Oyster Summer 2014 // Issue76

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S U MMER 2 0 1 4 // i s s u e 7 6

news from the world of oyster S U MMER 2 0 1 4 // i s s u e 7 6 w w w. o y s t e r y a c h t s. c o m


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contents 76 0 3 // O y s t e r 2 0 1 5

David Tydeman

0 6 // O y s t e r L i f e 1 0 // N e w M o d e l s

David Tydeman

1 4 // O y s t e r 8 2 5 R e v i e w

Mike Owen

1 8 // O y s t e r Fl e e t 2 9 // S o B o b ’ s y o u r U n c l e T h e n ?

Alan Brook

3 6 // O w n e r P r o f i l e : M i k e H a h n


Louay Habib

4 1 // M a r y l a n d t o Q u e e n s l a n d : a P h o t o g r a p h i c D i a r y

David & Tamsin Kidwell

5 0 // O y s t e r R a ll i e s & R e g a t t a s

David Tydeman

5 5 // O y s t e r W o r l d R a ll y R e p o r t

Louay Habib

6 8 // O y s t e r R e g a t t a A n t i g u a

Louay Habib

8 0 // O y s t e r O w n e r s ’ D i n n e r 8 2 // C r u i s i n g i n M e x i c o

Rob & Nancy Novak

8 8 // O w n e r P r o f i l e : DR N i c k B l a z q u e z

Barry Pickthall

9 2 // 8 0 Y e a r s , 8 0 d a y s a n d a n O y s t e r 8 0 9 4 // T a s t e o f a n O y s t e r

Jason Cooke

1 0 0 // O y s t e r B r o k e r a g e 1 0 8 // N e w A r r i v a l s


1 1 1 // O y s t e r a t t h e S h o w s

summer 2014



Front Cover The Oyster 825, Reina off the coast of Palma, Mallorca. Photo: Mike Jones, Waterline Media. Editor Rebecca Twiss Contributing Editors Louay Habib Mike Owen Barry Pickthall From the Editor: We know from our readers that the articles they most enjoy reading in the Oyster magazine are the contributions from Oyster owners. If you have a story to tell or information about cruising in your Oyster please let us know. Photographs are always welcome. E: rebecca.twiss@oysteryachts.com

The Oyster magazine is published by Oyster Marine Ltd. The publication is for promotional purpose only, privately circulated, and cannot form part of any contract or offer. Views, details and information herein are therefore not necessarily endorsed by the publisher who will not be held responsible for the consequences of any error or omission. Pictures and illustrations are liable to show non-standard equipment. Oyster magazine is published by FMS on behalf of Oyster Marine Limited. FMS Nigel Fulcher: Managing Director Irene Mateides: Publishing Director Kathryn Giornali: Project Manager James Randall and the design team



summer 2014

welcome Welcome to our 76th edition of Oyster News. I wondered how this publication could possibly follow the wonderful stories and reflections in our 40th anniversary edition. But the success of Oyster continues apace and I am delighted to tell you about some of the great things that have been taking place within Oyster’s world over the past twelve months On the adjacent page we have a wonderful photo of Penelope, Oyster 100

While all of this change has been taking place, we’ve kept our focus on you,

number 2, in the Solent in early May 2014. She and Twilight, Oyster 125, were

the owners of Oyster yachts, who we are proud to support. The conclusion

both ‘welcomed home’ to the UK this summer. It was a fitting milestone in

of the Oyster World Rally in Antigua in April this year also combined with

the seven-year story since Oyster entered the superyacht market, building

Oysters gathering for the annual Caribbean Regatta. With more than

three yachts through our partnership with the RMK Marine Shipyard in

60 yachts together on the island, this was our largest ever gathering and

Turkey. Twilight handed over to its owner last summer and since then we’ve

the parties and gentle racing presented a wonderful reminder of why we

been building up the large yacht design and technical expertise in our newly

all enjoy designing, building and supporting such great yachts. The Rally

branded Custom and Refit yard in Southampton. Following the upgrade of

demonstrated the famous Oyster Customer Service in a way that no other

Oyster 100 number 1, Sarafin, last summer it has been fantastic to see both

yacht company can – a proven example of doing what we say we do –

Penelope and Twilight in the UK for similar ‘end of first year services’ and

globally supporting you 24/7 – and we announce the ‘Pacific Rally 2017’

some owner-upgrades.

and ‘Asian Rally 2018’ in this publication.

We’re also very proud that Cambria – the Fife classic yacht built in the early

Finally, in these pages we’re excited to launch the new Oyster 675: a smaller

1900s, is coming back into the yard this September for a significant refit.

sister to the Oyster 745. This pair of yachts is designed to balance the pairing

This continues to endorse our reputation for handling a broad range of

of the Oyster 825 and 885 and refines how we expect all four of these yachts

specialist activities with large yachts. Our expertise in this area allows buyers

to have professional crew, complementing the designs of the four smaller

of the new Oyster 825s and Oyster 885s (ten sold over the past two to three

yachts from the Oyster 475 to the Oyster 625 that are aimed at the owner

years) fantastic styling and personalisation options. We are proud that the

who sails with family and friends.

re-branding and organisational changes to our Southampton yard have developed into a broad and successful Oyster Custom and Refit centre for

The Oyster team is very proud to be starting our next 40 years...!

all our large yacht activity, including classics under the Southampton Yacht Services identity. The concept project for the Oyster 115 is now taking further

Sincere regards to you all,

steps in Southampton, and I hope we can develop this into a UK build programme soon. Perhaps not surprisingly, this success, together with a full order-book for our Wroxham yard where we are expanding production facilities, has led to some other changes and, by January 2015, we will have taken the logical next step and will have moved our headquarters from its roots in Ipswich

David Tydeman,

to Southampton.

CEO Oyster Group

summer 2014



oyster 2015 In the process of changing the structure created by Balmoral Private Equity in their acquisition of the business in the heady days of 2008, creating a clean and strong balance sheet for our future with no debt, and welcoming new shareholders in early 2012, I set out to them that we needed to change the operating model of the business. Their support has been fantastic and, by 2015, we will have gently moved the structure that was appropriate for the pre-Recession boom years into a stable platform that can steadily support the company for years to come. It has generated many comments, as you may imagine, so I am pleased to explain it. The structure for Oyster in the 1980s and 1990s, where our HQ and team in Ipswich managed a myriad of ‘build-partners’, started to change in 1998 when we acquired 50 per cent of Southampton Yacht Services. A subsequent acquisition of the other 50 per cent a few years later meant that for the next ten years Oyster operated with a hybrid model, part-internal and part-outsourced. With the support of the new shareholders we needed to make a choice – outsource or bring the key parts of the build all firmly in-house. I have been particularly grateful for the fantastic and wise support of our Group Technical Director Harvey Jones, who has carefully led the production teams through this change.

ha r ve y j o n e s Group Technical Director

UK – s o u t h a m p t o n

WAYNE huntley






Head of Design Team

Senior Concept Designer

Senior Concept Designer

Commercial & Product Development Manager

Lead Client Manager

Customer Service Manager

UK – w r o x h a m oyster yachts UK Wroxham Oyster Yachts UK Ipswich Oyster UK Brokerage




General Manager

Lead Client Manager

After Sales Manager



summer 2014

Southampton Oyster HQ, Custom & Refit & Shipyard

As buyers want to touch and feel the yacht during build much more than

Wroxham yachts who relocated there from Ipswich last year. Completing

in the past and also need more confidence that their hard-earned cash is

the picture in Norfolk, Sarah Harmer also moves most of her Oyster

secure with a clear relationship with the company with whom they are

Customer Service operation to Wroxham placing our technical help team

contracted, we decided to bring things in-house. Our yachts are becoming

in walking distance of the build teams, further enhancing our after-sales

increasingly more technical and sophisticated and we concluded that this

services. Mandy Boughton joined us in parallel with this change, reporting

engineering and build knowledge must be wholly owned and based where

to Sarah and heading up the customer service team that supports the

we build the yachts. Thus, we set out to focus our operations around two

larger yachts, which is now based in our yard in Southampton. Ewan Hind

wholly owned shipyards, exclusively in the UK and with the technical heart

joined us in June to take up the complementary role to Alan Harmer,

and HQ based at one of them. To support this we have retained a small

running the Client Build management team in Southampton.

office for UK brokerage in Ipswich and invested in our USA operations in Newport. In April this year we opened a wonderful new support centre in

The new product development, superyachts and most of the design and

Palma where, at the time of writing, we have nearly 70 yachts either passing

engineering teams relocated to Southampton during 2013 (a couple moved

through or based there. Jamie Collins leads our brokerage operation from

to supporting roles in Wroxham) and we invested in building up this team.

