Careers Beyond Academia: Options and Pathways for Researchers 2024 Booklet

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Careers conference for Oxford University research staff and DPhil students looking to explore roles beyond academia and the routes towards them.

PANEL TALKS with PhD holders and former academic researchers now working in a variety of sectors

WORKSHOPS to identify skills and strategies for optimising career preparedness

In-person NETWORKING events.

Options and Pathways for Researchers CAREERS BEYOND ACADEMIA
S p o n s o r s
18-21 March 2024

Welcome to CAREERS BEYOND ACADEMIA: Options and Pathways for Researchers

With 25 events across four packed days, we welcome you to our careers conference for research students and staff.

As researchers you possess a wealth of skills and experience making you so valuable to employers in diverse sectors outside of university research. Therefore the question is, “where do you want to go next?”.

Our programme of online panel sessions focus on sharing the advice of researchers who have recently transitioned into careers beyond academia. They will provide insights into their new career sectors and roles and outline how their academic research experience shaped their journey.

Additionally, our careers skills workshops across the conference aim to move us from ideas to action in pursuing our next career steps. From online presentations on identifying your values and goals, to translating your research skills for new sectors and creating effective applications, this programme will ensure you are confident and ready when opportunities arise. The conference culminates in a day of in-person events on networking skills – learning from those who have interviewed hundreds of career transitioners - and a panel event of recruiters who will share their advice on the dos and don’ts of applying for jobs after academia.

Finally, the Careers Fair for Researchers is your chance to meet employers who actively seek to recruit researchers. Learn more about possible sectors, organisations, and roles, and help find opportunities that align with your goals.

Whether you are taking your first steps exploring the breadth of new career possibilities open to you, or gathering deeper insights into your chosen next step, we hope you will find the conference valuable!



Monday 18 March






KEYNOTE: Weaving Your Career with the Three Most Important Threads: A Guide to Happily Leaving Academia, 09:15-10:15
From Academic Research to a Career in Arts, Culture and Heritage, 10:15 - 11:15
Research and Development in STEM, 11:30 - 12:30
Working While Having a Family (no matter what gender), 13:00-14:00
Careers in Consulting for Researchers, 14:30 - 15:30
Careers in Science Communication for Researchers, 16:00 - 17:00
19 March 14 Mental Health and Resilience: finding supportive employers and maintaining wellbeing, 09:30-10:30 15 Translating Research Skills for Non-academic Employers, 11:15-12:15 16 Careers in International Organisations, Diplomacy & Think Tanks, 12:30-13:30 18 Medical and Health Communications, 14:00-15:00 19 Professional Services and Research Support Roles in HEIs, 15:00-16:00 20 Impact Through Tech: Coding, Programming, and Consulting, 16:00-17:00 21 Choosing the (Not So) Obvious: Careers Outside the Box, 17:00-18:00
20 March 24 Things to Know about AI for Your Career, 09:00-10:00 25 CVs and Cover Letters for Roles Beyond Academia, 10:15-11:15 26 From Research to Careers in Sustainability and Environmental Policy, 11:15-12:15 27 Securing Internships and Work Experience as a DPhil Student, 12:30-13:30 28 Consulting Alongside Your Research Contract - for Research Staff, 12:30-13:30 29 Converting to a Legal Career after a PhD , 14:00-14:45 30 Patents and Intellectual Property Law, 15:00-15:45 31 From Academic Research to Finance: Quantitative Researchers, Analysts, Traders, and Consultants , 16:00-17:00 Thursday 21 March 34 The Path from PhD to Publishing , 09:00-10:00 35 Networking: How to Unlock Career Insights and Opportunities Beyond Academia, 10:15-11:15 36 “How Do I Get Hired Outside of Academia?!” Ask the Panel of Recruiters, 12:15-13:15 39 Careers Fair for Researchers, 14:00-17:00 ORGANISATIONS AT THE FAIR: 40 Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford 40 Aspire Scientific 41 Aurora Energy Research 41 Axiom Healthcare Strategies 41 Careers Service, University of Oxford 42 Candesic Ltd 42 d-fine 44 Costello Medical 44 Elsevier 45 Encode Club 45 Jane Street 46 G-Research 46 Marshall Wace Asset Management 48 Optiver 48 Oxford University Press 48 SIG Susquehanna 50 Smith Institute 50 Teach First 50 Technische Universität Braunschweig 52 Temporary Staffing Service (TSS) 52 TNG Technology Consulting UK 54 The Rosalind Franklin Institute 54 TORCH: The Oxford Centre in the Humanities

Events on




09:15 - 10:15

Considering leaving academia, but feeling anxious and unsure how to start? This presentation outlines how investing time in understanding yourself - your values, motivators, strengths - is the key first step in ensuring your next career works for you.


Dr Emma Williams is on a mission to enable researchers to take the next career step positively and proactively. Harnessing her 30+ years in and around Higher Education – from physicist to training business owner – she speaks, writes and trains on all things researcher development. Her favourite soapboxes include women’s development in Universities and encouraging researchers to investigate all things enterprising. She brings creativity, empathy and usually a large coffee to her work.

6 Monday 18 March 2024 ONLINE


10:15 - 11:15

Panel discussion featuring panellists who have successfully transitioned from doctoral and post-doctoral academic journeys to thriving careers in the Arts, Culture, and Heritage industry.


Head of Academic Partnerships, The V&A Museum

I am Head of Academic Partnerships at the V&A, where I am responsible for building a global network of higher education partners to enable the V&A to deliver its mission is to champion design and creativity in all its forms, advance cultural knowledge, and inspire makers, creators and innovators everywhere. I also hold a British Academy Innovation Fellowship through to June 2024, which will enable closer collaboration between the V&A and the National Trust.

I am a historian by training, and received my undergraduate, masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Oxford. My doctorate explored the Cult of Alfred the Great in England and America between 1640 and 1800. I joined the V&A from the University of Oxford, where I created my job of Heritage Engagement Fellow.


Archivist, Blenheim Palace

As Archivist at Blenheim Palace, I am responsible for developing and implementing procedures to manage Blenheim’s heritage and records, ensuring that their historically valuable documents and modern records are preserved and organised to the highest professional standards. I provide archival material for Blenheim’s restoration projects, exhibitions, education workshops and marketing opportunities.

I completed Classics degrees at St Anne’s, Oxford (BA), University of Bristol (MA) and Royal Holloway, University of London (PhD). I also hold an MA in Psychoanalytic Studies and a degree in Archives and Records Management (University of Dundee). I have previously worked in Public Relations and Customer Service.


Impact Project Officer (Swansea University); Project Manager (TORCH / University of Oxford); ECR-IPE Fellow (SAS)

The different roles reflect my professional background as an ancient historian and public/ community engagement specialist. The key skills involved are supporting impact that comes out of university research, evaluating knowledge exchange activities, and working towards an equitable engagement practice between universities and external communities.

I did Classical Civilisation BA degree, Ancient History for Masters and PhD - all at Swansea University. As an active researcher I explore race and ethnicity in the ancient world, investigating how the ‘Other’ is represented in ancient Greek and Roman literary sources.

Since leaving university I have organised and consulted on history and heritage projects that foster co-curation and co-production. I enjoy communicating stories of the ancient world for modern audiences through tv, radio, podcast, and interviewing writers and actors. I am a trustee of: Classics for All, the Roman Society, and Actors of Dionysus.

7 Monday 18 March 2024 ONLINE


A career in research is not just within academia. Speakers who have PhDs from disciplines across the physical and life sciences and from different industry contexts share how they continued their research beyond academia.


Scientist, Unilever

As a scientist at Unilever, I apply my expertise to solve challenges in homecare product development and drive innovation in nextgeneration ingredients. Originally from Sri Lanka, I did my DPhil in Inorganic Chemistry at Beer group, University of Oxford. There, I developed interlocked molecules for anion recognition. I then joined the University of Cambridge as a postdoc, designing systems for high-fidelity molecular replication. During my time in Oxford, I participated in many career development programmes including the Oxford strategy challenge and young entrepreneurship scheme (YES20) and I covered several leading roles in University Societies, including Vice President/ Oxford University Sri Lanka society, peer supporter and a race and ethnic minority representative / Linacre College and kids’ officer, branch up active / Oxford Hub.


Principal Scientist, MoA Technology

I am a Principal Scientist at MoA Technology, where we are looking to develop brand new herbicides to combat the ever-growing threat of herbicide resistance (similar to the spread of antibiotic resistant germs). My job primarily revolves around investigating the mode of action of herbicide candidates, by using established methods (e.g., proteomics or transcriptomics), as well as developing completely novel assays. Previously, I did my MSci in Genetics at UCL, and a DPhil in Synthetic Biology at the University of Oxford. During the latter, my research focused on building compartments inside plant cells and functionalizing these as a tool for plant synthetic biology.


Energy Modelling Analyst, Aurora Energy Research

Working in the Modelling team at Aurora’s Oxford office, my job is to develop and maintain the code we use to model electricity markets across the world and investigate potential decarbonisation pathways towards Net Zero. I love that I still get to use the same skills from my time in academia modelling cosmological structure formation under modified gravity scenarios, but now applied to one of the most urgent issues facing society. After an MPhys at Durham University, I did a PhD in Cosmology at the University of Portsmouth and then a 3-year postdoc at Queen Mary University of London.


