2 minute read

Melanistic Magazine Vol 8


The value of Organized Sports and Fitness



The values embedded in organized sports is one of the reasons why I’ve been involved with athletics all my life. Here are a few values that I learned in my journey.

Teamwork involves being humble, empathetic, and supportive. Being a part of a team means that you are responsible for yourself and all of your team members. Teamwork also transfers to your work experiences, relationships, and family dynamics.

During practice, strategies are implemented, fitness standards are established, and commitments are made individually and collectively. Attending practices teaches our youth the value of fulfilling commitments, and not just for your own success, but the success of the team.

Fitness standards give you an understanding of where you are, where you were, and where you would like to be. There are many motivating factors, but in my opinion, none are more potent than growth. Results of training revealed in the mirror, an increase in confidence, or simply feeling healthier: growth is infectious in its effect on youth in sports.

Finally, resilience. The process of losing, getting injured, recovering, healing, and then rebuilding. Resilience is a quality that shows our youth how to navigate adversity and how to rise after a fall.

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