Oxford U3A Newsletter May 2015
St Clements Church Oxford
Committee 2015/16 Chairman: Michael Walker Email: rabycottage@aol.com Tel 791825 Secretary Valerie Hill Email: secretary@u3aoxford.org.uk Treasurer Giles Barraclough Email: treasurer@u3aoxford.org.uk Membership Yos Godsave Email membership@u3aoxford.org.uk Programme Pam Lee Email p.lee22@btinternet.com Sigs Co-ordinator Margaret Lipscomb Email: sigscordinator@u3aoxford.org.uk Webmaster Rosemary Williams Email: info@u3aoxford.org.uk Newsletter Editor Joy Roscoe Email: newslettereditor@u3aoxford.org.uk Rota co-ordinator Elaine Adams Email: elaineadams50@sky.com
Committee member Robert Protherough
Contents Press on index to go directly to the page Chairman’s report ..................................................... 4 An Appreciation ......................................................... 5 News from the SIGs.................................................... 6 New walking group – ‘up and walking’ ................. 6 Proposed Future Walks.......................................... 7 New Lunch Club – up and running ........................ 8 Proposed new SIG – Italian Miscellany.................. 8 Proposed new group – a Sunday Club................... 9 Visit to Bath.............................................................. 10 New members .......................................................... 11 Members who have departed ................................. 11 Deadline for next Newsletter ................................. 11
Chairman’s report Welcome to our summer season of lectures, with, as usual, a wide variety of topics to challenge our knowledge and understanding. Thank you to all who supported our AGM (and to the Churches and Pubs group who gave us an interesting presentation thereafter). From the AGM we welcome new Committee members: Valerie Hill who has taken on the post of Secretary; Yos Godsave, former Treasurer, who has been willing to become our Membership Secretary; Joy Roscoe who has taken on Editorship of the Newsletter (with Rosemary Williams currently overseeing the practicalities of production); and Elaine Adams will oversee our welcoming Stewards. We are very grateful to all willing to volunteer for these roles. As our Treasurer disclosed, our finances are in a fairly healthy state, and we are grateful for all who have contributed their subscriptions (particularly those who did not need a number of reminders!) To make things more straightforward, we shall (as indicated at the AGM, after being voted for at one of our Thursday meetings) with the Newsletter before next year be publishing the means to set up Standing Orders for the subscriptions (with of course invitations to sign up for Gift Aid). Our current membership stands at about 190 - somewhat down on the total for the past year or two - and I would like to encourage you to look, if you can, at possible recruits among your contacts. We are looking for ways to increase publicity: our programme is advertised in the Oxford Public Library; and Margaret Lipscomb has organised notices in Oxford Daily Information; if you have other suggestions (or would be willing to organise some publicity for us), we would be very grateful. Finally, mentioning membership and subscriptions in tandem, I note that three of our members have recently died, after they had made their contributions; we are sad, but at the same time posthumously grateful. One of
those who has departed, and whom I shall particularly miss, is Alan Madgwick, a stalwart supporter, and one of the founder members of the Philosophy SIG, and still a member till his death, having contributed not one but two papers on Kant in the last year. We have also lost John Spencer, another founder and long-serving Chairman of the Group, as well as Sir Roger Bannister, both of whom feel no longer able to attend our monthly meetings; so we have for once a shortage of members. My last appeal is for anyone interested in joining us to contact Yos Godsave on 01865 559217 or email info@u3aoxford.org.uk for details, which are also on our website at http://u3aoxford.org.uk/. Michael Walker
An Appreciation My heartfelt thanks to all those U3A members who so kindly sent messages of sympathy after the sudden and unexpected death of my dear husband, Alan. He would have been most gratified and would have warmly welcomed those who made the journey to Faringdon for his “send-off� service. Thank you so much. Betty Madgwick.
