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CEEWeb for Biodiversity

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Maddy Czura,HertfordCollege,Final Year Undergraduate, BA Biological Sciences,Remote Working

Work Projects

My internship was completed with CEEweb for Biodiversity, based in Budapest Hungary, however I was working remotely from the UK. My tasks focused around the project ConnectGreen which worked to promote and preserve ecological corridors and connectivity in the Carpathian region. My tasks involved collecting communication materials on the EU Green Deal, reading through these documents to fully understand their importance and then discussing in detail the relations to ConnectGreen. From this I prepared and gave a short presentation at the weekly staff meeting which was recorded to be used for future introductions to the main areas of the EU Green Deal. I also supported the media communication through constructing short summaries of best and worst practices within environmental policy which could then be used for social media posts.

As well as these tasks, I was able to participate in online conferences and training events, meeting academics and policy makers from around Europe. This was a great experience as it allowed me to see the process of project development and the various considerations involved when constructing environmental projects. Adapting to the remote working side of this internship meant communication was through zoom meetings, skype messages and email correspondence. This communication method was effective, and I received great support from CEEweb for Biodiversity through weekly staff meetings and regular video calls.

Daily Life

Adapting to the remote working side of this internship was essential as I was working from the UK with a time difference. Living in a busy household with many siblings, for me the challenge was trying to find a quiet office space and keeping a good internet connection. I was fortunate to set up a space where I was undisturbed, and I used door signs to indicate I

was in a meeting to prevent distractions. Sitting at a desk all day can be tiring and many times I was able to take my work outside with me and enjoy the warm weather.

The flexibility of online working was a great benefit as it allowed me to participate in activities during the day whilst still getting the work done. The other side of remote working was the exciting prospect of utilising the benefits of being online and using new technologies. For example, when having a discussion about potential board game ideas for ConnectGreen communication with the general public, we were able to use a collaborative whiteboard to share ideas.

As well as this, the online conferences could be easily translated from Hungarian to English allowing me to follow the presentations, and they could be recorded. Despite not being able to travel out and experience the full beauty of nature in Budapest, I believe the remote internship was a valuable and fun experience. With the uncertain future of the aftermath of this pandemic, I think remote working is a valuable skill to have and being able to utilise the benefits of this is important.

Lasting Impressions

My internship with CEEweb was a great experience and although it was shortened to just four weeks, I was able to gain an insight into environmental projects and connect with great people working within this sector. Coming from a biology background studying BA Biological Sciences, I had a wealth of knowledge concerning ecological connectivity and environmental policy however, I had not experienced the realistic side of project implementation.

This internship allowed me to experience the behind the scenes of environmental projects including the challenges and considerations that must be taken. Connecting and enhancing the theoretical knowledge I had gained through my degree was enjoyable. I was also able to meet new people, although remotely, and holding academic conversations with them regarding the subject I am passionate about and also learning from their experience working in the environmental sector was a great experience. A highlight for me was being part of the process and attending conferences.

Overall, this internship confirmed my desire to pursue a career in the environmental sector in the future. It highlighted to me the importance of communication, particularly when adapting to the remote working setting and utilising online technology. This not only provided me with valuable skills for my CV, but also connections for future career opportunities within this sector.

Christopher Lunnon,Christ Church,Final Year Undergraduate,BA Biological Sciences,Remote Working

Work Projects

My first task was a Pandemics and Biodiversity Position Paper which consisted of researching work done by the US CDC and USAID in developing healthcare capacity across West and Central Africa in response to the 2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak and how a 'One Health approach' can be used to help prevent pandemics. The key focuses of the position paper were highlighting the shortfalls of EU actions when it comes to fighting diseases and the importance of a One Health approach that focused on preventing zoonotic disease outbreaks as well as detecting and responding to them.

My second task was a position paper on the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy and the projected impact of the different policy mechanisms under CAP on biodiversity and climate mitigation. The paper also included detailing why most of the policy mechanisms under the 2010-2020 CAP failed to have meaningful outcomes for biodiversity. This work involved extensive literature review of EU strategy documents followed by synthesis into a position paper that could be easily digested by EU and Central/Eastern European policymakers. Following the position paper, I wrote a short article summarising the position paper's key points about the direction of CAP post-2020 for the CEEWeb website.

My third task was a position paper on urban biodiversity and climate mitigation with a focus on the Central/Eastern European region. This involved researching and reviewing naturebased solutions with a focus on IUCN and EU definitions. Following that I wrote about five different examples from across the region of nature-based solution or green infrastructure schemes. These schemes included phytoremediation of industrial land in Baia Mare to the accidental development of a wetland in Bucharest to developing the medieval green infrastructure of Poznan and a private green infrastructure initiative in the world's largest engine factory.

The support was brilliant, my supervisor was always available to email and would always reply with concise easy to follow feedback. Even if I hadn’t had that supervisor, I didn't really require much support because the tasks were so well explained to begin with it was clear what was needed to be undertaken most of the time without asking for further assistance.

Daily Life

Generally, I found that whilst I felt I wasn't working hard enough or felt like I could do more, I was generally far ahead of schedule and did everything way ahead of time. I think I could have handled more work in the 3-month period because, being at home, I did not have much else to do and so had plentiful time. Definitely had no issue relaxing because the workload was very manageable and only required quiet space and good internet connection to be able to make most of it.

Lasting Impressions

For sure this is a fantastic internship because I think it is quite rare that a small non-British environmental charity offers internships to British students. I learned a lot about how NGOs/charities work in the EU framework and also about how a small organisation like this works. I also learned a lot about how EU policies are actually actioned and the process of lobbying in an EU context.

The experience has confirmed my career ambition to work in a policy-oriented environmental organisation, although I would aspire to work in a larger more international one than this. I gained a lot of knowledge and research skills but mostly my synthesis skills and the ability to write reports.

Second Year Undergraduate,BA Biological Sciences,Remote Working

Work Projects

I interned remotely for 4 weeks with CEEweb for Biodiversity, a network of multiple environmental conservation NGOs based in Central and Eastern Europe. Of course, it was very disappointing to not be able to spend the summer in Budapest, but the team were very welcoming and zoomed me into regular meetings which helped me feel like part of office life. Me and the other Oxford intern also had weekly meetings with my supervisor Gabriella, who was very helpful and friendly.

I was the conservation policy intern for CEEweb, and was working on the SaveGREEN project, an EU funded project working to identify ways to mitigate the impact of transport infrastructure projects on ecological corridors in the Danube region. I was working on creating a library of publications related to cost-benefit analyses for the environmental

impacts of transport projects-especially relating to methods for valuing ecosystem servicesand biodiversity- for use by the CEEweb team and by other stakeholders.

Daily Life

My internship was remote, and I found getting up and starting work at a consistent time (despite not having any set working hours) to be very important, as well as taking regular breaks and going for a run or doing yoga daily. After work in the evenings I would relax by hanging out with my housemates or watching Netflix.

Lasting Impressions

I enjoyed the internship. The work I was doing was interesting, and directly related to aspects of my degree which was a bonus, and I feel like I've learned a lot about policy work in particular which I didn't have much knowledge about previously. Working remotely didn't give me enough insight into what it's like to work for a conservation organisation to change or confirm my career plans, but I would perhaps like further experience in a similar organisation once in person-working resumes.

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