Palma supported by Chris Fairfax for brokerage in the USA. Molly Marston

Wayne Huntley heads up the design team, Marcus Wright joined us from

continues to lead our Oyster charter operations from the USA, supported by

Rhoades Young Superyacht design to work with Daron Townson as the

staff in the new Palma office.

creative team and Andrew Martin runs the new product development processes, exampled well by the great new Oyster 675.

This has of course taken time and we’re doing it slowly and carefully to ensure we don’t lose focus during the changes. In June 2012 Anthony

The final step of moving the marketing, finance and sales support team to

Landamore decided that it was time for retirement, with nearly 40 years

Southampton during the latter part of 2014 to firmly set up the HQ down

of partnership with Oyster justifying a comfortable, slower life, and we

south, ably helped by Steve Hobbs, our Financial Director, will bring a few

took over his lease, his ~70 staff and his stock. His facilities provided

more new faces into the team – and sadly some will depart as they find

seven build bays in a building set up in 2005/6 as a purpose-built

relocation from Ipswich impossible for family reasons. I thank them,

operation for Oyster Yachts. It was a perfect place to start, and, by late

particularly, for helping out during the transition.

2015, we plan to have increased the current 150 staff to nearly 200 and further expanded the facility to provide 12 build bays from which we

A clear, simpler structure, with key teams where we need them in the two

can produce up to 20 yachts per year, subject to the order-book mix

yards, gives us a great platform for 2015 for us to continue to focus on the

of sizes between the Oyster 475 and 745.

three aspects that differentiate Oyster from everyone else:

This modern and efficient facility, now known as Oyster Yachts, Wroxham,

1. Great yachts built for world cruising

is being run by a newly appointed General Manager, Suzy Lynch, who, as

2. A real commitment to providing events for owners to enjoy in exclusive

a specialist consultant in manufacturing processes, advised Anthony in the

company with one another

creation of the facility nearly ten years ago! As Suzy expressed it herself

3. Demonstrable global 24/7 customer service operation – proven again

as she joined Oyster this summer...”I really welcome the chance to finish

to work, second to none, through the Oyster World Rally.

what I started and to help Oyster expand this operation into a dedicated world- class facility.” Supporting Suzy is the key build management team from the Landamore days, retaining their years of knowledge, and also Alan Harmer who heads up the Client build management team for the


palma palma de mallorca

rhode island Jamestown

Puerto de Palma Newport



Oyster Yacht Charter

US Yacht Broker

JAMIE COLLINS oyster USA Newport Shipyard

Brokerage Manager

oyster palma Edificio ‘Moll Vell’ Palma

summer 2014



Oyster life 76

T a l e o f t h e AR C

Sp i r i t o f P h a n to m i n B O RA B O RA

and the Oysters

The crew of Oyster 725 Spirit of Phantom, Brett and Dee Sleeth, sent us this fantastic

The 2013 Atlantic Rally for Cruisers was boosted this time with

photograph from their travels in Bora Bora. We love to receive photographs like this; If you

a second accompanying ARC+ event differently routed via the

have any of your Oyster in beautiful or unusual settings please do send them to us:

Cape Verde islands, and the two rallies both attracted a keen


Oyster entry. First of the Oyster ARC fleet of 15 to arrive in Saint Lucia was Oyster 885 Karibu in a comfortable 14 days 23 hours, but, on corrected time, including hours under engine, it was Eric Alfredson aboard Oyster 53 Lisanne who scooped that prize and also took first place in Cruising Class D, with Andreas Zimmerman following in third aboard sistership Oyster 53 Dragonfly. Reinforcing how well first-placed Lisanne had sailed, her crew had also pulled off a second overall in the Cruising Division’s 162 finishers. Another owner particularly delighted to take top slot in class, and also second overall this time in the Racing Division, was Ross Applebey with his well-travelled and much raced Oyster Light Wave 48 Scarlet Oyster. “We’ve now won Racing Class B for the third time in a row,” Ross enthused. “We are so delighted, only one other boat has won twice in a row in a race division, so the hat-trick is very pleasing!” In the sibling ARC+, starting two weeks prior to the main ARC fleet,

Three Peaks Challenge for OYW A band of 15 yacht builders, joiners and engineers from Oyster Yachts Wroxham

three Oysters sailed, of which June and Alex Laidlaw’s Oyster 46

recently successfully completed a 24-hour, three-peaks challenge in aid of Cancer

Sonsy Lass was first into St Lucia, notching a credible third in class

Research UK. This team, which comprised a blend of youth and experience, set out on

along this new and really quite enticing route with its stopover in

7 June 2014 scaling the highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales – Ben Nevis,

Mindelo, in the Cape Verde islands, providing a fascinating island

Scafell Pike and Snowdon, all in the space of just 24 hours. The motivation for

break. The Oyster tally for the coming 2014 ARC and ARC+ is looking

attempting this truly daunting challenge was driven by personal experience – each team

good, too, with 17 entries across the two events spanning, size-wise,

member has in the recent past been touched by the effects of cancer and, by taking on

Oyster 46 Cloud 9 of Kingswear to Oyster 82 Darling.

this challenge, they hope to contribute to lessening the suffering of others in future.

For more information, go to www.worldcruising.com/arc

If you are able to support this valiant effort, donations can be made via www.justgiving.com/Oyster-Yachts



summer 2014

In Memory of Jean-Pierre Cardin We are very sad to report that our friend and colleague Jean-Pierre Cardin lost his battle with cancer recently. JP joined Oyster in July 2000 as a Project Manager. He came to us with a background in Project Management from Dutch shipyards and quickly became a valued part of the team here. He subsequently spent some time in Brokerage and Sales before moving back to his first love of new boat construction. Always very popular with his clients, JP was involved in some very interesting yachts. He was fortunate

K a r i b u s h ow s p a c e i n t h e Lo r o P i a n a S u p e r y a c h t R e g a tt a

enough to be invited to cross the

In a fabulous few days of racing in Porto Cervo in early June the Oyster 885 Karibu surprised many with

read about it in the last issue of the

a performance that shone among the super-lightweight competitors in the same Class C. Swapping places, just seconds apart on corrected time, Karibu held out well against Selene, the stripped-out, lightweight Swan 80, and Grande Orazio, a Southern Wind carbon special just a couple of feet shorter

Atlantic on the Oyster 72 Bill and Me (with her distinctive orange mast) about 18 months ago, a trip that he enjoyed enormously (you may have Oyster Magazine). JP is survived by his wife, Jennie, and three children, whom our thoughts go out to.

than Karibu. And racing with mainly a Corinthian and family crew, Karibu’s owner was in fact one of very few in the fleet enjoying living aboard his yacht in comfort with guests throughout the regatta. Having pulled a remarkable second and two thirds against such stiff competition in the first three races, after the final light airs race on day four, Karibu settled on fourth in class overall, behind the Cookson 80 My Song, owned by Mr Loro Piana himself. Ending still ahead of the 24m Hoek-designed Drumfire and three other Southern Wind yachts in her class, this was an impressive display. With the 19 boat fleet split between three classes and sailing with staggered starts, Karibu Captain Tim Corrie said of their showing, “The first few days were favourable to us as the breeze was stronger. On the final day when they called a last-minute course starting after 14.00 we were a little surprised due to the light conditions but nevertheless we went for it. We had a small gear failure, which left us with just a main up for around three to four minutes, which cost us, but we had a fantastic time.”

