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MA's Corey Fogelmanis - Exclusive Intervire

Photographer LEIGH KEILY @leighkeily Stylist FRANZY STAEDTER @styledbyfranzy / Grooming MARIAH NICOLE ( using Kevin.Murphy & itCosmetics ) @mariahnicolebeauty / Creative Direction STEPHANE MARQUET @alekandsteph / PRODUCTION @BELLOmediaGroup x @MaisonPriveePR_LA

19 year old Corey Fogelmanis has certainly come a long way since his days as Farkle on Disney Channel’s Girl Meets World. Since the show’s ending in 2017, Fogelmanis has become one of the most promising young actors in Hollywood, specifically as he delves into the horror genre with his starring role in this year’s upcoming horror film Ma alongside Octavia Spencer, Juliette Lewis, and Luke Evans among other seasoned professionals, and his upcoming episode of Hulu’s Into the Dark. His growth in the entertainment industry is a reflection of his personal transition from adolescence to adulthood, something certainly visible on set of his Bello photoshoot where he owned the studio with complete confidence.


While his experience on Girl Meets World was certainly formative, Fogelmanis is grateful to be able to work on new and exciting projects like Ma. “As I’ve grown as a person, the most important thing for me was to find projects that gave me the opportunity to translate that growth into my acting. I was super excited about working on this movie because there were so many aspects of it that I didn’t previously have in other work. Elements of sexuality and maturity and realism were all things I was

excited about in the initial script and I think it’s really cool that people will get to see parts of me they’ve never seen before. I’m all about little baby steps of growth. Filming Ma was that and so much more for me,” said Fogelmanis on his transition from Disney Channel to the horror genre.

Just as the audience gets to see a new side of Fogelmanis, the obstacles he faced, including the challenging climax of the film, and the opportunity to learn from veteran performers helped Fogelmanis grow as an actor. “I walked away from this experience with a true understanding of what makes a professional in this field. Both Octavia and Juliette came in each day with such intense focus and perspective and for me, watching them in their element was, should I say, a masterclass in acting? Yes. I felt that the way they balanced work and play in between takes was beneficial for me to observe. I unfortunately didn’t have any scenes with Luke in the film, despite the fact that he plays my father! But I did get to meet him and he’s so cool,” said Fogelmanis.

7May 2019



Written by Sam Spotswood

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