
Welcome to the Primary School and on behalf of all the staff and Trustees we wish you a very warm welcome. At Queen Elizabeth’s Primary School, we believe that every child is unique, each having their own special qualities that makes him or her stand out from the crowd. Our fundamental aim is to offer the best possible environment in which children can flourish and foster a natural love of learning.
The Primary School provides a rich and varied range of educational experiences, which are both fun and challenging. Our children are encouraged to achieve their maximum academic potential. The wider horizons of the curriculum are well catered for too and our Primary School children excel on the sports field and in the swimming pool. Throughout the academic year they take part in musical events and drama productions and our extra-curricular activities are numerous and enjoyed by all.
We aim to develop the whole child and to celebrate every pupil’s many and varied accomplishments and in our unique position, our children also use many Secondary School resources. Above all we want everyone to be happy in our school, feel valued in their uniqueness and “be the best they can be!”
We encourage you to be involved as much as possible with your child’s education. Your child will greatly benefit by knowing you are interested in their progress, so we warmly invite you to engage in your child’s learning in order to build a learning journey in which we are all involved.
By joining QEPS, you will become a part of a proud history of achievement which has spanned more than 500 years. “The free gramer schole at Blakebourne” was founded in 1509 by Thomas, Second Earl of Derby. Since then the achievements of our pupils and students, past and present, have earned a national reputation.
The school survived the Reformation and in 1567 was granted a Royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth I. It thus became the “Free Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Blackburn in the County of Lancaster”.
After over 500 years of history, from September 2023 Queen Elizabeth’s Primary School will operate under QEGS Multi Academy Trust and continue to educate pupils to the highest academic standards, in accordance with a clear moral code.
‘Disce Prodesse’, loosely translated as “Learn to be of service” epitomises the character of the school and remains central to our mission to develop well rounded individuals through academic studies as well as an extensive programme of extra-curricular opportunities.
We will unlock individual talent, encourage healthy competition and scholarship, and promote leadership and teamwork.
Our Vision
Our vision supports and sustains:
• a school that is true to its roots, and is enthusiastic about its role in the future of education
• high standards, social mobility, ambition and aspirations for all the fulfilment of the full potential of each child
• an independent style of education that is open to all
• a sense of moral purpose and responsibility in the community
The principal focus within EYFS/KS1 is to ensure that children begin school feeling secure and happy in their surroundings. Only once this foundation has been established can children begin to learn, build relationships and take full advantage of the broad and rounded education QEPS has to offer.
The EYFS/KS1 curriculum is broad and carefully balanced. The intention is to provide exciting and interesting experiences which develop each child’s ability to think and learn effectively. Children will have opportunities to reach beyond the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One requirements.
In KS2, we follow the national curriculum whilst ensuring children are supported and challenged to achieve their very best.
In the Primary School we promote a caring atmosphere in which all children may flourish and reach their potential in a happy and secure environment. We encourage self-discipline and the basic virtues of honesty, fairness and politeness. All children are encouraged to be respectful, resilient and ready for learning.
We believe in the concept of lifelong learning and that it should be an enjoyable experience for everyone. Through our teaching we equip children with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to be able to make informed choices. We believe that appropriate teaching and learning experiences help children to lead happy and rewarding lives.
If, having considered what sort of school we are, you think we might suit your child, we would strongly urge you to come and see for yourselves and meet our pupils, of whom we are extremely proud. You will be warmly welcomed.
To find out more about QEPS, or to arrange a tour of our school call 01254 686300, email info@QEGSblackburn.com or visit www.QEGSblackburn.com
Queen Elizabeth’s Primary School, West Park Road, Blackburn, BB2 6DF QEGSblackburn.com