Research Software Engineer, Rosalind Franklin Institute

As a Research Software Engineer at the Rosalind Franklin Institute, my role is to develop and maintain computational tools for processing cryo-electron tomography data. I did a BSc in Applied Physics at the Hong Kong Baptist University, and completed my MSc and PhD in Physics at the University of York (UK). My PhD research focused on the physical aspects of DNA-drug interactions. During my time at York, I had taught in various undergraduate theoretical physics courses. In particular, I had been a lab demonstrator for the Computational Physics Lab for 5 years. Throughout the years I had also been a co-investigator for 13 undergraduate (BSc/ MPhys) projects alongside my PhD supervisor. I had also been actively involved in outreach as one of our Department’s postgraduate ambassadors.

8 Monday 18 March 2024 ONLINE


Life is colourful, and a good work/life balance isn’t only defined by your work day. In this session, we discuss challenges of working while having a family and what practical steps working parents can take to manage these. This session is NOT only tailored to mothers or even those who already have a child, but is also aimed at anyone who thinks they may at one point have a family while also pursuing a career.

Careers Adviser, Oxford University Careers Service

Anne initially trained as a neuroscientist and has left academia twice by now: through the work for her first postdoc at the University of Oxford, she joined a biotech start-up company as a consultant and later scientist (2016–2017), then moved into medical communications and scientific editing (2017–2020). Subsequently, Anne undertook a second academic postdoc at Imperial College (2020–2022) before joining the University of Oxford’s professional services to support researcher development at the Medical Sciences Division. Anne then switched to the Careers Service team in 2023.

In parallel, Anne has also been delivering workshops to PhD students, postdocs, and group leaders as a freelance trainer, where she focuses on scientific communications, career-planning, project and time management, and work/life balance.

Anne specialises in working with research staff at the University of Oxford. She offers one-to-one support across all disciplines and career sectors.

9 Monday 18 March 2024 ONLINE



Whether it’s social enterprises or finance, technology or research, having impact in an area that interests you is possible through a career in consulting. PhD holders who are working in consultancy across a range of sectors share their insights.


Allen & Overy Consulting

My role as a graduate analyst at A&O Consulting is to support on a range of mandates and workstreams. The work I do is highly varied, and can be anything from research and project management to drafting pitches for client work and contributing to broader business development. I studied for a BA in Archaeology and Anthropology at Oxford and a MA in Conservation at UCL. I then returned to Oxford for a DPhil in Cognitive Archaeology, where I looked at skill, creativity and cognition in contemporary and past human interactions with clay. During my time as a research student, I was an Inclusive Teaching intern at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), where I contributed to a ‘Race and the Curriculum’ project. I also took part in two student consultancy programmes, TOSCA and the Student Consultancy.


Senior Digital Consultant, Newton Europe

As a Digital Consultant at Newton Europe, I work alongside clients to apply cutting-edge data science techniques to solve some of the biggest challenges currently facing UK industry, government, health and social care. I completed a BSc in Neuroscience at the University of St Andrews, before coming to the University of Oxford to read for an MSc in Neuroscience and a DPhil in Pharmacology (Systems Neuroscience). My thesis explored the developmental origins of sensory processing in the brain, using fluorescent imaging and microelectrode recording techniques to understand how different types of brain cells react to sensory stimuli. Prior to joining Newton, I worked in the Emerging Technologies department at IBM Research as a Research Scientist (Artificial Intelligence) and maintained a role as a visiting

researcher at the Department of Pharmacology. During this period I contributed to a wide portfolio of research spanning applications of AI in defence, pharmaceuticals, news media, and AI ethics. At university I was a choral scholar in the Choir of The Queen’s College, Oxford. I was also heavily involved in a number of committees, notably the Cortex Club (Oxford Neuroscience Society), the Oxford Foundry Student Advisory Board, and the Christ Church Graduate Common Room.


Life Sciences Strategy Consultant, AXIOM Healthcare Strategies

Ashley is a Life Sciences Consultant for biotech and pharma industry who raduated from the University of Cambridge with an undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences and PhD in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (jointly with AstraZeneca).


Manager, d-fine Ltd

As a Manager at d-fine I support financial institutions and large corporates across Europe optimizing their cash and liquidity management processes as well as the underlying IT infrastructure. I did a Diploma of Physics at ETH Zurich. During my PhD in astrophysics at EPFL in Lausanne and the observatory of Geneva I worked on determining the chemical composition of stellar atmospheres with the goal to derive a chemical evolution history of our galaxy. Joining d-fine after my academic career did not only allow me to continue working on complex and challenging projects but also gave me the opportunity to explore completely new areas and continuously diversify my knowledge.

Monday 18 March 2024 ONLINE 10




From demystifying complex scientific concepts with the aim of informing policy makers to bringing research to the wider public, effective communication of scientific ideas is vital. This session offers insights from PhD-qualified scientists in these roles.


Senior Policy Advisor, R&D Strategy & Capability, Government Office for Science

As a Senior Policy Advisor at Government Office for Science, my role is to provide strategic advice on the development of commercial science capabilities across government departments. I completed a BSc in Sports Science at Liverpool John Moores University and an MSc in Human Physiology at Kings College London. I then completed a PhD in Cardiac Physiology at University of Otago in New Zealand. Prior to joining GO-Science, I also held a two-year postdoc role at the University of Auckland, followed by a Novo Nordisk Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford. During my time in Oxford, I engaged in various innovation and entrepreneurial programs on offer including ‘Rising Wise’ and ‘Ideas to Impact’. I was also part of the Medical Sciences Industry Fellows Postdoc Network that led to myself and a colleague starting a podcast called ‘Research Co-Culture.


Careers Adviser, University of Oxford Careers Service

Chris secured a career transition beyond academia to lead science communication, public engagement, and career development work at the British Ecological Society, an international charity and learned society for research staff and students. His work there involved: organising public exhibitions, events, and large-scale school outreach programmes; delivering career development support for students and researchers; fundraising through leading applications for large and small grants and donations.

Chris has also worked as a freelance science communicator appearing as a contributor on broadcast television, and volunteers on public engagement committees for the Royal Entomological Society.


Science Communication and Research Impact Officer, University of Edinburgh

As the Science Communicator and Research Impact Officer at the University of Edinburgh, my role is to lead on the communication and impact strategy for the GroundsWell consortium. The GroundsWell consortium is a group of researchers, policy makers and community representatives working towards maximizing health and wellbeing benefits from urban green and blue spaces. I’m involved in a range of initiatives across the consortium including public engagement projects, translating academic outputs and writing impact case studies. In my route through academia I did an MSci in Biological Sciences at the University of Birmingham before doing my PhD at Durham University. My PhD was an interdisciplinary project spanning the fields of ecology, social science and education to investigate how to improve national mammal monitoring through camera trapping and citizen science. Following my PhD, I worked for the British Ecological Society for two years as the Outreach Project Officer on a project engaging over 70 schools in ecological recording, citizen science and transforming school grounds for wildlife.

Monday 18 March 2024 ONLINE 11

Events on




Uncover strategies to identify supportive employers, cultivate resilience, and strike a balance between professional and personal life.

Through interactive discussions and resource-sharing, the aim of the session is to foster a culture of mental health awareness and resilience as researhers step into the next chapter of your professional life.


Careers Adviser, Oxford University Careers Service

Callum managed a portfolio career straddling law, theatre, and luxury retail before moving into higher education administration and recruitment at Said Business School, and later careers support and advice at Oxford Careers Service. Callum has also worked closely with charities, offering valuable advice to individuals facing homelessness, poverty, and disadvantage, particularly in matters related to employment and accommodation.

In his current role as a Career Adviser, Callum is the Careers lead for Creative Careers, with a focus on creativity and innovation. In addition, Callum is the Careers lead for Disability and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion. He advises on equality and diversity barriers involving careers, with a particular emphasis on admissions & outreach and support for students with visible and non-visible disabilities. Callum runs regular 1:1 support sessions and workshops in which he provides tailored guidance to all students and researchers who identify as having a disability, neurodivergence or long-term health condition.

14 Tuesday 19 March 2024 ONLINE



Research skills and experience are valuable beyond academia - but to secure that new career role, it’s hugely important to package our experience into a format and language that employers will understand and want to see.


Careers Adviser, Oxford University Careers Service

Chris secured a career transition beyond academia to lead science communication, public engagement, and career development work at the British Ecological Society, an international charity and learned society for research staff and students. His work there involved: organising public exhibitions, events, and large-scale school outreach programmes; delivering career development support for students and researchers; fundraising through leading applications for large and small grants and donations.

Chris has also worked as a freelance science communicator appearing as a contributor on broadcast television, and volunteers on public engagement committees for the Royal Entomological Society.

15 Tuesday 19 March 2024 ONLINE



In this session, panellists cover cover topics such as, how and why they chose to work in the sector, their career journey to date, how they use their PhD/DPhil research skills in their career, trends in the sector, and more.


Research Fellow at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy

Henrik Larsen, PhD, is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy, the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), and the International Center for Defense and Security (ICDS). He was previously a researcher at the Geneva Center for Security Policy, the Center for Security Studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Harvard’s Belfer Center, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Stanford’s Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, and the Danish Institute for International Studies. His practical experience includes the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine, the United Nations in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the École Militaire in Paris, and the Russia Department of the Danish MFA.


