Mixed Element 2024-2

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2023-07-02 Collection 02 美客 . 丽思 ®
美客 . 丽思 002

Boutique for Premium


美客 . 丽思 003

序 言

我是Bill, Wong,也是美客丽思 ® 的创始人以及美客丽思 ® 的产品高级顾问。

2010年,我和几位同事创立了美客丽思品牌, 目的是想用具备美学的餐具为用户营造美妙、 愉快的用餐氛围。

这一路走过来差不多10年了。这10年里,我们在海内外服务了很多的高端酒店客户,也 得到很多好评和赞赏,对此,我们十分感恩一切。

2019年,我创立了美客丽思 ® 工作室,目的是想从可回收材料的环保角度、东方文化的美 学角度、中国传统的手工艺角度去探寻一切能够应用于Table Ware 的可能性。

在我们的理解和设想里面,它应该是绿色环保可持续性的、具备更多东方文化的美学的、 融合更多东方手工艺人的精神,如同佛手系列的展示架、竹子概念的双层杯等等。同时我 们正在探寻更多的可回收材料,从而运用美学设计去做出更多新的产品。

我相信我们这一行动的意义是可开拓性的、可持续性的。我更相信,我们在这一行动中能 够和你分享我们做为中国新一代年轻人的精神面貌以及我们能够为这个行业带来的贡献。


Founder & Senior Product Consultant

美客 . 丽思 004


My name is Bill, Wong. I'm also the founder of Mixed Element ® and the Senior Product Consultant for Mixed Element®

In 2010, few colleagues and I founded the Mixed Element ® in order to create a beautiful and pleasant dining atmosphere for users with aesthetic tableware.

It's been almost 10 years and In this past 10 years we have served many high-end hotel customers at China and abroad, and also have received a lot of praise and appreciation. We are very grateful for this everything.

In 2019, I founded Mixed Element® studio, with the purpose to explore all the possibilities that can be applied to Table Ware from the perspective of environmental protection of recyclable materials, the aesthetics of oriental culture, and the traditional Chinese craftsmanship.

In our understanding and assumptions, it (Table Ware) should be green and sustainable, have more oriental culture aesthetics, and integrate the spirit of more oriental craftsmen, such as the display stand of the Buddha's Hand Series, the Double-layer Cup of bamboo concept, etc.

At the same time, we are exploring more recyclable materials using aesthetic design to make more new products.

I believe the significance of our action is groundbreaking and sustainable. And I am more convinced that we can share with you our mental outlook as a new generation of young people in China and the contribution what we can bring to this industry in this action.

创始人&产品高级顾问 Founder & Senior Product Consultant 美客 . 丽思 005

美客丽思 ® 自2010年成立以来,一直坚持为高端客户提供高品质、高性价比的产品。

Since its establishment in 2010, Mixed Element® has been committed to providing high-end customers the high-quality, cost-effective products.

公司已将产品系列从自助餐摆件延伸到了Dinner ware。材料包括胡桃木、白橡木、石材、玻璃、 不锈钢、PC、环保可回收材料等等。

The company has expanded its product range from buffet display to Dinner ware, and the material include mahogany, white oak, stone, glass, stainless steel, PC, recycled materials, etc.

我们每一件产品从设计到生产,都从视觉美学的角度,保持高精密度、高品质的标准。通过优 良的可靠性和极佳的视觉美学,为用户营造美妙、愉快的用餐氛围,为用户带来难忘的用餐体验。

Each of our products from design to production, are all based on the perspective of visual aesthetics, also maintain standards of high precision and high quality. Through excellent reliability and visual aesthetics, create a wonderful and pleasant dining atmosphere for users, and bring unforgettable dining experience for users.

产品的食品安全和质量把控对我们来说是重中之重。我们每一件产品都达到了德国食品级标准, 同时我们每一件产品都经过了严格的质量检测,特别是玻璃制品和瓷器制品都是100%手检出厂 +100%手检入库,从而给予了我们的客户双重保证。

Food safety and quality control for us is top priority. Each of our products has reached the German food grade standard, and at the same time, each of our products has passed the strict quality inspection, especially the glass products and porcelain products are 100% hand-check in factory +100% hand-check in warehouse, thus giving our customers a double guarantee.

美客 . 丽思 006


If you are required to give a standard to tableware, what is it?


High quality? Artistic? Or attractive in price and quality?

不! 我们是不这么认为的,我们认为餐具需要符合下面三个标准:

However, we don't think so. We believe that qualified tableware shall comply with three standards as follow.

第一是安全,我们采用的木制品、天然岩板、陶瓷制品,需要先经过德国TUV检测机构,以德 国的食品级标准来通过检测,我们认为任何一种产品如果不能通过检测,那么它也丧失作为餐 具的资格。

At first, safety. Woodware, natural slates and ceramics need to get through Germany's food grade standards and are tested by Technischen Uberwachungs Vereine. We firmly believe that if any product can't pass the test, then it is disqualified.

第二是绿色环保,可持续性的。这也是为什么我们采用通过FSC认证的木材,比如美国黑胡桃木、 美国橡木、白蜡木。

Secondly, environmental-friendly. That's why we use these wood approved by Federal Science Council, including walnut wood, American oak and ash wood.

第三是能够为每个用户的工作带来更多乐趣和更多效益的。比如建立在Building Block Design的 厨师玩具系列,它适合宴会,也适合 ADD餐厅和餐桌上精美细致的出品。

Thirdly, bring more fun and benefits to users at work. For example, Chef's toys based on Building Block Design are appropriate for banquets, ADD restaurants and exquisite dishes.

osmo ® 美客 . 丽思 007

1. Buddha's-Hand Series --Plus

2. All New Chef’s Toy B--Plus

3. Chef's toy D--Plus

4. Chef's toy X

5. Salt,pepper,oil,Snack Display Solution

6. Mini pastry/cake stand

7. Show plate,

8. Multi-function box , Bowl

9. Board , Tray

10. Miniatures

11. Cloche , smoke cloche , saucer , stacking base , bowl

12. Etagere

13. Chopstick box , sugar box , card holder , serving tray , tray stand

14. Glassware concentration area

P010 - 013

P014 - 017

P018 - 026

P027 - 049

P050 - 073

P074 - 076

P077 - 078

P079 - 084

P085 - 093

P094 - 116

P117 - 121

P122 - 122

P123 - 124

P125 - 128

美客 . 丽思 008
Whale Miniatures Miniatures Chef's toy D--Plus Chef's toy X Chef's toy X Chef's toy X
美客 . 丽思 009


Buddha's-Hand Series Plus


Buddha's-Hand Series is a kind of element based on The Oriental Buddhist Culture--The gesture of Buddha’s hand.

我们从众多的佛手姿势里面,通过甄选、提炼出极简的线条,在产品结构形态的设计上,运用这种线条勾画出独特 的视觉美感。你可以在这种美感里面,感受到一种东方文化的元素,或者是一种符号。我相信这是一种美妙的体验。

We selected the choice gesture from a host of Buddha’s hands, extracting the minimalist lines, incorporating these unique lines to the design of product structure, delineating a distinct beauty visual.

You can totally experience The Oriental Culture and symbol through all these aesthetic elements. I believe this is a wonderful experience.

我们从这种线条设计出多种不同大小、不同高度的展示架。考虑到餐厅的不同装修风格需要不同的色系,我们采用 白橡木和胡桃木两种不同色系的木材,生产出深色和浅色的产品.

We have designed buffet displays Shelf of different sizes and heights from these lines. Considering the variety decoration style of restaurants require different color scheme, we use two different colors of wood, white oak and walnut, to produce dark and light color products.

