Term 2 - Exhibition Board

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Pilsworth Energy park Glocalism for the irwell The structure of a sustainable district

Narrative of the intervention The Pilsworth Energy Park is a narrative of large scale catchment wide planning producing guidelines and toolkits for the implementation of detailed design. Starting from a catchment scale the division into Rural, Suburban and Urban felt like a natural segregation generated by the development of the settlements in the catchment.

Selected district

With the implementation of the Glocalist manifesto each catchment would be provided with a unique toolkit. The toolkit will allow for groundbreaking public realm and landscape interventions in order to create a sustainable energy producing series of districts.

Selected site


The Suburban district has been selected for further investigation into the application of Glocalist ideologies in landscape due to its hared characteristics with both the Rural and Urban. The Pilsworth area has been selected due to prior research which displayed that due to its connections and site visibility 䬀䔀夀it held the best potential credentials for an energy storage bank for the Suburban 倀漀琀攀渀琀椀愀氀 䰀愀渀搀猀挀愀瀀攀 䌀漀爀爀椀搀漀爀猀 district. Due to the proposed timeline attached to the formation of ⴀ䄀爀攀愀猀 眀椀琀栀椀渀 渀攀眀 挀漀爀爀椀搀漀爀猀 a sustainable district the Energy bank would be the first piece of infrastructure to be proposed, designed and created before倀漀琀攀渀琀椀愀氀 倀爀漀搀甀挀琀椀漀渀 猀椀琀攀 other satellite interventions could be composed around the district. ⴀ 䰀漀挀愀琀椀漀渀 ⴀ 匀椀稀攀 漀昀 䤀渀琀攀爀瘀攀渀琀椀漀渀



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Role within district

MASTERPLAN DIAGRAM: Illustrative district masterplan

MASTERPLAN DIAGRAM: Illustrative catchment masterplan


MASTERPLAN DIAGRAM: Illustrative site masterplan of chosen site. Extract from manifesto diagrams.

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Irwell toolkits RURAL Production: Agriculture, Wind, Solar and/or Biomass. Function: Country Park, Nature Reserve, Sculpture Park and/or Woodland. Material: Local Stone, Local Timber, Metals, Brick and/or Loose Groundcover Locational Vegetation Typologies: Hilltop and/or Native Woodland

SUBURBAN Production: Agriculture, Hydro, Solar, Geothermal and/or Biomass. Function: Formalised Park, Sewage Works, Housing and/or Sports Complex Material: Stone, Timber, Metals, Brick and/or in-situ materials Locational Vegetation Typologies: Wetland and/or Parkland

URBAN Production: Geothermal, Solar, Urban Agriculture Function: Formal Park, Gardens, Plaza, Building and/or Car Park. Material: Stone, Brick, Metals, Timber, Concrete, In-situ and/or Glass Locational Vegetation Typologies: Amenity

PRODUCTION: Wind Turbines

FUNCTION: Mountain Bike Track

MATERIAL: Buff tone informal Materials

VEGETATION: Native Woodland

PRODUCTION: Hydro Turbines


FUNCTION: Sewage Works

MATERIAL: Concrete Based Material


PRODUCTION: Geothermal



MATERIAL: Low-maintenance Materials




Pilsworth aims and mechanisms

Through development the masterplan has developed to combine a range energy storage solutions with unique destinational landscape areas. Developed to bring people together the indicative masterplan offers many different areas to experiences whilst keeping a simple, clean, geometric design suited to its surroundings.

The aims for the site are a mix of Glocalism ideology, desirable traits and site specific needs. Whilst, communicating, conserving and generating the site also can provide desirable byproducts such as increased habitat creation for local flora and fauna. The largest aims from each levels of aims are Energy storage, Flood alleviation and Waste management. Whilst advancing the manifesto to a site specific location the proposed Glocalist toolkit for the Suburban area has evolved in order to incorporate the unique constraints, opportunities and aims each site holds.

1. Bridge Hall Social Pools: The Bridge Hall social pools are to be a collection of large reservoirs to help with run off from the surrounding urbanized areas. The pools will be primarily used for recreational activities in order to allow residents and visitors to the space to become more accustom to the aquatic landscape.

Hydro-electric is the main generator of power within the District, as specified in the manifesto, However due to opportunities discovered during site analysis, the aquatic energy source will be supported by Large amounts of Geothermal and a new addition of wind turbines.

2. Prettywood Pumped Storage and Turbines: The pumped storage system is a heavily precedented way of storage large amounts of energy efficiency whilst being aesthetically respectful to the surrounding area. Consisting of three main pools, lower, upper and surge the system will dramatically increase the potential for energy storage in the district.