Senior Policy Advisor, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

Henry is Senior Policy Advisor at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, covering health, biotechnology, industrial strategy and finance. His contributions include “A New National Purpose: Leading the Biotech Revolution”, a joint report by Sir Tony Blair and Lord William Hague. He supports the Global Health Security Consortium, a collaboration between TBI, the Ellison Institute of Technology, and a team of scientists at the University of Oxford. Beginning his career as a scholar with a focus on antimicrobial resistance, Henry is a policy strategist with a proven track record and international experience at the intersection of health, innovation and economic policies. He advised the Review on AMR chaired by Lord Jim O’Neill, and conducted the first implementation study on China’s Special

Campaign on AMR at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where he was Head of Economic, Social and Political Research at the AMR Centre. As Advisor to the World Health Organization Council on the Economics of Health For All, established by WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, he co-led its policy, research and operations alongside the Council Secretariat. Henry holds a PhD in Public Health and Policy from LSHTM. He read Natural Sciences at Christ’s College, Cambridge.


Principal Consultant and Skills, Livelihoods, and Education Systems

Lead, Oxford Policy Management

Divya is Principal Consultant at Oxford Policy Management’s (OPM’s) education portfolio, with nearly 18 years of experience in the development sector. She leads OPM’s global work in the areas of skills development, livelihoods and education systems. She is also a member of OPM India’s Leadership team. Her work applies a multidimensional skills framework to understand skills and employability challenges in diverse areas. She currently leads the evaluation of the Skill Impact Bond project, and has worked on skills and youth livelihoods focused projects across countries including: India, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, The Gambia and Colombia.

Divya has previously consulted for the World Bank, international think-tanks, development research centres, and the private sector, on themes including poverty reduction, livelihoods, gender and collective action, and skills development. She has also taught politics and area studies at Oxford University. Divya holds Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degrees in Development Studies from Oxford University and a Master of Arts (MA) in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University.

16 Tuesday 19 March 2024 ONLINE


As a researcher, you have already proven that you are a highly adaptive, life-long learner with advanced analytical skills. These qualities are valued in all evolving employment landscapes.




Communication skills are fundamental to a researcher’s day-to-day work. This panel session features speakers who have built on these skills to go into healthcare and medical communications, careers that aim to raise awareness of therapies and medical devices that could transform lives.



Team Leader, Oxford PharmaGenesis

As a team leader at Oxford PharmaGenesis, I work closely with pharma clients to deliver highquality scientific materials. Over the past 8 years I’ve worked across multiple therapy areas and have been involved in providing strategic preand post-launch publication planning, delivery of key publications, and planning and delivery of meetings, workshops and events. I did my undergraduate degree in Genetics, followed by an MRes in Clinical Genetics, both at the University of Manchester. I then worked as a Research Assistant in a Clinical Genetics lab at Oxford University, where I did my DPhil. Rather than continue as a post doc, I decided to leave academia and start a career as a Medical Writer.


Medical Writer, Caudex – an IPG Health company

As a Medical Writer at Caudex, I work with pharmaceutical industry partners to produce print and digital documents for a range of audiences, including doctors, nurses and patients. I did a BSc in Psychology at the University of York, an MRes in Neuroscience at Newcastle University, and a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience at Cardiff University. My PhD focused on the neural architecture supporting mental time travel.


Principal Medical Writer, Aspire Scientific

As a Principal Medical Writer at Aspire Scientific, I am part of a team committed to delivering high-quality medical writing services for our pharmaceutical and biotech clients, ranging from supporting our clients with scientific strategy, to developing training materials and pivotal clinical trial publications. I completed an MA in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, specialising in Pathology, and a DPhil in Infection, Immunology, and Translational Medicine at the University of Oxford, investigating the antiviral and immunomodulatory effects of iminosugar compounds, particularly in dengue virus infection. During my DPhil, I gained science communication experience outside the lab, including as Features Section Editor for Phenotype and Founder of Oxford Hands-On Science. As I neared the end of my DPhil, I was drawn to a career in medical communications (MedComms). Taking part in Aspire Scientific’s Aspirations scheme allowed me to gain paid medical writing experience alongside my DPhil, and cemented my belief that MedComms would be a good fit for me. I joined the company as a Medical Writer in 2019, and now help to run the Aspirations scheme.

18 Tuesday 19 March 2024 ONLINE


Professional services staff within Higher Education Institutions support the good conduct of research and are key drivers of research excellence within the university. This session features individuals who have utilised their experience as researchers to successfully pursue diverse career paths within the Higher Education sector.


Knowledge Exchange and Impact Manage, Innovation & Engagement Team

Helen’s doctoral work at the Life Sciences Interface DTC and Department of Physics at University of Oxford was an interdisciplinary project to design and characterise nanoscale shuttles self-assembled from DNA and molecular motors. Postdoctoral research collaborating with the Marie Curie Research Institute and University of Warwick followed. She joined the Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team in 2013 working to support, promote and coordinate knowledge exchange and impact activities across the University, and engagement with the region. The role has evolved as the team has grown and she now leads the Regional Engagement and Knowledge Exchange function within the wider Innovation and Engagement Team.


Operations and Training Lead, Research Governance, Ethics and Assurance Team at the University of Oxford


Research Practice Coordinator, Research Services, University of Oxford

I am an archaeologist and Oxford University’s Research Practice Coordinator. My interests include the formation of structures of power and inequality in antiquity, and addressing inequitable contemporary archaeological practice in the Middle East. After obtaining my PhD from the University of Reading in 2019, I worked as Lecturer at the University of Glasgow before joining the newly formed Research Practice team at the University of Oxford in 2023, where I am focusing on developing a comprehensive programme of knowledge, training, resources and policy to support more robust, open, and equitable research.

19 Tuesday 19 March 2024 ONLINE



Many researchers seeking to have a real-world impact through their quantitative and computational skills find fulfilling carers within the diverse and dynamic tech sector. The panel shares their experience transitioning to and developing a career in tech through both technical and non-technical roles.


Machine Learning Research Scientist, Aioi R&D Lab

As a research scientist at Aioi R&D Lab, my role is to devise, architect and implement ML systems that, by modelling risk, address global social challenges such as aging populations, natural disasters, and biodiversity loss. Additionally, I provide support for productionisation of these models in our holdings company, MS&AD Holdings – one of the largest insurance conglomerates in the world. The models are used for risk consulting and insurance pricing, which have the effect of mitigating the modelled risks and, therefore, reducing the social challenges they pose. I did an MEng in Engineering Science (an undergraduate degree with an integrated master’s degree) at the University of Oxford and stayed to do a DPhil in machine learning, during which I developed probabilistic integration techniques for performing inference in several widely used model classes. My current role is my first following my studies, though I did intern at Secondmind, Cambridge as a doctoral placement researcher during my DPhil.


Software Consultant, TNG Technology Consulting UK

In my current role as a Software Consultant at TNG, I mostly develop and test software solutions for clients as part of a team, but I also provide consultancy regarding how said clients should tackle technological challenges. Prior to this I was a Technical Consultant at Wolfram Research, with a similar role.

I completed both my BSc and PhD at Durham University in Computer Science. My PhD was in Proof Complexity, a subset of Complexity Theory, where we (try to) make quantitative statements regarding the ‘intrinsic difficulty’ of proving certain mathematical statements.


Senior Mathematical Consultant, Smith Institute

As a Senior Mathematical Consultant at Smith Institute, my role is to provide technical leadership, ideas, and approaches to problems across the energy, fast-moving consumer goods, security and telecoms sectors. I did an MSc and DPhil in Mathematics of real-world systems at The University of Warwick, England. My research focused on developing and using novel statistical and mathematical approaches to problems in intelligent transportation applications – asking how can mathematics and statistics improve journeys across roads in the UK? Throughout the past three years at the Smith Institute, I have worked on practical problems involving forecasting, optimization, machine learning & AI, working to take ideas from academia into an industrial setting. I have a keen interest in approaches to explainable AI, modelling under uncertainty, and ongoing developments in machine learning.

20 Tuesday 19 March 2024 ONLINE


Career opportunities for researchers are vast and diverse, yet often elusive. Speakers from a variety of research backgrounds share their journeys into unique and slightly unconventional careers outside of academia.


Research Practice Manager

Sarah comes to “Patterns” from a 20-year career in creating, managing, and analyzing scientific data. Her research started as a combination of radio propagation engineering and meteorological modelling, then moved into data citation and publication, visualization, metadata, and data management for the environmental sciences. She was editor-in-chief of the Data Science Journal for 4 years and has more than 100 publications. Her personal experience means she understands the frustrations that researchers can have with data. She is a member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP), a Chartered Physicist (CPhys) and a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society (FRMetS). Her specialties are: Scientific project management, data citation and publication, science communication,radio propagation, rain field modelling.


Head of Training, Scritporia

Laura leads Scriptoria’s Training Department, which has been training staff at top international organisations and research centres for over 20 years. Her work ranges from overseeing the management of Scriptoria’s training department to delivering bespoke courses to clients across the UK, US, Africa and Europe. She and her team are communications experts with scientific PhDs who provide bespoke training in areas including grant writing, project management, communications and advocacy. Laura is also a senior consultant who develops and implements communications, data and knowledge management strategies for clients such as the FCDO and Gates Foundation. Laura provides tailored support to clients across sectors including research, government, and industry and provides strategic direction for the company.

