The Start of Our Part 1 In20 6wemadeourfirstserious plan to start traveling overland. Since summer 2016 we have done many journeys, mainly in Europe and Africa. We saw extensive wildlife in Africa, traveled the desert in Morocco and enjoyed cultural highlights of Europe. Now, in summer 2022, we just modifiedourlatesttravelplan.Wenow know that one of the main lessons we have learned during our journeys is that theplanswemakearealwaysflexible. In 2006 we visited Tanzania with our family of four adolescent kids. After this wonderful journey, we (in fact I, Gert) decided we wanted to travel overland to Tanzania, with our own car. The car eventually became a 1980 Land Rover Series 3, that I bought on Ebay, for GBP 255 (then € 350 or USD 400).
In short, I restored the car completely and in 2016 we shipped our old Milady Landy to Namibia. In fact, the shipping already was a big change of plans. We had in our mind to travel to Tanzania overland, but trouble in Mali and Nigeria had risen and we considered it not safe to travel Africa from north to south.
Southern and Eastern Africa in an old Land Rover The 1980 Land Rover Series 3, now christened Milady Landy, was a treat and a threat for our overland journey of