另外,我们邀请经验丰富的手工艺师傅,运用中国古老的制陶工艺,在不借助模具的情况,单纯靠手工制作不同规 格的碗和盘,和展示架配搭,组成佛手托物的一种意境的形态。这些碗和盘都是采用陶土通过高温烧制的,因为陶 土里面含有金属矿物质,所以在高温烧制的情况下,釉面能够自然呈现一些深褐色的斑点,但是我们不认为这些斑 点会影响到产品古朴、自然的质感,因为他们都是古朴的、独一无二的。

Furthermore, we had invited the experienced artisans, using the ancient Chinese crockery making-craft, creating various hand-made specifications of Bowl and dishes without any help of mold—by handmade purely, to match with the buffet display Shelf, incorporating the artistic of Buddha’s hand.

The Bowls and plates are made of clay and calcined through high temperature. The clay containing metal material, which may cause some natural brown spots on the surface of glaze after the high temperature calcine.

But we don't think these spots will affect the aesthetics and natural texture of the product, since they are what they are: primitive simplicity and unique.

美客 . 丽思 010
美客 . 丽思 011

Bowl pottery, Firing at high temperature, hand made,Red.

item 10354-2-004




size/cm Ø12 x 4 cm Ø20 x 6 cm Ø26 x 7.5 cm content /ml 160ml 900ml 1900ml
12 cm
item 81125-1
Ø12 x
Stand walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
81126-1 size/cm Ø12 x 12
美客 . 丽思 012
Stand Oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
size/cm 9.5 x 6.5 x 4.5 cm
Miniature glass bowl glass, transparent, hand made,70ml .
item 311141
NEW item 10354-2-001 10358-2-001 10355-2-001 size/cm Ø12 x 4 cm Ø20 x 6 cm Ø26 x 7.5 cm content /ml 160ml 900ml 1900ml
Bowl pottery, Firing at high temperature, hand made,White.
10358-2-005 10355-2-005 size/cm Ø12 x 4 cm Ø20 x 6 cm Ø26 x 7.5 cm content /ml 160ml 900ml 1900ml NEW 美客 . 丽思 013
Bowl pottery, Firing at high
hand made,Red.

All New Chef’s Toy B –– Plus

美客 . 丽思 014
美客 . 丽思 015
美客 . 丽思 016

Riser 1/4

Cooling Tray 1/4

Tray 1/4

Riser 1/4

ash wood, matt black paint, food safe sealed, visible wood grain, not dishwasher-safe.

item 810056-B-4 size/cm 26.5x18.5x7.7cm

Riser 1/4

oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Platter 1/4

walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 412315-C size/cm

walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.natural stone,nylon, blue, non-toxic cooling gel ,PC.clear.

walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe, natural stone two round hole ,PC.clear.

Cooling Tray 1/4

ash wood, matt black paint, food safe sealed, visible wood grain, not dishwasher-safe.natural stone,nylon, blue, non-toxic cooling gel ,PC.clear.

item 810055-B-4C size/cm

Tray 1/4

ash wood, matt black paint, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe, natural stone two round hole ,PC.clear.

Cooling Tray 1/4

oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe,natural stone,nylon, blue, non-toxic cooling gel ,PC.clear.

Tray 1/4

oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe,natural stone two round hole ,PC.clear.

Platter 1/4

natural stone, food safe,0.6-0.8cm thick,two round hole version rectangular item 412315A size/cm 23x15cm

natural stone, food safe,0.6-0.8cm thick. version rectangular

810056-4 size/cm
item 810056-W-4 size/cm
size/cm 26.5x18.5x6cm
item 810055-4C
item 810055-4D size/cm
size/cm 26.5x18.5x6cm
item 810055-W-4C size/cm 26.5x18.5x6cm
item 810055-W-4D size/cm 26.5x18.5x6cm
美客 . 丽思 017

Chef's toy D —Plus

美客 . 丽思 018
美客 . 丽思 019

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..

Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..

Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..

Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Cloche item 50071-4 size/cm Ø16.5 x 16.5 cm
item 50071-3 size/cm Ø14.5 x 14.5cm
item 50071-1 size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm
item 50071-2 size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
item 831808 size Ø 18 x 8.5 cm
item 831607 size Ø16 x 7.8 cm
item 831406 size Ø14 x 6.8 cm
item 831205 size Ø12 x 5.8 cm item 50071-4-H size/cm Ø16.5 x 16.5cm item 50071-3-H size/cm Ø14.5 x 14.5cm item 50071-2-H size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm
item 50071-1-H size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm
. 丽思 020
美客 . 丽思 021

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 81129-1 size Ø12.5 x 2 cm


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 81129-2 size Ø14.5 x 2 cm

Bowl oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 831205 size Ø12 x 5.8 cm


oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 831406 size Ø14 x 6.8 cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..

item 50071-3 size/cm Ø14.5 x 14.5cm


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..

item 50071-4 size/cm Ø16.5 x 16.5 cm


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 81129-3 size Ø16.5 x 2 cm


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 81129-4 size Ø 19 x 2 cm


oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 831607 size Ø16 x 7.8 cm


oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 831808 size Ø 18 x 8.5 cm

item 50071-1 size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm
item 50071-2 size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW item 50071-4-H size/cm Ø16.5 x 16.5cm item 50071-3-H size/cm Ø14.5 x 14.5cm item 50071-2-H size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm
item 50071-1-H size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm
. 丽思 022

Smoke cloche


Smoke cloche


Smoke cloche



Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81129-2

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 81129-3 size

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


81129-4 size Ø 19 x 2 cm
x 2 cm
size Ø14.5 x 2
size Ø12.5 x 2 cm NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW item 50071-4-H size/cm Ø16.5 x 16.5cm item 50071-3-H size/cm Ø14.5 x 14.5cm item 50071-2-H size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81129-1
item 50071-1-H size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm
Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.
Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.
Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.
美客 . 丽思 023

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe. item 50070-1-H size/cm Ø20.8 x 17 cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe. item 50070-4-H

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
81129-6 size
28.5 x 2
Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81129-5 size Ø 23.5 x 2 cm
size Ø 33 x 2 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81129-7
size Ø 38.5 x 2 cm
Ø 28.5 x 2
Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81129-8
safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81129-6 size
cm item 50070-5-H size/cm Ø36.1 x
size/cm Ø30.9 x 23 cm
item 50070-2-H size/cm Ø25.9
item 50070-2-H size/cm Ø25.9 x 19.5 cm
美客 . 丽思 024

oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 831808 size Ø 18 x 8.5 cm
item 831607 size Ø16 x 7.8 cm
Bowl oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
item 831406 size Ø14 x 6.8 cm
Bowl oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
item 831205 size Ø12 x 5.8 cm NEW NEW NEW NEW item 50071-4-H size/cm Ø16.5 x 16.5cm item 50071-3-H size/cm Ø14.5 x 14.5cm item 50071-2-H size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm
Bowl oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe. item 50071-1-H size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm
Smoke cloche Polycarbonate,transparent,
Smoke cloche
Smoke cloche
美客 . 丽思 025
Smoke cloche Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.
Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe. Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.


item 50070-1-H size/cm Ø20.8 x 17 cm

Bowl oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 832310 size Ø 23 x 10.5 cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.


item 50070-2-H size/cm Ø25.9 x 19.5 cm

Bowl oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 832813 size Ø 28 x 13 cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.



50070-4-H size/cm Ø30.9 x 23 cm

Bowl oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 833207 size Ø 32.5 x 7 cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.



50070-2-H size/cm Ø25.9 x 19.5 cm

Bowl oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 832806 size Ø 28 x 6.5 cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.