A Japanese Oyster Celebration New Oyster owner Yasuhiko Shimazaki created an interesting stir at his Seabornia Yacht Club in Japan on the shores of Sagami Bay to the south of Yokohama when in May he invited guests and dignitaries to help celebrate the launch of his Oyster 46 Sima IX. Among these guests were Britain’s Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Tokyo, Julia Longbottom, and Minoru Saito, who as one of the world’s most notable veteran ocean sailors, has completed an astonishing eight solo circumnavigations. With Mr Shimazaki an equal enthusiast, and Owners’ Club Chairman for that other top British brand Aston Martin, the prestige performance car maker was also represented with the attendance of key staff. Topping the day off, distinguished guests, including Julia and Minoru, joined Sima IX’s proud new owner to be among the first to sail her.

summer 2014



Oyster life 76

O YS T ER E V EN T S 2 0 1 4 Open Yards at Orust 22 – 24 August

Cannes Boat Show 9 – 14 September

Newport Boat Show 11 – 14 September

Southampton Boat Show 12 – 21 September

Oyster 125 Receives triple awards nomination

Oyster Brokerage Show 12 – 21 September

Monaco Yacht Show 24 – 27 September

Oyster Regatta – Palma 30 September – 4 October

Annapolis Sailboat Show

The biggest of all our yachts, Twilight, the sleek and

Oscars of the superyacht world! And finally she was

perfectly proportioned flybridge-topped Oyster 125 by

nominated and shortlisted for the International Yacht and

Dubois, has been raking in the awards nominations with

Aviation ‘Over 30 Metre’ award. That’s all quite some

a recent triple!

accolade … and this highly acclaimed yacht is now open

This stunning Oyster 125 made the final selection for

to new ownership.

the International Superyacht Society ‘Best Sail 24m - 40m’ Award. Twilight was also a finalist in the 2014 Boat

Twilight is for sale through Oyster Brokerage, for more

International World Superyacht Awards, dubbed as the

information visit www.oysterbrokerage.com

9 – 13 October

Hamburg Boat Show 25 October – 2 November

I n M e m o r y o f St e p h e n Y e o It was with much sadness at Oyster we learnt of the death earlier this year of Stephen Yeo,

ARC Party

much-loved owner of the Oyster 45 Yo Ho Ho of Sark. Oyster owners for 27 years, Stephen

20 November

with his wife Alison recorded many of their experiences in wonderful articles for the Oyster Magazine and his was a familiar face at our Oyster dinners and regattas.

ARC+ Start

Stephen and Alison certainly relished their Oyster, enjoying among many adventures

9 November

a leisurely circumnavigation on Yo Ho Ho, taking a full seven years with a long stop in Australia. Our thoughts go out to Alison and their family and friends.

ARC Start 23 November

O YS T ER E V EN T S 2 0 1 5 Oyster Regatta BVI

App r e n t i c e G r a d u a t i o n s f o r O y s t e r Y a c h t s So u t h a m pto n Oyster Yachts have a long history of apprentice schemes and

13 – 18 April

are proud to report that six apprentices graduated and attended the British Marine Federation (BMF) Apprenticeship Graduation Awards to receive their certificates from BMF President Mike Cook at the London Boat Show in January this year. Pictured here from right to left: Tom Siley, Ben Lea, Jack Driscoll, Dan Woods, Jack Grice, Kane Watts, Mike Cook



summer 2014

O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e

NEW B y D a v id T ydema n


Concluding a new phase in our long-running, carefully structured product development programme, we are delighted to announce the all new Oyster 675. Pairing with the Oyster 745 introduced last autumn, the Oyster 675 completes a new third tier to the range, meeting the evolving needs of Oyster owners and how they view and crew their sailing. Positioned by scale of rig and interior volume between the smaller Oysters suited to family and friends and the upper end of the fleet with their fully separated quarters for guest privacy and paid crew, both these new additions to the line have been designed instead around a master cabin, two double cabins and a fourth cabin, en-suite, for up to two ‘professional staff’. In this way we have configured our thinking and design effort into three discrete groups:

With the Family Four yachts – the Oyster 475, 545, 575 and 625 – for ‘family and friends’ Generally sailed without professional crew and relying on shore support for maintenance when required, these Oysters offer the traditional deck saloon approach with a spacious master cabin and central saloon plus comfortable guest cabins with en-suite heads. Where hull shape allows, as on the Oyster 545 and 575, extended transom versions now provide larger lazarette and storage spaces.

The Coupés Two yachts – the Oyster 675 & 745 – in the mid-space In characterising our range, we like to think that if Oysters 475 to 625 are for the family and the 825 and 885 limousines with a chauffeur, then the Oyster 675 and 745 are the new coupés! So in that spirit, inclining towards performance without loss of onboard comforts, the 675 and 745 have spacious cabins and powerful hulls, with twin rudders and a capability to carry more powerful rigs and bigger sail plans for regattas if that’s your preference.

W i t h t h e C h a u ff e u r Two yachts – the Oyster 825 & 885 – both with twin rudders for easy cruising Designed for operation by professional crew with a socially separate living and working space, the Oyster 825 offers five cabins and five heads with interior options to run the yacht with four or two crew, the latter leaving four cabins for you and your friends. The larger Oyster 885 – just 1.8m longer – offers six cabins, six heads in a hull length that just slides in under the MCA ‘24 metre rule’ so providing a very practical, efficient charter option if this is what you seek to help run your yacht.



summer 2014




8 25 -0 2» Designed for global exploration cruising, the galley aft layout enables extensive utility and storage space forward. The extended transom provides a significant ‘dinghy garage’.

8 8 5 -0 4 » Moving the aft bulkhead forward to create a small dinghy garage, reducing to two crew forward enables a large sail locker. This Raised Saloon version is for a very hands-on regatta-focused owner!

8 8 5 -0 7 » A Raised Saloon version with comfortable owner’s study which can convert into a fourth guest cabin.

As part of this overall development and refinement of eight yachts, we are now able to modify interior layouts even more than in the past. Extended aft decks, counter sterns, raised saloon versions of both the 825 and 885, and options for galley aft or galley forward where possible, can all be managed. We have also moved the aft bulkhead for some owners, creating opening transoms and dinghy garages. Rig options, too, have expanded hugely, retaining our classic cutter rigs for the cruising owner but now stretching to full carbon mast and rigging with bowsprits and code zeroes for those wanting more powerful sail plans. It has been an exciting few years and we hope you will understand and enjoy our decisions. Our design team welcomes your ideas and we look forward to working with you on your personal choices. In the meanwhile, of course, we’re far from standing still, continuing as we are with expansion plans for production and welcoming custom and refit projects while also turning the Oyster 115 from concept into reality.

summer 2014



O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e


‘Coupés’ With the new Oyster 675 sharing the same themed l i n e s a s t h e O y s t e r 74 5 w i t h i t s l ow e r p r o f i l e , s t r e t c h e d d e c k s a l oo n w i n d ow v i s u a l ly t r i g g e r i n g a s e n s e o f p ow e r a n d p u r p o s e i n a m a n n e r a k i n t o t h e m o r e ta s t e f u l o f p e r f o r m a n c e r o a d c a r s , t h e s e t wo ya c h t s a r e t h e ‘ Co u p é s ’ o f o u r f l e e t. O w n e r s w i l l g l ow w i t h a pa r t i c u l a r p r i d e Creating balance and pace, the twin rudder hulls by Humphreys Yacht Design are configured and engineered to take a more powerful rig plan


675 745

Length Overall



our Oyster regattas. Yet these are not lightweight racing yachts; they have

Length of Waterline



everything an Oyster should, just in a hull form that gives an extra 10 per




cent on the water.







than the preceding Oyster 72, the new Oyster 675 is similarly 15 per cent

Displacement (approx)



bigger than the Oyster 655 and just 5 per cent smaller than the Oyster 72.

Keel Bulb Weight



Hull Volume



‘linear’ design through which you can walk to the master cabin. With also

Mainsail Area



a comfortable principal guest cabin up front and another double en-suite,

Headsail Area



this really is a spacious yacht to enjoy in comfort.

