’s premier lifestyle magazine”) did a full-page feature story, showcasing the Adventist connection with GNCC and MENA Hope. So there was blanket coverage of the local market, entirely favorable to Seventh-day Adventists, due to the media expertise of Jacque Smith and the availability of Sheila Schlisner. Grateful for her friends across the Mid-America Union, Schlisner says, “Thank you all for your support and prayers. That is what got me through the experience.” To learn more about GNCC and its MENA Hope project, visit and click “Programs” on the tab bar.
GNCC is a tax-deductible 501(c)3 charitable organization. * ACS is not to be confused with ACS-DR, the disaster response ministry of the Adventist Church, led in Mid-America by Gaylord and Derri Hanson.
The following was posted by the MidAmerica Union communication department on the Parade magazine website after the Oct. 10 cover feature omitted mention of Seventh-day Adventists. “Good Neighbor Community Center is a Seventh-day Adventist Church operation, working in collaboration with other faith groups including Muslims. The core narrative here is that Lincoln’s local Christian community welcomes Muslim immigrants and is providing apx 1,000 of them a place to become acclimatized to their new environment. “That said, I concur with Parade’s story that Zainab is a delightful person and can personally testify that she is everything the article portrays her to be and more. But please don’t ignore us Seventh-day Adventists in this story; we provide GNCC and MENA Hope with rent-free facilities, and director Sheila Schlisner is Mid-America’s volunteer regional community services director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” -Martin Weber
In addition to that statement, we embedded within the online responses from readers the following two “Twitter”-type mini comments: “Great story, but something is missing . . . Parade didn’t say that GNCC is a Seventh-day Adventist operation, collaborating with other faith groups including Muslims. The key story is that Lincoln’s Christian community serves Muslim immigrants.” “Adventists host MENA Hope rent free. Seventh-day Adventists provide MENA Hope rent-free facilities to serve apx 1K immigrants, and GNCC director Sheila Schlisner is regional Adventist community services leader. Visit www.”
Photo by Steve Nazario
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Mid-America Union News Central States News Thirty-four Years and Counting by Anita Clay
“Bro Ben” Steele sees himself as saved by God’s grace to serve Him.
Ben Steele, longtime member of Agape SDA Church in St. Louis, is about to begin his 34th year of service as Agape’s church treasurer. “By God’s grace,” he would tell you. Steele is recognized throughout Central States Conference as a treasurer par excellence. Local church members call him simply “Bro Ben.” Around Agape he is legendary for quick wit and uncanny ability to instantly recall any member’s financial situation—especially in regard to the church store, which he manages. Bro Ben was born in West Point, Mississippi. Although he always had a thirst for learning, lack of family support prevented him from completing formal education. However, upon joining the armed services he grasped every opportunity to continue his education. He read widely and asked questions of anyone he could learn from, regardless of age, background or education level. Bro Ben recalls having little interest in religion as a youth. But as he grew older he experienced a longing
10 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
for church membership. Occasionally he attended various churches but left unsatisfied because he found no light in them. He knew from his grandparents that there was something more to religion. Steele’s comfortable lifestyle was disrupted in the mid 1970s when his longtime friend, running buddy and card-playing partner abruptly deserted him to join a strange and unfamiliar storefront church: Park Avenue SDA Church. Angrily, Bro Ben refused invitation after invitation to visit Sabbath services. Finally, tired of coming up with excuses, he agreed to visit one time on the condition that his friend would never ask him again. He missed the morning service but showed up to attend AYS. Bro Ben says that members were so warm and welcoming he figured that it must be an act. He decided to surprise them by coming the next week, catching members off guard. He returned the next week and the next. Then he decided to change his
casual, sports outfits for more appropriate clothing. He laughs now as he recalls purchasing two suits from Sears. His friend’s wife hemmed the pants, saving tiny pieces of fabric. Every Sabbath during the appeal when heads were bowed and eyes closed, his friend would listen for footsteps and then sneak a quick glance at the legs of the person walking down the aisle to the preacher. Finally, the pants that matched those swatches of fabric, with Bro Ben wearing them, marched down the aisle to unite with the church. As they say, the rest is history. For Bro Ben it was first and foremost the end of his search for a church that knew and loved the truth. Yet God had other blessings in store. When Steele was elected treasurer, it was the fulfillment of his lifetime dream. He had always loved numbers, enjoyed bookkeeping and dreamed of being an accountant. Now, even better, Bro Ben is a CPA for God. In addition to his church finance role, he has been treasurer for the Bible Answer Crusade radio program for 28 years and has managed the church store since its beginning. Bro Ben has seen many changes in the church throughout his years of service. He admits that some of them have taken time to get used to, yet he realizes that change is inevitable. His hope for the church is that in the midst of change, the church will continue to respect and observe the old landmarks—the commitment, the hymns and Christ-centered sermons. When asked what he misses most about the old church on Park Avenue, Bro Ben paused and then said, “Most of all, I miss my friend—Manuel Clay.”
Call It Anything But Love!
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only $15.00
Call It Anything But Love! is a true story of a couple’s struggles and challenges as they overcome their painful pasts to find themselves in a spider’s web of lies, deceit, adultery and abuse—at the hands of their pastor. This documentary will resonate with many victims of pastoral sexual abuse. “I was deeply touched by the video.... So many like us will be able to connect and relate. My heart ached deeply with yours in hearing the darkest and most painful periods of your life when you were faced with so much doubt and feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness.” —Victim, Hawaii “I was deeply moved by your story, and quite impressed with the overall professionalism of the production. I think this not only provides direct help for victims in crisis, but it also provides the foundational narrative that gave birth to and sustains The Hope of Survivors. Beyond this, it lays out by implication the principles by which we live: accountability but not vengeance.” —Martin Weber, D.Min. For more information about pastoral sexual abuse, please contact: The Hope of Survivors Toll-free: (866) 260-8958
Mid-America Union News Dakota News History Comes Alive at Sioux Falls Dedication by Kathy Cottingham and Jacquie Biloff Dakota Conference
A Friday evening agape feast launched the church dedication weekend.
