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Thick & Thin-Overlanding, Right? ,Austin Head
Thick & Thin Overlanding, Right?
Let me start by saying “Hi, I’m Austin”, I Co-Founded WolfPac Outdoors with my wife Summer. We are a family of 4 adventurous souls, on a journey to experience the world through vehicular exploration. But before we get started, I want to ask you this, what is overlanding to you?
I think of overlanding like this.
A Vehicle. At its most basic level a vehicle could be as simple as our bodies, or as complex as a spaceship.
A Mindset. This mindset is continually developing and fluid, it’s not stagnant nor does it cease. It’s a state where, when you’ve reached the top of a mountain, you desire to reach beyond, to experience and learn more. When you see the peak of another mountain in the distance and you can’t resist leaving the comfort of your current situation to experience that journey. While on the journey you soak in your environment, always learning and exploring. This new destination isn’t a stagnant place it’s fluid and will develop into the next adventures and experiences.
And Sharing. If it were just myself, well, that would be ok, but here’s a secret of mine… having my wife and kids with me while we complete steps 1 & 2 IS the icing, it brightens my whole world. Sharing our experience with you, encouraging you to reach for your dreams, and seeing your journey IS the icing.
For me overlanding is a way of life, a deeper meaning to existence, and something I passionately enjoy talking about.
So how did we… or better yet WHY did we?
As you’ve probably heard before; with a strong enough WHY, even the most tedious jobs become accomplishable. So, why?
Overlanding started at a young age for me. Growing up I constantly moved, was homeless, or I lived with “family friends”. The one thing I always had were my feet, and an adventurous spirit. In 2001 I moved to Hawaii, more specifically the Big Island. While there I built an Overlanding Rig from a Ford Ranger. I loved that truck, it took me all over the island, and by the end of 5 years I had explored almost all of the nooks and crannies (and fixed nearly everything on that truck too). Those experiences were invaluable in helping me “find myself” and “to find a deeper purpose to my life”.
Shortly after moving back to California I met my soulmate Summer, and we married in the winter of 09’. Then something happened, life began to feel like this constant rush to meet the deadline, to close the deal and to get the promotion. We chased what we thought was the “American Dream”, and when we finally found it, it wasn’t all that appealing.
Like you, we found we were more interested in getting the best experience from life. Daring to explore beyond the possibilities excites us, taking the road less traveled invigorates us, and enjoying the experiences within the journey fuels our souls.
But Why? The short… to impart a deeper purpose in life to our children, but I feel it’s more than just that.
We were given the gift of having a Liver Transplant child, for the first 7 years of her life we weren’t sure what the outcome was going to be. That struggle gave us an in-depth personal relationship with the fragility of life. We technically still aren’t really sure what our future holds, but we do know we have right now, and there is so much to learn, share, and experience, for us and our children. So, we explore, we dare to experience as much of the world as we can before time runs out, and our children are by our sides, exploring with us.
Let’s dive deeper next time as we lay the groundwork for our friendship in the next article.
For now, Welcome to WolfPac Outdoors… The place you can feel safe to be yourself, a place dedicated to family, adventure, and friendship. Thank You for Joining Us, we hope to see you on the trail.
Stay Adventurous Friends.
Live Unbound. Always Explore. Family Forever.