Image restoration We believe that our Outsource image is forefront in the image restoration. Because of this service, it needs an artist who having an aesthetic sense in the colour, contrast, shadow, shade, backlight, brightness etc. This statement was accomplished by our outsourcing vendor, which was having the extraordinary artist knowledge for image restoration. Most of the old photos are getting faded, damage is natural, and it needs a restoration technique to retain the originality of that photography. We are helping our customers by keeping their old memories alive by restoring or repairing the black and white into colour conversion, colour adjustments, contrast and sharpness balancing, tones, erasing folded lines of their old photos. In the past years, there is not a high technology to snap and editing the photos. Only black and white images are possible, not able to make a correction on their colour, contrast and brightness and so on. But now a day within a second we can make our photos as a high look. All of the outsourcing vendor cannot just do this with accurate and sensitive. In India, there is a number of image editing outsourcing were running, among that we are pioneering in this restoration service. In India we are having almost 500 clients in the image editing service; they consist of photo studios, photography business needs, business advertisement, marketing through online etc. By having the experienced artist, we show your old memories in front of you within a minute by restoring old photography by using the highly cutting-edge software. For this valuable service, we offer low cost for customers. With-in a minute we will finish this restoration service and expert in handling the JPEG, PNG, PSD, GIF, TIFF, RAW digital files, PGF and other major image formats. Some of our restoration techniques are, Black and white into colour photos Red eye correction erasing writing marks Reconstruct missing objects Re-colouring Removing patches and wrinkles Removing dots spots and marks Adjusting scratches in the folded photos Repairing bad lighting
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