Sioux Falls Adventist Church initiated the dedication of its new facilities September 24 with an agape supper that featured a dramatic presentation of the Lord’s Supper, followed by a communion service. The Friday evening event consecrated the members to celebrate the next afternoon’s dedication service. Larry Priest, vice president of the Dakota Conference, led members in an antiphonal response: “We the people of this church and congregation, now consecrating ourselves anew, dedicate this entire building to the cause and service of God.” Two former pastors attended the dedication, Sherman McCormick and Richard Todden, who also delivered a sermonette. Also attending were Gilbert Jorgensen, a previous minister of music, who at age 83 made the rafters ring with “The Holy City” and “Bless This House.” Tom Lemon, vice president of administration for Mid-
12 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
America Union, presented the Sabbath school lesson. Neil Biloff, Dakota Conference president, preached during the Sabbath worship hour. Arlo Heinrich, Dakota Conference treasurer, presided over the mortage burning ceremony with assistance from Sioux Falls treasurer Shannon Struckman and past treasurers Trudi Hatch and Clay Doss. Steve Christensen of the church building committee also participated. Special musical selections from Karris Neuman, Rickard Wolf and the church choir crowned a delightful day. Upon entering the church facility, attendees viewed a 16’ x 2’ timeline display by Dan Kelley that featured the fascinating early history of Sioux Falls Church and the Dakota Conference. Back in 1879, Adventist pioneer James White organized the Dakota Conference—20 years before North and South Dakota became states. James and Ellen White participated in the first camp-
meeting, held in a tent on an island in the middle of the Missouri River. The 1870s were formative in local Adventist history: Nov. 8, 1874 marked the first baptism in Dakota Territory, in the Swan Lake area. The first church became established there the following year. By the time Dakota Conference was organized in 1879, there were four churches and six companies. In 1881, the Milltown Company became America’s first German Adventist congregation. None of those churches exist today, but the dedication of the Adventist people remains strong. As evidence for this, present members of Sioux Falls Church (which was established in 1880) paid off their mortgage in only six years—four years before the final payment was due. Kathy Cottingham is communication secretary for Sioux Falls Church. Jacquie Biloff is director of communication for the Dakota Conference.
Dakota News Dakota Adventists in the News by Jacquie Biloff Karen Roe
customers could place orders Newspapers in South Daon the Internet, which signifikota recently highlighted two cantly increased sales. Adventist churches and two Two Adventist families who Adventist families: Sioux Falls live in Iowa but attend Sioux Falls Church in the Argus Leader; Church were noted in N’West Rapid City Church in the Iowa Review for observing the Journal and the two families “biblically-mandated day of rest in N’West Iowa Review. on its historic day, Saturday.” As Sioux Falls members Other beliefs of Shannen and prepared to dedicate their Shauna Struckman and Jim and church facility, they beMereta Post received mention in came aware that early Milthe article, with seven doctrines lerite leader Joshua Vaughan side-barred for prominence: the Himes (1805 to 1895) had Sabbath, nature of Christ, the been buried locally in Mount Trinity, baptism, Lord’s SupPleasant Cemetery overlook- Restoring etching on the tombstone of Millerite leader per, Second coming and social ing the city. The forgotten Joshua Himes issues. The magazine reported and neglected gravesite was that same-sex marriage is “biblically renovated and its tombstone etch- selling fruit in bulk for the past 30 prohibited, as is abortion unless it posing restored. Although Himes never years to help fund their elementary es a threat to the life of the mother.” The became a Seventh-day Adventist, school. This provides up to one-third article even included a list of clean and he was influential in organizing the of the yearly educational budget. unclean meats. In conclusion, StruckMillerite’s “biggest tent event,” with The article noted that Seventh-day man was quoted regarding the impor6,000 attending. The Argus Leader Adventists are generally health contance of Christian education and the described Himes as a “prolific au- scious and “wouldn’t dream of supfact that Adventists operate 15 colleges thor and publisher [who] developed porting their school with the usual several magazines and newspapers bake-sale fare of sugar-filled, high- and universities in North America. throughout his lifetime.” fat, high-calorie cookies and cakes.” In Rapid City, the Journal report- Other items sold include nuts, dried Jacquie Biloff is communication director for ed that local Adventists have been fruit and vegetable chips. This year the Dakota Conference.
Project Red Roof in Yankton
Jean Shaver
by Jean Shaver The Adventist congregation in Yankton, South Dakota celebrated the completion of “Project Red Roof” with a dinner at Jo Deans, a local restaurant. Members and community supporters had united in the six-week project of renovating the roof of the church facility. Help came from as far away as Idaho. As the project progressed, neighbors dropped by to chat, offering historical information about the building which previously had housed both Lutheran and Assembly of God congregations and a day care facility. Jean Shaver is the wife of Pastor George Shaver in South Dakota’s Hurley, Mitchell, Platte and Yankton district.
Paul Eichenberger manages to keep his balance while getting the job done.
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Mid-America Union News Iowa-Missouri News Radio For Jesus by Daniel Bonjour Thrilling Testimony of Launching a Local Church Radio Ministry I’ve always been interested in electronics and radio communications. My interest in Christian radio goes back to my days at Union College, listening to the college station KUCV. Starting a radio station was always one of my dreams—one that seemed
cided that to fulfill this requirement, the tower would have to be on our land, and the studio would have to be at our house. The filing process had to be completed by October. There was much to do. First I hired an engineer to deter-
cations, the church’s application for reconsideration was granted. After receiving our construction permit in early February, the foundation for the tower was completed and the 190-foot structure was erected. We brought in a building for housing equipment. The 900-watt transmitter, studio link, and Emergency Alert System were installed last. Then we were on the air! Our signal reaches out 35 miles, broadcasting a mix of sacred music and 3ABN Radio. Many people in the community are excited about our station. We thank God for this opportunity to reachthem with the message of Jesus. Learn more about the Hawkeye Church radio station by visiting Daniel Bonjour is a member of the Hawkeye Church in Iowa.
KRJE 89.9 Mission Statement To provide religious instruction and moral teaching Installing the radio tower
out of reach. Yet I was impressed with Danny Shelton’s faith and how the Lord led him in starting 3ABN. When the FCC opened a filing window for low power stations, I strongly considered the opportunity. But low power really wasn’t practical in our rural northeast Iowa region. In the spring of 2007 I learned of a five-day filing window to be opened by the FCC for full power non-commercial educational stations. For full power stations there is a requirement that someone be present in the studio during working hours. My wife and I prayerfully considered the sacrifice this would require. We de-
14 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
mine whether a frequency was available in the area, and if so then to compute the necessary power and tower height based on proximity to other stations on that frequency. Only one frequency was found in our area: 89.9 FM. I asked our church members if they would be willing to support a radio station. They responded favorably. I brought the project before the board and asked if the church would provide monthly support after I built the station. Again the response was affirmative. Setbacks hindered us along the way. Our first application was denied due to unexpected problems. We prayerfully persisted. Finally, with some modifi-
To teach parents and children principles for strengthening the home To help members of the community discover solutions to the personal, social, relational and health problems typical of contemporary times To provide opportunity for and to promote discussion of all areas of family, contemporary social, religious and personal life issues To teach the ideals of citizenship, integrity, personal responsibility, moral rectitude and spiritual maturity
Iowa-Missouri News Serving Schools in Iowa-Missouri by Joseph Allison, EdD Michelle Miracle
go shopping at a local store for educational resources. Seven new teachers joined the team of educators, and two schools were reopened after being closed a few years. Karen Carlton teaches grades 3-6 at Des Moines, transitioning from the school’s administrative assistant position. Dale Eddy is the grades 1-8 teacher in St. Joseph, Missouri. Marian Kelch, a pastor’s wife, teaches the same grades in Muscatine, Iowa. Ken McHenry is the grades 1-8 teacher in St. Louis, having just moved from Indiana. MiKaela Miller teaches K-2 in Des Moines—her first full-time teaching position after graduating from Union College. Elizabeth Rodriguez teaches grades 1-8 in Sioux City, Iowa, just having moved with her pastor husband from Texas. She had been serving in a public school for three years, as had Lacey Winchester, the grades 1-8 teacher in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Winchester and her husband were baptized this summer after several years of watching 3ABN.
