Startups si Comunitate

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Educatie â—?

Agile - Coursera: 2 to 196

Educatie & Antreprenoriat ●

Corsera: Networks: Friends, Money and Bytes –

Grand Challenge Homework: We'll throw in about 10 GCHs throughout the semester, each is an open-ended, important, and challenging project statement. Might be proving a theorem, might be creating a design, might be writing a piece of code, all about some of these 20 Questions. Associated with GCHs is

Investor and Industry Partners: In this IIP pilot program, I've talked to about 5 venture capital firms and 5 networking companies that are on the frontier of network technology innovation, and they've agreed to work with me on defining GCHs and then (after I skype the semi-finalists) talk to the finalists about their solutions to GCHs. They may fly in the finalists for an interview. This may lead to a new job, a new product, or a new company.

Here're the VCs (two in Silicon Valley, two on East Coast) in IIP with this course:

Artiman Ventures, Hudson Ventures, Osage Partners, USVP.

And companies:

ASSIA Inc. (startup founded by John Cioffi, the father of DSL), Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, AppliedCommunication Sciences (part of the former Telcordia/Bellcore), HP Labs, Qualcomm.

A couple of more soon to be confirmed.

Educatie & Antreprenoriat ●

Abordare proprie locala –

Educatie agile

Regionet vs. Colaborari informale si ad-hoc

ICCP vs. Workshop-uri intre educatie, cercetare si business

Valoare adaugata –

Proiecte europene nefolosite → resurse nefolosite

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