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IF Oxford, the science and ideas Festival

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BTS Family Shows

BTS Family Shows

Oxford Playhouse hosts two exciting events from IF Oxford, the science and ideas Festival.

Fri 27 Oct Sat 28 Oct


Science: Your Irrational Brain

This interactive game show uses demos, experiments and quizzes to show how brains trick us into making irrational decisions every day. Get your voting device ready and navigate the quirks of your brain. This challenge helps you understand human defaults. Can you spot and learn from unconscious bias to make smarter choices? To fully take part, you will need a smartphone or tablet to access the game app.

5pm | Tickets £5

Age guideline 13+

Feedback Loops

Words alone cannot always describe inner thoughts and feelings. The rhythm of Ambient Electronica builds dance performance in a unique production. Heart-rate, blood pressure, skin conductance and movement data can track episodes of depression, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis in clinical settings, and Feedback Loops represents this biometric data through a performer’s bodily movements.

Join Alina Ivan and the dancer in a post-performance panel discussion to explore lived experiences in new ways.

3pm | Tickets £12 (£10 discount)

Age guideline 13+

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