New teachers in Iowa-Missouri church schools (left to right): Dale Eddy, Lacey Winchester, MiKaela Miller, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Marian Kelch and Ken McHenry
Iowa-Missouri teachers launched their school year by meeting in Des Moines for the annual teachers’ convention. Besides the usual information and materials, they received further training in the new integrated language arts series, Pathways, led by LouAnn Howard, associate director of education for the Mid-America Union. Diane Harris, associate education superintendent of Rocky Mountain Conference, provided in-service training for the program
Reaching to Educate All Children for Heaven (R.E.A.C.H.). Each morning different conference officers gave worship. Their messages promoted the common theme of a teacher’s mission and call to educational ministry. Department leaders from the Iowa-Missouri Conference staff shared news about their various ministries. Beyond in-service training, the convention provided time for the teachers to get to know each other or
Outdoor School at Camp Heritage by Joseph Allison, EdD In September, 5th and 6th graders throughout the conference came to Camp Heritage for a few days of Outdoor School. The camp is near Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri—a perfect setting for teaching the 41 students about trees, astronomy, weather, edible plants and orienteering. Each day began and ended with worship, and the kids enjoyed a mix of classes and recreation.
Joseph Allison Ed.D.
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Mid-America Union News Kansas-Nebraska News
When volunteers arrived for the one-day raising of New Creation Community Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, this site greeted them.
For pioneering homesteaders in rural America, a common occurrence was the old-fashioned barn raising, where community friends united to help a neighbor. Members of New Creation Community Church in Lincoln, Nebraska have a lot of friends. On Sunday, Oct. 24, nearly 100 volunteers rallied together to build a 7,400-square-foot church in just one day. “It’s a miracle,” beamed Marty Thurber, pastor of New Creation. “We’ve rented five or six places in the past decade. This will provide a permanent home for us, with lots of room for classes.” According to Thurber, the new edifice sets on 20 acres and will seat 200. Total
Photo by John Treolo
Photo by John Treolo
Nebraska Church Built in One Day by John Treolo
Less than nine hours after beginning the church raising project, exterior walls were in place, the interior was being framed, trusses were installed and the roofing was progressing.
project cost is nearly $440,000. Thurber estimates $30,000-$40,000 was saved in labor costs, thanks to the church raising project. Mike Hevener, building committee chairperson and New Creation member, says the idea for the church raising was borrowed from Maranatha Volunteers International, known for organizing skilled and non-skilled laborers to build churches and schools in foreign and domestic regions. Several professional contractors collaborated to lead teams of volunteers, including College View Church members Milan Anderson and Marty Fort-
ney, who donated equipment, time and resources. Union College students also participated. Before sunrise, volunteers began arriving for their day’s work. Prior to the sounds of hammers pounding and saws buzzing, Thurber led the group in a solemn communion service and season of prayer. Then the volunteers got to work. In less than four hours, exterior walls were all in place and framing had begun on the interior sanctuary, classroom and kitchen areas. Roofing began in the late afternoon. By sundown, the structure resembled a church facility—a permanent home for New Creation.
Computers for Great Bend Students Photo by John Treolo
At Great Bend Elementary School, a ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the opening of a computer lab. The local Chamber of Commerce officiated at the ceremony. All 15 students now have their own computer to use. Former teacher Doris Reile-Kneller (center) prepares to cut the ribbon. Among the participants were current teacher Dr. Mary Burton (second from left) and Jim Martin, Great Bend pastor (second from right).
16 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Kansas-Nebraska News
Photo by John Treolo
Colorful Support at Helen Hyatt by Brian Carlson
Christiaan Stephan answers questions from a local news reporter about returning to school wearing a bandanna.
Halls and classrooms at Helen Hyatt Elementary School in Lincoln burst with color Monday morning, October 11, but not because of books, crayons or finger paints. It all had to do with one special boy. Christiaan Stephan, a fourth-grader, was returning to school for the first time since major head surgery and
was worried about everyone seeing his “secret weapon”—a scar that stretched over the top of his head from ear to ear. Little did he know that his classmates and teachers had a plan to make him feel comfortable. His mother, DeAnn, made arrangements with the school to let him wear a bandanna to help cover the scar. But when he walked into the school that morning, a smile spread across his face as he saw students and teachers wearing bandannas as well. “It was impressive,” said Christiaan, as he answered questions for a local news reporter who helped cover the event. The plan for everyone to wear bandannas was the idea of a group of parents who wanted to express care and support for the Stephan family as they transitioned back into school life. “This was totally a parent-led activity,” said principal Brian Carlson. “It was an amazing show of support.” All fourth and first graders were clad with many colors of bandannas, and there was a smattering of them in each of the other classrooms as well. Of course, students enjoyed seeing teachers step outside their comfort zones to wear the bandannas. “We are blessed…so very blessed to have this school,” said DeAnn. “Everyone supports everyone here, and it is just wonderful.” Brian Carlson is principal of Seventh-day Adventist Schools of Lincoln.
Messiah’s Mansion Comes to Kansas by John Treolo Though few in number, members in Larned, Kansas made a big impact upon their community in October when Messiah’s Mansion, a replica of the Leviticus sanctuary, attracted 933 people to its various exhibits. These visitors requested 80 Bible studies, which helped prepare the community for an upcoming prophecy seminar series. Messiah’s Mansion is a full-scale model of the ancient Mosaic wilderness temple. Adventist volunteers served as tour guides. The Ark of the Covenant was one of the exhibits viewed by visitors to Messiah’s Mansion in Larned, Kansas.
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Mid-America Union News Minnesota News An Awesome Year at North Star Camp by Jeff Wines
Photo courtesy of the Minnesota Conference
Minnesota Conference youth director Jeff Wines reflects on last summer’s ministry at North Star Camp.
