6 minute read
Gba gaun, gba gaun, gba gaun![1]
Kere o oo ooo, kere o oo ooo, kere o oo ooo!![2]
The good people of Nigeria and far beyond, please come nearer I bring good tidings:
The Spirit of Africa is joining the Septuagenarian Club tomorrow (Saturday, April 29). Dr Michael Adeniyi Agbolade Adenuga, Jnr., the magical business titan, will be 70-and troops have lined up to cheer him on Contingents are jiggling and waggling, crooning hymns and penning praises, serenading one of Earth’s most materially blessed human beings
Your son, husband, father and grandfather nestles among the 2,640 persons in the world with
over a billion dollars (Forbes’ real-time rich list)
Our pride is on top of that league of the lucky, blessed, and honoured to get a front-row seat among the 8 03 billion people on our planet (as calibrated today by worldometers info) And our joy is one of the less than 3% over 65 in Nigeria (with life expectancy for males pegged at 59.51 years and females at 63 27 on September 5, 2022) We are thrilled that the exceptionally and miraculously gifted mogul is alive and well, kicking and joyous in this challenging but exciting era
Dr Mike Adenuga (GCON) acknowledges that fate has dealt him good hands-and he forever teaches and shows us that life essentially gives you what you sow and nurture And the chairman of Globacom and Conoil (and many more) has planted and watered viable seeds!
The Guru (as disciples and admirers fondly address him) is in the spotlight And we are proud and happy to illuminate some attributes of this extraordinary gentleman whose story inspires, whose triumphs keep us on our feet in ceaseless ovation
The last 50-odd years of the magnate’s life have brought to the fore what separates the superbly favoured-and we are awed by what the son of Oloye Michael Agbolade Adenuga, Snr and Omoba Juliana Oyindamola Adenuga has brought to the table
His life is peppered with some of the most significant elements that make all the difference, the crucial habits that catapult men into colossi And here are just 7 of the characteristics that amplify the essence of ‘the Gold Digger ’ [3]: ‘Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can’
Those desirous of making better meanings of life, who plot and work to change their fortunes, take charge and superintend events that make lives more pleasant, never invent excuses They help themselves, assess scenarios and tap all the opportunities They start from where they are with the resources at their disposal
And Dr Adenuga exemplifies that maxim of the legendary African-American tennis player Arthur Ashe (July 10, 1943–February 6, 1993)
As far back as the 70s, as a student at Northwestern Oklahoma State University and Pace University (United States of America), he drove a taxi to bring in extra income to finance his education Apart from deploying his driving skill to earn money, he guided his ego and pride and rolled up his sleeves to help himself
With that foundation which salutes the dignity of labour, devoid of arrogance, filled with rigour, hard and smart work, it’s not a surprise that he found his path, moving on to selling laces and distributing soft drinks (which made him his first million in 1976) before finding fame and fortune in big business
The humble beginning, which many want to circumvent, is the rock on which huge success rests
Forget the din of the market; face what’s important to you Like masters of the game, he faces forward. Instant gratification, temporary pleasure and fickle pursuits are not on his card He ignores tall tales and fables woven around him and spread afield He discountenances the din of the market [aruwo oja]-and pursues his dreams and aspirations single-mindedly
Dr Adenuga’s piercing laser focus gives him an edge. His eyes are on the ball, and he’s forever fingers of one hand Most of what we read and hear about him are speculations He practices the dictum of the British monarchy (‘never complain, never explain’)
Remember, those who want to be born anew, recalibrate their lives and turn their fortunes around for good are urged to disappear for six months. But Dr Adenuga disappears for ages. Only those who work for him, his close associates and friends have access
He utilises the time we fritter away-attending to irrelevancies and ‘how the cat bumped into barbed wire’[4] to expand his empire and provide more value-added services
Never give up committed to the ingredients that advance his cause He hardly wavers While many commit to irrelevant obligations, distracted by this and that, he’s at his desk, on the road, sealing deals day and night, strategising and actualising
