EASTHAMPSTEAD : St Michael and St Mary Magdalene : Pilgrimage Guide

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St Michael & St Mary Magdalene, Easthampstead

St Michael and St Mary Magdalene is a holy place with treasures from every age. In 635 St Birinus baptised King Cyngils here before moving to Dorchester. From the stone church of c1160 many furnishings survive. Rebuilt 1865–7, the present church is an impressive monument to the Arts and Crafts and Pre-Raphaelite movements, with windows by Morris and Burne-Jones. St Birinus’ Spring (635) in the churchyard was

of Charles I, reused for Charles II. Pray for all in

close to the War Memorial, designed by the Arts

authority that they may rule justly and seek the

and Crafts architect, Temple-Moore. By tradition

common good.

St Birinus baptised King Cyngils of Wessex here in the presence of St Oswald. Give thanks for the

Pope was a friend of Elijah Fenton, poet and

saints who established the faith in our land and

tutor to the Trumbull family who leased

pray that we too may draw others to Christ.

Easthampstead Park. The epitaph by Alexander Pope (1730) in the north aisle extols Fenton’s

The Font (c1160) links us with the first stone

virtues. Give thanks for those who have formed

church. It has eight sides; seven for the days

and fostered Christian qualities in us.

of Creation, and an eighth for our re-creation through the Resurrection of Jesus. Give thanks

Revd Osborne Gordon, Ruskin’s tutor at Christ

for our own baptism and for the new creation we

Church and friend of the Pre-Raphaelites, rebuilt

have become in Christ.

the Church 1865–67. In the Resurrection Window (1878) in the north aisle, Burne-

Easthampstead was a Royal Manor from the

Jones, following John 20, 11–18, shows St Mary

Saxon kings to the reign of Charles I. The

Magdalene on the left looking for the dead

Royal Arms (1625) under the tower are those

Christ, and on the right finding new life in our

risen Lord. Pray that we may always move from

The High Altar Reredos (1873–77) is made of

our old ways to grow in the image of Christ.

Opus Sectile. The outer panels depict the four Evangelists with their symbols. The centre panel

The front of the Pulpit (1631) is carved with

depicts the Crucifixion with Jesus reigning from

flourishing plants. In the inscription on the left

the Cross with compassion. Give thanks that

William Aylward compares his gift of the Pulpit

in Communion we share in Jesus’ death and

to the generosity of the Widow’s mite in St Luke


21:2–3. Pray that we may be generous with our time, talents and money in Christ’s service.

On the south side of the Chancel Arch a brass to Thomas Berwyk (1443), a clerk at Eton Chapel,

The Last Judgement Window (1876) above the

asks in Latin that we pray for his soul. Pray for

High Altar was a collaboration between Burne-

those whom we love but see no longer.

Jones and William Morris. At the top is Christ in Glory. Below are 12 Elders who will judge God’s

The Rood Screen (15thC) in the Downshire

people. In the centre is St Michael with the Book

Chapel stood between the Nave and Chancel

of Life. Either side angels’ trumpets raise the

representing the Gate of Heaven. Pray that our

dead. Pray that we may have the courage and

pilgrimage on earth may help us grow closer to

wisdom to change our lives in Christ’s love.

God in heaven.


You might also like to visit other nearby churches in the Pilgrim Project:

Oxford Diocese Pilgrim Project: St Michael & St Mary Magdalene, Easthampstead RG12 7ET

St Thomas of Canterbury, Goring Site of ancient priory

Website: www.stmichaelseasthampstead.org.uk

Holy Trinity, Cookham Stanley Spencer St Giles, Stoke Poges Gray’s ‘Elegy’

PILGRIMAGE PRAYER Pilgrim God, You are our origin and our destination. Travel with us, we pray, in every pilgrimage of faith, and every journey of the heart. Give us the courage to set off, the nourishment we need to travel well, and the welcome we long for at our journey’s end. So may we grow in grace and love for you and in the service of others. through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford

Illustrations by Brian Hall © Diocese of Oxford

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