50070-5-H size/cm Ø36.1 x 24.5 cm


oak, hand made, the surface texture resembles old bark, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 833808 size Ø 38 x 8 cm

美客 . 丽思 026

Chef's toy X

Designed By Mixed Element

Small batch high quality special design

Serving Dishes

Sharing Platters

Bento Boxes

Bread Baskets

In-Room Amenity Dishes

美客 . 丽思 027

厨师玩具X系列是建立在模块化设计的基础上重新为桌面用品设计的组合系列,可以理 解为我们多年来对模块化设计的理解的一种浓缩、也是 一种全新的诠释。

我们提倡“一物多用”,在托盘作为基础盘的前提下,设计了多款不同形状、不同规格 的陶瓷器皿、玻璃制品、天然石材和木制品,它们相互之间是有微妙的关系,是可以 灵活互动地在基础盘里面做出不同的搭配呈现出不同的功能性组合,他的功能性可以 覆盖到Serving Dishes、Sharing Platters、Bento Boxes、Bread Baskets、In-Room Amenity Dishes,

考虑在疫情期间,如何帮助客户为顾客提供更加安全、卫生的食物,是我们需要在设计 方面再次解决的问题,所以,我们特地设计透明罩子用于盖住托盘,防止托盘里面的食 物和外界的接触,尽量保证食物能够安全、卫生地送到顾客前面。

创始人&产品高级顾问 Founder & Senior Product Consultant

. 丽思 028

Chef toy X series is based on Building Block Design, redesigned a combination-series for the tableware products. It can be understood as a condensed and a new interpretation of our concept of on Building Block Design over the years.

We advocate “one thing multi-purpose”, under the premise of tray as the base plate, designed a number of different shapes, different specifications of ceramic ware, glass products, natural stone and wood products. They have a subtle relationship with each other, and can be flexibly interactive in the base plate to make different collocation and present different functions. Its functionality can cover the Serving Dishes, Sharing Platters, Bento Boxes, Bread Baskets, and in-room Amenity Dishes.

Thinking about how to help user provide safer and healthier food for the customers during the epidemic is something we need to address again in terms of design. Therefore, we specially designed transparent cover to cover the tray, prevent the food in the tray from contacting with the outside, and try our best to ensure that the food can be delivered to customers in a safe and hygienic way.

创始人&产品高级顾问 Founder & Senior Product Consultant 美客 . 丽思 029


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

hardened glass,Dark grey.


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


walnut,food safe sealed,


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.



walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


walnut, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

walnut,food safe sealed, not

item 810095-2 size/cm 32 x 22 x 4cm
NEW item 810095-3 size/cm 42 x 32 x 4cm
NEW item 810095-4 size/cm 42 x 32 x 7cm Tray
safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. NEW item 810081 size/cm 22 x 22 x 4cm
NEW item 810082 size/cm 22 x 22 x 7cm
dishwasher-safe. NEW item 810082-A size/cm 21.8 x 21.8 x 5.5cm
item 810081-A size/cm 21.8 x 21.8 x 2.5cm
item 810095-C size/cm 32 x 22 x 2 cm
not dishwasher-safe.
item 810081-C size/cm 22 x 22 x 2 cm
safe sealed,
hardened glass,Dark grey. NEW
item 810095-1 size/cm 32 x 22 x 7cm
NEW item 8352203 size/cm 35.5 x 22 x 31 cm
NEW item 8222203 size/cm 25 x 22 x 31 cm
not dishwasher-safe. NEW item 500035-2 size/cm 31 x 21 x 6 cm
Tray walnut, food safe sealed,
item 500036-2 size/cm 41 x 31 x 6 cm
Cover Acrylic,Transparent High quality transmittance NEW
item 500036-1 size/cm 41 x 31 x 10 cm
Cover Acrylic,Transparent High quality
transmittance NEW item 500035-1 size/cm 31 x 21 x 10 cm
Cover Acrylic,Transparent High quality
NEW item 50095-2 size/cm 30 x 20 x 0.1 cm
Cover Acrylic,Transparent High quality transmittance
grade. NEW item 50095-3 size/cm 40 x 30 x 0.1 cm
item 50095-1 size/cm 20 x 20 x 0.1 cm
Pad Silicone matte black, food
Pad Silicone matte black, food grade. NEW
NEW item 50095-4 size/cm 30 x 30 x 0.1 cm
美客 . 丽思 030
Pad Silicone matte black, food grade.
Pad Silicone matte black, food grade. NEW

Base walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. with 9 cavities,(Ø 3 cm)


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. with 16 cavities,(Ø 2.5 cm)


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. with 36 cavities,(Ø 1.5 cm)

walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. with 3 cavities.


x 10 x 12 cm

walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. with 4 cavities,(Ø 0.3 cm)

NEW Bowl china,white, Firing at high temperature.

china,white, Firing at high temperature.


china,white, Firing at high temperature.

item 810083-1 item 810083-2 item 810090 item 810091 size/cm 20 x 20 x 1.5 cm size/cm 20 x 10 x 1.5 cm size/cm 20 x 10 x 1.5 cm size/cm 20 x 10 x 1.5 cm
Base Base Base Base
item 810084-1 size/cm 20 x 20 x 1.5 cm
size/cm 20
item 810085-1
x 20 x 1.5 cm
NEW item
size/cm 20 x 20 x 1.5 cm
item 10380-4 size 9.8 x 9.8 x 2.5 cm
item 10380-8 size 6.4 x 6.4 x 5.5 cm
china,white, Firing at high temperature.
item 10380-7 size 6.4 x 6.4 x 2.5 cm
at high temperature.
item 10380-6 size 12.8 x 6.4 x 2.5 cm
item 10380-5 size 9.8 x 9.8 x 2.5 cm
china,white, Firing at high temperature.
china,white, Firing
NEW Plate
NEW Plate
item 10380-9 size Ø10.5 x 5.7 cm NEW
item 10380-1 size 19.8 x 19.8 x 2.5 cm NEW china,white, Firing at high temperature. Plate item 10380-2 size 19.8 x 9.8 x 2.5 cm NEW
china,white, Firing at high temperature. Plate item 10380-3 size 12.8 x 12.8 x 2.5 cm
china,white, Firing at high temperature.
美客 . 丽思 031
walnut,oil,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810063 size

