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No. 715 • February 23, 2023 www.outwordmagazine.com page 23 Raquel Welch The Last of the Sex Symbols Constitutional Amendment to Repeal Prop 8 page 4 Legislation To Improve Access to PrEP page 6 “Oscar Wars: A History of Hollywood...” page 10 The Oscars Return to ABC This March page 16 Male Strippers & Marvel at the Movies page 18 “Swan Lake” at Mondavi page 20

Senate Confirms Judge Daniel J. Calabretta for Federal Judgeship in Eastern District of California

The United States Senate today voted 51-45 to confirm President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.’s nomination of California Superior Court Judge Daniel J. Calabretta to serve as a U.S. district judge for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California.

“Our bench is delighted by the welcome news of Judge Calabretta’s confirmation and look forward to his appointment by the President. His reputation as an exemplary judge and public servant precedes him,” said Chief District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller of the Eastern District of California. “We look forward to welcoming him soon as a colleague, and know that the many litigants who entrust their cases to our court will be well served by his diligence and hard work, excellent judgment and humility,” she added.

Judge Calabretta was nominated for the judgeship on Aug. 1, 2022, and had his nomination hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Oct. 12, 2022. His nomination was pending and thus was returned to the president when the Second Session of the 117th Congress adjourned on Jan. 3, 2023. President Biden renominated Judge Calabretta on January 3, and his nomination was reported to the Senate Floor on February 2. He will fill a judgeship vacant since April 17, 2022, when District Judge John A. Mendez assumed senior status. Upon taking his oath, Judge Calabretta will become the first openly gay judge appointed to the Eastern District. He will maintain chambers in Sacramento.

Judge Calabretta has served as a California Superior Court judge in Sacramento County since 2019, when Governor Jerry Brown appointed him. He was reelected in November 2020 to a full six-year term beginning in January 2021. He has served as the presiding judge of the Juvenile Court since 2022. Prior to his appointment to the state bench, Judge Calabretta served as the deputy legal affairs secretary for the Office of the Governor in Sacramento from 2013 to 2019. Before joining the governor’s office, he was deputy attorney general for the California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, from 2008 to 2013. Judge Calabretta was in private practice as an associate at Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP in San Francisco from 2005 to 2008.


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Born in Union City, Tennessee, Judge Calabretta graduated in 2000, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from

Princeton University, where he received the Spirit of Princeton Award in 2000. He earned his Juris Doctor, magna cum laude and Order of the Coif, from The University of Chicago Law School, where he was the topics and comments editor from 2002 to 2003. Following law school, he clerked for Circuit Judge William A. Fletcher, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, from 2003 to 2004, and for Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, of the U.S. Supreme Court, from 2004 to 2005.

Judge Calabretta has been a member of the California Child Welfare Council since 2022; a member of the Anthony M. Kennedy American Inns of Court since 2015; and a member of SacLegal since 2013. He was a member of the Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom, from 2006 to 2013, and served on the board of directors of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, from 2011 to 2013, and as one of its singing members from 2007 to 2013.

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California had 4,111 new case filings in calendar year 2022. The court is authorized six judgeships.

Appointed under Article III of the U.S. Constitution, federal district court judges are nominated by the president, confirmed by the Senate and serve lifetime appointments upon good behavior.

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Judge Daniel J. Calabretta

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Asm. Low and Sen. Wiener Introduce Constitutional Amendment

to Repeal Proposition 8 by

In an effort to combat anti-LGBTQ+ hate and protect marriage equality, Assemblymember Evan Low and Senator Scott Wiener introduced ACA 5. ACA 5 is a constitutional amendment intended to protect same sex-marriage with plans to remove Proposition 8’s (2008) discriminatory language from the state’s constitution that was approved by voters. Prop. 8 declared “only marriage between a man and a woman” as valid or recognized in California.

“Californians believe in love, simply put. Repealing Proposition 8 is the right thing to do to ensure that marriage equality is protected now and for future generations,” said Assemblymember Evan Low. “California leads the way in LGBTQ+ protections and cutting-edge pro-equality legislation and our constitution should reflect those values.”

“Repealing Prop 8 is an essential step in protecting the freedom to marry for millions of LGBTQ Californians,” said Senator Scott Wiener. “This scar on our Constitution is unconscionable, and it needs to be removed, especially with extremist Supreme Court Justices threatening to overturn marriage equality. It’s time to send this issue to California voters to right this wrong.”

