Unfolding democracy øystein leonardsen november 14th 2014

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Unfolding Democracy

Ă˜ystein Leonardsen Project Manager, Sundholmskvarteret External lecturer, RUC

Results 2008-14

Two Perspectives Part One – How to handle complexities We’re living in a world where we’re divided by trade, culture and different rationalities. In late modernity nobody can claim supremacy. So how do we find a common ground? What unites us? We have to develop a way to understand and start an appreciative inquiry

Part Two – It’s all about power United we stand strong! But united we also stand apart. Social capital grows not only within the group but also between groups horizontally and between local communities and decision makers. This calls for questions like: What unites us? How do we create trust? Who in our neighbourhood could support our case? How do we get in touch with decisions makers?

Part One How to handle complexities Case: Kornblomstparken

The World is perceived complex • Organizations tends to define themselves or their perspective through storytelling, by law, policies or other types of borders. We do it by answering questions like: Who are we? What do we want? How are we different from everybody else? • Most municipality branches and institutions sees the world from their hieracy and professional standards. As a citizen all you see is this massive complexity. • So how do you embrace complexity and makes it your friend?

Welcome to Kornblomstparken; the land of many perspectives • To local social housing organisations • One social housing company • A community based social housing project • Planners, builders and municipality authorities • Public social and pedagogical services • Citizens and other local actors around the park

• • • •

Social housing act Urban renewal act Planning act Local authority mandate Place based management

Difference in age, culture and social background

Dogville planning

Planning on the fly

Workshop classic

Citizens raise their voice

Temporary markings

Coffee diplomacy and partnerships • Whether it’s the CEO, the kids or the tenant. All need to be heard, understood and accept. This is best done on their own home turf. • Patience and miniscule research in economics, legality and interest creates trust and trustworthiness. • Through coffee diplomacy and written partnerships the many perspectives unites

This was the beginning

Four years later

Bonding – Bridging - Linking • Bonding social capital is defined as strong ties between individuals in similar sociodemographic situations, such as immediate family, close friends or neighbours. • Bridging social capital is used to describe more distant ties of like persons, such as loose friendships or workmates. Bridging social capital tends to be outward looking and brings together people from across diverse socio-demographic situations. • Linking social capital concerns connectivity between unlike people in dissimilar situations. It refers to connections with people in power, such as those in politically or financially influential positions.

What we can makes us proud

Uniforms express the group

Together we’re strong!

Among equals I feel secure

I trust you and you’re intentions

Building trust across the cultural gap

It makes you happy to co create

Don´t forget to socialize

A common task dissolves social and cultural backgrounds

Cultural meeting scale 1:1

Decisionmakers and citizen meets

A mayor is grounded

Two mayors and a homeless have a common experince

Bonding, bridging and linking at Denmark’s Political Festival on Bornholm

It sounds so easy ‌

How fans view a penalty kick

How player view a penalty kick

Read on Øystein Leonardsen: oysleo@tmf.kk.dk, 2054 6919 Publications from Sundholmskvarteret and beyond: http://issuu.com/oysteinleonardsen/stacks/aa4a1e383df8478ba0dcfc040462a867

Systemic analysis: Luhmann, N: Social Systems, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995 Social Capital: Firth ,Maye & Pearson (2011): Developing “community” in community gardens, Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 16:6, 555-568 Local democracy: Sirianni, C: Investing in Democracy: Engaging Citizens in Collaborative Governance , Brookings 2009 Facebook: www.facebook.com/sundholmsvej8

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