Laura holds a PhD in the biological sciences and led projects at the renowned Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Germany prior to joining Scriptoria. She has written many scientific journal articles for peer-reviewed publications and has won numerous fellowships and grants from national funding agencies in North America and Europe.


Ertegun Scholarship Administrator, University of Oxford

Maria holds a Byzantine Studies DPhil from the University of Oxford.

She is now Head of Administration and Finance for the Ertegun Programme. As part of her role, she is the events and cultural programme executive, Donor and Board liaison, and offers academic and pastoral support for Ertegun Scholars.


Head of Impact Evaluation, Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Brigita holds a Linguistings DPhil from the University of Oxford.

Before her current role as Head of Impact Evaluation at Cambridge University Press & Assessment, Brigita was a Visiting LecturerVisiting Lecturer at UCL and Health AdvocateHealth Advocate for the NHS.

21 Tuesday 19 March 2024 ONLINE

Events on




How heavily do companies rely on AI for evaluating job applications? And what AI tools might come in handy for researchers looking to take the next career step? This session provides an overview of where we are with AI and what researchers need to know to make the most of their career-planning.


Learning Advisor, Higher Degree Research, University of Southern Queensland

Dr Douglas Eacersall is a Senior Lecturer (Researcher Development and Artificial Intelligence) at the University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ), Australia. His research interests are in doctoral education, researcher development, and artificial intelligence (AI). He is the recipient of an Early Career Researcher grant which is funding the development of a research specific AI literacy framework. Douglas is a co/convenor of the Human-AI Collaborative Knowledgebase for Education and Research (HACKER), the Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Symposium, the International Research and Writing League, and the International Doctoral Education Research Network (IDERN).



Careers Adviser, Oxford University Careers Service

Dr Anne Wolfes is a Careers Adviser for Research Staff at the University of Oxford, with a background in researcher development and neuroscience (where she worked as a postdoctoral research scientists in academia and industry).

Aside from her general interest in supporting researchers engage with their careers, she is also looking at the role of AI in career-planning, both in terms of if/how jobseekers and companies use AI for job applications and all that comes with it.

24 Wednesday 20 March 2024 ONLINE


Creating a strong CV is vital to unlocking the next stage of the job application process.However, there can be many differences in the format and content of a CV focused towards a role beyond academia compared to one for university research positions.

This online session outlines the key building blocks of a CV structured for careers outside of academia research, shares examples to help with formatting and language, and briefly guide on how best translate research skills and experience.

Careers Adviser, Oxford University Careers Service

Chris secured a career transition beyond academia to lead science communication, public engagement, and career development work at the British Ecological Society, an international charity and learned society for research staff and students. His work there involved: organising public exhibitions, events, and large-scale school outreach programmes; delivering career development support for students and researchers; fundraising through leading applications for large and small grants and donations. Chris has also worked as a freelance science communicator appearing as a contributor on broadcast television, and volunteers on public engagement committees for the Royal Entomological Society.

25 Wednesday 20 March 2024 ONLINE



For many researchers with an interest in or experience of environmental science and sustainability, the ability to have impact through policy work is an attractive career prospect. Our panellists bring diverse perspectives from both public and private sector jobs.


Senior Global Policy Officer at CDP

As Senior Global Policy Officer at CDP, Bianca engages policymakers and financial regulators worldwide by leveraging the organisation’s global disclosure database of corporate environmental impact towards sustainable economy. Her monthly column, “ESG in pills,” reflects Bianca’s deep insights into global ESG trends. With a blend of professional experience and academic rigor from the University of Oxford, where she pursued an MPhil in Nature, Society, and Environmental Governance at the Geography department, Bianca fuels her passion for driving sustainable transformation in the private sector and beyond.


Delivery Lead, Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit, 10 Downing Street

Catherine works in the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit in 10 Downing Street, where she has covered a number of portfolios, including Energy Security, Net Zero and the Environment. Prior to joining No10, she worked at Defra as a Strategy Team Leader, and at Bain & Company as a management consultant. She has a DPhil in Zoology and BA in Biological Sciences from Oxford.


Conservation Biologist, Wolf Fish

Dr. Sol Milne is a conservation biologist specializing in aerial surveying techniques for orangutan conservation in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. As the founder of Wolf Fish Ltd, a UK ecological consultancy, he utilizes drone technology to map ecosystems and collaborate with local conservation organizations. Currently, he leads ARRI (Aerial Recon & Recovery Initiative), a project in Thailand focused on using drones to locate and remove lost fishing gear from coral reefs. Sol serves as the Head of Sustainability at ACUA-Ocean, a UK marine technology company. Here, he develops the sensor array for collecting marine biodiversity and chemical data, via hydrogen-powered unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) for monitoring coastal and offshore environments globally.

26 Wednesday 20 March 2024 ONLINE


When pursuing a career transition beyond research, gaining practical experience in sectors and roles of interest can be hugely beneficial. This talk is designed to help DPhil students identify and apply for internship and work experience opportunities to pursue careers in different fields beyond academia.


Head of the Internship Office, Oxford University Careers Service

As Head of the Internship Office at the Careers Service, Fiona leads on internships strategy, forges new global internship partnerships, runs workshops and seminars for groups of undergraduate and post graduate students and shares best practice with other universities. She also coaches students one-to-one with internship advice (her focus is primarily helping Crankstart Scholars find relevant work experience).

As an undergraduate, Fiona studied Fine Art and Italian at Exeter University and completed a Master in History of Art and Aesthetics at Oxford. Fiona also holds a Doctorate in 15th Century Painting Techniques. Previous to working at the University of Oxford, Fiona worked in the High-Tech Sector in the US and the UK.

27 Wednesday 20 March 2024 ONLINE



Many organisations are looking for independent quality driven solutions to challenges they face. Consulting is a direct way to engage with clients in an area of your expertise alongside your research.These clients often have a well understood and defined issue that academic researchers are well placed to address.

Panellists discuss what the first steps are and offer tips for how researchers can set themselves up for a successful foray into the world of academic consultancy.


Oxford University Innovation

Kerry joined Oxford University Innovation in December 2005 as Project Administrator, and was later promoted to the role of Project Coordinator supporting a team of Project Managers. She is now an experienced Senior Project Manager. Kerry works with clinical and nonclinical researchers and manages an extensive project portfolio from across the Medical Sciences Division.


Head of Consulting Services, Oxford University Innovation

Jaci leads the team responsible for generating impact from the expertise in the University’s academic community. Most recently, Jaci was Head of Research Commercialisation and Investment at the University of Bristol, managing the team responsible for licensing Bristol’s technologies to new and established companies across a wide range of sectors. Prior to this, she worked at Nelson Mandela University and Wits Commercial Enterprise in South Africa across a broad range of innovation activities, from managing research and consulting contracts, to technology transfer and incubation. Jaci also spent fifteen years in a contract research organisation and in industry, mostly focussed on food science, biotechnology and engineering.

28 Wednesday 20 March 2024 ONLINE


The legal sector is large and varied and spans numerous roles in both domestic and international jurisdictions. This session explores the roles of barrister or a solicitor, what employers value in their applicants and how to go about getting started.

The market in the UK is unique in that it is possible to “convert” to law (a legal career) even if you have not yet studied any law or if your career to date has been in something different. In fact, law firms and chambers welcome applicants from a diverse range of academic subject backgrounds as well as career changers.


Careers Adviser, Oxford University Careers Service

Juliet spent the first 13 years of her career working for Procter & Gamble in customer business development roles including sales and marketing. During this time she was also involved in designing and delivering training for new graduates. Following a short career break for her family she worked in a start-up recruitment company. This role developed her ongoing interest in career development which led to her completing the Diploma in Careers Guidance and then on to the Oxford Careers Service.

In her role at Oxford, Juliet focused on careers in the legal sector and supporting both law and non-law students wishing to consider the many career options available. She chaired a national advisory group on the legal professions and was very involved in the recent changes to qualification as a solicitor/barrister (the Solicitors Qualifying Exam and Future Bar Training).

29 Wednesday 20 March 2024 ONLINE



Patent work and intellectual property offer interesting work for scientists who enjoy using their science away from the bench. A patent attorney and an intellectual property solicitor share what the work is like, how they use their science on a day to day basis and learn tips for getting into these professions.


Technical Assistant (Trainee Patent Attorney) Carpmaels & Ransford LLP

I read Biochemistry at Brasenose followed by a DPhil at the Dunn School, where I was supervised by Profs. Susan Lea and Jordan Raff. During my DPhil, I worked on characterising proteins that form the centrosome, with a particular focus on using X-ray crystallography to understand their structure. I was also on the Clarendon Scholars’ Council during my time at Oxford. After completion of my DPhil, I joined Carpmaels as a Technical Assistant (i.e. trainee patent attorney), where my role focusses on helping biotech companies obtain patents in order to protect their inventions.


