Church Planting Works
he It’s Time conference (2012) brought to the attention of world church leaders the need to work in the world’s large cities (populations in excess of 1 million). Of the 580 cities with a population of more than 1 million, 31 have no Adventist congregation, and 119 have fewer than 125 Adventists.1 The North American Division approved a program to partner with local conferences and churches to plant 1,000 community churches from 2016 to 2020. In addition, the NAD asked conferences with less than 15,000 members to plant three churches every year for the following five years. We looked at our Minnesota Conference territory and noted that there were many neighborhoods,
towns and counties that still did not have an Adventist presence, and there were a number of people groups who were mostly unreached. We took this challenge seriously, and prepared a strategy to plant new community churches. I knew it was not realistic to expect all churches to plant a new congregation, but I hoped every church would at least commit to pray for church planters, partner with an existing church plant, or send missionaries into zip codes with no Adventist presence. I believed most existing churches would benefit from getting involved in church planting if they understood our role in the Great Commission was to go, baptize and make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20).
The early church commission
in their communities. The decision of the church in Antioch to set apart Paul The book of Acts and Barnabas, commissionrecords what the disciples ing them for the work, was did in carrying out the Great Commission. There a watershed in the church’s are no scriptures that tell us ministry. Throughout church to plant churches, but we are history, when the church clearly commanded to make followed God’s Word and disciples. These disciples then participated in the gospel become churches. In the New commission, people who Testament, the Greek word for were once spiritually dead church means “the called out,” came to life. thus the word church refers to The Adventist a congregation, or the whole commission body of Christian believers. Church planting was a Our founding fathers natural phenomenon that saw the Adventist Church followed Paul’s evangelism. as a movement, streaming By the time he made it to into population centers Thessalonica, Paul was plant- with the good news of Jesus ing new churches—people Christ. The history of church called out from the world to planting in the Minnesota follow Jesus—all over Asia Conference began with a Minor. These new churches call made in 1854 by Julia E. became transforming powers Grems, a 17-year-old girl, to the brethren in Battle Creek. In 1857, George Morse, who later became the first Minnesota Conference president, moved his family to Minnesota on the recommendation of the Whites. By 1861, five churches were planted in Minnesota.2 The work continued to grow among the various immigrant groups, especially the German, Norwegian, Swedish, Scandinavian and Danish peoples, well into the 20th century.3 The General Conference long ago saw church planting as the means for reaching communities and people groups with the gospel. This strategy allows individuals,