On June 6, the lifeguards came in for training. By week’s end, the various directors arrived. We began our leadership weekend worshiping and getting in the Word together. As we discussed our responsibilities, I could see right away that we had an excellent staff and would have a great camp experience. Over the course of the summer, the staff hosted and loved each camper at the teen, family, cub, and of course, junior camps. Each week we provided training at the waterfront, horse barn, climbing wall, archery range—the list goes on. Campers had opportunity every evening to join in on the “Dude & Bro” show, sing songs and see a skit related to Christ. (The theme this summer was “The Focal Point,” which is Jesus Himself). Campers could also talk with a pastor who joined us for each camp. By summer’s end, a total of 237 campers had attended North Star’s summer camps. The highlight each week was Friday evening, when we in-
18 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
vited young people to accept Jesus as their Savior. I watched as young person after young person gave their lives to Christ. Forty requested baptism, 114 recommitted their lives to Jesus and 84 decided to study the Bible. Praise God! This is what camp is all about. North Star Camp holds a special place in the memories of members throughout Minnesota because of what it has meant to us over the years. Through our friendships and activities in the beautiful north woods setting, we made life-changing decisions for Jesus. Having experienced North Star Camp, we know that if every young person in this conference could share its inspiration, they could be changed forever. Because of North Star’s missional opportunities, the constituency of the Minnesota Conference approved a plan in 2008 to remodel and update the camp. Current facilities have been a wonderful asset for nearly 60 years, and we thank God for the foresight of
all those who helped make North Star Camp what it is today. And yet many of its structures have become worn down and dilapidated. After several years of working through challenging circumstances, the North Star Camp board is excited to announce that on October 4, we secured 12 permits to begin rebuilding cabins. Plans call for six of them to be refurbished this winter. As we move forward with building and remodeling, I am excited to recall how God has worked through North Star Camp to reach young people for Him. Anyone who wishes to contribute to this project may call the Minnesota Conference office, or visit www., click on “ministries” and scroll down to North Star Camp. I thank each of you for your continued support of North Star Camp and this refurbishing project. Jeff Wines is youth and communication director for the Minnesota Conference.
Mid-America Union News Minnesota News Young Adults Meet at Minnehaha Falls The day was overcast and rainy as young adults from the Twin Cities prepared to leave for Minnehaha Falls Park. About five in the afternoon, the sun came out and lit up the autumn leaves. At six, attendees began arriving for their vespers experience of worship and service. Along with good food, the 48 attendees enjoyed music from the Minneapolis First young adults choir. Plans call for more such events sponsored by V.I.D.A (Vibrant Individuals Dedicated to Action). To keep updated on young adult activities in Minnesota, check and click on “Youth & Young Adults.”
Hispanic Happenings in Minnesota by Pastor Yulian Tinoco Hispanic Men’s Retreat “What is Jesus asking of me?” “Lo que Jesús pide de mi” Pastor Javier Sol came to Minnesota from Mexico to speak at a Hispanic men’s retreat. He challenged his audience to be good husbands and good parents based upon the foundation of being good sons of God. Pastor Javier Sol viene de la conferencia de Mexico para compartir el mensaje de lo que Jesus pide de cada
uno de los hombres christianos.
ber event accepted his invitation to become missionaries and “Shine for Jesus” while living in sexual purity. Pastor Alfredo García Marenko, es ex líder de jovenes de la Division Inter-Americana y un asociado juvenil para la Asociacion General. Ciento veinte jovenes aceptaron la invitacion para ser mensajeros y “Brillar por Cristo” y también acceptaron el desafío para restaurar su pureza sexual propia.
Hispanic Youth Congress “Shine in Me” “Brilla en Mi” Pastor Alfredo García Marenko, former youth leader of the InterAmerican Division and youth associate for the General Conference, was the featured speaker at a Hispanic Youth Congress. One-hundredtwenty young people at the Septem-
Evangelism at Appleton by Pastor David Grams and Margaret Kearnes “This is just what I’ve been looking for—a church with solid Bible teaching and Christian fellowship!” Such was the testimony of Arlene, baptized into the Artichoke Church after meetings last spring. The 12-night series of informal Bible study took place at the local PBS TV building in Appleton. Pastor Michael Jones and
retired pastor David Grams collaborated to teach Bible answers on topics such as “Does God Need a Courtroom?” and “Four Quarters Equal a Dollar.” The interest generated was so strong that studies are continuing on Sunday evenings at the same location.
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Mid-America Union News Rocky Mountain News More than a Century of Adventure by Grace Logan
Helen Dexter is loved by everyone, young and old.
Wyoming’s Newcastle Adventist Church celebrated 105 years of life for Helen Dexter, a faithful member since the 1940s. A native of Nebraska, Helen’s birth family moved to a homestead in Wyoming, where she met and married John Dexter. Daughter Elsie (also known as Betty) was born in 1925. Twenty-two years later, John died unexpectedly. Helen then worked as a nanny and housekeeper in Newcastle and Riverton, with many families calling her “Grandma.” Dexter currently resides at Weston
County Manor, having lived in her own house by herself until last year. At age 98 she hiked “Devil’s Tower” with her twin great-grandsons and granddaughter. Undaunted by her 100th birthday, Dexter enjoyed a ride in a hot air balloon. She is best known not for her adventures but for more than five decades of serving the community at the church’s Second Time Around store. Grance Logan is a church member in Newcastle, WY.
Collaborating for Powerful Outreach by Barry Taylor Some time ago, Gary Morton began attending church with his wife, Jessica. He became involved in the cradle roll Sabbath school led by Jennifer Lange, who has a way of connecting with people and integrating them into her program. Morton’s interest in the church grew more intense when he started helping with the Pathfinder program coordinated by Chris Santana and his staff. Preparing to become a Master Guide caused Morton to realize his need for deeper Bible knowledge. After studying with Pastor Taylor, he requested baptism and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church. What made his baptism day even more special was having his whole family committed to the Lord during the baby dedication of their son. Gina Thrasher one day saw a sign advertising Campion’s Vacation Bible School. She brought her children to the event and met several volunteers, including leader Kartini Maxson. She felt impressed with the quality of people she encountered. After meeting Davin Hammond, principal of
20 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
Left to Right: Gary Morton, Pastor Barry Taylor, Gina Thrasher
the church school, Thrasher enrolled her children. As she became more involved with Campion’s school and church, she too began studies with the pastor and made her decision to embrace Bible truth. Today Thrasher rejoices in the Lord and in her newfound faith. These stories illustrate how the
ministries of a church are vital components of its outreach. Members working together for the common goal of making friends and sharing faith are a powerful force in furthering God’s last day message and mission to this world. Barry Taylor is pastor of Campion Academy Church.
Rocky Mountain News Live Streaming at Campion by Barry Taylor Dave Oden takes the ministry of audio/ visual very seriously, seeing it as an avenue of outreach to the community. Live broadcasting over the Internet (known as “streaming”) brings worship services to those who may not otherwise experience it. Colorado’s Campion Church has been live streaming church services on their website since April, 2009. To access the services, visit the website and click “Video Content.” Oden says, “This has been an outreach to total strangers surfing by our presence on ‘Stickam,’ the streaming service we use.” Stickam is free and does not promote advertizing over live feed. They also save all recorded services to their servers for later access at no additional cost.
