3 minute read
Krystle Brewer, Executive Director
We hope you will join us on July 25th for our Annual Members’ Meeting to help us plan our next year and provide feedback. Though this year’s meeting will be hosted on Zoom, it will still be filled with updates from the last year, a fun interactive game, the Golden Doughnut Award, breakout groups, and more. For more information and to register, visit ovac-ok.org/annual-members-meeting.
Last month, the three Spotlight projects from Momentum traveled to Modella Art Gallery in Stillwater and will remain on view until July 18th. Though these projects couldn’t be experienced in-person in March, we hope you will take the opportunity to see them at our partner location. For more information, visit momentumoklahoma.org.
Upcoming in August, the eight Focus projects from Concept will also travel to a partner location for a second showing. The show opens at Harvester Arts in Wichita, KS on September 4th and runs through October 16th. For more information, visit concept-ok.org. Returning this fall, our bi-annual traveling exhibition 24 Works on Paper opens on August 20th at the SWOSU Art Gallery in Weatherford and remains on view through September 25th. From there, the show will travel to nine additional locations around the state for the next 18 months. Find a location nearest you at 24works.org.
Finally, we are thrilled to announce this year’s Oklahoma Visual Arts Fellowship and Student Awards of Excellence recipients: Suzanne Thomas (OKC), Sarah Ahmad (Tulsa), Janae Grass (Tulsa), and Julianne Clark (Tulsa). To learn more about their work, check out the article in this issue on page 18.
Krystle Brewer, Executive Director
Thank you to our new and renewing members from February 2020 to April 2020
The Vault Art Space A
Gathering Place Paseo ArtWorks Plains Indians and
Pioneers Museum Aeternitas, Inc. Morrison/Dyke Studio Kenzie Adair Sarah Ahmad heather ahtone Andrew Arkley Kelly Armstrong Stuart Asprey Alyson Atchison Sarah Atlee Alexis Austin Margaret Aycock Kerry Azzarello Natalie Baca Ginnie Baer Paul Bagley Robert Bailey Randall Barnes Hope Bass Marwin Begaye Lori Billy Mark Bishop Megan Black Kathleen Blanchard
Grell Ahimsa Bodhran Erica Bonavida Colby Bowers Maggie Boyett Alissa Brock Caryn Brown Deborah Burian Carla Cain Crystal Campbell Sarah Caputo Laura Carnagie Maria Chaverri Karam Cheong Lydia Cheshewalla Dian Church Dayton Clark Tiffany Conn Annavittoria Conner Rafael Corzo Gayle Curry Ebony Iman Dallas Madeline Dillner Lizzie DiSilvestro Anke Dodson Michael Downes Lillyann Dreaux
Gilmore Amber DuBoise Julia DuBreuil Liz Dueck Denise Duong Aimee Eischen Tess Elliot Ben Ezzell Kris Fairchild Daniel Farnum Jake Faucett Beverly Fentress Karen Gonzalez John Gooden Shelly Goodmanson Rebekah Griffith Marsha Gulick Janet Hawks Mark Hawley Carla Hefley Briana Hefley-Shepard Cynthia Heldreth Daniel Helm Shane Hemberger Billy Hensley Geoffrey Hicks Terri Higgs Gayla Hollis Todd Horner Kaylee Huerta Todd Jenkins Jennifer Johnson Micheal Jones Farooq Karim Jean Keil Lauri Ketchum Robbie Kienzle Izzy Kienzle Jared Kinley Katelynn Knick Tara Kudlacek Lindsey La Valle Tonia Landers Kyle Larson Erin Latham Anitra Lavanhar Darci Lenker Melinda Littlecook Michael Litzau Trace Logan Dana Lombardo Ruth Ann Loveland Naima Lowe Solomon Mahlatini Michelle Martin Jonathan Martindale Mirella Martinez Dustin Mater Elizabeth Maxwell Morgan McClellan Michelle McCrory Paul Medina Mandy Messina Sara Michael Anthony Mitchell Dianna Morgan Molly Murphy-Adams Darran Newsom Mary Nickell Kristi Ostler Christie Owen romy owens Matthew Paden Raechel Palmer Stephen Parks Soni Parsons Gay Pasley Sandra Patterson Brian Payne Kelly Pennington-Reed Bryon Perdue Jared Perkins Ronna Pernell Katie Pernu Nancy Peterson David Phelps Angela Piehl Eric Piper Cristiana Prado Katie Rake Marium Rana Suzanne King Randall Betty Refour Patrick Riley Jim Rode Liz Roth Brooke Rowlands Todd Scaramucci Barbara S. Scott Evie Shaffer Polly Sharp James S Shelley Sabrina Sims Indu Singh Mark Sisson Jamie Slone Timothy J Smith Cheryl Smith Robert Sober Cindy Swanson Suzanne Thomas Stephanie Thompson Clara Titus Milton Trice Albert Vadnais Cindy Van Kley Jason Wallace Carlene Wallace Jarica Walsh Carla Waugh Leslie Waugh Dallam Jim Weaver Kathryn Webster Brian Whisenhunt Steve Whitfield Dean Wilhite Dawn Williams Jason Wilson Holly Wilson Mark Wittig Jenny Woodruff Malcolm Zachariah Richard J Zimmerman