11 minute read
from NOVEMBER 2022
Mars Retrograde Brings Mixed Energies
Plan ahead during this unsettled Scorpio season.
Scorpio, inspired by drag artist RuPaul
SEBASTIAN GOMEZ DE LA TORRE General Information: This month is a mixed bag of energies, as we are under the influence of Mars retrograde until early February. Mars—our initiator, confronter, and driver of competition—doesn’t do so well in retrograde. We will be more challenged and address others more directly while Mars is so active. The lunar eclipse on November 8 impacts the fixed signs— Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Information will come to light that may have been hidden. For your holiday activities, make sure you plan ahead and have a Plan B! The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd, while Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius on the 16th and 17th.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
You may feel off your game with Mars, your ruler, retrograde until early February. You will be reviewing decisions from the past year, and you may even change some of them. This may also cause you to doubt your abilities and effectiveness. Be careful of people who only criticize without offering solutions or praise. You also want greater reassurance from your partner or close friends. The lunar eclipse on the 8th could activate those feelings for you. Pace yourself this month—there will be delays. The latter part of the month is better for relaxing and stepping away from your routines.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
This is going to be an active month for you with the lunar eclipse occurring in your sign. The planets are also active in your relationship sector, so pay more attention there. If you are having difficulty in a partnership, this will bring those issues to the surface to be resolved. If you are doing well in your romantic or business relationships, you may still want to make sure that both of you are moving in the same direction. Career energies are active again as you look into future possibilities. Finances become more important later in the month. You will want to rid yourself of debt, and possibly even put yourself on a budget. Friends can be very supportive and happy to help you this month!
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
This continues to be a busy and active month as Mars, the planet of safety, anger, and impatience, is in your sign until March 25th. You will have a lot of energy to put into projects that you have been avoiding. As you become more direct with others, you may have problems with the people you are closest to. This is a very good time for planning, but not a good time to push forward on your career goals. In early November you are improving your work and health habits, and making sure your workspace is comfortable and up-to-date. Relationships will be in the spotlight later in the month, when spending more time together will just seem natural. In difficult partnerships, confrontations can occur as you seek a resolution. You will need more time to yourself this month!
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
You are in a playful and creative mode as the month begins, so indulge yourself in hobbies or activities that give you the most pleasure. Because of the pandemic, your social groups and friendships have all shifted. There should be some new energy there with the lunar eclipse on the 8th. Health and work habits are under review later in the month, when you will be strongly motivated to improve. You may be considering new electronics or home-office updates. There could be internet problems, and delays in receiving mail or packages. You will need some time to yourself for meditation, or just relaxing on a patio. Whip up a holiday treat that you enjoyed as a child, since you are in a nostalgic mood for the holidays!
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Home and family is the focus as the month begins. This could be a time of changes in the family hierarchy, especially with the lunar eclipse on the 8th acting as a trigger. You may also be considering moving, downsizing, or doing some repairs on your home, as well as reviewing your current career path and perhaps starting your own business, retiring, or just cutting back. Boundaries and decisions about your future are becoming clearer. All of your relationships are being reviewed, and you are expecting more of those around you. This is also a time for setting new goals that can rejuvenate your relationships.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
Your career sector is very active with Mars retrograde in that area. You will be rethinking your career choices and have less patience with recurring problems. You may need some “personal space” to deal with this. Old clients or customers may begin to show up, and you may even have more contact with people from your youthful days. Communications are better as the month begins—a good time for blogging or promoting your services on social media. Home and family take on more significance later in the month, and
there could be changes in your family hierarchy. This has been strong for the last two months, and will continue through mid-December. Pace yourself later in November, when you will need more time for rest and recovery.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
Improving your financial position through better investments and expanding your skill set is the focus as the month opens. The lunar eclipse on the 8th occurs in this financial area, which will prompt you to act on your ideas. Consider this as a time for research, and hold off on committing to any action until all the facts are in. Consult several sources before you decide on the best way forward for you. You are more to the point with your communications later in November. You may feel more challenged, and your responses may surprise others. This is a great time to take off and reconnect with your partner. Even in business alliances, you will want reassurance that everyone is pulling in the same direction. And during all of this, finding some time for yourself would be good for your soul.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
This is your personal yearly cycle when the sun comes back to its same position as when you were born. Prior to our birthday, we are in an introspective time of looking back. Then we experience a sense of rebirth, or setting sail for new lands. This year is especially significant with the lunar eclipse occurring in your sign on the 8th. This can be a time of doors opening and different options being presented. You experienced some of this in April and May. These eclipses are having an impact on your relationships. And all the while, you are trying to make your home a more comfortable place. You may be even busier at the end of the month. Pay attention to your boundaries.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
Your energies are working at the extremes this month. One part of you needs some time to rest, while the other part is keeping you overly busy. The current Mars retrograde is traveling through your relationship sector. You become more sensitive to your environment as you take time to retreat. You will not want a lot of demanding people around you at this time. Later in the month, you will feel more in control and ready to take action. This Mars activity pushes you to do everything right now—quite the contrast to that rest-and-retreat time! You are also improving your office and looking at potential new hires. You will feel better about where you are headed as we move toward February of 2023. A stabilizing factor is on the way!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Your social connections are being realigned, and you may even reconnect with associates from your past. They are stimulating you to invent a better version of yourself. Work can be problematic, as there are lots of small fires to put out. This may keep you from focusing on your long-term plans. Pay more attention to health and diet plans. This is an excellent time to resume a workout program. You will be ready for a retreat later in November—a great time to focus on your health, safety, and happiness! You are still very conscious of your financial situation as you look at global recession trends. You become more confident as we get closer to the new year.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
You are focusing on career and long-term plans as you improve your boundaries, redefine responsibilities, and set new relationship goals. The eclipse cycle is occurring in your career and home/family sectors, which is opening new doors and making you consider alternatives that you would have ignored before. You may also be doing some remodeling or moving, and changes in your family hierarchy could be a factor. If you have children, they could also be very busy and self-absorbed! You may reconnect with organizations from your past. This is the time to have some fun!