Although marriage equality is currently protected by Judge Vaughn Walker’s 2010 ruling striking down Prop. 8 and the 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergefell, it has become increasingly clear that The Supreme Court cannot be trusted to protect our civil rights and liberties. If the Court was willing to overturn five decades of precedent guaranteeing the right to abortion (as they did with the Dobbs decision last year), it cannot be assumed it will uphold less than a decade of precedence protecting marriage equality, particularly in light of statements made by Justices Thomas and Alito referring to Obergefell as a “problem” and “threat.”

The recent passage of the Respect for Marriage Act was an important step forward — it requires the federal government to recognize same-sex and interracial marriages and affirms that states must recognize valid marriage licenses from other states –but it does not require states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

“Today, on Valentine’s Day, we are reminded that marriage is about love, commitment, and family. Same-sex families should have certainty and the freedom to

live without fear that their marriage could be taken from them,” said Equality California Executive Director Tony Hoang. “The overwhelming majority of Californians — 71%, an all-time high which includes people from across the political spectrum — support the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. Equality California is committed to continue addressing the pressing issues facing the LGBTQ+ community, including the alarming increase of anti-LGBTQ+ attacks against the trans community while advancing this constitutional amendment.”

“While LGBTQ+ Californians enjoy some of the strongest legal protections in the country, vestiges of discrimination still linger in our Constitution and our culture. The repeal of Prop 8 is one critical step toward ensuring lived equality for all,” said Carlos Marquez III, Executive Director of ACLU California Action. “We look forward to working with our coalition partners, Asm. Low, members of the LGBTQ Legislative Caucus, and legislative leadership on this repeal effort as well as the other work ahead, which must include making additional investments particularly in our trans communities, who continue to experience violence, discrimination, and injustice.”

“The right to marry is fundamental. All couples deserve to know that their marriages are secure and recognized in the eyes of the law,” said Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson. “We are proud to support this effort to repeal Proposition 8, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure that marriage equality remains the law of the land in this country. We also know that removing this hateful language from the state’s constitution will not end the ongoing deadly violence, legislative assaults and constant threats facing LGBTQ+ people across the country, especially our transgender community, and we look forward to

continuing to fight for full equality for everyone in our community, without exception.”

“We are grateful to Assemblymember Low and Senator Wiener for taking this critical first step to remove this shameful endorsement of inequality from California’s Constitution,” said Imani Rupert-Gordon, Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. “Especially when LGBTQ+ people are under attack in so many states across the country, it is more essential than ever that California lead the way in affirming the equal dignity of every person, regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, ability, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity. Repealing Prop 8 is an important part of a much larger battle.”

Governor Newsom Statement on Constitutional Amendment to Repeal Prop. 8

Governor Gavin Newsom issued the below statement today regarding the constitutional amendment introduced by Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell) to rescind Proposition 8, the discriminatory ban on same-sex marriage that was struck down in federal district court in 2010.

“Nearly 20 years after celebrating the historic ‘Winter of Love’ in San Francisco, we must remain vigilant to protect our values of equality, freedom and acceptance from the forces of hate that seek to undo our progress.

“Same-sex marriage is the law of the land and Prop. 8 has no place in our constitution. It’s time that our laws affirm marriage equality regardless of who you are or who you love. California stands with the LGBTQ+ community and their right to live freely.”

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Equality California on Senator Dianne Feinstein Not Seeking Reelection

Equality California, the nation’s largest statewide LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, released the following statement from Executive Director Tony Hoang after Senator Dianne Feinstein announced on Tuesday that she would not seek reelection in 2024, but would finish out the remainder of her term:

“Throughout her storied political career, Dianne Feinstein has been a champion for LGBTQ+ rights – from her early days on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors serving alongside Harvey Milk, to her historic service as the first woman Mayor of San Francisco and the first woman to represent California in the United States Senate.

“From being one of only 14 Senators to oppose the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996 to being the lead Senate sponsor on the recently-signed Respect for Marriage Act, which repealed DOMA, Senator Feinstein has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of not only her constituents, but all LGBTQ+ Americans. She has supported landmark federal hate crime legislation, fought for access to life-saving

treatment for people living with HIV, sponsored the Equality Act, spoken out in support of LGBTQ+ service members before and after ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’, and has stood up for our community – even before it was popular to do so and when it presented significant political risks. Senator Feinstein has also been a leading champion in the fight against gun violence, recently reintroducing legislation to ban high-capacity magazines in the wake of deadly mass shootings like those at Club Q – an LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado. Equality California has been proud to call her a friend and ally –we are eternally grateful for her service and will continue to work with her as she finishes out her term.”


