1 minute read


Jasmine Duncan Snk Events

Networking with local businesses, events, and festivals has been key to the success of Jasmine Duncan, founder of SNK Events. “I would definitely say social media has been my biggest resource in growing my business, especially Instagram… It just made the process of connecting with people and finding people a lot easier than doing a Google search or back when you had yellow pages.”


By clarifying her business needs and staying true to what works for her, the event planner and coordinator stays booked. She maneuvers without a website, and pools her marketing time into growing her online presence. “It’s just easy to connect, it’s easy to send a DM and say, ‘Hey what’s up I’d love to collaborate with you.’” This is not limited to seeking clients. Jasmine advises us to “create yourself a business family;” it’s a win-win situation when you’re able to give advice and you’re able to take advice. If you’re not good at certain areas of your business that’s ok, you can’t be good at everything. Find people who compliment your skills; not just as employees but as friends too.

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