In addition to live streaming, each church service is recorded and posted on the website. Oden reports, “We have over 100 recorded services available to watch on demand from our website.” One of the church elders signs onto Stickam each week to chat with visitors on the Internet who are checking out what Campion is doing. The ministry also webcasts special events, such as weddings, so those who could not attend can experience it live. Other special occasions include alumni weekend, parents’ weekend and camp meeting. Technicians like Dave Oden can bless a local church by taking its audio/visual ministry to a whole new level. Barry Taylor is pastor of the Campion Church.
Rocky Mountain Conference and Adventist Health Systems invite you to a spiritual, fun-packed weekend. WHEN: March 4-5, 2011 WHERE: Summit High School, Frisco, CO TIME: Friday 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. and Sabbath 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. COST: Entirely FREE FOR WHOM: Youth, young adults and those young at heart Community Outreach u Concert u College Booths Free Food u Basketball 1 on 1 u Dodgeball For discount lift tickets, rentals, lodging and programming information, visit or call RMC Youth Department at 303.282.3660.
Peter Casillas, leading the audience along 40 feet of diagrams and explanations
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Mid-America Union News Union College Honestly, I’m Struggling by Scott Cushman Student author turns mission blog into book
Bohlender: I never intended to write a book. I was merely writing a blog to keep friends and family up to Returned missionaries and interdate about what was happening in national volunteers quickly learn to Cambodia. Mr. Blake read a few of tell the stories their audiences want them and started sending them to to hear—stories filled with triumph a friend at Review and Herald Puband divine leading—and fillishing. ter out the rest. But when they One day he sent me an get together, the experiences email saying, “Hey, what if they share are filled with we turned your blog into a both more laughter and more book?” sorrow. These stories of culCushman: What is your tural gaffes and inescapable goal and target audience self-doubt are the cathartic for the book? release of intense loneliness Bohlender: My book and longing. In her book, falls in the category of Honestly, I’m Struggling, young adult devotional, but Heather Bohlender breaks of course it started as letdown the wall between the ters home. My main goal sound bites shared with the of blogging was reporting uninitiated and the complex news. In writing this book, realities reserved for confimy goals changed a bit. dants. Specifically, I wanted to Now a senior English edumake room in mission stocation major at Union Colries for flawed humanity. lege, Bohlender based the Too often we avoid the fact book on blog entries she that we’ve all got problems: wrote as a volunteer teachaddictions, abuse, hearter in Cambodia during the ache. I wanted to tell an 2007-08 academic year. With honest story to prove you a gift for introspection, she can be both human and leads the reader through her spiritually connected to journey of becoming a teachGod. We also have this gener and mentor in a devastated eralized idea about what country while fighting her being a student missionary own battles against an eating “should” look like. I wanted disorder, a sexual assault, and to dispel those myths. It’s Honestly, I’m Struggling is new from Review and Herald the inability to fit into the so- Publishing Association and available at Adventist Book not all butterflies and roses; ciety around her. it’s hard, challenging and Centers and Despite the difficult suboften painful. Those realiject matter, Honestly, I’m Struggling I recently had a chance to inter- ties don’t make me less spiritual; they is a book filled with hope. Amid view Bohlender about her book and make me human. Bohlender’s loneliness and depres- her experience in Cambodia: Cushman: You share a lot of very sion are many small victories—findCushman: Chris Blake, associate personal struggles. Were you tempting a counselor, building friendships, professor of communication, is cred- ed to whitewash or skip over certain finally reaching students. Through- ited as a co-author. What role did he points? How did you decide what to out, she maintains a frank dialogue have in the writing/editing/publish- include? with God and discovers a new per- ing process? Bohlender: I chose to write the 22 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
spective on life. “I am so proud of Heather for her brave honesty,” said Rich Carlson, campus chaplain. “Each volunteer sent oversees has a unique experience, but the themes of Heather’s story are universal.”
Union College blog first. I wrote it because I was in such a painful, desperate place; I no longer felt the need to hide my “dirt.” The pros at that point far outnumbered the cons. I came to the point in Cambodia where I had absolutely nothing to lose because I so desperately needed help. I suppose that’s the point many people come to before they decide the risk of selfrevelation is worth it. I was at the end of my rope. Putting the information in a book wasn’t hard because I had already spilled my guts into cyberspace; it was already up for grabs. My blog was read and forwarded to at least a hundred people, and that helped me gain the confidence that it was okay to share my story. Plus, I received such an overwhelming response from supportive people, I felt that it was worth it to say it. When I was able to say, “I have an eating disorder,” or “I have doubts about God,” emails flooded my inbox with the simple response, “Me too. Thanks for saying that out loud.” Accepting what makes me human is possibly one of the most radical things I’ve ever done. I’ve never regretted it. As far as privacy for others, I changed many of the names in my book, especially of my students. I wanted to respect their privacy and preserve their anonymity. Cushman: In my experience, most student missionaries feel pressure to develop a sound bite about their experience for the public and bottle up the immensity and complexity of the real experience. Why is it important to resist that pressure? Bohlender: We are doing each other a disservice by pretending to be something we aren’t. If we answer “Good” to “How are you?” and we aren’t really good, we are reciprocating these lies. This may seem unimportant, but I think the little things matter. We have to be more
bodia, I started talking to other female student missionaries and found a startling link: I was not the only one. I was just the only one talking about it. Some went to Kenya or Albania, others to Nicaragua or Japan. Sexual assaults are not uncommon, just unreported. If for no other reason, I am motivated to continue telling an honest story to better prepare women before they travel abroad. There are many things women can do to protect themselves, and we need to be talking about this. We have to share our stories. We owe it to each other.
Heather Bohlender, senior English education major at Union College, recently wrote a book about her experience as a student missionary in Cambodia.
Scott Cushman is assistant director of public relations at Union College.