Spinnaker Area



Upwind Sail Area



Downwind Sail Area



than the smaller yachts, with options for carbon masts and rigging and performance sails that will make both of these yachts appeal to those who enjoy fast passages and have, perhaps, a keen eye also on line honours at

And while the Oyster 745 has almost 15 per cent more internal volume

The 675 also has two main interior options revolving around the galley location, owners choosing between an enclosed galley or a traditional

Externally the sweeping teak and rollover-bulwark decks show a practical plan for sail-handling and play, including foredeck stowage for the tender and a step-down sunbathing platform for fun time at anchor. An extended transom version further enlarges the aft deck and gives an even more determined look to the profile while also enabling a dinghy garage. The Oyster 675 and Oyster 745 – designed for choice not compromise.



summer 2014

left a n d b elo w » The new Oyster 675 is available with three transom options – open with steps, a fold-down bathing platform and a counter-stern version (shown later).

oyster 675 left » The Oyster 745 is also available with three transom options. The extra hull length over its smaller sister, the Oyster 675, allows two sets of the vertical windows.

oyster 745 summer 2014



O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e


825 review T e x t by M ike O w e n ; P hotos by M ike J o n es

H e a d i n g b a c k f r o m o u r P r i v at e V i e w i n g at S t K at h a r i n e Do c k s i n Lo n d o n t o t h e O y s t e r ya r d i n So u t h a m p t o n , R e i n a , t h e f i r s t n e w O y s t e r 8 2 5 , r e v e l l e d i n t h e f r i s k y c o n d i t i o n s , m a k i n g a s w i f t 2 8 - h o u r pa s s a g e b e f o r e f i n a l h a n d o v e r . M i k e O w e n w a s a b o a r d t o r e p o r t. It seemed rather surreal, leaving St Karathine Docks, working the deck in foul weather gear, tidying lines and fenders with close behind us the juxtaposition of London’s morning commuters slogging across the iconic Tower Bridge on their way to a day very different to ours: theirs into the city, ours quite the contrary, escaping to sea. Jealous eyes looked our way. You can get used to that on an Oyster. With the skyscrapers disappearing behind, and in response to our request to pass through the sci-fi, steel Thames Barrier, the radio crackled, “Take Charlie span between the green arrows.” Riding the tide we swept through and on down the River Thames with a mini-flotilla of city-break yachts respectfully trailing in the wake of their queen, Reina, Oyster 825-01. At a near silent 1800rpm from the 5.9 litre Cummins below, we belted along at 9 knots through the water, 12 over ground. One hour later around a big bend in the river we passed under the giant span of the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge and thoughts turned to sailing. In a tickle under four minutes the fractional, three spreader Hall carbon rig was dressed, no strain on crew of course. Courtesy of the Lewmar hydraulic system and two captive winches the main was up and sheeted in moments, followed swiftly by the blade jib on its Reckmann carbon furler. Handsome 3Di from North Sails, these mould-formed foils snapped straight into shape and powered up to deliver 9 knots boat speed in little more than 10 knots true wind aft the beam. As Skipper Jarrod Cripps remarked, “These 3Di sails are just so stable. The jib’s solid the whole way up: no moving around, no waving. They become a smooth, solid wing, great for performance.” Oyster’s focus has always been comfort and sure footedness, along the way taking in new technologies and design thinking adding to performance without damaging the bluewater DNA. And as this passage proved, the new 825 is a shining example of the ever-developing, long-standing collaboration between Oyster and Rob Humphreys of Humphreys Yacht Design. The benefits of Rob’s success across all sectors:



summer 2014

Oyster’s focus has always been comfort and sure footedness, along the way taking in new technologies and design thinking adding to performance without damaging the bluewater DNA

825 grand prix, luxury and production yacht design, is manifest. His preceding

A big attraction of this Oyster 825 will then undoubtedly be that as she is

Oyster 82, of which seventeen were built, clearly impressed. The Oyster

easily run by a small good crew of two, she can provide the same guest

825 is now set to build on this history with the designer’s arrival at a new

potential as the 6ft (1.8m) longer Oyster 885. Two more are nearing

slippery, broader bottomed hull with wider transom and twin-rudder

completion, each with different plan and emphasis.

configuration, and exceptional form stability. There’s also a full 15 per cent bigger interior volume. This answers, too, the yard’s brief for a more

Reina will charter but she sails as a family boat, too, with father and three

flexible, five en-suite cabin plan, allowing the fourth to be either guest or

sons all 6ft 6in (198cm) and over, indicating just how good space is below

second crew cabin depending on owner choice to sail or charter with

decks. With that extra tall headroom and plenty of upper deck and hull

two, three or four crew. Significantly different to the 82, the fourth guest

glazing, it’s big, light and airy, with the space well allocated and shared, with

suite, accessible from the main saloon, provides an integrated layout in

two of the three suites aft providing if wanted an additional Pullman berth,

either version.

taking total sleeping capacity to twelve including crew. And with that »

summer 2014



O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e

That blend of innate skill and the yard’s advanced CNC technology (computerised milling) with precision-templated joinerwork produces end results not just well made and good looking but with such exact, tight, insulated fit that rattle and vibration are virtually banished. Oysters are quiet, and the 825 is again a perfect example. Up on deck with us wanting to follow the evening sun westward in the 18 knot building south-westerly breeze we took in a reef and dropped the blade in favour of the top-down furling staysail, which, with its own internal stay, is fully demountable, leaving the foredeck otherwise clear. We sheeted in past North Foreland before rounding up into the Dover straits clearly defined by the flurry of cross-channel ferries. The sea was lumpy but the ride aboard Reina very comfortable. There was no slamming. Sitting on, as much as in, the water, thanks to her broad underwater belly, with her weight she just rode the confused waves effortlessly, and with the additional 900kg weight saving of the carbon rig above reducing inertia, pitch and roll, too, was minimised. The 3Di North Sail wardrobe helps here also – that enormous 319.5m2 mainsail weighing just 75kg! Before a night of motor sailing, tacking homewards through the building Oyster eye for practicality at sea as well as rest, the layout throughout

headwind, the 825 simply romped through a good few hours of straight

is well planned and detailed for working and sleeping underway.

windward sailing, revelling in the frisky conditions. As another front came

Hand holds abound. The shadow-gapped cabinetry is not just refined

in, wind speed lifted above 35 knots apparent as we accelerated through

but robust and working areas whether at nav station, forward galley or

10 to 11 knots sailing 30 to 33° with a second reef in and hardly more than

servery-bar between forward accommodation and saloon all provide

finger steering from the Mamba bevelhead system that with the responsive

that desired work’n’wedge security.

twin rudder set up gave only the slightest weather helm, letting Reina virtually self-steer in the groove while being very easy also to take off the

Stowage space, as Skipper Jarrod’s wife and first mate/chef/stew Floss

wind. With these rudders you just don’t feel the weight and if in a gust

says, is excellent, with no corner wasted and every cupboard and drawer

there’s a need to spill, a quick flip of the joystick controlled mainsheet,

wood-crafted specifically to purpose. That applies from the fine wine

rights the moment.

rack in the pedestal of the main saloon table to the tiny detail of the diagonally sectioned cutlery drawer for optimal spoon fit, right through to

Bursting through the eastern Solent in the continuing stiff breeze and

the saloon’s smaller occasional table with exquisite games board inset,

then broadening on to a fast, powerful fetch back into Southampton

concealing below a cunningly clever stowage and swap-out arrangement

Watermid morning, Reina slipped into her mooring, her final passage

for a wide variety of other games and their pieces.

trial comfortably complete, with just a few tasks and tidying left before her handover. Reina is now in the Med.

Jarrod says the ingenuity at Oyster has really impressed ever since he first came on board as project manager alongside the owner when he signed.

For more information on chartering Reina please contact Molly Marston:

He cites as example the cockpit installation of the high-brightness

molly.marston@oysteryachts.com or visit www.oystercharter.com

Sailmon data monitor, achieving the optimum eyeline from the twin conning stations in a subtle reworking of a section in the back coaming of the guest cockpit. In another yard, it might have been a bolt on, but here function and aesthetics are equal. A holistic process began. “I took the unit to them,” says Jarrod, “and they designed this really neat seamless inclusion. It opened my eyes to the effort that’s put in at Oyster: all the man hours, all the enthusiasm and pride in achieving a good job. It started with just wood, bolts, grp; that all jumped into life! “It was like that throughout the interior, too… You take the concept GA [general arrangement], then have your own thoughts and talk with the shipwrights. They just see it all in their minds, straightaway, what will work, the detail of cupboards and how these might sit or work with the levels, because nothing’s straight on a boat.”



summer 2014

825 With the Oyster eye for practicality at sea as well as rest, the layout throughout is well planned and detailed for working and sleeping underway

summer 2014



O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e

The Oyster

Fle e t

475 oy s t e r 4 7 5




Length Overall (including pulpit)


Length of Waterline


why completely change something that is already so successful?