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Senator Wiener Introduces Legislation To Improve Access to PrEP Through Pharmacies

Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced Senate Bill 339, legislation to improve access to PrEP, the preventative HIV medication. SB 339 will rectify issues with previous legislation to allow pharmacies to furnish PrEP without a prescription. The new legislation will extend the length of time for which pharmacies may furnish PrEP without a prescription and require health plans to cover the costs of pharmacists’ time in preparing PrEP.

“PrEP freed millions of people from the fear of contracting HIV, a miracle of science that once seemed impossible,” said Senator Wiener. “However, each year around 4,000 Californians - disproportionately LGBTQ people and people of color - contract HIV because of barriers to access. SB 339 will address the issues with implementing our groundbreaking legislation SB 159, allowing people to access PrEP without seeing a doctor.”

Despite significant progress, HIV remains a major public health challenge in California, with nearly 4,000 new HIV diagnoses each year. Black and Latino gay and bisexual men, Black cisgender women, transgender women, and youth continue to be the populations most impacted by HIV.

PrEP reduces the risk of contracting HIV through sexual contact by more than 99%, making it more effective than any other measure to prevent HIV, including condoms. PrEP reduces the risk of contracting HIV via drug use by 74%.

In 2019, Governor Newsom signed the first-in-the-nation Senate Bill 159 (Wiener, Chapter 532, Statutes of 2019) into law. The legislation authorized pharmacies to furnish up to a 60-day supply of PrEP without a prescription. It also banned health plans from imposing step therapy and prior authorization on PrEP.

However, few pharmacies have successfully used the law to furnish PrEP. In surveys, because health plans do not cover the cost of pharmacists’ labor in preparing PrEP as a major obstacle and because the 60-day window is too short to ensure referral to a primary-care physician.

Other states have successfully implemented pharmacy-provided PrEP programs. Colorado, Nevada, and Utah opted not to limit the amount of HIV-preventative medication a pharmacist can provide. In Colorado, plans must reimburse a pharmacist employed by an in-network pharmacy for prescribing and dispensing PrEP and PEP to a covered person, and to provide an adequate consultative fee to those pharmacists. In Nevada, both public and private plans must include coverage for PrEP and PEP and reimburse for laboratory testing, prescribing, dispensing, and administering these medications by a pharmacist at a rate equal to that of a physician.

SB 339 addresses the unforeseen obstacles of California’s first-in-the-nation effort of SB 159, opening pathways to the increased uptake envisioned when the bill was originally passed. SB 339 requires health

plans to cover up to a 90-day supply of PrEP prescribed by a pharmacist, and an ongoing supply if the patient is ensured follow-up care and testing consistent with CDC guidelines. It also requires health plans to cover costs associated with pharmacist services when furnishing PrEP including but not limited to testing. These measures will remove the most significant reported barriers to making PrEP available without a prescription.

SB 339 is sponsored by the California Pharmacists Association, Equality California, and the SF AIDS Foundation.

“When we passed the legislation granting pharmacists the authority to initiate and provide life-saving medication to prevent HIV, our shared goal is to get to zero transmissions,” said Richard Dang, PharmD, President, California Pharmacists Association. “However, until health plans treat pharmacists as other healthcare providers and reimburse us for care and remove unnecessary barriers, we will not meet that goal. Pharmacists and physicians work together to ensure our patients maintain their health, we must require health plans to recognize pharmacists as key members of the healthcare team.”

“Equality California was proud to co-sponsor SB 159 in 2019, which made California the first state in the nation to allow pharmacists to provide PrEP and PEP without a physician’s prescription,” said Equality California Executive Director Tony Hoang.”Unfortunately, few pharmacists currently provide these medications and LGBTQ+ Californians continue to experience numerous barriers to accessing them. By co-sponsoring SB 339, we remain committed to eliminating these barriers, which will help reduce HIV transmission rates and create a stronger path toward ending the HIV epidemic entirely.”

“San Francisco AIDS Foundation is proud to co-sponsor SB 339 which builds on the groundbreaking provisions of SB159 by allowing pharmacists to provide ongoing PrEP and associated testing and follow-up care,” said Tyler TerMeer, PhD, CEO of SF AIDS Foundation. “It is critical that we increase access to this effective HIV prevention tool, in order to reduce disparities in new infections. Currently, less than 25% of those who could benefit from PrEP are receiving it, and uptake is particularly low among Black and Latinxidentified men who have sex with men, transgender individuals, and people living in rural areas with limited access to culturally competent healthcare providers. Diversifying the providers and places where people can access ongoing PrEP would be a step toward more equitable access for all Californians.”

