2 minute read
Melanistic Magazine - Vol 9
MELANISTIC FITNESS: Post Workout Recovery Strategies
by: Mukai Maromo IG: @MUKAI_MAROMO
One of the most common reasons people abandon their health and fitness journey is because of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.) Unfortunately, you can’t avoid the soreness that comes with working out, but you can mitigate and manage it by enacting three strategies. The following will help you reduce post workout soreness, and fast track your recovery and progress:
Warming up prepares your cardiovascular system by raising your body temperature and increasing blood flow to your muscles, which helps reduce muscle soreness and the risk of injury. Cooling down after your workout allows for the gradual recovery of pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure. The increased blood flow helps muscles perform better during exercise, and returning to your pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure allows recovery to start significantly faster.

Images courtesy of Stefan Legacy
2) post workout nutrition:
What you eat after your workout is of vital importance.
• PROTEINS help repair and build muscle tissue
• CARBOHYDRATES replenish your glycogen stores which your muscles consume during your workout
• FATS are a great energy source and help stave off hunger, which aids with weight-loss and weightmanagement
3) hot epsom salt bath:
A 15-20 minute soak can relieve soreness after a workout. Epsom salt baths have been used to treat sprains, strained muscles, and even bruises. Epsom salt is made of magnesium and sulfate, which helps increase relaxation, reduce inflammation, and aid in muscle and nerve function.
Applying these strategies will help you reduce the time it takes to recover from your workouts, and also speed up the time it takes for you to see those results you are working hard to achieve.