810082 Tray 1pc

810088 Base 1pc

810081-C Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 032

810082 Tray 1pc

810084-1 Base 1pc

810081-C Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 033

810082 Tray 1pc

810082-A Partition 1pc

810081-C Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 034

8222203 Box 1pc

810082 Tray 1pc

810082-A Partition 1pc

50095-1 Pad 2pcs

10380-1 Plate 1pc

10380-4 Plate 4pcs

810081-C Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 035

810081 Tray 1pc

810088 Base 1pc

810081 Tray 1pc

810081-A Partition 1pc

50095-1 Pad 1pc

10380-4 Plate 4pcs

美客 . 丽思 036
810095-2 Tray 1pc 50095-2 Pad 1pc
美客 . 丽思 037
10380-2 Plate 3pcs

8352203 Box 1pc

810095-1 Tray 1pc

50095-2 Pad 1pc

810083-1 Base 1pc

810090 Base 1pc

500035-2 Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 038

810081 Tray 1pc

810090 Base 1pc

810083-2 Base 1pc

810095-2 Tray 1pc

810083-1 Base 1pc

810090 Base 1pc

美客 . 丽思 039

810095-2 Tray 1pc

810083-1 Base 1pc

810063 Box 1pc

50095-2 Pad 1pc

10380-4 Plate 1pc

美客 . 丽思 040

810081 Tray 1pc

810083-2 Base 1pc

810063 Box 1pc

50095-1 Pad 1pc

10380-4 Plate 1pc


美客 . 丽思

810081 Tray 1pc

810083-2 Base 1pc

810063 Box 1pc

50095-1 Pad 1pc

10380-4 Plate 1pc

美客 . 丽思 042

810095-2 Tray 1pc

810083-1 Base 1pc

810063 Box 1pc

50095-2 Pad 1pc

10380-4 Plate 1pc

美客 . 丽思 043

810095-2 Tray 1pc

810083-1 Base 1pc

50095-2 Pad 1pc

10380-4 Plate 2pcs

810081 Tray 1pc

810083-2 Base 1pc

50095-1 Pad 1pc

10380-4 Plate 2pcs

美客 . 丽思 044

810095-2 Tray 1pc

810088 Base 1pc

50095-2 Pad 1pc

10380-2 Plate 1pc

810095-2 Tray 1pc

810084-1 Base 1pc

50095-2 Pad 1pc

10380-2 Plate 1pc

美客 . 丽思 045

8352203 Box 1pc

50095-2 Pad 1pc

10380-1 Plate 1pc

10380-2 Plate 1pc

500035-2 Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 046

810095-2 Tray 1pc

50095-2 Pad 1pc

10380-1 Plate 1pc

10380-4 Plate 2pcs

500035-2 Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 047

810095-4 Tray 1pc

50095-4 Pad 1pc

10380-1 Plate 1pc

10380-9 Bowl 1pc

810083-2 Base 1pc

311147-2 Cup 1pc

311147-C Cover 1pc

500036-1 Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 048

810095-3 Tray 1pc

50095-3 Pad 1pc

10380-1 Plate 1pc

810083-1 Base 1pc

810090 Base 1pc

311147-2 Cup 1pc

311147-C Cover 1pc

美客 . 丽思 049

Salt,pepper,oil,Snack Display Solution

美客 . 丽思 050
美客 . 丽思 051
美客 . 丽思 052
美客 . 丽思 053
美客 . 丽思 054


safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Cover glass,transparent, hand made.

Cover silicone,white.

Cover silicone,crimson.


Bowl glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200

Bottle glass, transparent.

Spoon Shells, highly polishe.


hand made, Firing at high temperature, Red.

Bowl pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, Blue. size

Bowl pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, White.

Bowl mineral mixture,off white.

Bowl mineral mixture, dark grey.

item 311156 size 150ml
item 311156-W size Ø 2 x 2.5 cm
item 311156-R size Ø 2 x 2.5 cm
item 500020-2 size/cm L9 cm
item 830804-A size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
not dishwasher-safe. item 830804-W size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 311147-1 311147 311147-2 size/cm Ø 7.5 x 5 cm Ø 7.5 x 7 cm Ø 7.5 x 11.5 cm content /ml 90ml 150ml 250ml
safe sealed,
NEW NEW NEW NEW item 311147-C size/cm Ø 8.3 x 1.2 cm
°C to +400 °C.
NEW Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8191802-1 size 19.3 x 18.3 x 2.2cm
oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8191802-2 size 19.3 x 18.3 x 2.2cm
item 430804-W size Ø 8 x 4 cm
item 430804-G size Ø 8 x 4 cm
item 10370-2-002 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 10370-2-001 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
item 10370-2-003
Ø 8.5 x 5 cm 美客 . 丽思 055
美客 . 丽思 056
美客 . 丽思 057
美客 . 丽思 058
美客 . 丽思 059
美客 . 丽思 060

Bowl oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Cover glass,transparent, hand made.

Cover silicone,white.

Cover silicone,crimson.

Bottle glass, transparent.


hand made, Firing at high temperature, Red.

Bowl pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, Blue.


Bowl mineral mixture,off white.


Shells, highly polishe.

Bowl mineral mixture, dark grey.


item 311156 size 150ml
item 311156-W size Ø 2 x 2.5 cm
item 311156-R size Ø 2 x 2.5 cm
item 500020-2 size/cm L9 cm
item 830804-A size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 830804-W size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 311147-1 311147 311147-2 size/cm Ø 7.5 x 5 cm Ø 7.5 x 7 cm Ø 7.5 x 11.5 cm content /ml 90ml 150ml 250ml
from -200 °C to +400 °C. NEW NEW NEW NEW item 311147-C size/cm Ø 8.3 x 1.2 cm
Bowl glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8251802-1 size 25.5 x 18.2 x 2.2 cm
oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8251802-2 size 25.5 x 18.2 x 2.2 cm
item 430804-W size Ø 8 x 4 cm
item 430804-G size Ø 8 x 4 cm
item 10370-2-002 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 10370-2-001 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
item 10370-2-003
pottery hand made, Firing
high temperature, White.
size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm 美客 . 丽思 061
美客 . 丽思 062


Bowl oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Bowl pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, Red.


Bowl pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, White.

Bowl mineral mixture,off white.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Spoon Shells, highly polishe.



Bowl mineral mixture, dark grey.

item 8181102-1 size 18.5 x 11.5 x 2.2 cm
item 8181102-2 size 18.5 x 11.5 x 2.2 cm
item 500020-2 size/cm L9 cm
item 830804-A size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
item 830804-W size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 311147-1 311147 311147-2 size/cm Ø 7.5 x 5 cm Ø 7.5 x 7 cm Ø 7.5 x 11.5 cm content /ml 90ml 150ml 250ml
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
from -200 °C to +400 °C. NEW NEW NEW NEW item 311147-C size/cm Ø 8.3 x 1.2 cm
glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant
glass,transparent, hand made. NEW
item 430804-W size Ø 8 x 4 cm
item 430804-G
Ø 8 x 4 cm
item 10370-2-002 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 10370-2-001 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
item 10370-2-003
made, Firing at high temperature, Blue. size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm 美客 . 丽思 063

Bottle glass, transparent.

Cover silicone,white.

Cover silicone,crimson.

Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 8181402-1 size

18.5 x 14 x 2.2 cm
item 8181402-2 size
18.5 x 14 x 2.2
item 311156 size 150ml
size Ø 2 x 2.5 cm
item 311156-R size Ø 2 x 2.5 cm 美客 . 丽思 064






oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8181802-2 size 18.5 x 18.5 x 2.2cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8181802-1 size 18.5 x 18.5 x 2.2cm
oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 830804-A size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 830804-W size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 311147-1 311147 311147-2 size/cm Ø 7.5 x 5 cm Ø 7.5 x 7 cm Ø 7.5 x 11.5 cm content /ml 90ml 150ml 250ml
glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400 °C. NEW NEW NEW NEW item 311147-C size/cm Ø 8.3 x 1.2 cm Cover glass,transparent, hand made. NEW NEW NEW
mineral mixture,off white. item 430804-W size Ø 8 x 4 cm
mineral mixture, dark grey. item 430804-G size Ø 8 x 4 cm
pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, Red. item 10370-2-002 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 10370-2-001 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
temperature, White. item 10370-2-003
hand made, Firing at high
pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, Blue. size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm 美客 . 丽思 065
美客 . 丽思 066
美客 . 丽思 067
美客 . 丽思 068






natural stone,
item 414010A size 40 x 10 x 1.2 cm
food safe.
item 81130-W size 31.5 x 10.5 x 2.2 cm
safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
item 81130 size 31.5 x 10.5 x 2.2 cm
Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
not dishwasher-safe. item 830804-A size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
safe sealed,
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 830804-W size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 311147-1 311147 311147-2 size/cm Ø 7.5 x 5 cm Ø 7.5 x 7 cm Ø 7.5 x 11.5 cm content /ml 90ml 150ml 250ml Bowl glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400 °C. NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW item 311147-C size/cm Ø 8.3 x 1.2 cm
sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81131-W size Ø 7.5 x 4.5 cm
oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81131 size Ø 7.5 x 4.5 cm
hand made.
mineral mixture,off
item 430804-W size Ø 8 x 4 cm
mineral mixture, dark grey. item 430804-G size Ø 8 x 4 cm
pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, Red. item 10370-2-002 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 10370-2-003
pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, Blue. size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm item 10370-2-001 size Ø 8.5 x 5 cm
pottery hand made, Firing at high temperature, White. 美客 . 丽思 069
美客 . 丽思 070

Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Bowl glass,transparent.

item 311126 size/cm 5 x 5 x 5 cm content /ml 60ml
item 81133-W-1 size 11.9 x 6.2 x 2 cm
item 81133-1 size 11.9 x 6.2 x 2 cm
item 81133-4 size 11.9 x 11.9 x 2 cm
item 81133-W-4 size 11.9 x 11.9 x 2 cm
item 81133-5 size 17.6 x 17.6 x 2 cm
item 81133-W-5 size 17.6 x 17.6 x 2 cm
item 81133-2 size 17.6 x 6.2 x 2 cm
item 81133-W-2 size 17.6 x 6.2 x 2 cm
item 81133-3 size 23.3 x 6.2 x 2 cm
item 81133-W-3 size 23.3 x 6.2 x 2 cm NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 美客 . 丽思 071
美客 . 丽思 072



Stone Bowl natural marble,chequered with black and white,hand made,complete polished


Stone Bowl white marble,hand made, complete polished.

