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Development and Innovation: Ensures that a set of tools and approaches to implement Opportunities for Youth Employment activities is updated and adjusted to meet the required high-quality standards. Pitches innovative and relevant methodology enhancements or new products based on experience and external developments to the Global Heads of Agriculture, Energy and WASH and/or relevant stakeholders;

Advisory Services and Project Cycle management: Provides advice and support in more complex projects and programmes, including project design, backstopping, theory of change etc. Steers and gives direction to Project Managers in the sector to improve overall sector quality;


Business Development: Acts as technical lead and reviews quality of new proposals; ensures coherence in cross-cutting themes and analyses critical success factors (including Theory of Change, partners, activities and budget) in close collaboration with the Global Marketing and Business Development team;

Knowledge and Learning: Leads on innovation, translates external trends into internal improvement actions. Prepares, maintains and updates product knowledge agenda and steers organisational learning by sharing product knowledge and best practices. Collects and disseminates knowledge to stimulate internal and external knowledge exchange and to support global learning;

Quality Assurance and Portfolio Management: Monitors high quality implementation of the set of tools and approaches. Manages, with delegation from the Global Heads of Agriculture, Energy and WASH the quality of project implementation to ensure sector project teams around the globe create on the ground impact while hitting agreed revenue and margin targets. This includes regular monitoring and timely identification of deviations from impact and business targets as well as coordination of corrective and follow-up actions and escalation in case of major or prolonged deviations. Provides support to project staff to implement the product tools and approaches according to the set standard;

Profiling and positioning: Builds and expands partnerships with relevant actors (companies, research institutions, universities, donors, etc.) through professional profiling, showing SNV’s strategy, vision and level of knowledge and experience. Represents SNV at selected events. Identifies and enters global partnerships with knowledge institutes within the sector in consultation with the Heads of Agriculture, Energy and WASH.

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