1 minute read
Celebrating Pride Month Summer Reading At Its Finest
Elliot Page Has Released His Memoir, ‘Pageboy’
by Chris Narloch
The actress Ellen Page, who starred in the Oscarnominated film “Juno,” is now Elliot Page, trans activist, actor and author of a brave and essential new memoir entitled “Pageboy,” which details Page’s journey so far as a queer person (and now a trans man in Hollywood who is finally comfortable in his own skin).
Among the revelations in the book is the sad fact that Page was forced to hide his queerness during what should have been the happiest time of his life; the breakout success and awards consideration that followed “Juno” was instead a painful period that left Page feeling empty and lost.
In addition to this wonderful book, I suggest seeking out “The Freedom to Exist — A Soul of a Nation Presentation,” a terrific documentary available on Hulu that features revealing interviews with Page and other trans heroes.
Make our communities...
Make our communities bright with our Shine Awards. Nonpro ts can apply for a chance to receive funding for projects that support and revitalize local communities in the Sacramento region.
We're seeking proposals that promote zero carbon workforce development, environmental justice and equity, inclusive economic development and STEM education. Shine projects align with SMUD's goal of eliminating all carbon emissions from our power supply by 2030, so all our customers will live in a Clean PowerCitySM
• Shine Awards range from $5,000 to $100,000.

• Applicants must be incorporated nonpro t organizations within SMUD's service area.
• Awards are competitive and funds are limited.
• Attend an informational webinar.
• Apply online by Monday, July 31, 2023 by 5 p.m.

As your community-owned, not-for-pro t electric service, we’re always looking for ways to make our communities shine! Learn more at smud.org/Shine
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