The 475 has simply improved upon the already well-proven Oyster 46

Draft HPB Keel (standard)


Standard Rig and Spar Type

Masthead sloop with fully battened main

Available Rig options

In-mast furling, cutter gear

Displacement (standard keel)


The Oyster 475 is, in truth, more evolution than revolution. After all,

with a lengthened hull giving a larger aft deck, plus a host of other subtle enhancements both in styling and fit-out.

The Oyster 475 is then the ideal family boat, offering unusually spacious, luxurious accommodation for her compact size, and here’s a small but worthwhile point: her length of less than 15m overall usually makes it easy to find a berth for the night. With updated build techniques, the latest and most advanced design engineering has allowed us to make the hull and deck light, strong and stiff, so out on the water the 475 is a very powerful yacht, and almost certainly ‘best in class’ for righting movement and form stability. Her cockpit design calls also on lessons learnt from professional ergonomic studies, and her generous deck space includes a large aft area with easy access down to the bathing platform. For the world cruiser, stowage space is a major consideration and the Oyster 475 has an outstanding lazarette, swallowing all that cruising kit.



summer 2014

545 oy s t e r 5 4 5 SPARKLING PERFORMANCE IS VITAL… AND SO IS THE SOCIAL SIDE At Oyster we of course pride ourselves on our past achievements, and the original, much revered Oyster 54 was a wonderfully designed and deservedly popular yacht with its many owners, but we also believe in moving on, building our strong heritage. This is precisely why the Oyster 545 is the future, now. A worthy successor with even more spirited performance for those seeking ultimate comfort and all-round capabilities for their cruising adventures, the 545’s clean hull lines, powerful rig and a low centre of gravity bulb keel have created a fast, stiff, comfortable passage maker, which has regularly proved herself

Extended transom version

also at Oyster regattas.

D IME N SIO N S While good performance is important, the 545 offers genuine cruising

Length Overall (including pulpit)


Length of Waterline


influenced rollover bulwark, which gives a clean contemporary look,



which, added to the sleek, curved deck saloon styling helps create a

Draft HPB Keel (standard)


Standard Rig and Spar Type

Masthead sloop with fully battened main

So the Oyster 545… a great looking yacht presented in a total package

Available Rig options

In-mast furling, cutter gear

designed to bring you that elusive combination of brilliant performance,

Displacement (standard keel)


comfort, too, with a generously proportioned cockpit fitted with a substantial fixed table. The hull meets the deck via a modern superyacht-

stunning outboard profile from any angle.

comfort and luxury – both above and below deck.

summer 2014



O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e

The Oyster

Fle e t

575 oy s t e r 5 7 5




Length Overall (including pulpit)


Length of Waterline


of her interior in 2012 with space-enhancing changes to the layout.



Introducing even more daylight, the saloon now has the striking vertical

Draft HPB Keel (standard)


Standard Rig and Spar Type

Semi-fractional sloop with fully battened main

Available Rig options

In-mast furling, cutter gear, non-overlapping

and double headsail rigs

Displacement (standard keel)


The highly popular Oyster 575 has recently received a complete revamp

‘seascape’ windows we first featured in the award-winning Oyster 625. These are now being incorporated into most of the Oyster fleet from the Oyster 575 upwards.

Learning also from the 625, the chart area is now raised to the same level as the rest of the saloon seating, increasing not just the visual sense of space but extending the social area and enabling the chart table to flow seamlessly into the surrounding cabinetry. The forward guest cabin is enlarged, too, and now has access directly into the head. The 575’s joinery styling incorporates a host of subtle enhancements, including sculpted headliners, accent-lighting in the saloon, more contemporary styling for the heads, upgraded cabin doors and door furniture, and custom saloon aircon outlets. And, on the practical side, the standard specification includes Formula spars, a Volvo D3 engine

and Raymarine i70 sailing instruments. This wonderful yacht is also available in a shoal or centreboard/twin rudder option.

Extended transom version



summer 2014

625 Alternative Interior Layout

oy s t e r 6 2 5 HANDCRAFTED FIT-OUT TO A LUXURIOUS STANDARD BARELY FOUND OTHER THAN ON A CUSTOM-BUILT YACHT The triple award-winning, innovative Oyster 625 is a superb example of contemporary styling both above and below decks and is designed for comfortable live-aboard, ‘family and friends’ easy sailing. A totally fresh look at interior design and detailing has given the accommodation a clean, modern feel with new styling of joinery, upholstery, shower rooms and hardware that together with the wide choice of interior timbers and finishes allow the owner to create a really stunning individual onboard environment. Bringing the outside in, the spacious saloon is fitted with triple ‘seascape’ vertical windows that fill the saloon with light and give a fantastic view


over the water while seated below deck: a real superyacht feature.

Length Overall (including pulpit)


Length of Waterline


and shower, and a fourth cabin that can be configured as a workshop,



additional guest cabin or a children’s cabin with linked access from the

Draft HPB Keel (standard)


Standard Rig and Spar Type

Semi-fractional sloop with fully battened main

Available Rig options

In-mast furling, cutter gear, non-overlapping

for a full-time crew member with berth and heads should operational

and double headsail rigs

assistance be required, and shoal/centreboard options are available.

Displacement (standard keel)


The sumptuous aft owner’s suite is full beam and has private access to the aft deck. There are two generous guest cabins, each with its own heads

master cabin. The Oyster 625 interior options also include a forepeak arrangement

summer 2014



O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e

The Oyster

Fle e t

675 oy s t e r 6 7 5


D IME N SIO N S Length Overall (including pulpit)


Designed in line with her larger sleek sister, the Oyster 745, the all new

Length of Waterline


Oyster 675 offers two layout choices based around either the open-plan,



Draft HPB Keel (standard)


Standard Rig and Spar Type

105% jib, fully battened mainsail, removable storm staysail

beam master suite and a fourth cabin for crew (with options for en-suite

Available Rig options

Cutter rig and double-headed Solent rig

facilities), the Oyster 675 brings together choices to detail the yacht for

Displacement (approx)


linear galley or an enclosed, highly efficient and seaworthy galley just aft of the main saloon (as shown above).

With two spacious double guest en-suite cabins complementing the full

family, for occasional charter, or for long-distance exploring and adventure, with professional help aboard. As with the Oyster 745, there is a choice of rigs and an extended transom version and with either the swinging centreboard or standard keel, comfortable performance is guaranteed, with reassuring, stable control from twin rudders. She is fast, comfortable and equally suited to long passages and bit ‘between the teeth’ day racing on the Oyster regatta circuit. The latest design to join the Oyster fleet, the new Oyster 675 is set to be the centre of attention.

