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Pragmatix Advisory

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First Year Undergraduate,BA History, Remote Working

Work Projects

Pragmatix was working on three different projects during my internship and as a first-year intern, I was expected to help out on many of the different tasks. However, I was assigned a primary project to focus on. My main tasks were collecting the data required for a report, such as employment statistics related to a particular industry and then producing graphs, which tracked those statistics in relation to the questions we were answering in the report. There were a few days of my internship when a report deadline was approaching, and it was those days when I felt I contributed the most because everyone in the team would chip in towards producing a final report.

There was a lot of support from Mark, the C.E.O of Pragmatix, and the other interns, who had been at Pragmatix for longer than I had. This meant that I never felt like I didn't know what I was doing, and I always knew how my work was contributing to the team effort.

Daily Life

Every day of my remote internship started with a Teams meeting where everyone would give an update report on the different projects, the list of tasks to be completed was updated and everyone was assigned their tasks for the day. Often, this call would be kept on all day, so that, in a simulation of a real-life office, we could ask questions or work together on certain sections if necessary. We then worked on shared documents, so that we could see the work everyone was doing in real time.

If I had advice for another intern working remotely in this way, I would tell them not to be intimidated by the online call. It's ok to get up to make a cup of tea and to log off when the workday ends, even if others aren't, as long as you know that you're working hard and you're completing all the work assigned to you.

Lasting Impressions

I think this was an incredibly valuable experience since, in many ways, COVID has felt like a full stop in my development. This internship was challenging, but that just meant that I learnt something new every day and it served as a perfect opportunity for personal development. I've learnt a lot about the ways in which I prefer to work; working in a team to produce a final report was a great motivation for me. Unfortunately, this has thrown as panner in the works when it comes to my career plans, as before I hadn't seriously considered Consultancy, but now I think it is a type of work that could really suit me.

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