3 minute read
MK Gallery
Eva Haghighi, Wolfson College, Third Year DPhil, DPhil Classical Languages and Literature, In-person and Remote Working
Work Projects
As part of my internship at MK Gallery inMilton Keynes, I worked alongside theExhibitions Team on the forthcomingprogramme of exhibitions scheduled by thegallery. Most of my tasks were carried outremotely, but I also had the chance to spendsome time at the gallery and working from the office. As an Exhibitions Assistant, I wasprimarily in charge of conducting research and creating content for the upcoming display, aswell as participating in meetings and discussions about practical arrangements whenpossible.
As the internship started, my supervisors supplied a list of tasks for me to carry out and, on a weekly basis, we would have meetings to catch up and update the list with any additional pieces of work required. As the team operates in concert to produce material for the exhibitions, all the content developed is the result of a collective effort, and I felt included and valued throughout the entire time. The members of the Exhibitions Team were incredibly supportive, both remotely and in person. They did everything in their power to provide me with the best possible experience despite the uncertainty of the current situation, while making sure I felt safe going into the office.
Daily Life
My internship was carried out mostly remotely. The first day my supervisors arranged a virtual meeting to discuss their current projects and go through the list of tasks they had planned for me. We then scheduled weekly virtual meetings to catch up and talk about my progress. Seeing as working from home can be tricky, as the lack of structure can potentially hinder productivity, I created a daily schedule to follow, with working hours, a list of tasks to carry out and time to take short breaks. This routine contributed to keeping me focused and efficient while allowing me time to relax and unwind.
After the gallery reopened and the staff settled into their work routine, I was invited to Milton Keynes to gain some experience of the daily life of the gallery. My supervisors and I would arrange specific dates for me to be in the office, making sure the anti-Covid measures were respected, that there was no risk for either the other employees or me to be in the gallery and that my presence would not overcrowd the office space. On the days scheduled, I took every precaution and was able to commute from Oxford to Milton Keynes by bus. Although I did not have much time to socialise after work, every single person at MK gallery was incredibly welcoming and supportive, and I greatly enjoyed meeting all of them.
Lasting Impressions
I immensely enjoyed my internship at MK Gallery. My supervisors and the rest of the team were all welcoming and supportive, both remotely and in person, and the gallery itself is a brilliant institution, absolutely worth visiting. I profoundly appreciate the Exhibitions Team's efforts in such precarious and uncertain circumstances to make me feel included and appreciated, and to do their best to provide me with the most rewarding experience.
The pandemic prevented me from working in the office full time, but my supervisors and I were in constant contact and really worked as a team. As soon as it was safe for me to be in the gallery, they offered me the opportunity to go but left the decision to me, seeing as travelling can be difficult or unsafe. The decision to be in the office was dictated by the fact that the team believed that it would be useful for me to have the opportunity to understand the dynamics of the gallery, to participate not only in the research process but also in the more practical aspects involved in setting up an exhibition. I agreed and was more than happy to gain as much insight as possible into the process and the field.
Overall, I have learned a lot from this experience. Working alongside the Exhibitions Team at MK Gallery has confirmed my career ambitions and has further fuelled my fascination for art and my motivation for working in the heritage sector.