3 minute read
A New Adventure- Sarah Morrison
A New Adventure

The journey to becoming Morrison’s Outdoor Adventures started in the summer of 2019. Mike, the kids and I were on our way to Tennessee for a family vacation when we started discussing selling our house and moving closer to Mike’s work. I was a special education teacher for the past 11 years, so I just thought I could get a job in a new location. The goal was just to be closer to Mike’s job so he wouldn’t have to drive so far and we could spend more time as a family when he wasn’t traveling so much for work. As the summer passed and school started again, the thought of moving became more and more appealing.
During the fall of 2019, even though I was working full-time, I was also helping run an Outdoor Events Center in Uwharrie, North Carolina. Our focus shifted from looking at a house to buy to living full-time in a camper, homeschooling the boys and putting more time and energy into the Outdoor Events Center. This would allow Mike to be closer to his job - a win win for everyone! So, we started camper shopping, going to every camper store we could to look at all the different models and styles. We finally went to an RV show and found the camper that would fit our family’s needs the best and bought it on the spot. We even looked at purchasing a lot in a gated RV community after our house sold. We had a buyer for our house super-fast and the time was coming that we needed to close on the land to put the camper on. We thought, wow, this is going great.
Well, of course our plans changed again! The story of our life is “do not make plans because they can change in a blink of an eye.”
Mike’s job changed drastically after I had resigned from my teaching position and it was time for us to do something that allowed us as a family to enjoy the great outdoors. In a week, we decided that we were going to buy a truck to pull our camper, start our own company and hit the road.
As a full-time job the past four years, Mike had been teaching others how to drive off-road because it is his passion. The boys and I always enjoyed going and watching Mike teach his training classes. Once we realized how the outdoors had brought us closer together as a family, we wanted to share that with other families and individuals! We wanted to restore the basic outdoor skill sets needed to enjoy and preserve the great outdoors. So, we started Morrison’s Outdoor Adventures.
Morrison’s Outdoor Adventures mission statement is reconnecting individuals and families through the great outdoors. Mike is certified by the International 4 Wheel Drive Association, a Master Tread Trainer for TreadLightly, and Co-director of Education for Southern Four-Wheel Drive Association. He has over nine years of experience in off-roading driving and recovery instruction, and has trained military, commercial and recreational groups such as Special Forces, Rangers, Duke Energy and more. We have worked hard to design a curriculum to give each person a hands-on experience, the knowledge and the ability to operate their vehicle with confidence. Our family has been an avid outdoor family and has developed our skill sets. Through Morrison’s Outdoor Adventures we offer guided trail rides, guided trips, off-road driver training, vehicle recovery classes, outdoor skill classes, and private oneon-one training. We are so excited to get you and/or your family outdoors!
Sarah Morrison
MorrisonsOutdoorAdventures www.morrisonsoutdooradventures.com www.i4wdta.org www.sfwda.org www.treadlightly.org