authentic with each other. Otherwise, what’s the point? We have stereotypes for a lot of identities in life: mothers should have all the patience in the world and dinner on the table by 6 pm, pastors don’t sin, therapists don’t need therapists, men don’t cry … and lastly, student missionaries “should” go on great adventures with God in which they minister and change lives. Missionaries “should” live in a jungle and meet a few witch doctors. We have all kinds of ideas of what student missionaries should look like, but in the end we will probably “should” ourselves to death. I suppose that many missionaries leave out the rough times when telling their stories because most people don’t want to hear it, and they feel bad when they didn’t live up to the missionary stereotype. There is a great lack of education surrounding the student missionary experience. There isn’t always enough preparation or training provided to properly equip a young adult to travel the world alone. After the sexual assault I encountered in Cam-
Campus Calendar Dec. 10 Christmas Choral Concert Dec. 11 Christmas Band Concert Dec. 17-Jan. 9 Christmas Vacation Jan. 10 Second semester classes begin Jan. 27-30 Preview Days Mar. 3-6 Preview Days Mar. 24-27 Preview Days April 7-10 Homecoming Weekend April 14-17 Preview Days w w | 800.228.4600
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Adventist Health System
Life After Loss by Jessica Wahaus
rief is a sad yet inevitable part of life. People grieve in different ways, but oftentimes emotional and spiritual support can help someone cope with loss in a healthy, healing way. Shawnee Mission Medical Center (SMMC) knows that it is never easy to face the end of life. Consequently, SMMC helps patients determine how they want to spend their remaining time. Chaplains, nurses and doctors are available for spiritual support to ease the fear of moving on to the next part of God’s plan for them. Palliative care is about improving the quality of life for patients whose disease is no longer responsive to curative treatment. SMMC seeks to lessen physical, mental or spiritual pain and suffering to provide the greatest possible comfort. SMMC also provides support to families and friends experiencing significant grief at the impending loss of a loved one. During this time they are faced with difficult decisions. Chaplains aid individuals in the decision-making process for arrangements immediately after a loss. “We are here for support, to facilitate the discussion and to help friends and loved ones make very difficult decisions,” said Mike Jacob, spiritual wellness coordinator. One of the hardest times for a family occurs when an unresponsive patient must be taken off life support. Sometimes it may feel like it is giving up on a loved one, but SMMC reassures families that the patient is secure in God’s loving hands. “We help the family understand that it does not mean that they stop caring about their loved one. They are sim-
24 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
ply honoring what he or she wanted for the end of life,” said Jacob. Since grief can linger for months and years after a loss, SMMC cares for families after the passing of a loved one. The bereavement team at the hospital also periodically reaches out to the family through personally written cards from the patient’s caregivers at the hospital and by making phone calls to provide comfort and support. The Grief Recovery Support Group helps friends and families of a loved one who has passed cope with the pain they are feeling. This program helps bereaved people address the many emotions they have and helps them deal with their loss in a healthy way. “Many times we become paralyzed with grief and we need guided support to learn how to cope and help us move on,” said Brenda East, a referral specialist at SMMC. East participated in the program after the traumatic loss of her great niece in 2008. The support group helped East learn how to deal with her own personal grief and how to respond to grieving family members. “The support group helped us get in touch with our own feelings of grief and made us realize we weren’t the only ones who suffer,” said East. “We were supportive of each other as a group and bonded throughout our experience.” The feelings and emotions that people feel while grieving a loss are completely normal. SMMC understands the difficulty and pain that patients and their families experience. “We help them look at death not as an end, but as a passing to a peaceful eternity with God,” said Jacob.
‘Tis the Season—of ThanksCaring
Motivating coworkers and departments to greater levels of participation in the Food Drive is a yearly priority for Steve Barker, director of facilities management at Avista Adventist Hospital. The Food Drive is one of several outreach programs supported by Adventist hospitals in Colorado.
n these difficult economic times, few people are more constantly confronted with human heartache and need than Chris Hill. She’s chief operating officer at ACS Community L.I.F.T. (Adventist Community Services), and her office sets just off the main lobby of its Denver headquarters—where she sees the increasingly long line of hungry families waiting patiently for help. Just two years ago, the organization provided allocations of food to an average of 45 families a day. This year it’s risen to 65—and one recent day they served 70. “And this is just September,” she says with concern in her voice. Some days, she’s not sure how they’ll meet the exploding demand for food and other services. But she’s certain of one thing—they wouldn’t be able to do it without the
long-time support of Denver’s four Adventist hospitals. For more than 15 years, Avista, Littleton, Parker and Porter Adventist hospitals have supported ACS in a myriad of significant ways. But the pinnacle of the partnership is the annual Season of ThanksCaring, an opportunity each November and December for hospital employees to live out their mission by extending the healing ministry of Christ to their communities. The program kicks off with the Associate Giving Campaign, when employees pledge monthly contributions to a variety of charitable organizations and causes, including ACS. More than $500,000 is raised annually, and participation has almost doubled over the past several years, says Stephen King, who serves the four hospitals as vice president for mission and ministry. Next comes the Food Drive, where donations by employees of the four hospitals comprised at least onethird, Hill estimates, of the 300 tons of food the organization distributed to almost 60,000 people in 2009. From overflowing laundry bins at Avista to pallets-full at Porter, mountains of food items accumulate for delivery to the distribution center, and the impact of cash gifts is multiplied more than five times with ACS buying power. The Season of ThanksCaring culminates in late December with the Adopt-A-Family program. Hospital employees—even entire hospital departments—deliver food, clothing, gifts and holiday wishes to struggling families in the community. “The hospitals account for more than half of the 100 families adopted,” says Hill, “and many of those who volunteer are inspired to do so again and again, year after year.” “It’s almost incalculable how important the hospitals are as partners,” says ACS chief executive officer Michael Bright. “God put all of us here for a reason, and together we’re relieving human suffering and helping families achieve self-sufficiency.” “The Season of ThanksCaring has become a part of our culture,” adds King. “It keeps all of us focused not only on our patients, but on those in need in our communities.” Like any mission-driven ministry, the impact of the program can be measured with a single question: If it disappeared tomorrow, would anyone notice? For thousands of grateful families every year, the answer is a resounding yes.
This article was submitted by Stephen King, senior vice president for Mission and Ministry for Colorado’s Adventist hospitals, and written by CMBell Company.
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Mid-America Union News
Karen Lewis is
Lifting Up Jesus What is a “Bible worker”? Someone with a passion to share Christ with others and lead them through weekly Bible studies. From my own experience, words cannot adequately express the gratification I feel in teaching others how to share Christ. Trainees are usually excited, though fearful at first. Then I show them how easy it can be.
Photo courtesy of the Rocky Mountain Conference
Karen Lewis has mentored almost 300 laypeople in giving Bible studies and has developed a highly effective series of lesson guides, Lifting Up Jesus. She describes her discipleship ministry in a brief interview with Outlook.
Why did you write your own study guides when there are hundreds already out there? Actually, I never set out to write a new series of lessons, but I saw the need for it from my own ministry experience. The first Bible study I had was with a woman who had a Catholic background and was going through a painful divorce. Having come from a Catholic background myself, I knew she needed to gain a thorough understanding of the gospel and also needed to know Jesus personally. So I went to the ABC [Adventist Book Center] to look for a set of relationally based lessons. I came up empty. I searched elsewhere all week but found nothing that would work for us. Finally the night of the scheduled study came, and I was desperate. I had nothing for her. I fell with my face to God and prayed. I then sensed God telling me to go to my computer and write how the Bible gives us peace. So I did and … the words just flowed. It was unbelievable! The Catholic woman loved that first lesson. The next week I looked around and again came up empty. So once more I prayed and felt God urging me to explain the sin problem to her. It really made an impact on her. After week three I stopped looking for a set and just began to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me. Twenty-eight lessons later, she was baptized and I had a set that I have been improving and adapting for the last few years.