Extended transom version



summer 2014

745 oy s t e r 7 4 5 THE COUPÉS – ELEGANT, POWERFUL AND INDIVIDUAL Denoting a sleek evolution of Oyster’s signature performance bluewater cruising yachts, the all new Oyster 745 is designed to fit between the ‘family and friends’ Oyster 475–625 and the 825–885 with their separate crew quarters. And replacing the highly successful 72/725, of which an impressive 16 were built, the Oyster 745 introduces a new hull format and brings a sense of the sailing coupé with her distinctive deck saloon extended in clean symmetry with a sheerline that points to power and adventure. With a choice of rigs, the sail plan can be optimised for fully crewed

Extended transom version

speed or short-handed sailing, from carbon and fully battened main to cutter and joystick furling for friends and family sailing. The enabler


behind this versatility is Oyster’s new twin-rudder hull configuration

Length Overall (including pulpit)


Length of Waterline




Draft HPB Keel (standard)


Standard Rig and Spar Type

105% jib, fully battened mainsail, removable storm staysail

Available Rig options

Cutter rig and double-headed Solent rig

Displacement (approx)


from naval architect Rob Humphreys; Oyster and Humphreys Yacht Design are the first ever to have so extensively researched and tank tested this arrangement solely for performance cruisers. The extended transom version further increases the practical nature of this latest Oyster design with increased lazarette space for all that essential cruising gear and a magnificent aft deck entertaining space. To suit all international sailing grounds, the Oyster 745 is also available in centreboard, shoal draft or standard keel version.

summer 2014



O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e

The Oyster

Fle e t

825 oy s t e r 8 2 5




Length Overall (including bowsprit) 25.15m Length of Waterline


addition to the new yachts introduced in the past two years. Featuring



Oyster’s latest, striking contemporary styling, and widening appeal,

Draft (typical cruising trim)


Standard Rig and Spar Type

105% jib, fully battened mainsail, removable storm staysail

Available Rig options

Cutter rig and double-headed Solent rig

Displacement (standard keel)


Launched earlier this year, the sleek, stylish Oyster 825 is an exciting

she is available in both Deck Saloon and Raised Saloon versions, with the option also of an extended transom. With clean, easily driven hull lines drawn by Humphreys Yacht Design, and with detailed styling and engineering developed by the Oyster Design Team, the Oyster 825 is already attracting acclaim wherever she goes.

Optimising layout for guest privacy, she has a spacious three-cabin plan in the aft section with expansive full beam master suite and mirrored guest suites either side of the central corridor, this way enabling if required dedicated, separate quarters and working area forward of the saloon for four professional crew to provide a ‘six-star’ service for the owner and guests. An option is just two crew and a fourth guest cabin. With her large, full-width saloon, the feeling of light and space below decks is further enhanced by the state-of the-art, side-sliding glass companionway. Both saloon and master suite have the new vertical ‘seacape’ hull windows. A powerful yacht, the Oyster 825 will easily eat up 250 miles per day on long passages without drawing breath.

Extended transom version



summer 2014

885 oy s t e r 8 8 5 DESIGNED FOR CIRCUMNAVIGATION IN GLORIOUS COMFORT The Oyster 885 is the perfect solution for those who wish to share the unmatched pleasure of cruising aboard such magnificent yachts with the potential to recover some of the investment involved by chartering. Designed by Humphreys Yacht Design and the Oyster team to the limit of the MCA 24m load line length watershed, the Oyster 885 provides room for eight to ten guests in four luxurious cabins and has a separated crew area forward from which a quiet and high quality of service can be delivered comfortably and efficiently away from your guests. Among the 885’s many attractions are her huge, ergonomically designed, split cockpit – perfect for al fresco dining and relaxation on passage – and her spacious, open deck areas, extended by a large hydraulic bathing platform. The hull of the Oyster 885 is balanced and powerful, and the fairly fine

D IME N SIO N S Length Overall (including bowsprit) 27.08m Length of Waterline


(velocity made good) while a relatively broad stern also delivers a high level



of form stability and off-wind potential, helping rattle away the miles in any

Draft (typical cruising trim)


Standard Rig and Spar Type

Masthead sloop with fully battened main

Available Rig options

In-boom furling

Displacement (standard keel)


entry comfortably cleaves through a seaway, maintaining excellent VMG

Trade Wind passage, her twin rudder configuration tracking true. For slick manoeuvring in harbour she is fitted with both stern and bow thrusters. Detailing as always is individual and the Oyster Yachts custom team in Southampton will build a very personal yacht for each client.

summer 2014



O y s t e r P r o d u c t Up d a t e

Oyster special projects B r i n g i n g t o t h e f o r e t h e e x c e l l e n c e i n w h i c h w e p r i d e o u r s e lv e s , o u r So u t h a m p t o n S a x o n W h a r f t e a m h a s u n d e r ta k e n s p e c i a l p r o j e c t s i n t h e c l a s s i c a n d r e f i t m a r k e t f o r m o r e t h a n 3 0 y e a r s n ow. W o r k i n g p r i n c i pa l ly u n d e r t h e b r a n d n a m e o f So u t h a m p t o n Ya c h t S e r v i c e s ( SYS ) , a pa r t o f t h e O y s t e r G r o u p, w e h a v e r e f i t t e d a l l m a n n e r o f v e s s e l s – p ow e r a n d s a i l , c l a s s i c a n d m o d e r n . W i t h o u r i n t e n s e at t e n t i o n t o d e ta i l , i n t e l l i g e n t a n d c r e at i v e a p p l i c at i o n o f s k i l l s a n d k n ow l e d g e , w i t h y e t a f l e x i b l e b u t d i s c i p l i n e d a p p r o a c h t o p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t, w e o f f e r a resource second to none

Through the past decade this team has also been responsible for nearly all

rooms have to be shut down and isolated, is just one of the many

of the 55 yachts built or in-build over 70ft that Oyster has sold, including

higher level challenges for the LY3 code. Our design for the Oyster 115

the new 745s, 825s and 885s. As part of this, the yard completed the

will be compliant.

fit-out of all of the Oyster 82s and most of the Oyster 72/725s. Adding to this portfolio, the team also finished the three Oyster Superyachts built in

The initial design requirement of this new superyacht was ‘room for

our partnership with RMK Marine in Turkey: Sarafin – 100-01; Penelope

parents, grandparents and many children...’ and hence an option for a

– 100-02; and Twilight – 125-01. All three of these wonderful yachts came

nine-cabin layout is in plan. Even with a significant master cabin, we can

to Southampton for their ‘first year customer care visit’, during which we

still fit four other guest cabins aft, each being larger than on an 885, and

completed owner upgrade programmes and dealt with the inevitable

so provide double, twin and/or Pullman berths to provide up to 14 berths

‘fine tuning list’ of such complicated yachts.

in five cabins. And certified for six crew this will be a magnificent private yacht that will charter well.

We are now in detailed discussions with several existing Oyster owners about the exciting new Oyster 115. When challenged as to what he needed

Circa 35m long, she’ll be fitted out in the largest of our Southampton halls

to be able to build this great yacht in Southampton, our technical director,

and we are working on plans to mould a hull nearby on the south coast and

Harvey Jones, boldly retorted, “Just bring me the hull”!

bring it around by barge to ‘skid’ into the shed. Still more a feasibility study than a live project, she’s a serious goal for us, and we look forward to our

Compliance with the recently adopted ‘Large Yacht 3 – LY3’ code is

‘big-boat specialist team’ in Southampton beginning the build of this special

challenging for commercial charter yachts, with more onerous

yacht over the next two to three years. Target for first launch is 2017.

requirements than its predecessor, LY2. As an example, ability to isolate galley space as a recognised fire risk zone, akin to the way engine



summer 2014

left » The Oyster 115.

r i gh t » With a very flexible layout aft, four or five cabins and a lower ‘snug’ area forward starboard of the mast, the Oyster 115 will be a magnificent yacht.

left a n d a b o v e » Highlighting the range of services from the Oyster Southampton team, the images show the classic yacht Merrymaid and the Lightweight ICAP Leopard .

summer 2014



Oyster 56

» Sul ana

A s pa r t o f t h e i r c i r c u m n a v i g at i o n w i t h t h e O y s t e r W o r l d Ra l ly, Owners of the Oyster 56 Sulana, Alan and Sue Brook, visited the Pa c i f i c I s l a n d at o l l , Pa l m e r s t o n I s l a n d T e x t a n d P h otos b y A l a n Broo k

So, Bob’s your uncle then?

summer 2014



left » A copy of Wm. Marsters’ original whaling boat.

b elo w » Sulana anchored outside the reef.

“So, Bob’s your Uncle then?”...