Senior Associate (IP Solicitor), Carpmaels & Ransford LLP

Craig has experience of litigation in the High Court and the Court of Appeal in the UK and of coordinating parallel litigation across multiple jurisdictions in the context of global pharmaceutical life cycle management projects. Craig’s experience includes advising on disputes concerning formulation, process, second medical use and dosage regimen patents in the fields of small molecule pharmaceuticals (including enzyme inhibitors and immunomodulators), non-biological complex drugs, and biologics (both therapeutic antibodies and their biosimilars). On the noncontentious side, Craig has previously assisted clients with the IP aspects of life sciences M&A transactions and licensing agreements.

Outside of the life sciences sector Craig has worked on telecoms disputes involving SEP litigation and FRAND issues. He also has in-house experience, having spent six months on secondment to the group legal department of an international defence, aerospace and security company where he was involved with a wide range of corporate and commercial matters.

Before joining Carpmaels & Ransford in 2018, Craig trained at Linklaters law firm and subsequently practised at Bristows, one of London’s leading IP firms. Craig has a degree in Natural Sciences, specialising in Chemistry, from the University of Cambridge and a doctorate in Biochemistry from the University of Oxford.

30 Wednesday 20 March 2024 ONLINE



Researchers with strong analytical and quantitative skills are sought after in the Finance sector, with roles in quantitative research, software development, and strategic analysis all directly utilising experience built in academia.

Our panellists share insights into the day-to-day realities of careers in finance, and share how they have built and utilised their research skills to ensure a successful career transition beyond academia.


Senior Quantitative Researcher, G-Research

My work as a quant at G-Research focuses on forecasting financial markets by analyzing large datasets using statistical and machine learning models. Before working at G-Research, I did an undergraduate Master of Mathematics degree, followed by a DPhil in Mathematics, both here in Oxford. My DPhil research was in the Mathematical Physics group and focused on conformal field theories, showing properties of several such theories by analyzing the conformal bootstrap equation in appropriate limits. I joined G-Research after my DPhil, having spent ten weeks as an intern before joining in a permanent role.


Quantitative Researcher, SIG

As a quantitative researcher at SIG, I work on a team which processes a rich landscape of data, to deepen our understanding of the financial markets in which we operate, and to leverage this understanding to find novel competitive advantages for improving our trading. I use the analytical and practical skills developed during my DPhil studies on a daily basis to probe novel research directions and reach actionable conclusions. Prior to joining SIG, I completed my BA and MMath in mathematics at Cambridge, before moving over to Oxford to complete a DPhil in Statistics with the StatML CDT. My DPhil research emphasized statistical theory, especially for the Bayesian estimation of semiparametric HMMs, but ventured also towards more applied work in Bayesian modelling of conflict. During my time at Oxford, I spent a year as a stipendiary lecturer at Trinity College, and I also spent a summer as a quant research intern at SIG, before deciding to return full time after completing my studies. after my DPhil, having spent ten weeks as an intern before joining in a permanent role.

31 Wednesday 20 March 2024 ONLINE

Events on




The panel of publishing professionals explores the options for researchers in publishing – the roles, the skills, the areas of publishing where a doctorate is essential and the areas where it is a ‘nice to have’; how a doctorate degree is viewed and how best you can promote the skills developed on your DPhil.


Commissioning Editor, Oxford University Press

I am an evolutionary biologist that works as a Commissioning Editor at OUP. My previous experience as a Project Leader at Oriel Square has helped me to hone my research, project management and problem solving skills, which I am looking forward to applying in a new context as part of the OUP STEM team for UK education. In my previous work at OUP included producing the hugely successful Oxford Revise series for the AQA GCSE, and the AQA and OCR A level specifications. I am involved in a range of projects, from developing practical videos to project managing a series of new revision guides, and I am looking forward to learning more about development and project management in publishing.I have recently finished my PhD at the University of Oxford. My PhD allowed me to collect, consolidate and analyse data from various streams of evidence to answer broad questions with specific details. My multi-disciplinary background gives me the ability to draw on specific knowledge but keep the bigger picture in mind, and reflect on how to improve my work to achieve the best results.


Senior Editor, BioMedCentral (part of SpringerNature)

As a Senior Editor at BMC, Patrik primarily handles scientific literature from submission through peer-review to publication. The role also involves engagement with academics during visits to research institutions and conferences. He did a BSc and MSc in Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Zurich and a DPhil at the University of Oxford, where he researched the use of genomics of infections in archaeological

contexts to trace human activities. He continued this research as a postdoc at Oxford. He was an active member of the Graduate Common Room in college, and later he lectured part-time at Oxford Brookes.


Senior Scientific Editor, Elsevier

Jeffrey works as a Senior Scientific Editor at Elsevier. His primary work involves handling transfers of rejected manuscripts. He advices authors so they can make the necessary amendments to maximise their chances of publication success. Jeffrey also handles manuscripts from submission through peer review to publication as an Editor. He leads a team of four Associate Scientific Editors. He read MChem in Chemistry at the University of Oxford and then a PhD in Chemistry at the University of of Cambridge. After a Croucher Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin, he transitioned to a career in publishing.


Reader (Arts) & Postgraduate Research

Tutor for Publishing, FEA, Oxford Brookes University

Jane holds a D.Phil (English) from Oxford University.

A Trustee of the Wilfred Owen Literary Estate, Jane is the author of Wilfred Owen: An Illustrated Life (Bodleian Library Publishing, 2014) and is currently working on a new edition of Owen’s Selected Letters for Oxford University Press. With Ralf Schneider (University of Beilefeld) she is editing The Handbook of British Literature and Culture of the First World War (forthcoming, deGruyter).

34 Thursday 21 March 2024 ONLINE



When exploring your careers options, connecting with people in sectors that interest you can be hugely insightful. The idea of networking can sometimes make anyone feel uncomfortable, but in this two-part session careers advisers and the editorial team of the website will explore how it can be a powerful research tool, and help you to begin uncovering opportunities.


Adviser, Oxford University Careers Service

Anne initially trained as a neuroscientist and has left academia twice by now: through the work for her first postdoc at the University of Oxford, she joined a biotech start-up company as a consultant and later scientist (2016–2017), then moved into medical communications and scientific editing (2017–2020). Subsequently, Anne undertook a second academic postdoc at Imperial College (2020–2022) before joining the University of Oxford’s professional services to support researcher development at the Medical Sciences Division. Anne then switched to the Careers Service team in 2023.

Explore inspiring profiles from career transitioners at Explore Your Options Beyond Academia RESEARCH CAREERS 35
find all sorts of rewarding careers – smart people work everywhere! Such diversity in potential roles can prove challenging when exploring your options. Research Careers offers a collection of career profiles that enables you to see what others in your
the move,
enjoy about
will get
their daily activities, workplace culture
work-life balance. Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE
position chose to do, why and
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their job. You


Senior managers and recruiters discuss what they look for when hiring researchers applying for roles beyond academia, from networking approaches to CVs and interviews.


Consultant, d-fine Ltd

As consultant at d-fine Ltd, my role is to provide analytical and quantitative support on projects spanning risk in banks to drug pricing modelling with pharmaceutical companies. I also support the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare focus group in our UK office with the goal of penetrating the UK and Ireland Markets, finding projects where we can support with our mathematical and computational expertise. I did a BSc in Mathematics at the University of Manchester. Following on from this, I completed an MSc in Mathematical Modelling at UCL where I enjoyed learning about areas in mathematical ecology and evolutionary game theory and carried out research in modelling blood clot formation. Following on from this, I carried out a DPhil in Applied Mathematics at the University of Oxford in collaboration with AstraZeneca where I specialized in mathematical oncology. In particular, modelling the growth and response of lung cancers to cancer therapies. During my time at Oxford, I was a member of the middle common room student committee in charge of the student bar. I also attended many conferences related to my research and taught mathematics to undergraduate students at St Hugh’s and Wadham College.


Senior Early Careers Specialist, Aurora Energy Research

Based in Oxford as Senior Early Careers Specialist

I act as the global subject matter expert and lead on Aurora’s junior talent strategy (including researchers). This includes headcount planning, attraction, selection, hiring and programme management and budget management responsibility. Managing a global team, I support all of our offices, by sharing development opportunities and ensuring the most effective delivery of the graduate programme.

English Literature degree and PG Diploma in Careers Guidance (University of Reading), Qualified Careers Adviser with over 11+ years’

experience working in HE Careers (University of Oxford Careers Service & Blavatnik School of Government). Previous background in graduate recruitment (Reed Graduates), Admissions & Outreach (University of Oxford). Previously coChair of the AGCAS Internationalisation Task Group. Spent significant periods living and working in Southeast Asia.


Academic Relations Manager, G-Research

Charles is dedicated to forming partnerships and collaborations between G-Research and the world’s top institutions. Charles also manages G-Research’s grants and PhD prizes. Charles meets 100’s of candidates every year and advises on the transition to industry and how to prepare for interviews. Charles completed an MPhys degree at the University Portsmouth, followed by a PhD in Phonon interactions in Gallium Nitride nanostructures at the University of Nottingham. Charles’ previous role was as Elsevier’s Key Account Manager in the UK, managing sales and renewals, including being one of the negotiators in the last UK Read and Publish agreement. Charles is based in Cambridge, UK.