Reacting to other site constraints the River Roch will be manipulated in order to alleviate flooding issues on the existing site, providing my room for vegetation and greater capacity.


3. Energy Centre: The Energy Centre is to be named Prettywood taken from the name given to its location. Prettywood will consist of a visitor Centre, with adjoining car park. The proposed building will overhang the largest basin on site, the Prettywood lower basin. 4. Water Farm: The Water Farm areas of the is to be reinstated as an aquatic farm. Focusing on the production of aquatic produce and coppice planting from the surrounding slopes these area of the site is designed to be the most productive in terms of agriculture and biofuel than any other area.

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5. Pilsworth Bowl: Pilsworth bowl, formerly Pilsworth landfill north will be re-sculpted in order to provide a large public accessible gathering space for entertainment and educational events. The former landfill site will be exploited for its geothermal and methane credentials as planned by Viridor (2015). 6. Pilsworth Estate: Pilsworth Estate, formerly Pilsworth landfill south will house over 400 new residential plots. The aim of the estate is to introduce new passionate people that want to engage with the landscape, enjoy and manage the proposed spaces around them.

GENERATION AND STORAGE: Series of elevated ponds with hydroelectric turbines

GENERATION AND STORAGE: Elevated pools with Wind Turbines

GENERATION AND STORAGE: Potential energy storage follies

GENERATION AND STORAGE: Landfill Geothermal and methane capture

FLOOD: Re-profiling banks formation and reduction of mounds (Dependant on location.)

FLOOD: Widening of river course

FLOOD: Introduction of flood channels

FLOOD: introduction of interconnected channels and plains to create wetlands.

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Prettywood will be the first phase to be constructed due to it containing the largest hydro-electric storage system. The phase also includes the Visitor Centre, the establishment of this will create a physical hub for people to discuss and enjoy the ongoing scheme. 1. Green Connections: Designed to increase foot and cycle traffic into and around the areas the site inhabits. Increasing routes through the scheme will allow the surrounding residents to feel more connected to the scheme whilst relieving some traffic from busy main roads which surround the site.


2. Lower Basin : The low pool of the Prettywood storage system will provide flood alleviation from the connecting River Roch, whilst acting as a release pool for the upper basin in events of energy demand.


3. Surge Pool: As with any pumped storage facility, Prettywood will be fitted with a surge pool. With the same capacity as the pool at Dinorwig, the pool is more than suitable for its surroundings whilst allow further future expansion. Further to its capacity the geometric nature of the pool will allow for panoramic views over the Energy centre area. 4. Upper Basin: Prettywood upper Basin will be the highest accessible point in the proposals. As the largest pool in the proposals, the upper segment of the hydroelectric storage system, could at times of low energy demand play host to both recreational and professional watersport event. The elevated landform will also allow the implementation of wind turbines on the north side of the basin.


5. Architectural Follies: The Follies in the landscape are a geometric punctuation in order to provide spaces for shelter, rest and recreation. The follies will also provide a visual reminder to visitors of the sites energy credentials whilst providing legible landmarks in the landscape.


6. Storage Reservoirs: The storage reservoirs surrounding the upper basin will allow an increase in capacity of the pumped storage system whilst creating more human scale aquatic interventions for people to interact with. The pools will also create a permeable boundary between the publically adoptable pieces of land surrounding the area. 7. Adoptable Spaces: As stated in from the manifesto stage, areas within a masterplanned scheme should be open to adaptation and adoption from surrounding residents. Areas the east and south of Prettywood would be left free in order for local residents to manipulate the site to their needs whilst creating community events and groups in the process.




8. Prettywood Visitor Centre: Will be a multi-functional building providing a hub for activities and seminars relating the energy producing and storing landscape around it. The building will also house the main control rooms and collection points for energy produced in satellite landscapes around the district.


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Energy storage In any of the sustainable districts proposed energy storage will be a key factor in order to make, the product of the land a valuable product between sites. In order to do this Site may use tactics such as pumped, compressed air and/or molten salt storage techniques. The main storage elements for the Pilsworth scheme will be the creation of pumped storage areas. Elevated Pools will be filled, at low demand, creating large areas if Potential kinetic energy within the Landscape. The upper basins or elevated pools can release energy back into the grid through releasing the stored water through a series of turbines. Also, areas of the Pilsworth Energy park masterplan will host multiple static energy ponds. Submerged compressed air balloons will allow storage of energy from the generation on both this, the Pilsworth energy park site, and the other generation sites within the suburban district (via further proposals of interconnected grids for the Districts.)

OWEN .T. BYROM MLA 2 | 11037949 otbyrom@gmail.com

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