Spoon walnut,food safe sealed, not

not dishwasher-safe. item 8181402-2 size 18.5 x 14 x 2.2 cm
oak,food safe sealed,
item 8181402-1 size 18.5 x 14 x 2.2 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
item 41116-1 size/cm Ø7x4.5 content /ml 65ml
item 41116-2 size/cm Ø7x4.5 content /ml 65ml
polishe. item 500020-2 size/cm L9 cm item 81121 size/cm 2.5 x 12.5 cm
Shells, highly
美客 . 丽思 073


Walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe,White marble. item 810015-W-1 size 15 x 15 x 3 cm
Mini pastry/cake stand
Walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe,White marble. item 810015-W-2 size 15 x 15 x 5.3 cm
Mini pastry/cake stand
safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe,White marble. item 810015-W-3 size 15 x 15 x 7.6 cm NEW NEW NEW
Mini pastry/cake stand
美客 . 丽思 074
Oak and ash ,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe,White marble. item 810015-1 size 15 x 15 x 3 cm
Mini pastry/cake stand
Oak and ash ,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe,White marble. item 810015-2 size 15 x 15 x 5.3 cm
Mini pastry/cake stand
and ash ,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe,White marble. item 810015-3 size 15 x 15 x 7.6 cm NEW NEW NEW 美客 . 丽思 075
Mini pastry/cake stand
item 831709 size/cm Ø17 x 9 cm Mini pastry/cake stand Walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. Cloche glass,transparent, hand made. item 311042 size/cm Ø15 x 19cm Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.
美客 . 丽思 076
item 311036 size/cm Ø15 x 23cm
美客 . 丽思 077 美客 . 丽思


The toughness of products' surface is close to that of a diamond, performing a protective effect.

Stone bowl white marble,hand made, complete polished.

Stone bowl

natural marble,chequered with black and white,hand made,complete polished. item 41116-1

Non-slip base

silicone,white,for inlaying/stacking of the china or glass series.

Non-slip base

silicone, black, for inlaying/stacking of the china or glass series.

item 500010



Plate glass stone mixture,white, highly polishedsurface by hand.
size Ø30.5CM Ø28CM
311136-1 311136-2 311136-3
Plate glass stone mixture,white, highly polishedsurface by hand.
item 311137 size 32 x 32CM
Plate glass stone mixture,white, highly polishedsurface by hand.
311138 size 32 x 11CM
size/cm Ø7x4.5 content /ml 65ml
item 41116-2
size/cm Ø7x4.5 content /ml 65ml
size/cm Ø8.5 x 2cm
item 500009
size/cm Ø8.5 x 2cm
. 丽思 078
item 810066-A size/cm 12.5 x 12.5 cm
stainless steel 18/8, brushed. item 810066-R size/cm 12.5 x 12.5 cm
item 810066-W size/cm 14.2 x 14.2 x 9.2 cm
item 810066 size/cm 14.2 x 14.2 x 9.2 cm Box wood
stainless steel 18/8, rose gold,brushed.
Box walnut, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
bowl glass,transparent, hand made. item 311059-2 size/cm Ø12 x 7.5cm content /ml 720ml
glass,transparent, hand made. item 311059-2 size/cm Ø12 x 7.5cm content /ml 720ml 美客 . 丽思 079
Small bowl

The chef could use the box flexibly according to their needs with the partitions.

美客 . 丽思 080
美客 . 丽思 082
Board walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 83217-A-1 size 15 x 15 x 4cm NEW Board walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 83217-A-2 size 15 x 7.5 x 3cm NEW
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 83217-A-3 size 15 x 7.5 x 1.5cm NEW
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 83217-A-4 size 7.5 x 7.5 x 6cm NEW
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 83217-A-5 size 7.5 x 7.5 x 5cm NEW
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 83217-A-6 size 7.5 x 7.5 x 4cm NEW
walnut,food safe sealed,
dishwasher-safe. item 83217-A-7 size 7.5 x 7.5 x 3cm NEW
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 83217-S size 32 x 17 x 12cm NEW 美客 . 丽思 083
NEW Bowl Brass brushed.Walnut, finger printfree clear paint,not dishwasher-safe. item 832508 832006 size Ø 25 cm Ø 20 cm 美客 . 丽思 084
/ Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
81138-1 size 20 x 20 x 2.5 cm
/ Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
81138- 2 size 31 x 31 x 4 cm
/ Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81138- 4 size 52 x 52 x 7.5 cm NEW NEW
/ Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
81138- 3 size 41.5 x 41.5 x 5.5 cm NEW NEW 美客 . 丽思 085
Board / Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81138-1 size 20 x 20 x 2.5 cm Board / Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81138- 2 size 31 x 31 x 4 cm Board / Tray Board / Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81138- 3 item 81138- 4 size 41.5 x 41.5 x 5.5 cm size 52 x 52 x 7.5 cm NEW NEW NEW NEW 美客 . 丽思 086


walnut, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


81152-1 81152-2

size/cm 30 x 15 x 2.2 cm 30 x 30 x 2.2 cm
NEW 美客 . 丽思 087

Square board

Rectangle board

item 810051 810050 size/cm 25x25x2.5cm 30x30x2.5cm
oak ,oiled,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810053 810052 size/cm 40x12x2.5cm 40x25x2.5cm
oak ,oiled,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81103-1 81103-2 size/cm 25 x 15 x 4 cm 30 x 25 x 4 cm Stand walnut, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. 美客 . 丽思 088
Board walnut,oil,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810065-1 size 40 x 15.5 x 2.5 cm Box walnut,oil,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810063 size 10 x 10 x 12 cm Board walnut,oil,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810065-2 size 45 x 20 x 2.5 cm 美客 . 丽思 089
美客 . 丽思 090


item 8311702 8421402 8531402 item 8463502 8413002 8362502 size/cm 31x17x1.8cm 42x14x1.8cm 53x14x1.8cm size/cm Ø35 x 46 x 1.8cm Ø30 x 41 x 1.8cm Ø25 x 36 x 1.8cm
Board oak ,oiled,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8351502 8502002 size/cm 35 x 15.5 x 1.8cm 50.5 x 20 x 1.8cm Board oak ,oiled,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8353502 size/cm 35 x 35 x 1.8cm
oak ,oiled,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. oak ,oiled,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81108-1 size/cm 45 x 18 x 2 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81108-3 size/cm 45 x 12 x 2 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81108-2 size/cm 35 x 20 x 2 cm
safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. 美客 . 丽思 091
Board walnut,food
美客 . 丽思 092


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche glass,a smoke hole,transparent, hand made.