26 December 2010
Mid-America Outlook
How are your lessons different? Many lessons begin with Christ’s second coming or Daniel Chapter 2. That’s wonderful for those people who are already “churched.” But for every churched individual, there are two or more who are unchurched. They really do not know Jesus or understand the gospel. No wonder we are counseled: “Of all professing Christians, Seventh-day Adventists should be foremost in uplifting Christ before the world.” Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers, p.156. In my Lifting up Jesus (LUJ) series, the first nine lessons engulf seekers in the gospel of Christ. They know how to have a relationship with Him before going into any doctrine— and then they are so much more open to the teachings of His Word. It is much easier for us to let the Holy Spirit work on their hearts than to debate them or try to convince them on truths. This approach takes all the fear out of giving Bible studies—and also is extremely effective. Of the 91 people I have studied with using these lessons, 89 have been baptized. This is not because Karen Lewis is such a great Bible worker. I believe wholeheartedly it is because Jesus is being lifted up in a more pronounced way. That is where the power is! Jesus says, “And I, when I am lifted up will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32, ESV).
To get your own copy of Lifting Up Jesus study guides, see the ad on the next page.
Karen Lewis is the Bible worker trainer for Rocky Mountain Conference. She mentors lay Bible workers at camp meetings; she also teaches a 16-part weekend series at local churches.
Radical Reboot!
Mid-America Pastors’ Convention May 2-4, 2011 A Conference on Hermeneutics, Ellen White and Evangelism Plenary sessions, discussion forums and tracks prepared for your enrichment with academicians and practitioners collaborating to resource you with their research and findings Some invitees: Ivan Blazen, Richard Choi, Mark & Ernestine Finley, Dave Gemmell, Jud Lake, George Knight, Craig Newborn, Cindy Tutsch
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Information Information Farewell Beck, Martha Magdeline, b. July 23, 1917, in Woodworth, ND, d. Oct. 3, 2010, in Pueblo West, CO. Member of the Pueblo First church. She was an elementary teacher at Sunnydale Elementary school in Centralia, MO, from 1976–1983. Preceded in death by husband, Edward. Survived by daughter, Karen Nazarenus; son, Robert; brother, Benjamin; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Friesen, Harold L., b. June 5, 1916, in Lehigh, KS, d. Sept. 23, 2010, in Loveland, CO. Faithful member of the Loveland Church for many years. Preceded in death by first wife, Ida Maye, three brothers and one sister. Survived by wife, Myragene; twin sons, Loren and LaVerne; son Kenneth; daughter Janelle Chapman; brother Frank, eight grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. Harras, Janet Lorraine Greer, b. July 5, 1936, in Aledo, IL, d. Aug. 15, 2007, in Fort Collins, CO. Very active 52-year-member of the Fort Collins church, providing countless blessings through her music. Survived by husband, Victor; daughter-in-law, Lori; sons, Mike and Jeff; and three grandchildren.
Jones, Leonard, b. June 3, 1957, in Osceola, IA, d. Feb. 22, 2010, in Weldon, IA. Member of the Osceola, IA Adventist Church. Survived by wife, Carla; daughters, Malinda Proctor, Danielle Walker, and Diana Jones; sons, Richard and Josh Jones; sister, Ruby Kane, brothers David, Morris and Cliff Jones; 12 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Olson, Orley, b. Nov. 19, 1912, in Farlington, KS, d. Aug. 23, 2009, in Loveland, CO. Member of the Campion Church where he served for many years. Attended Union College before becoming a surgical tech for the US Army. Preceded in death by three siblings; and one grandson. Survived by wife, Judith Wold; son, Marvin; daughters, Judy Cary and Wanda Fleming Howard; two grandchildren; and one greatgrandchild.
28 December 2010
Petersen, Deal Kent, b. Dec. 23, 1942, in Council Bluffs, IA, d. June 15, 2010 in Denver, CO. Member of North Platte Church in NE. Army veteran. Preceded in death by parents, Lester and Carrie Petersen; and brothers, Ivan and Maynard. Survived by son; daughter; and sister, Jerine Deemer. Price, Dorothy P., b. April 21, 1917, in Agency, IA, d. Aug. 13, 2010, in Northridge, CA. She was a member of the Simi Valley Church. Preceded in death by husband, Harold. Survived by son, Richard; daughter, Karen Sellers; seven grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Remboldt, Matilda “Tillie,” b. May 5, 1914, near Gackle, ND, d. Oct. 4, 2010, in Jamestown, ND. Member of the Jamestown Church. Preceded in death by husband, Arthur, and two sons. Survived by brother, Albert; two grandchildren; five greatgrandchildren; and two great-greatgrandchildren. Royal, Greta Elizabeth (Nelson), b. Feb. 14, 1913, in Alberta, Canada, d. Oct. 19, 2009, in Northglenn, CO. Member of the College View Church for 57 years. Graduated R.N. from White Memorial Hospital, Loma Linda, CA. Preceded in death by husband, Chalmers; and one grandson. Survived by sons, Harry, Ray and Don Royal; daughters, Alice Rickert and Beverly Royal; nine grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Shuman, Audra L., b. Nov. 6, 1910, in Rice County, KS, d. Aug. 31, 2009, in Hutchinson, KS. Member of the Hutchinson Church. Attended Union College, served in admin offices in Lincoln, NE, and worked nearly 20 years for the General Conference. Preceded in death by husband, Marty. Survived by stepdaughters, Pat Kerns, Phyllis Fowler, Barbara Welch, and Nancy Steele; 11 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandson.
Sinclair, Marjori “Marji” Ann, b. March 30, 1952, in Denver, d. Oct. 7, 2009, in Loveland, CO. Member of the
Mid-America Outlook
Campion Church. Preceded in death by parents, Ivan and Effie Webb. Survived by husband, Robert; daughter, Laura; brother, Jim Webb; sister, Donna Webb; and one grandson.
Stanard, Wilma E., b. Aug. 2,1922, in Walton, NE, d. Oct. 12, 2010, in Lincoln, NE. She was a member of the Northside (Lincoln) Church. Survivors include sisters, Eva Kroeger and Madeline Hiatt; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Young, Robert, b. March 20, 1928, in Peoria, IL, d. Sept. 27, 2010, in Norwalk, IA. Member of the Des Moines, IA, Adventist Church. Survived by wife, Helen, who is assistant treasurer for the IA-MO Conference; son, David; daughters, Kathleen Young and Debra DePaulis; sister, Juanita Ribble; and two grandchildren.
