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The Property Ladder
Further to having passed the first time buyer stage, you may start looking towards moving up the property ladder in Malta. This brings with it a number of challenges. If you want to either move to a larger or smaller property (depending on your family or lifestyle situation), you may want to sell your previous home in order to finance the new one. If you are a buyer wanting to expand your property portfolio we can assist with providing a service tailored to your specific needs and requirements. In an ideal world, these two processes would happen simultaneously to ensure a seamless transition.
This ideal scenario is not always the case for those doing this alone as it may be difficult to effectively balance your efforts in selling your property in Malta whilst also looking for a new one. That is why at Oyster Christie’s International Real Estate, we focus on hassle-free transactions and guarantee to take the stress out of your entire experience. We are fully able to sell your property in Malta whilst helping you find your new one – thus ensuring it as manageable as possible.