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

Mini Board

walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 8392102 size/cm 39 x 21 x 2.2cm
size/cm 13x8x1.7cm
item 81128-1
size/cm 40x21x2.2cm
item 81128-2
item 311043 size/cm Ø17 x 15cm
item 311041 size/cm Ø17 x 15cm 美客 . 丽思 093


Base walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81136 size Ø15.5 x 4.2 cm NEW
美客 . 丽思 094
item 420808C size 8 x 8 x 8cm
Stone column
natural stone,The top and bottom are highly polished, hand-carved texture on the sides all around.
item 420808W size 8 x 8 x 8cm
Stone column
White marble, interstitial grey stone, highly polished,
item 420808A size 8 x 8 x 8cm NEW NEW NEW 美客 . 丽思 095
Stone column natural stone, highly
Dish transparent acrylic item 500003 size/cm Ø 8 x 3cm Base oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81132 size 17 x 3.9 x 6 cm NEW 美客 . 丽思 096
Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8181102-1 size 18.5 x 11.5 x 2.2 cm Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 8181102-2 size 18.5 x 11.5 x 2.2 cm Spoon Shells, highly polishe. item 500020-2 size/cm L9 cm item 311147-1 311147 311147-2 size/cm Ø 7.5 x 5 cm Ø 7.5 x 7 cm Ø 7.5 x 11.5 cm content /ml 90ml 150ml 250ml Bowl glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400 °C. item 311147-C size/cm Ø 8.3 x 1.2 cm Cover glass,transparent, hand made. 美客 . 丽思 097


Box walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 802008 size 20.5 x 8 x 6.5 cm NEW
美客 . 丽思 098
美客 . 丽思 099

冰糖葫芦 bingtanghulu

item 830612 size/cm Ø6 x 12 cm
Holder walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
美客 . 丽思 100
Plate walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81134 size Ø20 x 1.5 cm NEW 美客 . 丽思 101
item 10373-1 10373-2 size L25 cm L19 cm 美客 . 丽思 102
NEW Bowl Ceramic,white , handmade, fired twice at high temperature.

Because the glassware is made by hand, there are inevitably some bubbles inside products.

Bowl glass,transparent,hand made, 80ml.

item 311140 size 9.3 x 5.5 x 6.5cm

美客 . 丽思 103

Small bowl glass,transparent,inside with sanded finish, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400 °C. item

Small bowl glass,transparent, hand made. item

Cover glass,transparent, hand made.


size/cm Ø12 x 7.5cm
size/cm Ø12 x 7.5cm content /ml 720ml
美客 . 丽思 104
311059-C size/cm Ø12.8 x 1.5cm
-200 °C
+400 °C. item 311035-1 311035-2 311035-3 size/cm Ø9 x 7cm Ø13 x 9cm Ø13.5 x 13cm content /ml 150ml 320ml 1050ml
Bowl glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from
item 3110006 size/cm Ø4.2 x 10.5 cm content /ml 50ml 美客 . 丽思 105
Glass cone transparent glass,hand made.

竹节杯子 Bamboo Cups

竹子系列的双层杯子,设计灵感来源于竹子的竹节和“堆叠” 的概念。

The bamboo series of double glass cups are inspired by bamboo's joints and concept of "stack".

我们设计了三款相同口径、不同高度的杯子。他们相互之间是 可以堆叠起来,就像竹子的竹节一样,一段连接一段。可以根 据你出品的要求,灵活多变地做出不同的设计。

We designed three different height cups of the same caliber. They can be stacked up on top of each other, just like the bamboo joints, one by one. You can make different design according your requirements.

另外,我们设计了一个玻璃盖子。这个玻璃盖子可以适合这个 系列每个规格的杯子,它能在F&B提供服务之前,最大保障食 物的安全。也能让客人在享用美食之前,从玻璃盖子外欣赏到 美食的形态和色彩。

in addition, we designed a glass cover. This glass cover can be fitted to every size of the cup of this series, guarantee the maximum food safety before the service of F&B. It also allows guests to appreciate the shape and color of the food from the outside of the glass cover before enjoying it.

你也可以在玻璃盖子上面放上食物,和下面的玻璃杯子搭配成 一种美食的组合。

You can also put food on top of the glass cover to create a gastronomic combo with the glass cup below.

美客 . 丽思 106
item 311147-1 311147 311147-2 size/cm Ø 7.5 x 5 cm Ø 7.5 x 7 cm Ø 7.5 x 11.5 cm content /ml 90ml 150ml 250ml Bowl glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400 °C. item 311147-C size/cm Ø 8.3 x 1.2 cm Cover glass,transparent, hand made. 美客 . 丽思 107


size/cm Ø4.5x6.7cm Ø4.6x9.2cm . 丽思 108

Drink holder

glass,transparent,hand made, with 4 cavities,(Ø 4.7 cm).

item 311150 size/cm 23.5 x 6 x 3cm

content /ml 50ml 90ml

Cup glass,transparent. item 311122-1 311122-2

Because the glassware is made by hand, there are inevitably some bubbles inside products.

Miniature glass plate glass, transparent,.hand made.

item 311131

Miniature glass plate glass, transparent,.hand made. item 311132

Cup glass ,50ml/200ml.

item 311128-1


size/cm Ø 4.4 x 6.1 cm Ø6.9 x 8.5 cm
9 x 2.2 cm
size/cm 9.5 x 9.5 x 2.2 cm
丽思 109
美客 .


Bowl glass,transparent.

Plate Plate natural stone, food safe, 0.6-0.8cm thick. Quartz Quartz

Tray walnut,oil,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810064 size

Mini meal cover glass,transparent, hand made.

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

Plate natural stone,with 1 round sockets, Smooth surface.

Plate natural stone,with 1 round sockets, Smooth surface.

item 41171

Smoke cloche glass,a smoke hole,transparent, hand made.

item 311106 size/cm Ø13 x 10cm

item 311126 size/cm 5 x 5 x 5 cm content /ml 60ml
31.5 x 12
item 412010A item 41181-B-2 item 41181-B-1 size/cm 20 x 10cm size/cm 20 x 10 x 2.5 cm size/cm 20 x 20 x 2.5 cm
size/cm 19 x 15 x 1.6cm
item 41170
size/cm 24.5 x 19 x 1.6cm
item 311105 size/cm Ø13 x 10cm
NEW NEW 美客 . 丽思 110
item 311069 size/cm Ø10 x 8cm

Design No. 41150 is inspired by Chinese hearth and is made of natural stone, which Chinese traditional handcraft makes it as a whole without any joints, and the Himalayan salt stone on top can be heated or be as decorative plate of sushi.

美客 . 丽思 111
Stone hearth natural stone. item 41150 size/cm 17.5 x 11 x 10cm Plate himalayan salt plate. item 41150-A size/cm 10x10x2.5cm
美客 . 丽思 112
Plate Quartz . item 41150-B size/cm 10x10x2.5cm

Spoon shells, highly polishe.

Dinner plate natural stone, rectangular,smooth surface.

Stone bowl white marble,hand made, complete polished.

Stone bowl

Dinner plate

Dinner plate

version rectangular rectangular rectangular rectangular

Dinner plate

item 500020 size/cm L12cm item 422020A 422525A 423030A 424040A size/cm 20x20 25x25 30x30 40x40
item 432020A 432525A 433030A 434040A size/cm Ø20 Ø25 Ø30 Ø40
natural stone, food safe, with rubber feet, approx 0.5-0.7cm thick. version square square square square
natural stone,
item 412816A 413020A 413521A 414030A size/cm 28x16 30x20 35x21 40x30
food safe, with rubber feet, approx 0.6-0.8cm thick.
round round round round
natural stone, food safe, with rubber feet, approx 0.6-0.8cm thick.
item 41162 size/cm 15 x 7 x 2cm
item 41116-2 size/cm Ø7x4.5 content /ml 65ml
item 41116-1 size/cm Ø7x4.5 content /ml 65ml 美客 . 丽思 113
natural marble,chequered with black and white,hand made,complete polished.



Hand-made with slight errors in dimensions

Bowl white china,handcrafted,the side is stone texture,double walled.