News from the SIGs New walking group – ‘up and walking’ On Tuesday 31 March, six walkers met at the Old Fire Station for the first walk of the newly formed group. We set off for Hythe Bridge Street in fair weather with a gusty wind on our backs. We then followed the canal tow path, with an informative commentary from Wendy Thomas. We turned into the Trap Grounds and here, as we crossed the board walk in the sunshine, Mary Gregory told us of the transformation of the former rubbish dump into a wetlands conservation area. After Aristotle Bridge, we accessed Willow Walk, which fringes Port Meadow. Soon after this we met up with Rosemary Williams and briefly faced the force of the wind blowing and gusting across the meadow. Then we were back to the tranquility of the Thames Path which we followed towards town before turning off under the railway line to pass the old engine turn-table and access Upper Fisher Row. We ended in the Castle complex, where we chatted and planned over coffee.
Proposed Future Walks Tuesday May 19 : Time: 10.30: Meeting Place: Abingdon Market Place: Length: 4 miles
Tuesday June 23 : Time: 10.30 Meeting place: Woodstock, Hensington Road car park Length: 3-4 miles Details of future walks to be confirmed at a later date Monday July 20 Tuesday August 25
We should be delighted to hear from anyone who might like to lead one of these two walks or a walk in the future. For further information about future walks, please ring Wendy Thomas (01865 558709) or Jean Robert (01865 262211) – or see the website: http://u3aoxford.org.uk/
New Lunch Club – up and running The first Lunch Club took place on Tuesday 7 April, at the Swan and Castle, Castle Street, Oxford. This seemed popular and the following lunch has been arranged. Tuesday 16 June at 12 noon Waterside Restaurant Cherwell College Oxford. . If you would like to attend the lunch please email: Rosemary Williams at info@u3aoxford.org.uk, giving your name and how many people will be attending or sign the list at the Thursday meetings. Please note that because places are limited, to avoid disappointment is it important to book early. In July we would like to hold a Social Barbeque at the University Club, and if you would be interested please contact Rosemary Williams on info@u3aoxford.org.uk
Proposed new SIG – Italian Miscellany The Italian Conversation group for beginners is now full. However, Gillian Sharman is interested in setting up a new group to study a miscellany of short passages from Italian literature in the original Italian. It is intended for those with some ability to read Italian but who would like to improve by sampling and discussing a variety of texts. If you would be interested in finding out more or joining such a group, please contact Gillian Sharman: tel. 01865 242210; email scarpagiulia39@gmail.com
Proposed new group – a Sunday Club Although many people are busy during the week, some, especially those with no family nearby, find themselves at a loose end at week-ends. We therefore wondered if anyone would be interested in joining a Sunday Club – an informal group meeting once a month on a Sunday (from mid-day onwards) to have lunch, or visit open gardens, go for a stroll, have a picnic, share tea, take a river trip, or even go to the cinema. There are all sorts of possibilities to do things with other people and share conversation and company. If you would be interested in such a group, please contact Margaret Lipscomb (01865 452979 or email: m.lipscomb@ntlworld.com) and we will organise a Sunday when we can meet up to share ideas and discuss this further.
Visit to Bath THURSDAY 18 JUNE Bath is a city of infinite variety and charm. From the antique markets of Guinea Lane to the elegance of the Assembly Rooms, from a free walking tour to the beauty of the botanical gardens, there is something for every taste and pace. This visit is selling out fast but there are still a few places available. The cost is a very reasonable ÂŁ20 and application forms can be found at the back of the room after Thursday talks or downloaded from the website at www.u3aoxford.org.uk, together with further information.
So visit Jane Austen’s house, have tea in the pump room and join us for a day in Bath.
New members We would like to welcome the following new members Ms Annie Moelwyn-Hughes Mrs Sally Margaret Atkins Ms Sheila Ann Warden Mr William A Bliss
Members who have departed It is with deep sadness that we lost Hazel George who has been responsible for keeping our members' records for a number of years, even when she was suffering from a long illness.
Deadline for next Newsletter Please can all contributions be submitted no later than 31 July by Email: newslettereditor@u3aoxford.org.uk
Stained glass at St Clements Church Oxford Photos Š Jean Douglas