2 minute read
Dolce Vita by the Water
Having travelled the world many times around for the past 20 years, I often came to the same conclusion: The best times were the one I ended up planning the least. Sure, travelling requires a bare minimum, such as flights and accomodations. But once you've checked those two boxes, it is time for adventure. My dream is for you to see BELLO Destination as an inspiration. A vision board to awaken the traveler in you. We all experience travels in different ways depending on our center of interests, our mood, the weather, the people we travel with ... its formula is so specific that I would not dare pretending to tell someone how to have the best time. Travels are made to sometimes relax and do nothing but most times to push you us of our comfort zone. Managing expectations is very inportant when travelling and trying to recreate someone's perfect day can lead to unpleasant and disapointing moments. So I really hope that we can inspire you to dream about those places, go see for yourself and make memories that will last forever.

AF airbus A380 CDG airport
Photography Stephane Marquet