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Celebrate Black History Month with “Black American Portraits”

Spanning over two centuries, from around 1800 to the present day, “Black American Portraits” is a celebratory visual chronicle of the many ways in which Black Americans have used portraiture to envision themselves through their own eyes. The book accompanies an exhibition that originated at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) in 2021 and is now on tour. This selection of approximately 140 works from the museum’s permanent collection highlights emancipation, scenes from the Harlem Renaissance, portraits from the Civil Rights and Black Power eras, the multiculturalism of the 1990s, and the spirit of Black Lives Matter. That’s the late, great Chadwick Boseman on the cover of “Black American Portraits,” which is available from Amazon and wherever art books are sold.

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“Oscar Wars: A History of Hollywood in Gold, Sweat, and Tears”

You’ve often wondered what ended up on the cutting room floor. What Easter eggs or tiny secrets never made it into your favorite movie? Which budding star’s debut role will you miss because someone decided it wasn’t worthy? What will never be seen on-screen? So much celluloid, so many scripts slashed, plots mashed, dreams dashed, as in “Oscar Wars” by Michael Schulman, careers trashed.

Nearly a year ago, you almost couldn’t go anywhere without hearing about The Slap. Everyone, it seemed, had an opinion about both action and Academy.

As for the latter, says Schulman, the Academy Awards are “a vaunted tradition celebrating a great modern art form. They’re an industry party... the closet thing America has to royalty... a marketing ploy... the Gay Super Bowl.” And “they’re something else, too.”

The Oscars, in a way, are a battlefield where “it can take years to see what the real battle lines were.” There’s conflict in the Awards, cultural upheaval, and politics. The movies hold up a mirror to us and our society, but what happens behind-the-scenes with the Awards is rarely known by the public.

The first Awards were held quietly, because that’s how the Academy began: members at the first meeting were carefullychosen VIPs, bona fide stars, directors, and powerful studio owners. It’s possible, Schulman suggests, that the first Academy Awards process was “rigged.”

Through the years, there were many times when the Academy was almost disbanded and the Awards show deleted. And yet, it always rallied because who didn’t want that statue gracing their mantle or bathroom

shelf? Frank Capra did everything imaginable to get one. So did Bette Davis, even going so far as to have an abortion. Judy Holliday narrowly missed getting the role that gained her an Oscar. Dennis Hopper didn’t care if he had one or not, though, and Dalton Trumbo got his very, very late.

In the near-century of the Oscars, there were comebacks and come-from-behinds, a Red Scare and Snow White. Indeed, the ceremony has thrived despite a ratings system, racism, rock & roll, 1969... and a Slap heard ‘round the world.

As addictive as a large popcorn, extra butter, and more fun than a trailer for that next big flick, “Oscar Wars” is a star-powered fan’s book, all the way – but it also has something for not-particularly-avid sometimes-watchers, too.

With a heavy tip toward Hollywood, author Michael Schulman adds history and pop culture to his stories, showing how world events affected the movies and vice versa. The Academy hasn’t always follow along, though, leaving fans screaming “WHAAAT??” at their televisions once a year on a Sunday; on this, Schulman subtly explains the unexplainable, in a way that anyone can appreciate. His anecdotes put the shiny, sparkly “tinsel” in these Tinsel Town tales.

This is a hefty tome but don’t let that be daunting; “Oscar Wars” is so much fun to read

that you’ll barely notice its size. If you’re truly mad for movies, Hollywood, the

10 outwordmagazine.com February 23, 2023 - March 9, 2023 • No. 715 Outword Magazine
Carpet, or cultural history, this book makes the cut.

Out & About

Iwas almost too distraught to write this

column. It wasn’t the iconic Raquel Welch passing, nor was it the 44,000+ people killed in the devastating earthquakes in and around Turkey. I have been wringing my hands and rocking back and forth for several days trying desperately to decide if I should write this or take to social media and announce to the world my opinions on Rihanna’s Super Bowl Halftime performance. But then I realized that until my ass could perform better than she could, maybe I should just keep my trap shut and not criticize a pregnant woman who rocked the damn house down. With that solved, let’s get into some upcoming events!