Bowl white china,hand made,two gaps of this product can be used to place a fork or a spoon.



item 10298 10299 size 11 x 9 x 7cm 16 x 12 x 7cm content /ml 40ml 80ml
item 10347 size 10.5 x 9 x 5 cm content /ml 140ml
item 10229 size/cm Ø7 x 3.5cm content /ml 75ml
Small bowl white new bone china.
item 10341 size/cm Ø7.5 x 5.5cm content /ml 180ml
white ,china.
item 10147 size Ø6.5X7cm content /ml 135ml
china, white.
. 丽思 114


Hand-made with slight errors in dimensions


Pottery,Firing at high temperature ,hand made. item 10361 size/cm Ø13.5 x 12 cm
美客 . 丽思 115

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.




Saucer walnut,water-based


walnut,water-based paint,
sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810023 size Ø 22 x 2cm
food safe
natural stone, food safe, approx 0.5cm thick. item 431313A size Ø 13cm
natural stone, food safe, approx 0.5cm thick. item 431515A size Ø 15cm
Dinner plate
natural stone, food safe, approx 0.5cm thick. item 431717A size Ø 17cm
paint, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810024 size Ø 24 x 2cm
dishwasher-safe. item 810025 size Ø 26 x 2cm
walnut,water-based paint, food safe sealed, not
item 311105 size/cm Ø13 x 10cm
item 311041 size/cm Ø17 x 15cm
item 311042 size/cm Ø15 x 19cm
item 311036 size/cm Ø15 x 23cm 美客 . 丽思 117

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.


Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

item 311153-1 size/cm Ø19 x 18cm
hand made.
item 311153-2 size/cm Ø24.5 x 18cm
base walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81110-3 size Ø 18.5 x 4.3 cm
base walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81110-4 size Ø 21 x 4.3 cm
base walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81110-5 size Ø 26 x 4.3 cm
item 311041 size/cm Ø17 x 15cm
base oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81110-A-4 size Ø 21 x 4.3 cm
base oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81110-A-5 size Ø 26 x 4.3 cm NEW NEW Stacking base oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 81110-A-3 size Ø 18.5 x 4.3 cm NEW item 300026-G size/cm Ø 24.8 cm
glass, dark grey,3mm thick. item 300025-G size/cm Ø 19.8 cm
glass, dark grey,3mm thick. NEW NEW item 300024-G size/cm Ø 17.3 cm
Platter hardened
Platter hardened
hardened glass, dark grey,3mm thick. NEW
. 丽思 118

Smoke cloche

glass,a smoke hole,transparent, hand made. item 311106 size/cm Ø13 x 10cm

Dinner plate natural stone, food safe, approx 0.5cm thick.

Smoke cloche glass,a smoke hole,transparent, hand made. item 311044 size/cm Ø15 x 23cm

Dinner plate natural stone, food safe, approx 0.5cm thick.


walnut,water-based paint, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


walnut,water-based paint, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

glass,a smoke hole,transparent, hand made. item 311043 size/cm Ø17 x 15cm

Dinner plate natural stone, food safe, approx 0.5cm thick.


walnut,water-based paint, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

item 810023 size Ø 22 x 2cm
item 431313A size Ø 13cm
item 431515A size Ø 15cm
item 431717A size Ø 17cm
item 810024 size Ø 24 x 2cm
item 810025 size Ø 26 x 2cm
美客 . 丽思 119

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

Cloche glass,transparent, hand made.

item 311042 size/cm
x 19cm
dishwasher-safe. item 810076-1 size Ø 18 x 2.5 cm Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810076-2 size Ø 23.5 x 2.5 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.
810076-3 size Ø 28.5 x 2.5 cm
item 311036 size/cm Ø15 x 23cm Tray walnut,food safe sealed, not
item 311153-1 size/cm Ø19 x 18cm
NEW NEW NEW Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810076-A-1 size Ø 18 x 2.5 cm Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810076-A-2 size Ø 23.5 x 2.5 cm Tray oak,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. item 810076-A-3 size Ø 28.5 x 2.5 cm 美客 . 丽思 120
item 311153-2 size/cm Ø24.5 x 18cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.






walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.


walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.






walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.



walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

size/cm Ø16.5
item 50071-4
Ø14.5 x 14.5cm
item 50071-3 size/cm
item 50071-1 size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm
item 50071-2 size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
size/cm Ø16.5
item 50071-4-H
item 50071-3-H size/cm
x 14.5cm
item 50071-2-H size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm
item 50071-1-H size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm item
size/cm Ø11.7 x 5 cm
NEW item 810099-2 size/cm Ø13.7 x 5 cm
NEW item
size/cm Ø15.6 x 5 cm
NEW item
size/cm Ø17.7 x 5 cm
NEW 美客 . 丽思 121
item 81137 size/cm 32 x 9 x 42 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe. NEW 美客 . 丽思 122

Card holder

natural stone,black/brown, square, complete polished, slot width: 0.3 cm.

Card holder

white marble,hand made, complete polished, slot width: 0.4 cm.

Card holder

stainless steel 18/8, gold.

Card holder

stainless steel 18/8, matt black (high temperature,powder coated).


Card holder

Card holder

Card holder

Toothpick Box

walnut,food safe sealed, not

Sugar Box

safe sealed, not


walnut, food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.

Card holder

stainless steel 18/8, gold.

Chopstick Box

dishwasher-safe. item 810074 size 4 x 4 x 10 cm
dishwasher-safe. item 810075 size 8 x 8 x 6 cm
item 77003 77004 size/cm Ø 3.5 x 10 cm Ø 3.5 x 15 cm item 81115-W size/cm 3 x 3 x 4cm
not dishwasher-safe. item 81115-A size/cm 3 x 3 x 4cm
food safe sealed,
not dishwasher-safe. item 81115-L size/cm 5 x 2 x 2cm
food safe sealed,
not dishwasher-safe. item 81106 size/cm 13 x 13 x 7cm
food safe sealed,
item 830916 size/cm Ø 9.5 x 16.5 cm
walnut, matte paint, not dishwasher-safe,stainless steel 18/8.
item 41115 size/cm 3 x 3 x 3 cm
item 44001
8 x 7 x 1.5 cm
7 cm
item 77001 size/cm Ø 6 x
item 77002
NEW item 510806 size/cm 8.5 x 5.5cm
6 x 7 cm
NEW NEW NEW 美客 . 丽思 123
Board acrylic, transparent The acrylic plate has four magnets for easy opening and closing.



tray walnut,matte paint, not dishwasher-safe. item 8403004 8604004 size 40 x 30 x 4.5 cm 60 x 40 x 5 cm
stand walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwashersafe.Polyester nylon tape. item 8503475 size 50 x 34 x 75 cm item 81117 size/cm 45 x 15 x 5.5 cm
walnut,food safe sealed, not dishwasher-safe.stainless steel 18/8. 美客 . 丽思 124


glass,transparent,hand made.

Glass cone transparent glass,hand made.

Bowl glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400 °C.

Miniature glass bowl

glass, transparent, hand made,70ml .

Bowl / Cup

glass,transparent,inside with sanded finish, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400 °C.

Non-slip base silicone, white,black, for inlaying/ stacking of

Bottle glass, transparent.

Cover silicone,white.

Cover silicone,crimson.