I ran this somewhat (I thought)

We had slowed down deliberately during the previous afternoon, so as

rhetorical question by Goodley Marsters, who together with his companion

to be sure to arrive in daylight. So it was about 09.00 when we turned

Simon, make up the Customs & Immigration team from Palmerston Island.

around the northern edge of the atoll, past uninhabited Bird Island, and

They had just climbed aboard Sulana to clear us in to the tiny dot on the

headed down to Palmerston Island itself. We finally decided to pick up

chart that is the only inhabited islet of this Pacific Island atoll.

a mooring buoy in about 15 metres of water, just about 100 metres away from the foaming edge of the reef, to await the arrival of an islander to

“No!” He laughed and Simon agreed that, after all the long-winded

advise us what was best to do.

explanation of their various family relationships, I had still got the wrong end of the stick! Bob was actually his nephew. Visiting Palmerston Island is a

We only had to wait a half hour before we were approached by

pretty good place to start if you are ever in need of a chance to hone up on

Bob Marsters and his young daughter, Mefau, who came to greet us,

your knowledge and understanding of family relationships; that is for sure.

approaching through an invisible pass in the reef in their New Zealand

We had seen the atoll coming into view along our track from a long way

built, alloy fishing skiff.

off and, no matter which way we gybed or set our poled-out headsail and mainsail in our wing-and-wing rig, the south-easterly trade winds bore us

Bob introduced himself and advised us not to lie to a mooring (“they were

fair and square towards Palmerston from our departure point of Bora Bora.

laid two years ago and have not been checked since”) but to set our own anchor nearer the pass in to the reef, in about 10 metres again. This left

About halfway along the track between Bora Bora, French Polynesia and

us hanging back in over 70 metres depth, with 80 metres of chain out,

our next destination of Vava’u, in the Kingdom of Tonga, the outline of a

hanging in a catenary over an abyss! Bob said he would go back to bring

tiny little red box can, but only with some very careful searching, be found

out Customs & Immigration to meet us and clear us in. He would only be

marked on the navionics chart we had inserted in our Raymarine plotter.

an hour. He was as good as his word and almost an hour later, Sue, Will

If you do not zoom in to look at the greater detail to be found on the

and I went ashore to ‘clear in’, leaving Jack on board as anchor watch.

higher scales, to check precisely the detail of your route plan, it would be ‘oh so simple’ to miss the contents of that little box completely! Take a

Visiting Palmerston Atoll and landing on the island of the same name

look at Lat: 18º 02.80’S. Long: 163º 11.55’W.

had become something of a mission of mine, ever since we had first read about it in Charlie’s Charts, the Pilot Guide to Polynesia. Ambition was

Upon zooming in to super-close scale, up comes the detailed chart of

furthered when I actually found the microscopic dot on the South Pacific

an amazing atoll, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, rising up sharply

Planning chart, and also after hearing some great tales of the wonderful

from oceanic floor depths of up to 5,000 metres. One could so easily

cruising grounds awaiting us from some of the fellow sailors we had met

sail straight into the side of a 16,000 foot mountain, whilst looking at an

along the way.

electronic chart showing a blank screen!



summer 2014

palmerston island North




a b o ve » Capt. William Marsters.

Cook’s Tom’s

a b o v e le ft » West Mersea Yacht Club burgee presentation.

left » Bob Marsters prepares fresh drinking coconuts for Gospel Day feast.

Winding our tale back a bit to before Bora Bora (this will become relevant

Marsters jumped ship, to start a new life of his own in the South Pacific,

later) – we met a friendly chap called Frank, an ex-college swimming

on his very own desert isle. Marsters found himself a Cook Islander wife

coach from Pennsylvania, who I just happened to stop by and chat to

on Penrhyn Atoll and was determined to find himself an uninhabited

after I had watched him neatly single-hand his yacht into Anse Amyot.

island of his own, where he could bring up his family and live quietly and peaceably in his own way. This search for solitude was probably necessary

I had seen him choose and gently pick up a mooring buoy in the

so he could live without fear of being recaptured and brought back to

beautiful little sheltered bay at the northern end of Toau, one of the

the horrors of life, trapped aboard a whaler. By the time he landed on

central Tuamotu Atolls. I had been impressed by the careful way he

Palmerston Island (as previously named by Captain Cook, after the then

sailed his yacht called Another Adventure around the selection of empty

British prime minister) he had acquired a further two ‘wives’ of different

moorings and then swam down the line to check everything was OK.

Friendly Islands’ descent and thus started sowing the seeds of his own

So it seemed a neighbourly thing to go and say, “Welcome,” and I was

little society. The wonderful powers of ‘coincidence’ meant that he

happy to be invited to climb on board.

landed on Palmerston on 25 May. Every year since the islanders have celebrated that date as ‘Gospel Day’, that is the day The Gospel was

Visiting Palmerston Atoll and landing on the island of the same name had become something of a mission of mine, ever since we had first read about it in Charlie’s Charts

brought to Palmerston by ‘Papa’, William Marsters. Well here we were clearing into Palmerston on 24 May and we had no idea of this at all, so Bob was horrified to hear we were only thinking of staying for one night! “Why are you not going to come and be my guests at the big feast tomorrow? There will be a wonderful day ashore for you if

We reciprocated and asked him to join us for supper on board Sulana.

you stay. Church service, if you want, is at 10.00 and then the feast starts,

The evening meal went down well and Frank had us all enthralled with

with all the three families setting out their tables and chairs in Main Street

several great tales of what we could expect further along our cruising

at 11.00. I will pick you up at 09.00. OK?”

track. One such tale was of how he had been shipwrecked a few years previous in his earlier yacht, Ri Ri, when a weak mooring line had chafed

What fantastic timing! Easy decision – Tonga could wait! The founding

through during his night ‘anchor‘ watch and he had awoken to find

Marsters story goes, so we were told, that there was already an anchor set

himself on a reef.

on the shore at Palmerston by an earlier visiting sailor who had been hoping to do likewise and claim the island for himself. However, upon

So, back to my tale: The ‘modern’ history of Palmerston started when a

returning to the Atoll some time later, he found Marsters well ensconced,

young English sailing captain, from Lancashire called William Marsters

with several coconut palm, breadfruit and mahogany trees all planted out

got fed up with life on board the whaling ship he had joined.

and a little settlement under construction. »

summer 2014



rig ht » Lady dressed for Gospel Day church service. Will Morris tries on Palmer Marsters’ floral wreath. Bringing daily catch ashore from the lagoon. Capt. William Marsters’ tombstone in central cemetery.

Acknowledging Great Britain as the nation holding sovereignty over the atoll and paying Queen Victoria rent for the island of some £50 per annum must also have been an adroit and quite smart tactical move for Marsters. Because, many years later, her direct descendant, our present Queen Elizabeth II, granted free title to the island to all Marsters’ heirs and successors, in perpetuity! Captain Marsters, or ‘Father’, or ‘Papa’, as he is more commonly remembered, both in prayer and thought, set about running his extended family by dividing the island, with a couple of simple sand ‘roads’, into three sections and giving each wife a section in which to live. The three divisions of the family groups are known as: Matavia, Akakaingaro and Tepou. Each family is entitled to pick and grow their own crops only within their section. If they wish to pick up a coconut, say, from ground within another section, they only have to ask that family, though, and almost always the answer will be, “Yes, of course, help yourself,” as everything on the island appears to run on a give-and-take system. Akakaingaro, the central part, contains the church, main cemetery and water storage tanks. It is also where Marsters’ original house still stands. This was built by him, using large bolts, instead of nails, because of the huge size of the timbers, out of huge, thick planks and baulks of superb wood (thought to be Californian redwood cedar) which formed part of what was once a shipwreck’s cargo. Other sections of the island house the Palmerston ‘Happy’ School, the generating station (with four good old Lister diesels still running strongly) and the Nurse’s Health Clinic, which boasts a very smart, newly constructed building. Bob got hold of another cousin, Palmer, and asked if he would show us around the island, which he was pleased to do. First we were introduced to all and any of the 63 islanders visible, which meant eating lots of fresh doughnuts and cake and drinking numerous coconuts, or mugs of tea. Then we wandered along the seashore all the way round, which really only took about a half hour! As we strolled idly along a family of fishermen and women arrived back at shore bringing a barrow load of freshly caught snapper and parrotfish to fillet and store in their chest freezer. Rarotonga and the other Cook Islands apparently took a growing supply commercially and these fishermen were not bothered about their lagoon stocks running out. I hope they’re right. Then, returning to Main Street via a central, family-dividing path, we passed a huge stand of giant mahogany trees, the original survivors that Captain Marsters had planted. Buttressed up against the roots of one of the larger of these trees was a small mound of earth, with a corresponding hollow next to it. Upon enquiry, Palmer elucidated the hollow was where they had once tried, unsuccessfully, to create a vegetable patch and the mound left by their digging was how the entire island’s population had climbed up the tree, to tie themselves into the branches, in order to avoid being swept right off the island during the rising hurricane storm waters that had washed the island clear of everything else, in 1936.



summer 2014

As we strolled idly along a family of fishermen and women arrived back at shore bringing a barrow load of freshly caught Snapper and Parrotfish to fillet and store in their chest freezer

Next we passed by two old ladies sitting under the shady shelter of their

some areas of the hull. So, if you ever come across a little old classic yacht,

house lean-to. More tea quickly appeared and we were introduced to

called Solace, just take a moment to respect her lively history!