March’s Drag Queen Bingo at Mango’s Sacramento, 1930 K St. is always a sure bet for a fun evening and a chance at some awesome prizes! Join DoMe Moore on March 2 at 7 p.m. to raise proceeds for Yolo County CASA and remember admission is always first come, first served so arrive early! Rainbowchamber.com

Black History Month shines as the Black Expo brings information on careers, housing, business, diversity and more to Sacramento. Happening Feb. 24 - 26 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1209 L. St. in Downtown Sacramento admission is free and open to the public from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Three days of premium activities including Black Music Awards, a runway fashion show, a Black History parade, dance contest and more! Blackexpoevents.org

Who doesn’t like a bit of wrestling? I see. Well, for those who do, have I got an event for you! The All Elite Wrestling (AEW) makes its Sacramento Debut on Wednesday, Mar. 8 at the Golden 1 Center, 500 David J Stern Walk. Allelitewrestling.com

Elvis’ legacy has been in the spotlight for multiple reasons as of late, but one of the best reasons is Sierra Repertory Theatre’s West Coast premiere of Elvis The Musical at East Sonora Theatre, 13891 Mono Way, Sonora from Mar. 2 - Apr. 2. Elvis evokes immediate recognition from people all over the world and this official Elvis Presley bio-musical takes a closer look at the cultural icon’s impact on the history of music in ways that were never expected. The show stars Taylor Rodriguez who was named The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Champion by Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE) in 2019. SierraRep.org

First generation Arab American Nick Hanna is the youngest son of immigrant parents from Nazareth & Haifa. His diverse multicultural background, energetic storytelling and high energy performance make him both lovable and relatable. Embrace The Chaos with Nick Hanna appears Wednesday, Mar. 1 at Punch Line Sacramento, 2100 Arden Way #225. Punchlinesac.com

Mama’s Makin’ Bacon is undeniably the largest and most anticipated drag brunch extravaganza and this year organizers are thrilled to showcase the best drag talent Northern California has to offer. The event returns to the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium, 1515 J St. on Sunday, Mar. 12 at 11 a.m. Grab your tickets now for brunch and for an amazing cause. Saccenter.org

The Sacramento LGBT Community Center, 1015 20th St. has a support group for just about everything you might need but there’s a few changes happening at the moment. The 20-somethings group will now meet every first and third Thursday of the month. Also the Nonbinary Support Group is not meeting until further notice. Check out all the other projects and groups the LGBT Center has available. Saccenter.org

It’s time to pawty! The Sacramento SPCA has announced that eight adorable SSPCA alumni will be featured on their own Bike Dog beer cans! On Saturday, Feb. 25 at Bike Dog, 2568 Industrial Blvd #110, in West Sacramento come join the Release Pawty where they will unveil the new cans and celebrate their partnership. The event will feature a live DJ, dog and cat vendors, food trucks and more! Sspca.org

Events, birthdays, announcements? Send them to matthew@hengemedia.com

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Taylor Rodriguez as Elvis in “Elvis The Musical” at East Sonora Theatre

The Oscars Return to ABC This March

There is so much controversy surrounding the Oscars this year that they make the Chinese spy balloon debacle look like a day at Disneyland. Social media campaigns for actors run amok, zero female nominees for Best Director despite numerous deserving women, and Academy snubs that have been called racist by some.

Also, the Academy is still reeling from the horrendous embarrassment on last year’s live telecast, when a global audience watched Will Smith (who went on to win Best Actor!) storm the stage and assault Chris Rock.

If I were advising the Academy – which of course I am not – I would recommend that they take full advantage of that 2022 scandal and run totally inappropriate commercials to try to lift the Oscars’ pitifully sagging ratings: “Tune in this year to see if Dame Judi Dench bitch-slaps Meryl Streep!”

Just kidding. That’s the snarky gay guy in me coming out, which sometimes seems like the only sane reaction to the insane amount of hype surrounding the Oscars. Every year, I complain about who got nominated and who was overlooked, and I hate the way the event has been turned in to a couture fashion show.

But darned if I don’t tune in each year and watch every second of the Oscars, mainly because I truly love movies and actors, and the night does celebrate the art of moviemaking.

There are several little-known (and

little-seen) nominees in the acting categories this year, and I agree with the critics who were dismayed that neither Viola Davis nor Danielle Deadwyler got nominated as Best Actress, for “The Woman King” and “Till,” respectively. That category will hopefully be won by Michelle Yeoh, who gave an incredibly moving, kick-ass performance in “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” a great movie that deservedly received the most nominations this year and will likely win Best Picture and several other awards. If Yeoh fails to win, it will be Cate Blanchett for her fantastic turn in “Tar.”

