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Time to Look Within
from MAY 2023
A call to action for Mental Health Awareness Month
Each May we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, an opportunity to shine a light on the importance of working toward our own individual best versions of psychological wellness. This year’s theme is “Look Around, Look Within,” a call to both personal and community action as we also work to reduce the stigma and silence that so frequently surrounds mental-health conversations.
Our surroundings—homes, neighborhoods, and cities—can have a profound impact on our mental health. Growing up or living in economically challenged neighborhoods that lack a sense of cohesion can certainly engender negative feelings and increase stress. This stress is heightened even further through constant social-media feeds showing glamorous celebrity lifestyles that those living in lowerincome areas can only dream about.
We are also bombarded with images of communities at war with each other and themselves. The frequency and deadliness of mass shootings continue to rise, substantially reducing our sense of safety and connection with others.
LGBTQ persons living in the ever-growing list of states where anti-LGBTQ legislation is now being signed into law are starting to realize the very real implications of having their rights threatened and eroded. We see there is a clear need for political involvement and action that will ultimately improve the mental health of the LGBTQ community as a whole.
It is impossible to separate our own mental health from the world around us. Acknowledging how we, as individuals, are impacted by world events is one way to reduce the divisiveness and separation from others. It is an avenue by which to see and remind ourselves of how we are more connected and similar than we are distant and unique.
This outward focus does not have to exist only in the abstract, however. For this Mental Health Awareness Month, perhaps the theme can also be taken a bit more literally.
Try this exercise: pause for a moment to look around your surroundings. Right now. Take a look around your home, office, or car. What do you see?
Is your home organized? If so, to what extent? Can you consistently get your trash into the proper bin? What about those dishes in the sink? Your laundry? Your mail and other papers?
What about your office space or vehicle? Are things put away? How are you managing the various spaces you inhabit?
In clinical practice, it has become increasingly common to ask people to reflect on the state of their homes and other spaces, since this may give clues about the state of their mental health. Perhaps this month’s focus on mental-health awareness can begin much closer to home as you look around the room you’re sitting in right now.
Popular television shows like Hoarders have certainly increased awareness of the extreme challenges of hoarding disorder. Of course, difficulty with organizing and maintaining one’s space might be related to other clinical conditions such as depression, attention-deficit challenges, or problematic substance use.
Just as a lack of organization might suggest deeper struggles, being overly controlled or strict about one’s space can signal a different type of tension. Anxiety, or symptoms of obsessive compulsion, can be associated with an exacting tendency toward neatness and a feeling that everything must always be in its place.
Of course, a firm diagnosis of a mentalhealth condition cannot be solely based on one’s surroundings. But evaluating one’s space and pondering its relationship to our internal emotional state is worthwhile.
This month’s awareness theme of “Look Within” should prompt us to more fully consider these relationships. ➝