Mystery gives you a head start and keeps you ahead
Dr Adenuga best portrays that persona of mystery, the unpredictability that assures victory He does not chase acceptance or influence, honour invitations and show up at soirees and shindigs, or amass followers on social media
He’s hardly ever in public space You can count his interviews in the last 40 years on the
Like the stamp, Dr Adenuga sticks to whatever he desires till the end He never gives up or loses hope. He relentlessly pursues his dream with all that he possesses (that’s why he’s dubbed ‘the Bull’, which also represents his zodiac sign, Taurus: April 20–May 20)
When he wants something, he’s persistent Dogged Resolute He deploys all his resources, gives it his all and waits patiently
His pursuit of the GSM license in 1999 taught us what perseverance means For four years, he kept at it And By 2003, Globacom entered the race to the derision of many who prophesied that the market had closed, with subscribers already grabbed by the existing networks and nothing left on the table for late-comers

The game changer brought fresh ideas with Glo, introduced free SIM cards and per-second billing and acquired a considerable chunk of the market, against predictions Globacom remains the beautiful bride of business students who canonise resilience and the stick-with-it spirit.
Maintain the most crucial networks
You can only be this big and successful by nurturing rewarding friendships, oiling essential networks, and being trustworthy and dependable It’s easy to think the man of means and lionised philanthropist decorated with Nigeria’s second highest honour (Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger in 2012), Ghana’s highest civilian reward (Companion of the Star of Ghana, 2016) and France’s most prestigious award (Commander of the Legion of Honour, 2018) is unfriendly, unapproachable and antisocial But you are far from the truth Dr Adenuga (who is primarily introverted) has dependable allies and friends he can count on He cherishes the company of those in his close circle and they regularly create time ‘to let their hairs down ’
He may not be your typical businessman but he has extensive political contacts He has been allowed to do his businesses unhindered (except for one administration in the Fourth Republic which hounded him to no end, forcing the tycoon into self-exile)
You must see far
With hands in the most lucrative businesses telecoms, oil and gas, banking, property, and more his gift of seeing far ahead is evident The reintroduction of privatisation of government concerns and opening up of the business climate provided the leverage to set up banks (Equatorial Trust Bank and Devcom Merchant Bank) and a telecoms company (Globacom), buy National Oil and Chemical Marketing PLC (rechristened Conoil PLC) and expand the Mike Adenuga Group (including Conoil Producing, Cobblestone Properties & Estates), aside registering his presence on the Nigerian Exchange with substantial stocks in many profitable companies Humongous cash flows daily into the pockets of the Otunba Apesin of Ijebuland
Enjoy the
lifestyle of your dreams
The perks and appurtenances of great wealth and luxury are at the beck and call of the Ibadan-born (Oyo State) billionaire From three private jets to elegant mansions in Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja, Accra, Johannesburg and London, and the most luxurious vehicles conceived by fertile minds, his superlative lifestyle is the object of perpetual fascination
Dr Adenuga lives his dream, lavishly enjoys the rewards of his labour and surrounds himself with the best on offer He demonstrates that you shouldn’t settle for less if you work hard and are rewarded so much
Apart from hosting close friends and associates to soirées in his home, he savours the occasional fine dining at a few choice restaurants
Compatriots, let’s relish this heartwarming quotation from the British philosophical writer James Allen (November 28, 1864–January 24, 1912) which encapsulates Dr Mike Adenuga’s philosophy as a takeaway:
‘The world steps aside for the man who knows where he’s going ’ So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s present the platinum [5] to the business leader following his map and strutting on a fabulous journey with a fantastic destination
People of good cheer, join me to toast to the good health and long life of the Spirit of Africa on this special occasion of his 70th birthday!
Sir, may all your beautiful prayers find the favour and grace of our Almighty God (Amen)