2 minute read

Melanistic Magazine - Vol. 11




We often hear about archaic practices like going to the libraries to complete research or the use of snail mail for communication. Today’s challenge is how fast our search engines can load the researched information. This modern activity leads to the creation of digital footprints.

Active or Passive footprints provide unique identifiers that can be traced using sophisticated software. It is utilized by governments or private companies to identify and profile individuals based on their ‘clicks’. Ultimately, information collected, correlated and disseminated on the internet can never be deleted, so each click builds your story.

‘Click Click’: You downloaded, uploaded, added followers and friends, liked or commented on images, sent/ received/ reacted to messages, without a second thought. You have created a virtual intaglio image that can define your future; what university accepts you, what company hires you, or whether the venture capitalist considers you a suitable match.

Here are some ways you can protect yourself by managing your footprint:

• Limit the data you share

• Avoid unsafe websites (HTTPS “S” means secure)

• Don't enter personal data on public Wi-Fi.

• Delete old accounts.(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

• Don't log in with Facebook. It's faster, yes, but it offers a lot into your life!

• Use a Multi-Factor Authentication App (Google Authenticator, PingOne, Duo)

• Limit your sharing and likes on social media, depending on the topics

• Update your software

Act fast after a breach. Change passwords and if needed hire a digital security company to trace your footprints.

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