Technical Director, Smith Institute

Smith Institute provides expert consultancy in data science, mathematics and AI. Working across all our industries, as a Technical Director I ensure we deliver the best possible solutions for our customer’s problems and keep abreast of the latest and greatest techniques and technologies. I read Mathematics as an undergraduate at Cambridge where I stayed for my PhD in mathematical biology and biophysics. I then spent six years in postdoctoral applied mathematics research including fellowships at Cambridge and Oxford. After deciding to move out of academia, I joined Smith Institute as a Mathematical Consultant five years ago where I have stayed since. I am a leader in technical recruitment at all stages of the process across our consulting and engineering roles.

36 Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE


... imagine the power of more than 1,500 physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists working as part of a European company with over 20 years of service excellence focused on data science, technology and mathematical modelling. That’s d-fine.


We are a leading quantitative research and technology firm We hire the brightest minds in the world to tackle some of the biggest questions in finance. We pair this expertise with machine learning, big data, and some of the most advanced technology available to predict movements in financial markets.

SIG Susquehanna

SIG is a global quantitative trading firm founded with an entrepreneurial mind-set and a rigorous analytical approach to decision making. We commit our own capital to trade financial products around the world. Building virtually all of our own trading technology from scratch, we are leaders and innovators in high performance, low latency trading. Our traders, quants, developers, and systems engineers work side-by-side to develop and implement our trading strategies. Each individual brings their unique expertise every day to help us make optimal decisions in the global financial markets.

Smith Institute

Smith Institute uses our expertise in mathematics and data science to help our clients solve their most complex challenges, elevate decision-making and accelerate innovation. Our work creates a positive impact on the economy, society and the environment. Where others see data, we see the underlying mathematical patterns and structures, allowing us to approach problems with a unique clarity and precision for clients in energy, transport, consumer goods, security and government.



Networking allows you to become aware of opportunities, understand what really goes on inside organisations, uncover the language and terminology of the organisation, demonstrate good communication skills, and allow professionals and organisations to become aware of you.

Read networking tips on the Careers Service website.




The fair aims to connect Oxford University research students and staff with recruiters from a variety of organisations. They will share details about jobs and programmes open for applications, and discuss the careers paths you could follow in their sector.

Most people attending have experience that bridges different disciplines and crosses a wide range of roles. Try and talk to as many people as you can. We know it can be difficult to approach people for their experience so have set out some questions or ideas that you could think about asking. Everyone is here to help (they remember being at your stage and want to help), and keen to give you an insight into their industry, so do take advantage of it.


• THEIR CURRENT ROLE. What does a typical day look like? What do they enjoy about it and what do they find challenging? What skills are crucial for working in their sector?

• THEIR ORGANISATION. What is the culture like? Why did they choose it? What training opportunities are there? In their experience is it typical of the sector?

• THE LIFESTYLE. What are the hours like? The people?

• THEIR CAREER PATHS TO DATE. Where did they start? What training did they have to do? What has helped them along the way?

39 Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE


Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford


Contact: Kensuke Onuma,

Viewing recent changes of business environments due to factors like climate change response, technological innovation, and shifts in lifestyles, demanding transformation in corporate business operations as opportunities, the company has placed CSV×DX (Creating Shared Value by Digital Transformation) at the core of its management strategy, collaborating with global partners to solve social and regional issues and create new value.

In order to realize this CSV x DX strategy, Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance and its wholly-owned subsidiary Aioi Nissay Dowa Europe established the Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford (LAB) on November 15 2022, in collaboration with Mind Foundry, an AI venture from the University of Oxford, to conduct advanced technology and science research and development.

LAB is focusing on a range of topics including developing new services using AI and technology in various fields, not only insurance but also the environment, logistics, and disaster prevention and has been expanding as a hub for conducting research and development with top-notch professors from Oxford University. In order to expand our capability, we are hiring research scientists who will work on the development of AI solutions.

Aspire Scientific


Contact: Hannah Mace - Aspirations Lead,

Do you have your eye on a career in medical writing? Apply to join Aspirations and get paid to see if Aspire Scientific is a good fit for you.

Aspirations is the only scheme of its kind in medical communications (MedComms), providing an opportunity to learn from our experienced team and to work on real-life projects.

Aspire Scientific is a people-focused, independent medical writing and communications agency. We strive to be the most considerate MedComms agency to work for. We foster an open, trusting, and flexible culture that actively encourages a genuine and healthy work–life balance. Aspire Scientific is Disability Confident Committed.

How does Aspirations work? Aspirations offers paid, self-employed (freelance), real-life medical writing experience. Work is conducted remotely and is flexible alongside existing commitments. Many Aspirations alumni have gone on to join Aspire Scientific, each starting as a Medical Writer. Several alumni have been key members of the team for years and have all progressed to senior roles.

What are we looking for in applicants? For our Aspirations scheme, we are looking for suitably qualified life scientists (e.g. post-graduate, late-stage PhD, post-doctoral) who are looking to ultimately enter MedComms as a medical writer within the next 3–12 months. Aspirations applicants must be UK based, although exact location within the UK is not important.

Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE


Aurora Energy Research



At Aurora Energy Research, we develop intelligent and influential research and publications and offer advisory services that are vital to the global energy transformation. Through analysis and insights based on leading energy market modelling, we support strategy, policy, and investment decisions for a spectrum of energy market participants. We’ve developed trusting relationships with hundreds of clients, ranging from energy companies, network operators, and government officials to investment funds and banks. We are active in Europe, APAC and the US, working with world-leading organisations to provide comprehensive market intelligence, bespoke analytic and advisory services, and cutting-edge software.

With academic roots in Oxford (home to our Headquarters), we offer two key graduate programmes: Graduate Modelling and our Graduate Analyst Programme (rotating through research, advisory, software solutions and/or commercial departments). These programmes are well suited to postgraduates and researchers from a range of subject backgrounds, with a keen interest in the energy sector. Graduate Analyst programmes at Aurora Energy Research exist across the globe, including in our Berlin, Austin and Sydney offices.

Axiom Healthcare Strategies


Contact: Shahd Fouad,

Axiom Healthcare Strategies is a collaborative, life-sciences think tank that focuses on oncology and rare diseases. With offices across the UK (London), the US and India, Axiom works together with industry and clinical leaders to provide cutting edge thought leadership to its clients and to support the advancement of the next generation of patient care.

Careers Service, University of Oxford


The Careers Service offers support to research students and fixed-term researchers working at Oxford University through one-to-one advice by phone or online appointment (in person appointments available by request), and researcher-specific events and development programmes. We are here to help you in your career decision-making and next steps, wherever you are in your journey and whatever your aspirations or concerns. During the Careers Fair, you can speak to Oxford careers advisers who can support you in your career planning. This can include: applying for roles beyond academia, engaging with employers, and developing employability skills during your research.

Energy Consultancy
Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE
Consulting Career

Healthcare Consulting


Candesic Ltd


Contact: Dipti Thakur,

Candesic is a leading specialist healthcare, pharma & life sciences, and MedTech management consulting firm. Our consulting services include strategy, vendor / commercial due diligence, digital, and M&A/ growth.

We work with global private equity funds and other private investors, as well as their portfolio companies, healthcare corporates and public sector organisations such as the NHS. Since our foundation in 2002, we have completed over 700 consulting assignments across Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, and Australia.

Our professional team combines deep strategic, medical, and scientific expertise, allowing us to deliver a unique value proposition to our clients: CEO level clarity with R&D level insight.

We hire individuals with master’s degrees or Ph. D.s in STEM or business subjects, and medical doctors. Our hiring process includes numerical tests and two case study interviews. If you aspire to work with talented professionals from diverse cultures and backgrounds, contributing to healthcare consulting, please submit your application to




Contact: Claudia Sievers,

Imagine the power of more than 1,500 physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists working as part of a European company with over 20 years history focused on data science, technology and mathematical modelling. That’s d-fine.

We are close to our customers with eleven locations in seven countries. Our projects focus on quantitative issues around data analytics, data science, modelling and the development of sustainable technological solutions. Our consulting approach is based on many years of practical experience and dynamic teams with an analytical and technological focus.

Our projects are diverse. This applies to topics and customers as well as to project models. We work as a team on site at the customer, together from one of our offices or remotely in virtual project rooms. To expand our consulting team, we are looking for students/graduates of physics, mathematics, computer science or natural sciences, engineering and economics with quantitative or technological specializations. You must have a very good academic record, be fluent in English and have a high mathematical and/or technological affinity. In addition to strong analytical skills and a result-oriented approach, we attach great importance to social competence.

Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE

Your career at d-fine

We are a European consultancy firm focussed on analytical and quantitative topics and the development of sustainable solutions to bring about positive change for our clients.

What does d-fine offer you?

- Diversity: Work with clients on topics ranging from financial engineering and machine learning through to climate risk and healthcare

- International: Collaborate in project teams staffed across Europe

- Education: Acquire new skillsets to broaden your technical and professional repertoire

Who is eligible to join?

Master’s or PhD-level graduates in STEM fields

How can I apply?