In addition to Yeoh, two other actors of color are favored to win for their fierce performances in the supporting categories: Ke Huy Quan (also for “EEAAO”) and Angela Bassett (for the sequel to “Black Panther,” which was criminally overlooked in the Best Picture category this year).

For Best Actor, I would vote for Austin Butler, who nailed the seemingly impossible task of playing “The King of Rock,” Elvis Presley, but I won’t be

surprised if the winner is Colin Farrell, who was also terrific in “The Banshees of Inisherin,” a highly acclaimed movie that I did not like.

As long as James Cameron doesn’t win Best Picture for the bloated bore that is

“Avatar: The Way of Water,” I will be happy. Tune in and see who wins this year when Jimmy Kimmel returns to ABC to host the 95th Academy Awards, on Sunday evening, March 12th. For the complete list of nominees, go to: www.oscars.org

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Michelle Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan Angela Bassett

The California Artisan Cheese Festival Celebrates 17th Anniversary

Tickets are now on sale for the country’s premier cheese event, the 17th annual California Artisan Cheese Festival, March 24-26, 2023. This year’s three-day-long Festival will take place in and around Sonoma County, and at various local farms, restaurants, creameries and tasting rooms of artisan producers all over Northern California. This year there are even three farm tours that go beyond the immediate Bay Area, up to Mendocino County, Central Valley and North Sacramento County. Every year, the Cheese Festival brings together cheesemakers, farmers, educators, chefs, cheese mongers, brewers, distillers, and winemakers from far and wide for three full days of cheese tasting, education and celebration.

Friday’s Farm and Producer Tours

Back by popular demand are the Friday Farm and Producer tours which travel all around Northern California so that guests may explore local farms, creameries and artisan purveyors. During the guided tours, the guests will learn how cheese, beer, and other delicious agricultural products are made, meet the producers, farmers, and cheesemakers, and, of course, taste the fruits of their labor. This year’s Festival is offering ten tours on Friday the 24th, with seven of them including round-trip transportation, three going beyond the immediate Bay Area, one self-driven tour, and two walking tours around Sebastopol. The tours include:

C & D “The Barlow”: these guided walking tours around the Barlow in Sebastopol will visit some delectable small producers such as Il Fusti Olive Oil & Vinegar (where guests will also get to taste Beehive Cheese and bread from Red Bird Bakery); Woodfour Brewing where guests will get to experience their cult-favorite farmhouse beers and take a tour of the brewery; Wm. Cofield Cheesemakers for a behind-the-scenes look at how proper British-style cheeses are made; and Pax Wines for a taste of their holistic and sustainable wines which use organic and biodynamic methods of winemaking.

Farm Tour G “Goat Yoga & More!” takes attendees to Spenker Family Farm and Winery in Lodi and Stuyt Dairy Farmstead Cheese in Escalon. At Spenker, guests will start out with the option to partake in goat yoga, followed by a guided walking tour of the farm, and then a wine and cheese pairing and lunch. Next at Stuyt they will get a behind-the-scenes tour of the Dairy and they’ll learn all about the difference between pasteurized and raw milk cheeses.

Farm Tours H & I “Past, Present and Future” will visit Sierra Nevada Cheese Company, Rumiano Cheese Company, and Farmers Brewing. The tour will begin at Rumiano in Willows where guests will see their 100-year-old Dry Jack aging cellar, and try all of their amazing cheeses, including their famous Dry Jack. Next the tour will go east to Sierra Nevada Cheese Company where attendees will learn about all of the traditional processes behind the cheeses and enjoy lunch and a cheese tasting paired with local wines. These tours will end at Farmers Brewing Company, situated on their family farm in Princeton, CA where guests will enjoy delicious session beers paired with

more cheese!

Tour J “Taste of The Anderson Valley” will bring guests to Anderson Valley in Mendocino County to experience some of the area’s most iconic producers. The tour’s first stop will be Pennyroyal Farm where every goat, sheep and cheese has a name. This guided tour of Pennyroyal will include a walk-through of the solar-powered barn to meet the animals and taste the cheeses. Next stop is Anderson Valley Brewing Company for a tour of the brewery and to experience the hand-crafted ales that are made using sustainable brewing practices. Your visit to Anderson Valley concludes on the majestic coast where you will experience Goldeneye Winery’s world-class Pinot Noirs. Specific details and tickets for the Producer & Farm Tours and locations may be found at https://www.artisancheesefestival.com/ tours-2023. Tickets starting at $125.

