1 minute read
The Great In-Cab Camera Debate
When it comes to whether or not to get cameras and telematics in your trucks... the decision is getting pretty easy. Between fraudulent claims, ambulance chasing lawyers, unreliable customers and employees... you are playing Russian Roulette if you don’t have them. Shoot many of the insurance providers are not just recommending it but offering discounts on your premiums or in some cases, you can’t even get your insurance written without having cameras and telematics in the vehicle. This trend is only getting to be more the norm every day.
I have had the great opportunity to work with thousands of different towing companies, meet with some of the most successful owners and have discussed the in-cab camera at nauseum. As you would guess, the opinions vary all over the board. Here are a few of the reasons I have heard not to have the in-cab (driver facing) camera.
3) “My drivers have threatened to quit if we install those things in the cab.”
4) “The drivers will just cover it up anyway.”
I also hear the reasons why they do want them.
1) “It’s my equipment, I am responsible,