Sunset Calendar
Colorado Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Dec. 24 Dec. 31 Denver 4:36 4:35 4:37 4:40 4:45 Grand Junction 4:52 4:52 4:53 4:57 5:02 Pueblo 4:38 4:38 4:40 4:43 4:48 Iowa Davenport 4:33 4:32 4:34 4:37 4:42 Des Moines 4:45 4:44 4:46 4:49 4:54 Sioux City 4:53 4:52 4:54 4:57 5:02 Kansas Dodge City 5:21 5:21 5:23 5:26 5:31 Goodland 4:24 4:23 4:25 4:28 4:33 Topeka 5:00 5:00 5:02 5:05 5:10 Wichita 5:11 5:11 5:12 5:16 5:21 Minnesota Duluth 4:21 4:20 4:21 4:24 4:30 International Falls 4:19 4:18 4:19 4:22 4:28 Minneapolis 4:32 4:32 4:33 4:36 4:41 Missouri Columbia 4:47 4:47 4:48 4:52 4:56 Kansas City 4:56 4:56 4:57 5:01 5:06 Springfield 4:56 4:56 4:58 5:01 5:06 St. Louis 4:40 4:40 4:41 4:45 4:50 Nebraska Grand Island 5:06 5:05 5:07 5:10 5:15 Lincoln 4:59 4:59 5:00 5:04 5:09 North Platte 5:15 5:14 5:16 5:19 5:24 Scottsbluff 4:24 4:24 4:25 4:28 4:33 North Dakota Bismarck 4:56 4:55 4:56 4:59 5:04 Fargo 4:40 4:38 4:39 4:43 4:48 Williston 5:02 5:01 5:02 5:05 5:10 South Dakota Pierre 5:03 5:02 5:03 5:06 5:12 Rapid City 4:15 4:15 4:16 4:19 4:24 Sioux Falls 4:51 4:50 4:52 4:55 5:00 Wyoming Casper 4:32 4:31 4:32 4:36 4:41 Cheyenne 4:31 4:30 4:32 4:35 4:40 Sheridan 4:28 4:27 4:28 4:31 4:37
Information Advertising Policy Submission: Classified ads must be submitted with approval from your local conference or pastor. Ads may be e-mailed, faxed or typewritten. Outlook does not accept responsibility for categorical or typographical errors. Display ad information available at or 402.484.3012. Pricing: Inside Mid-America $25 for first 50 words, 35¢ each additional word. Pricing: Outside MidAmerica $35 for first 50 words, 85¢ each additional word. A box can be added around an ad for $5. Notices or Announcements Notices of events, alumni weekends, camp meetings, etc., can be printed at no charge if no product or service is involved and no price is listed. Placement is not guaranteed, however, unless the notice is purchased.
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Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
Information Searching for PhD’s with strengths in Genetics/Cell and Molecular biology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Origins. Desire Adventist scientist holding a short-term interpretation of creation and committed to involvement with undergraduate student research and learning. Send CV, statement of teaching philosophy, and three references to: Keith Snyder, Biology Search Committee Chair, Southern Adventist University, Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315; Phone: 423.236.2929; FAX: 423.236.1926; email:
Experienced Property and Casualty Claims Examiner is needed
Andrews Academy is searching for
immediately for Adventist Risk Management’s (ARM) headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. ARM, a General Conference institution, and its affiliated insurance companies provide risk management and insurance products for SDA Church organizations around the world. This fulltime position offers denominational benefits including health care and retirement. Five years experience in Property and Casualty claims is desired (not auto). Must be willing to locate in proximity of the headquarters office. ARM is an equal opportunity employer but applicants must be SDA members in regular standing. This is a great opportunity to use your expertise to serve the mission of the Church. Send your electronic resume to ARM HR Manager at
a principal. Some of the position’s opportunities include administering the operations of the academy, grades 9-12 and establishing a learning environment which is spiritually focused and in concert with SDA beliefs. Required qualifications: Master’s degree and denominational and state secondary school credentials. Interested candidates apply online at HR/emp_jobs_salaried.cgi
Assistant Herdsman needed at Andrews University. Opportunity includes managing the milking parlor on a 650 cow commercial dairy, ensuring proper milking, cow handling, cow treatments, calving assistance, etc. Candidate must have degree in Dairy Science or related field and minimum 2 years dairy experience. Interested individuals apply at www.
30 December 2010
Southern Adventist University seeks two professors for an expanding Biology/Allied Health department.
Mid-America Outlook
considered. Immediate opening (winter 2011). Send curriculum vitae or inquiries to Dr. Holly Gadd, Graduate Program Coordinator, SAU School of Nursing, PO Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315.
Southern Adventist University
Southern Adventist University offers master’s degrees in business, counseling, education, nursing, religion and social work. Flexibility is provided through online and oncampus programs. Financial aid may be available. For more information, call 423.236.2585 or visit www.
seeks Nurse Practitioner faculty member to join our progressive, mission-focused, graduate team. Candidate must hold current family or adult NP certification, and have current clinical experience. Successful candidate must be a Seventh-day Adventist Church member in good standing. Educational requirements include earned doctorate; MSN may be
seeks half-time professor to teach freshman writing. A top candidate will hold at least a master’s degree in writing, will demonstrate a commitment to integrating faith and learning, and be a Seventh-day Adventist Church member in good standing. Each applicant should provide a CV and a statement of how he/she inte-
Southern Adventist University
Information grates teaching and Christian faith. Send materials to Jan Haluska, English Department Chair, P.O. Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315-0370, or Application deadline is Jan. 1, 2011.
Southwestern Adventist University seeks PhD prepared Biologist for Spring, 2011. Looking for a talented, committed SDA creationist who is able to inspire students in classroom and in research. Teaching assignments are negotiable in a five-person department. Contact Dr. Suzanne Phillips, Chair, Biology. SWAU, Keene, TX. 817.202.6274 or
Union College seeks Academic Director for its Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program. Responsibilities include curricular analysis, teaching, and evaluation. Graduate degree, NCCPA certification, and 3 years’ clinical experience required. Contact Michael Huckabee, PhD, PA-C, Program Director,
Union College seeks chair/director of BS Nursing program. Responsibilities include strategic planning, curricular assessment, faculty development, and support of college activities. Nebraska state licensure, teaching experience, and doctoral degree or ongoing study required. Contact Charlotte Schober, interim chair,
Information state. For sale or rent. Multi-level, 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, 2 partial baths, finished basement. Pool access. Low association fees. $101,995.00 for sale. $1,000/month for rent. Contact Phyllis Ware Lee at 256.323.1022.
For Sale For Sale in Desert Hot Springs, CA. Double-wide manufactured home, fully furnished, perfect condition, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, full kitchen, plus four 6x10 storage units, 3ABN dish. Free golf course. Many SDA families in the park, so we have our own prayer meetings and Friday night vespers. Only 12 miles to Palm Springs Church; 50 miles to Loma Linda. A steal at only $80,000 Immaculate and just waiting for you. Elder Jack Harris. 503.256.9854.
Townhouse For Sale. Kansas City, MO—Northland. Relocated out-of-
A Light to See By sabbath schools hospitals church plants summer camps academies small group ministries revivals retreats places of business community service weeks of prayer congregational worship
Church can happen anywhere.
Mid-America Outlook
December 2010
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