Saturday Seminars and Pairing Demonstrations

Bringing attendees face-to-face with the experts who work with and create some of America’s best artisan cheeses and the wines that pair with them. Taking place in and around Santa Rosa at iconic Wine Country destinations, the seminars are as follows:

Seminar 1: A Cheese and Wine Pairing with Tracey Shepos Cenami at The Kendall-

Jackson Wine Center. Chef Tracey is a certified cheese professional and the executive chef at Kendall-Jackson. She will guide attendees through a seated wine and cheese pairing, and guests are then welcome to add-on a five-course wine pairing lunch afterward. Must purchase add-on lunch at time of booking seminar.

Seminar 2: Cheese and Wine Pairing with Laura Werlin at Bricoleur Vineyards. Laura Werlin is a cheese educator and James Beard award-winning author of six books on cheese. At Bricoleur Vineyards, Laura will guide her guests on an interactive, educational, comprehensive, and delicious tasting of the spectacular Bricoleur wines together with some of her favorite spectacular California cheeses. There are two add-on tasting opportunities for guests to choose from afterwards that will explore more Bricoleur wines paired with either small bites or a six-course. To schedule your add-on for this seminar, email info@ bricoleurvineyards.com and let them know you are a guest of the Artisan Cheese Festival. Space is very limited.

Seminar 3: Cheese + Charcuterie Cone Building Workshop with Alyssa Gilbert. Alyssa Gilbert, Owner of Graze + Gather Co, will be treating attendees to a fun and informative afternoon of learning how to craft Instagram-worthy Cheese + Charcuterie

Cones at the beautiful new Balletto Vineyards event center in West Sonoma County. Learn Alyssa’s tried and true techniques for arranging and plating cheese and charcuterie while enjoying a selection of wines from Balletto Vineyards.

Seminar 4: Cheese + Chocolate at Sugarloaf Wine Co. with chocolatiers Jeff and Susan Mall. Jeff and Susan Mall of VOLO Chocolates will guide attendees on an exploration of three of life’s pleasures: cheese, chocolate and wine at one of Sonoma County’s newest destinations, Sugarloaf Wine Company. Sugarloaf features boutique producers who craft their wines at Sugarloaf’s custom crush facility.

Seminars and Pairing Demonstrations to take place at spectacular Wine Country destinations, and each seminar includes the option to add on an additional wine or food pairing experience afterwards. Tickets starting at $75. Seminar details, including price per seminar, location and start time may be found at https://www.artisancheesefestival.com/seminars. Discover these events and so much more! Be sure to visit the Cheese Festival web site for all the details and to purchase tickets. These events will sell out, so don’t wait! For more updates and details and to purchase tickets to the California Artisan Cheese Festival visit, http://www.artisancheesefestival.com/

17 outwordmagazine.com February 23, 2023 - March 9, 2023 • No. 715 Outword Magazine Food Beverage and More

Male Strippers & Marvel at the Movies

If you have access to HBO and Peacock, you have probably been watching the gripping apocalyptic series “The Last of Us” and also “Poker Face,” an oldschool murder mystery streamer starring the wonderful Natasha Lyonne.

I love Lyonne, with her wild hair and that raspy voice, and the third episode of “The Last of Us,” with Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett as a devoted gay couple, was one of the best episodes of any TV show ever. At the movies, another month, another Marvel movie, but this time I enjoyed myself. Paul Rudd brings the multiverse back to the multiplex, and Magic Mike brings his pecs and abs to the big screen one last time. I also write about a feature film from Belgium that is vying for an Academy Award, plus this year’s Oscar-nominated short films.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Not all Marvel movies are created equal, and in the absence of a visionary director like Ryan Coogler (the “Black Panther” films), I prefer my Marvel movies to be wild and wacky like the “Thor” movies or “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.” Bill Murray even turns up briefly this time out, to keep the mood light (and attract older viewers like me?).

Paul Rudd returns as the title character and is supported by a classy cast that includes Michael Douglas and a surprisingly large role for the great Michelle Pfeiffer. You also need a strong villain to make a Marvel movie work, and the quietly intense Jonathan Majors really foots the bill.

Every time the characters started babbling about the multiverse, I just ignored the pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo and took a super-quick catnap. Before long, something wonderful would show up, like the futuristic-looking floating head with the little arms and legs, or the cascading mountain of millions of Paul Rudds.

The movie’s CGI is surreal and sensational. In wide theatrical release.

Magic Mike’s Last Dance

The lovely and talented Channing Tatum has gotten considerable mileage out of his male stripper past, but it looks like the actor has decided to hang up his G-string for good -- if the title of his latest film is accurate. I love the fact that Tatum isn’t ashamed of his former career, but it was time to call it a day, especially considering the mediocrity of this latest sequel.