Bowl tempered glass,the surface is hammer to print.

item 3110001 size/cm Ø4x8 content /ml 55ml
item 311139-1 311139-2 size/cm Ø5.5 x 5cm Ø6.9 x 6.8cm content /ml 120ml 160ml
item 311141 size/cm 9.5 x 6.5 x 4.5 cm Bowl glass,transparent,hand made, 80ml. item 311140 size 9.3 x 5.5 x 6.5cm
item 3110006 size/cm Ø4.2 x 10.5 cm content /ml 50ml
item 311058 size/cm Ø7.5 x 10.5cm content /ml 130ml item 311055 size 100ml
glass ,transparent. item 311116-3
bottle glass content /ml 1000ml
Glass bottle
item 311156 size 150ml
item 311156-W size Ø 2 x 2.5 cm
item 311156-R size Ø 2 x 2.5 cm item 311118-1 311118-2 311118-3 311118-4
content /cm Ø 4.3 x 9.8 cm Ø 5.1 x 17.5 cm Ø 6.5 x 20.5 cm Ø 9 x 26 cm content /ml 120ml 360ml 720ml 1250ml
Glass bottle glass,transparent.
item 500003 size/cm Ø 8 x 3cm
Dish transparent acrylic
item 311088 size/cm Ø11.3x7.4cm content /ml 300ml item 500009 500010 size/cm Ø8.5 x 2cm Ø8.5 x 2cm
china or glass series. 美客
丽思 125

Bowl glass,transparent.

Bowl glass,transparent.

Bowl glass,transparent.

frosted look

Cover glass,transparent, hand made.

Small bowl glass,transparent,inside with sanded finish, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400 °C.

Small bowl glass,transparent, hand made.

Cup glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400

Cocktail glass glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to


lead-free crystal glass,hand made.

Bowl glass,transparent,hand made.

frosted look

Mini meal cover glass,transparent, hand made.

Bowl / flower vase

glass,transparent, hand made, double walled,temperature resistant from -200 °C to +400

item 311133 size/cm 14 x 7.3 x 3.5 cm
3110003 size/cm 6x6x6 6x6x6 content /ml 120ml 120ml
item 311123 size 180ml
°C. item 311063 311065 size/cm Ø9 x 4.5cm Ø13 x 6.5cm content /ml 35ml 120ml
item 311126 size/cm 5 x 5 x 5 cm content /ml 60ml
°C. item 311067 size/cm Ø10.5 x 16cm content /ml 140ml
item 311014 size/cm Ø6x9cm content /ml 130ml
size/cm Ø8
item 311068
item 311080-1 311080-2 size/cm 10x10x10 10x10x10
/ml 600ml 600ml
item 311059 size/cm Ø12 x 7.5cm
content /ml
Ø12 x 7.5cm
. 丽思 126
item 311059-C size/cm
x 1.5cm 美客


glass,transparent, hand made.


glass,transparent, hand made.


glass,transparent, hand made.


glass,transparent, hand made.

Platter glass,transparent. item

Mini Meal cover

glass,transparent, hand made. item 311069

Platter glass,transparent.


glass,transparent, hand made.

Smoke cloche

glass,a smoke hole,transparent, hand made. item 311106


glass,transparent, hand made.

Smoke cloche

glass,a smoke hole,transparent, hand made.

Platter glass,transparent.

Smoke cloche

glass,a smoke hole,transparent, hand made.


glass,transparent, hand made.



glass,transparent, hand made.


item 311044 size/cm Ø15 x 23cm
item 311043 size/cm Ø17 x 15cm
size/cm Ø13 x 10cm
item 311105 size/cm Ø13 x 10cm
311041 size/cm Ø17 x 15cm
item 311042 size/cm Ø15 x 19cm
311036 size/cm Ø15 x 23cm
size/cm Ø10 x 8cm
size Ø 20 cm
size Ø 25 cm
item 311148-2
311148-3 size Ø 30 cm
size/cm Ø15 x 19cm
item 311042
size/cm Ø15 x 23cm
size/cm Ø19
item 311153-2 size/cm Ø24.5 x 18cm 美客 . 丽思 127

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.



50071-1-H size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.


Smoke cloche Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.


Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.



Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe. item

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole.



50070-1-H size/cm Ø20.8 x 17 cm

Smoke cloche

Polycarbonate,transparent, Food safe silicone smoke hole. dishwasher-safe.


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..


Polycarbonate,transparent dishwasher-safe..

item 50071-4 size/cm Ø16.5 x 16.5 cm
NEW item 50070-1 size/cm Ø20.8 x 17 cm
NEW item 50070-2 size/cm Ø25.9 x 19.5 cm
NEW item 50070-4 size/cm Ø30.9 x 23 cm
NEW item 50070-5 size/cm Ø36.1 x 24.5 cm
item 50071-3 size/cm Ø14.5 x 14.5cm
item 50071-2 size/cm Ø12.5 x 12.5cm NEW NEW
50071-1 size/cm Ø10.5 x 10.5cm NEW NEW item 50071-4-H size/cm Ø16.5 x 16.5cm item 50071-3-H size/cm Ø14.5 x 14.5cm
Ø12.5 x 12.5cm
50070-4-H size/cm Ø30.9 x 23 cm NEW
item 50070-2-H size/cm Ø25.9 x 19.5 cm
item 50070-5-H size/cm Ø36.1 x 24.5 cm
美客 . 丽思 128
END! THANK YOU! 美客 . 丽思 129



2.避免潮湿,由于木制品表面为食品级的木蜡油或水性漆封存处理,在清洗后需要用干棉布擦干后放置在通 风处,保持表面干燥不潮湿;

3.木制品的耐热性较差,在使用时要远离热源,不要放在有阳光照射或者火炉旁的地方保存,如长期在热源 附近会使木材干裂、变形;

4.木制品不要装入食物一起放入冰箱冷藏,冷藏室很干燥,而且食物长期残留在器皿里会很难清洗; 5.木制品避免被硬物划伤。

6.木板类的产品每隔一段时间在产品表面擦橄榄油之类的食用油,可以使木板更加耐用和保持完美,处于最 佳状态。

产品型号为430804-W(白色罐)、430804-G(灰色罐)、431809(灰色小号碗)、432312(灰色中号碗)、 432815(灰色大号碗)、432807 (灰色碗) 、433308 (灰色碗) 产品的日常使用清洁保养说明如下:





美客 . 丽思 130

Product Maintenance Instructions

The maintenance details for the daily use of wood products are as follows:

1. Wood products should not be washed in dishwasher, microwave oven or roaster oven. Do not leave wood products in water to avoid changing their appearance.

2. Avoid dampness and keep dry. Since the surface of wood products is sealed with food-grade wood wax or water-borne paint, use dry cotton to wipe after cleaning and try to placed in a ventilated place to keep the surface dry;

3. The heat resistance of wood products is poor, stay away from heat while using, do not put it in a place where there is sunlight or near the stove, which will easy to make the wood become dehiscent and out of shape for a long time near the heat.

4. Wood products should not be put into the refrigerator with food, as the freezer is very dry, and food remains in the container for a long time will be difficult to clean;

5. Avoid being scratched by hard objects.

6. Wood products apply olive oil and other edible oil on the surface of the products every once in a while to make the boards more durable and keep them in perfect condition.

The daily cleaning and maintenance instructions of our products are as follows: 430804-W (White bowl), 430804-G (Gray bowl), 431809 (Gray small bowl), 432312 (Gray medium bowl), 432815 (Gray large bowl), 432807 (Gray bowl), 433308 (Gray bowl),:

1. The product cannot be washed and disinfected with dishwasher;

2. Avoid using at high temperature;

3. Washing at room temperature (the water temperature is not exceeding 45° ),

4. Do not use a hard brush to clean in the process of cleaning, wipe with a wet cloth.

美客 . 丽思 131

2023-07-02 Collection

Nan Nan (Guangzhou) Technological Design Co.,Ltd

Guangzhou Nan Nan Trading Co.,Ltd B-2°,No.56.Xinji Avenue East.

Panyu -Nancun,Guangzhou ,China

Tel: +86-20-31052719




Note: All information concerning the scope of supply, product appearances, materials, services, dimensions and weights is non-binding and specified with the provison that mistakes, printing, setting and typing errors may occur; such information is subject to change without notice.


Note: All the photography works in the album are shot by our company through multiple dimming, layout and different angles. The copy right belong to our company/Mixed Element.

美客 丽思
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