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4th Annual Alabama “Slow Down, Move Over” Rally
Kristina Insley, VP of Insurance Hub, was on site for the event.

By Darian Weaver –Tow Professional
The 4th Annual Alabama “Slow Down, Move Over “Rally was held December 6th, 2020 to raise awareness of the “Slow Down, Move Over” (SDMO) laws and the dangers that towers face daily. This event has grown over the last 4 years and again was a tremendous success! Over 200 + trucks and 500 + attendees were on hand Sunday to stand in Solidarity for protection of their brothers and sisters. Currently, we are losing one tow operator every 6 days which is higher than other first responders who average losing one every 30 days. Our 1st responders’ office space is often mere inches away from the white line of inattentive motorists driving dangerously close in their vehicles at high speeds. These men and women towers are out doing what they love to do, serving others, and too many are not going home to their families afterwards.
The 4th Annual “SDMO” Rally was put on by Classic Towing, which is owned by Wes Passmore, and the event was sponsored by Insurance Hub, Austin

Hinds Motors, Tow Professional Magazine, Classic Printing, Knox Auto parts, and Passmore Automotive. Four years ago, Wes lost a driver, John Hubbard, to a motorist who did not move over one lane when approaching a first responder giving aid on the side of the road. Since then, Wes has worked tirelessly and persistently to spread the word to all to move over one and protect fellow towers so that no more are lost to inattentive drivers. Consequently, over 500 participants came from as far as Louisiana and Mississippi to help support the rally and then drove from Hueytown, AL to Tuscaloosa, AL with other first responders to raise awareness across the state.
Tow Professional Magazine and Alabama Towing & Recovery Association presented a proclamation to the Governor of Alabama. Governor Kay Ivey proclaimed December as the month to honor and raise awareness for “Slow Down, Move Over Law.” We will continue to strive for the education of our public so we may protect our men and women of towing! .