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Your sign is at the apex of the intensity that we are all going through. Family issues are surfacing as newly revealed information changes the dynamics. Old anger issues could resurface, and you have been trying to figure out whether to stay or run! You may be looking at relocating “off the grid” as you look at your financial situation. You will slowly begin to feel more comfortable about making decisions rather than avoiding the issues. Toward the end of November, you become more focused on your long-term career and personal plans! This is a restless period, so make sure you take time for yourself—which Pisceans need this month more than anyone!
For more astro-insight, lillyroddyshow.com.

Meet the Heavyweight Champ!
Now entering the ring: Mistress Isabelle Brooks.
Mistress Isabelle Brooks is the plus-sized diva with a plus-sized attitude to match. And she’s not afraid of a little blush and makeup to go with that head-boss stature. She’s the dancing diva with the disco fever, and there’s not a whole lot that can slow her down. Not even a broken ankle in 2019 could keep this lady from slaying the stage.
Out of drag: He/Him/His; in drag: She/Her/Hers.
I’m born and raised in Houston.
Drag birthday?
I’ve been doing drag since I was about 16 years old, so somewhere around eight years. However, I consider my 18th birthday on July 14, 2016, to be my drag birthday. It’s simpler to remember, and it’s when I actually started viewing drag as a career.
What got you interested in drag?
I remember when I was about 14, I saw GIFs of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 4 on Tumblr. I instantly fell in love with not only the show but also the art of drag itself. It combined so many of my interests into one big self-expression, and I remember it being so magical to me.
Describe your drag persona.
I like to describe my style as over-the-top traditional drag with a modern twist. You can come to any of my shows, any night of the week, and you can expect to see big hair, glamorous outfits, and performances that captivate and entertain an audience. My drag is carrying the legacy and magic of what inspired me as a young person in this community. Unfortunately, “old school” drag is a dying art form, and it’s up to this next generation to continue [that old-school tradition].

What got you into wig making?
Hair has always been a passion of mine, and
Follow Mistress Isabelle Brooks on Instagram @MistressIsabelleBrooks and @WigsByMistress and on Facebeook @TheMistressIsabelle.
before drag, I envisioned a career as a hairstylist. My love for hair led me to styling all my drag wigs, and queens would always ask me, “Girl, who did that hair?” Once it caught on, and through word of mouth, I was doing hair for queens all over. At the beginning stages of my drag career, it was something I would mainly do just for myself and a select handful of performers. Then in December 2019, I broke my ankle and the pandemic happened, so I had to find a way to take care of myself financially. I started hustling and pushing out wigs to queens all over the world.
You’re nicknamed The Heavyweight Champ on Instagram. Tell us more.
One day I was performing, and the show host introduced me as “The Heavyweight Champ.” It stuck with me, and truly spoke to my spirit. I always come through swinging. Anything I do, I give 100 percent.
If I fall, I’m going to get right back up and try again. Anything I do, I will always come out on top. To me, that’s what being The Heavyweight Champ means.
#TeamPopSong or #TeamBallad?
Definitely #TeamBallad. I think it’s a lost art in both the music industry and for drag entertainers. Everyone wants to break their spine death-dropping, but it takes a special queen to truly captivate an audience with a ballad.
Marry, Shag, Kill: Batman, Superman, Kool-Aid Man?
Shag Batman, marry Superman, and kill the Kool-Aid Man because he’s obnoxious to me!
Where can fans see you perform?
I am a show director at JR’s on Monday nights for Where The Boys Are. I’m at
South Beach on Wednesdays for Millennial Dolls. Last, but certainly not least, I am one of the original cast members at Hamburger Mary’s, where you can find me every weekend.