Please go to our Job Portal on our website

43 Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, London, Milan, Munich, Stockholm, Utrecht, Vienna, Zurich

Healthcare Consultancy


Costello Medical



Costello Medical is a rapidly growing global healthcare agency specialising in medical communications, market access and health economic and outcomes research. We work with a wide range of clients, including the industry’s successful pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, patient and public health bodies and charitable organisations. Housed in different cities across three continents, our offices are based in: Cambridge, London, Manchester (UK), Boston (US), Singapore and Shanghai. Our mission is to be a community of the very best people, building trusted partnerships across the healthcare sector by delivering an exceptional service. Our vision is to be a leading global partner consistently striving for meaningful and outstanding contributions that improve people’s health and lives. We are committed to our company values which are central to creating our fun, friendly and innovative workplace in which we strive to deliver the highest standards of quality. As a result, we have been listed in The Top 100 Companies to Work For list for six consecutive years and have received a B Corporation certification.

We offer a range of entry level graduate roles and internships ranging from 3 to 6 months, suited to those from a variety of scientific and technical disciplines. All of our roles require an undergraduate degree level or higher qualification in a relevant subject (minimum 2.1 or above), although postgraduate qualifications would be advantageous. Our current roles include Analyst/Medical Writer, Epidemiologist, Project Assistant and Health Economist, with start dates available throughout 2024.




Contact: Gaëlle Hull,

Elsevier helps researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes for the benefit of society. We do this by facilitating insights and critical decision-making for customers across the global research and health ecosystems. In everything we publish, we uphold the highest standards of quality and integrity at scale to ensure value to our customers. We recruit for a wide range of technology, commercial, business, and early career jobs.

Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE


Emerging Tech

Encode Club


Contact: Katerina Cabolis,

Launched in 2020, Encode Club is a global team, with clusters in London, Zagreb and Munich. Our base in London meets 3 days a week in the office, but we’re all very interconnected. We’re a team of young, fun and ambitious individuals with backgrounds from Classics to Mechanical Engineering. We don’t ask for work experience, we’ll teach you everything you need to know!

The Encode Graduate Scheme offers a unique opportunity to understand the different departments within Encode (ProgOps, Marketing, Talent and BizOps), a global educational community in Emerging Tech. We encourage everyone to stay curious about emerging tech and give you resources to do so. Team members are rewarded for taking responsibility and approaching challenges head-on. Our growth comes from each other’s success - we’re committed to achieving results as a team!

We offer a generous salary range of £35-45K, complemented by new tech equipment such as an Apple laptop, microphone and professional-streaming camera. Our team enjoys the unique opportunity to travel globally, attending events in cities like Denver, Brussels, Bangkok, Amsterdam and Berlin. In addition to 25 days of holiday and a comprehensive pension plan, you’ll be empowered with significant responsibility from your very first day, contributing to the growth of our team!

FinTech Jane Street



Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm active on 200+ trading venues across 45 countries. We help form the backbone of global markets with an approach rooted in technology and rigorous quantitative analysis.

We work at the edge of what’s possible, combining techniques from machine learning, distributed systems, programmable hardware, and statistics to trade on markets around the world. Traders, researchers, and software engineers work in a tight loop to build our trading systems and implement strategies. We look for smart people with curious minds from any background.

We invest heavily in teaching and training, because deepening your understanding of something is considered real work. Guest lectures, classes, and conferences round out the intellectual exchanges that happen every day in our bright, beautiful office spaces.

Markets move fast. Staying competitive as we’ve grown has required constant invention—of new trading strategies, technology, and processes. We’ve found this is easier when you hire humble, kind people who help each other and prioritize teamwork over titles.

There are always new, interesting problems to solve, systems to build, and theories to test. More than twenty years after our founding, it still feels like we’re just getting started.

Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE




G-Research is a leading quantitative research and technology firm. We are passionate about the intersection of finance, technology, and the future. We offer a dynamic, flexible and highly stimulating culture where world-beating ideas are cultivated and rewarded. We are proud to employ some of the best people in their field and to nurture their talent in our collaborative working environment. Our researchers use the latest scientific techniques and advanced statistical methods to predict movements in global financial markets. We use rigorous scientific methodology to analyse an extensive data ecosystem, extracting deep insights from truly massive datasets. Our platform allows our researchers to test, model and get instant results. We then employ state-of-the-art optimisation techniques to maximise the value of every idea. Our researchers have a challenge: disproving the efficient market hypothesis every day. This requires them to harness our massive compute power and to use state-of-the-art ML techniques - published in recent conferences or developed entirely in-house - as textbook methods won’t beat the competition.

Our culture is collaborative and intellectual. Most of our researchers have joined from PhDs or Postdocs from top global institutions, and have had their work published at the most prestigious conferences in the world. Our quantitative researchers and machine learning practitioners have a record of academic achievement in mathematics, physics, ML, computer science or engineering. There’s no need for experience in finance. Looking to make an impact at one of the world’s leading quantitative research and technology firms? See our open roles and apply now.

Marshall Wace Asset Management


Contact: Zoe Rackham,

Marshall Wace is a leading provider of alternative investment solutions. Operating as a single team across the globe, we are dedicated to creating long-term relationships with our clients built on trust and integrity. We define our culture as one of continuous innovation and a quest for improvement. We instinctively strive to do things differently, with fresh thinking that we believe enables us to create proprietary value and maximise the benefits to our clients.

Each year we look for driven and avidly inquisitive individuals with a research scientist mindset, ready to challenge ideas and push through new solutions. You’ll be embedded into one of the Systematic Investment teams where, from day one, you’ll actively contribute to the development of our quantitative strategies.

Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE
Finance, Tech Finance, Asset Management

We are a leading quantitative research and technology firm

Tackle the biggest questions in finance with near infinite compute power at your fingertips.

We hire the brightest people in their field and nurture their talent in a dynamic, flexible and highly stimulating culture where worldbeating ideas are cultivated and rewarded.

Take the next step in your career

Search open roles





Ready to accelerate your growth in one of the most dynamic and fascinating industries there is? Discover Optiver, a leading global trading firm powered by technical innovation. For 35+ years, Optiver has been improving financial markets around the world, making them more transparent and efficient for all participants. With our focus on cutting-edge engineering, data science and research, we actively trade on 70+ exchanges, where we’re trusted to always provide accurate buy and sell pricing – no matter the market conditions. To be not only active, but also precise, across such a volume of markets and products is a hugely complex challenge – which is exactly what we thrive on. Are you someone who embraces constant innovation and strategic thinking in the pursuit of excellence? Learn more about Optiver’s mission and opportunities.

Publishing Oxford University Press


Oxford University Press was founded in 1586 and publishes education materials for a range of ages, demographics and subjects, from Primary and Secondary School resources to English Language Teaching and Academic resources. It has offices all over the world, but the UK office is based in the Oxford suburb, Jericho. Its ethos is to produce the highest quality academic and educational resources and services for everyone to access. The Press welcomes a range of experiences and backgrounds, and employs people who were previously teachers, academics, or have subject specialisms, and doesn’t necessarily require previous editorial experience, so demonstrating an eye for detail, passion for education, and a willingness to learn can go a long way when applying for editorial roles.

Quantitative trading

SIG Susquehanna


SIG is a global quantitative trading firm founded by a group of friends who share a passion for game theory and probabilistic thinking. We have incorporated this approach into our culture, where you will find relentless problem solvers within each of our core disciplines: Trading, Technology, and Quantitative Research. From offices around the world, our employees collaborate to make optimal decisions and are driven by the desire to achieve winning results together.

What we do: We are experts in trading essentially all listed financial products and asset classes, with a focus on derivatives trading. Through market making and market taking, we handle millions of trading transactions around the world every day, providing liquidity and ensuring competitive prices for buyers and sellers. While our presence in the market is broad, our trading desks are highly specialized, allowing for a deep understanding of unique drivers of each asset class.”

We offer tailored training programmes for PhD and postdoc hires to allow you to easily transition from the world of academia into the trading industry. Also allowing you to utilize and apply the skills that you have developed over the course of your studies to real-world practical problems with real-time results.

Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE
Financial Services Optiver


We are looking for students studying a quantitative discipline to join our Quant internship and graduate programmes. All programmes include structured education covering a range of areas from mock trading, strategic games, data analysis, and financial theory, delivered by SIG’s dedicated Education team.

QUANTITATIVE TRADERS use game theory and decision science to assess risk and make winning trades. Quantitative modelling skills, market knowledge, and expertise in risk management enable our traders to drive efficiencies in the global financial markets.

QUANTITATIVE SYSTEMATIC TRADERS combine the skills of quantitative research with the knowledge of trading to develop new electronic strategies and monitor real-time performance. As a true hybrid of our core disciplines, Quantitative Systematic Traders are constantly communicating and connecting ideas between trading, technology, and quantitative research. By participating in our education program, you will be equipped to dive deep into data sets and solve intricate problems.

QUANTITATIVE RESEARCHERS are dedicated to the data-driven innovation and improvement of our trading models at SIG. As a Quantitative Researcher, you will apply your problem-solving skills and mathematical creativity to create solutions in today’s competitive and constantly changing financial markets. You will be highly involved in the day-to-day discussions that shape our trading activities and transform quantitative methods into trading opportunities.

Apply at



Smith Institute


Smith Institute uses our expertise in mathematics and data science to help our clients solve their most complex challenges, elevate decision-making and accelerate innovation. Our work creates a positive impact on the economy, society and the environment. Where others see data, we see the underlying mathematical patterns and structures, allowing us to approach problems with a unique clarity and precision for clients in energy, transport, consumer goods, security and government.


