3 minute read
Melanistic Magazine - Vol.14
Have you ever been confused or uncertain about which route to take to solve your health issues? Or, have you had a million questions about an issue but got as many suggestions to solve it? Does navigating health feel like a confusing maze?
Unfortunately, this is the reality for many people. When it comes to health, our thoughts and feelings are key to the process. Depending on our mindset, we may be moving closer or further away from the solution.
Health lives on a spectrum from disease to wellness. In the middle is where most people live - not feeling great but not having many symptoms either. There is a difference between feeling well vs having no/few symptoms. The difference includes awareness, growth and education.
So let’s explore 3 mindsets that can keep us stuck on our journey to wellness.
1. I’m Ok: It’s a great affirmation, but it does little if there is an underlying cause of dis- ease to be addressed. Picture for a moment, an iceberg. While we easily see the tip, the biggest part of the iceberg is beneath the surface. So it is with many health concerns. The real problem lies beneath the surface; the tip is only the symptom. For instance, skin issues, hair loss or migraines, might actually be symptoms of a gut or hormonal issue. But thinking “I’m ok” might be preventing a person from searching for a long-term solution.
2. I can do this myself: These words can can keep us stuck. We are so blessed to live in a world where technology accelerates our access to information. But when it comes to health, it’s like swimming in a vast ocean with no real sense of where land is. In other words, one can become overwhelmed and confused in the process. Unfortunately, this can lead to feeling isolated which creates an extra layer of complexity to the equation. Being successful on our health and wellness journeys requires balance- between asking for help from the right sources and being personally informed. If not, we end up stressed and overwhelmed.
3. I’m not ready: This is the trickiest. This mindset can be subtle because it is actually backed by fear. Making a decision from a place of fear, shuts us off to possibilities and options that may be within close reach. Fear can trigger the sympathetic nervous system which makes us respond in 4 ways: fight, flee, freeze or fawn. It also reveals which of our basic needs is being triggered: belonging, love and security. Fear is the natural way our brains try to protect us from danger. But being in this state can keep us stuck as we navigate even simple decisions related to our health and well being.
Overall, the key to moving past stuck mindsets is to first be aware of where we are; ask for help (and be willing to receive it ); and be mindful of the state in which we make decisions. Above all, mindfully act and soon clarity will start to emerge from the chaos.
“While we easily see the tip, the biggest part of the iceberg is beneath the surface. So it is with many health concerns...”