The sometimes-great director Steven Soderbergh should have known better than to sign on for the silly script, about a wealthy woman (sexy Salma Hayek Pinault) who hires Magic Mike to create the ultimate male stripper extravaganza in London.

Tatum has two unbelievably hot dance routines – one with Hayek Pinault at the start of the film and one with another actress at the climax of the movie –but in between those two sexy sequences, “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” is nothing but corny cliches and dumb dialogue for days. In wide theatrical release.


This incredibly moving film is deservedly Oscar-nominated this year in the Best International Feature category, and it boasts a fantastic performance by a young Belgian actor named Eden Dambrine as a teenager whose best friend commits suicide after the two boys are teased by classmates for being such close friends.

“Close” is about survivor guilt and how bullying can lead young people to feel as if they have no way out except to end their lives. The movie features fine work by its entire cast, and the urgent subject matter is handled with the utmost care.

Oscar Shorts

For the 18th consecutive year, ShortsTV presents the Oscar-nominated short films, with all three categories offered – animated, live action and documentary. This is your annual chance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool).

A perennial hit with audiences around the country and the world, don’t miss this year’s superb selection of shorts. The Academy Awards telecast takes place Sunday evening, March 12th.

“Close” and the 2023 Oscar-nominated short films were still playing at Sacramento’s Tower Theatre as we went to press. Visit: www.angelikafilmcenter.com/tower

18 outwordmagazine.com February 23, 2023 - March 9, 2023 • No. 715 Outword Magazine Food Beverage and More
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Magic Mike’s Last Dance Close The Elephant Whisperers (Oscar Shorts)
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Broadway’s David Burnham is coming to Sun City

Just look at those lips, those beautiful brown eyes, and that killer cleft — and he can sing! David Burnham, the multi-talented Broadway leading man who has appeared as Fiyero in “Wicked” and was an original cast member of “The Light in the Piazza,” will bring his show “Mostly Broadway” to Sun City Lincoln Hills the evening of March 6, for one show only. An actor, singer, director and choreographer, Mr. Burnham is the recipient of the prestigious “Helen Hayes Award” for Best Actor as well as the Best Actor “Garland Award” for his portrayal of Fabrizio in the national tour of “The Light in the Piazza.” Tickets to the Sun City show start at just $22. For more information, please visit: www.davidburnham.com

“Swan Lake” at Mondavi

The U.S. Premiere of “Blanche Neige” (“Snow White”) was a centerpiece of the Mondavi Center’s 10th Anniversary Season. It also was like nothing else audiences here had ever seen.


20 outwordmagazine.com February 23, 2023 - March 9, 2023 • No. 715 Outword Magazine
Now, Ballet Preljocaj’s celebrated company returns with another groundbreaking story ballet, “Swan Lake,” a work which Preljocaj likens to “an Everest.” Combining Tchaikovsky’s musical masterpiece with more contemporary sounds, the company refashions and deepens the love story against a backdrop of family conflict. Magnificent dancers, stunning costumes and a classic story combine to elevate this mythical classic to new heights. “Swan Lake” will be performed in Davis on Sunday afternoon, March 5th. For more information, please visit: David Burnham

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Raquel Welch — The Last of the

Sex Symbols

Every time Hollywood counted her out, Raquel Welch came back and kept on going. Welch, who died recently at age 82, even survived playing a bikini-clad cavewoman in “One Million Years B.C.,” and she doesn’t get enough credit for bravely accepting the lead role in “Myra Breckinridge,” one of the first movies to depict a transexual on the big screen.

Sadly, “Myra Breckinridge,” based on a famous novel of the same name by Gore Vidal, was a notorious box office flop and is considered one of the worst major movies ever made, but it’s something to see — once. In it, Welch plays Myra (formerly Myron), and the voluptuous actress shares the screen with a wild cast that includes Rex Reed, John Huston, Mae West, Farrah Fawcett, Tom Selleck, and Toni Basil.

When Hollywood stopped calling as she got older, Welch started a wig line and made a mint. Maybe it’s a good thing that we don’t have female sex symbols anymore, at least not in the same way that stars like Welch, Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot were objectified and marketed back in the day. Progress perhaps, but I will miss the likes of Raquel Welch, the type of cinematic sex symbol we may never see again.

23 outwordmagazine.com February 23, 2023 - March 9, 2023 • No. 715 Outword Magazine Food Beverage and More
Raquel Welch as Myra Breckinridge

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