Teach First


Contact: Natalia Aplin- Experienced Hires Recruiter,

Teach First is an education charity and since 2003, we’ve been improving the life chances and choices for children experiencing poverty. We train talented teachers and equip school leaders working in some of the poorest areas of the country – to give children with the fewest opportunities access to a great education. Why train to teach with Teach First? Earn a competitive salary; Teach in the classroom from day one; An outstanding two-year programme; Get all the support you need; Grow your career quickly.

Our mission is to give children facing the biggest barriers the chance to fulfil their potential. We find and train teachers to work in the schools that need them most. That means you might need to relocate when you join our Training Programme. We place our trainees in Early years, Primary and Secondary Schools.

Research, Education

Technische Universität Braunschweig


Contact: Dr Dominik Baumgarten,

Technische Universität Braunschweig stands for a strategic and achievement-oriented way of thinking and acting, dedicated teaching, multi-layered networking with our partners in science, industry and society, and intensive international cooperation projects. Our core research fields are Mobility, Metrology, Engineering for Health & Future City. By pooling our research activities in these areas, we can make significant contributions to overcoming major societal challenges. Our campus is located at the heart of one of Europe’s most active research regions. With more than 16,800 students and 3,800 staff members, we are the largest Institute of Technology in Northern Germany. Our core disciplines include a comprehensive engineering branch as well as a strong natural sciences branch, closely linked with business sciences, social sciences, humanities and educational sciences. Research and Teaching require freedom – which is why it is difficult to compare working at a university with working in the business sector. In addition to hierarchies that are similar to those found in the corporate world, a university with its academic hierarchies and traditions follows its own rules. TU Braunschweig is no different in this regard. Our teams are organised in institutes, working groups, administrative units and projects. These are characterised by individual subject- and department-specific cultures and work with a great deal of autonomy. They carry a great responsibility in terms of the accuracy of their scientific results and the education of our students. We are looking for academic staff of all academic stages (Master, PhD, postdoc, (junior)professorship) as well as staff in science management and administration of the university!

Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE

Design the future with us.

Working at Smith Institute means you have the opportunity to make a real difference.

We use our expertise in mathematics, data science and AI to:

Ready the electricity grid for the low carbon future. Ensure the safety of Britain’s nuclear reactors.

Shape tomorrow’s explainable AI technologies.

Assure the structural integrity of the railways. Support the roll out of 5G across the world.

See our vacancies 51



Temporary Staffing Service (TSS) Oxford University



The Temporary Staffing Service (TSS) is an internal recruitment service providing temporary administrative support to the University of Oxford’s departments and colleges. We offer suitable candidates interesting and varied temporary administrative roles, flexibility and the opportunity to gain experience of working in a world leading research and educational organisation.


TNG Technology Consulting UK



• On-site: Daniel Vincent,

• For organisational topics: Ramona Bathelt,

TNG Technology Consulting is a originally German value-based consulting partnership focused on solving hard IT problems with high end technology – from setting IT strategy to implementing practical solutions.

Last year, we expanded into the United Kingdom by founding an subsidiary based at the Oxford Centre for Innovation.

TNG Technology Consulting UK Ltd. Based at the Oxford Centre for Innovation, our choice of location was influenced by our close ties with the University of Oxford. Now, we are not only solving our client’s hard IT problems from our office in England, we are also able to offer our employees and new talent the opportunity to work in yet another country.

We offer the right place for everybody who has an analytical mindset, already possesses some coding experience and wants to develop their skills. We have a great demand for new employees as well as for interns with high professional qualifications as well as passion and enthusiasm for IT. According to the different services we offer, our employees typically focus on one or more of the areas, depending on their interests and skills.

The start date and duration of internships are flexible and will be discussed according to each candidate’s needs. Find out about our employment opportunities and different locations

52 Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE
Oxford Uni Temp

We solve hard IT problems.

evenue 0 : 95,8 Mio. €

Growth rate: 0%

As a partnership-based IT consultancy, we are dedic ated to deliver customer-oriented solutions across a divers e range of projects, including Agile Software Development, Art ificial Intelligence and DevOps & Cloud. In addition, we wo rk on topics in Big Data and IoT. Our toolkit includes Ja va and TypeScript, as well as other languages such as Pyth on or C#.

We have a great demand for new colleagues in Softwa re Consulting with high professional ualifications as well as passion and enthusiasm for IT.

At the Careers Beyond Academia conference 0 , y ou can learn more about careers at TNG attending the talk by our colleague Dr Abdul Ghani:

Ph.D. ratio: ~ 55%

Graduates ratio: ~ 99,9%

Current # of employees: ~ 830

Impact Through Tech: Coding, Programming, and Consu lting Tuesday, March 9th, pm

Germany, UK, Hungary, Australia, Switzerland, Estonia

Development Artificial Intelligence Dev ps lo d
Agile Software

Scientific Research


The Rosalind Franklin Institute


Contact: Aneta Kingston,

The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a national research centre based on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus (Oxfordshire), dedicated to developing new technologies for the life sciences and funded by the UK government through UK Research and Innovation. We achieve unique insights by developing new instruments, creating new ways of working and integrating previously disparate approaches. Utilising our new tools, we will image, interpret and intervene in biological systems. These insights will speed up the discovery of new medicines, help find new diagnostics, push forward microbial and plant science and contribute to a deeper understanding of human health and disease.

The Franklin’s underlying aim is to produce the best quality science, and we recognise a key part of this is building a diverse team, who have a wide range of experiences, skills and knowledge to push forward on the innovative work our institution delivers.

We are committed to developing our staff and students to give them the best opportunities in the scientific world. Our opportunities include a fully funded PhD programme and a variety of postdoctoral roles across our scientific themes. We welcome applications from all around the world and offer visa sponsorship for postdoctoral positions.


TORCH: The Oxford Centre in the Humanities


TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities) is a hub for intellectual collaboration and cross disciplinary research projects, based in the Humanities at the University of Oxford.While our funding, training and networks develop research projects and careers, our engagement activity increases the social impact and understanding of humanities research amongst a wider public audience.

TORCH Programmes are interdisciplinary hubs for cutting-edge research on some of the most pressing political, cultural, and artistic issues of our day.

TORCH Networks establish and expand new research communities in the Humanities and beyond through seed funding and ongoing support

• Engagement

• International Engagement

• Knowledge Exchange

• Humanities Cultural Programme

54 Thursday 21 March 2024 IN PERSON | CAREERS SERVICE

Explore Your Options Beyond Academia RESEARCH


Researchers find all sorts of rewarding careers – smart people work everywhere! Such diversity in potential roles can prove challenging when exploring your options.

Research Careers offers a collection of career profiles that enable you to see what others in your position chose to do, why and how they made the move, and what they most enjoy about their job. You will get a feel for their daily activities, workplace culture and work-life balance.

Explore inspiring profiles from career transitioners at


Grow your professional insights, contacts, and online presence!

• Openings are available on our team of Oxford postdocs, RAs and DPhil students.

• The team profiles PhD-holders who moved into a range of jobs beyond academic research and their employers.

• As an editor, you will investigate roles or sectors of interest to YOU.

• Expand your communication skills, commercial awareness and job readiness.

Write to, and check us out on LinkedIn and on X @OxPostPhD


Inspire researchers and raise your profile!

• Submitting an employee profile to is easy and quick.

• You can accompany this with a brief outline of your organisation.

• This will help PhD students and research staff who are looking beyond academia to expand their options.

Talk to one of the team today, or write to

Supported by the University of Oxford Careers Service.

Introducing the RESEARCHER HUB

Our purpose

To build a world-class environment for all fixed-term researchers at Oxford.

The Researcher Hub is here to support all researchers on fixed-term research or teaching contracts at Oxford (‘researchers’). Our activities will also benefit academic and professional service colleagues in their work with researchers.

We co-own and are responsible for coordinating the delivery of many actions within Oxford’s plan to fulfil the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

Our approach

The Hub helps researchers plan and meet their aspirations for their time at Oxford, taking full advantage of all personal, professional and career development opportunities.

We work within a community of practitioners from across the University who are invested in improving the everyday environments of researchers.

Together, we are facilitating cultural and systemic change in the research environment

Researcher’s Trailmap

We worked with researchers to produce a Trailmap to help you find key opportunities across the University and to access these at the right point in your time at Oxford. It has been designed with three streams of focus - Yourself, Your Research & Your Career Development.

Our commitments

We listen to and support local priorities

We plan and act in partnership

We make things happen

We keep in close, regular touch with researchers working in different parts of the University and their respective local support structures. We recognise diversity in backgrounds, needs and priorities, and tailor our support accordingly.

As a broad community of practitioners, our different roles and positions are a collective strength. We work with researchers, academic line managers, professional services and senior leaders to identify and use levers for positive culture change.

We are bold in our initiatives, use creativity and coordination to facilitate activity, and support others to do the same. We use our resources to achieve what will make the biggest difference to researchers.

Find out more at Researcher Hub | University of Oxford or email us on 56

Careers Support for Oxford Researchers

DPhil students and fixed-term researchers working at the University of Oxford benefit from dedicated careers support through:

CV and cover letter advice

Mock interviews

Career planning sessions

Job search strategy tips

Development programmes

Dedicated careers events

Regular newsletters ...and more!

Careers Service University of Oxford 56 Banbury Road Oxford, OX2 6PA +44 (0)1865 274646

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