Sarah Marsters (William’s great-granddaughter – I believe – and her cousin, Inano, whose house it was. We were quietly advised that Sarah was

So Rose, determined to see her father’s last wishes respected, went to

‘getting on a bit’ and becoming quite forgetful, as she was well past 90,

Palmerston to deliver his ashes, after receiving acknowledgement from

but she told us a lovely tale of how she had promised her mother she

the islanders that they would be honoured to bury her father there.

would kiss the soil of England in the town where her Papa had come

Later, when it was known she would be returning to take up a ‘temporary’

from when she visited the UK.

new position there as teacher to the community, she had been amazed to hear from them again that they would like her to bring out a marble

Upon finally being able to catch a boat and a plane to fulfil her promise,

headstone for her father’s grave. They had buried his ashes, alongside his

Sarah got to Lancashire and, overcome with emotion, fell on her knees to

best friend, in the island’s main, central cemetery, near William Marsters’

kiss the pavement of her forefather’s home. When she felt a hand on her

own grave. They wanted his name to be properly marked (each family has

shoulder and heard a distraught voice, she looked up and found she was

its own burial plot).

surrounded by concerned townspeople who thought the old lady must have taken a bad fall! That got her laughing merrily at the memory! Then she asked me if I had heard the song of the island they had made up to commemorate William Marsters’ origins? Of course I answered, “No,” and asked if the two of them would sing it to me. Their lovely voices broke into a kind of Palmerston version of a song that was not, but could

Visiting the very smart and encouragingly modern school of Palmerston (complete with computers and a SATELLITE link-up to the internet!) we were introduced to the sole teacher there, Rose Clark

have easily been, the forerunner of ‘The Sloop John B’. Just delightful! Then Sarah said she had been quite the little choirgirl in her youth and had

Rose had applied for the post at the school after reading that her specialist

won prizes for her singing at one stage. So I was delighted when she said

skills of ‘special needs’ teaching was required. From what we could gather,

she would sing us her mother’s favourite song on Gospel Day.

the result of this coincidence is she is quite likely to spend a lot longer than just a ‘temporary’ period on Palmerston. As with Commander Clark,

Visiting the very smart and encouragingly modern school of Palmerston

Rose, too, has been beguiled by the island way of life.

(complete with computers and a satellite link-up to the Internet!) we were introduced to the sole teacher there, Rose Clark. Rose is a young

The next morning the sun rose bright, and the sea was calm and clear, so,

Englishwoman who first visited Palmerston after her father, Commander

notwithstanding all the tales of disaster, we were happier to risk leaving

Victor Clark, died. She had read in her father’s will that he wished to be

Sulana unattended for a few hours, while keeping a careful watch on the

buried next to his friends on Palmerston! Having never thought of visiting

skies. Bob came back out to us and took all four of us ashore, running

the place previously, where a shipwreck had left her father stranded for

fast through the pass at low tide, when the jagged coral was far more

some six months, many years previously, when his own small cruising

threatening. We reached the beach in good time for the Gospel Day

yacht ran aground, she had, nonetheless, made the voyage out here.

church service.

Her father’s boat, Solace, being light and wooden, was more fortunate than

The church service was attended by nearly the whole population. Most of

Ri Ri and the islanders had been able to save her father from drowning, and

the older women were dressed in wonderful Polynesian Christian style,

recover and salvage his yacht from the grasp of the reef. Together he and

either in tropically coloured blouses and skirts or in long white gowns,

the Marsters team then spent several months repairing her. Upon asking

some trimmed with lace. The service was dominated by the very large and

Rose she told me that the old yacht, although no longer in her family’s

beamingly happy Reverend, who hailed from another Cook Island.

possession, had just recently been fully restored back in the UK and

However, most striking was the singing by both men and women, using a very

re-launched in Falmouth after a major overhaul, including re-planking in

traditional Polynesian form of nasal chanting, in a kind of contrapuntal style. »

summer 2014



I found it fascinating to listen to the contrasting harmonies, but the

As there was a short pause I reminded Sarah she had promised to sing

high-pitched nasal notes of the women were not so much appreciated

me ‘her’ song. She looked at me in astonishment and said, “Did I? But I

by Sue and our two young crew!

have never met you before!” Then, after I had explained we had been introduced the previous afternoon, she smiled and told the gathering they

After church everybody retired to their respective gazebos on Main Street

ought at least to sing for us, their visiting guests, the Palmerston shanty,

and prepared to uncover the vast quantities of food that had been laid out

written in memory of William. This they proceeded to do with great gusto,

on platters and in bowls on their plastic garden furniture tables. Bob took

complete with Sarah miming all the actions of pulling on halyards and

us back to his house where he opened up his chest freezer and took out

hauling on sheets!

several freshly prepared green drinking coconuts that had been chilling overnight. He then passed us each a plate, knife and fork, with a firm

After that she turned to the choir and said, “I promised this young man

request that, although we were to eat something off everybody else’s

I would sing him a song my mother taught to me when I was little and

tables, we must be sure to return the implements to him. Then, as soon

seated on her knee and, if you don’t mind, I’ll do it now.” At that

as he saw us starting to load up our plates, he stopped us and demanded

everybody gave the floor to Sarah and, seated on her chair, she

we went out on to the sand of the street, declaring we absolutely had to

proceeded to serenade me with ‘Que sera sera’, sung in the most lovely,

go and help ourselves to some food off every other table, as it was an

if slightly quavering voice, completing ever so many more verses than

essential part of the day to share the bounty from all.

I ever recall hearing before. So her memory was not all gone!

And what a feast it was. Plates were heaped high and even young Jack had

Thus are the pastimes of island life enjoyed, when there is little TV and

to admit defeat after a while. Rice, potatoes, fish, chicken, ham and curry

even less light after sunset. It was a true delight and will remain another

abounded, as did coconut flesh in various guises. It was a buffet royal!

treasured memory of our time there.

After a lazy lunch most of the older folk went home to change into

The islanders were interested to hear we had met up with their old friend,

comfortable casual clothes. They then returned to sit under the shade of a

Frank, from Philadelphia, as he had spent about two months living

central lean-to that had been created between the two large water storage

with them a few years previously, while they tried to salvage his original

towers. The Reverend arrived and one lady started off the singing with her

yacht, Ri Ri. So Palmerston was the atoll he had referred to,of course!

copy of a songbook, or hymnbook, on her lap. Again the amazing tones of

The penny finally dropped, as I recalled our evening’s conversation back

the Polynesian choir rang out and the group of some sixteen or so took

in Anse Amyot.

huge delight in running through several of their traditional songs. The deep, rich, bass voices of Bob and the Customs & Immigration duo behind me

Frank had told us his horror story of his own shipwreck, when he had

rang loud and true as they produced the counterpoint to the higher notes

finally succumbed to exhaustion, after a good night partying on a friend’s

from the ladies! It was a lovely way to round off the feast day’s celebrations.

yacht, with a few beers. He had fallen asleep on anchor watch, while

ab ov e » Sarah Marsters (right).

rig ht » Simple Cook Island Admin. Centre Tour guide to Capt. Wm. Marsters’ home.



summer 2014

moored to a Palmerston mooring line. In the night the wind got up and

Just before dusk, having said our goodbyes and presented our gifts of

the current changed; the yacht broke free of the ground tackle and swung

fishing hooks and line, we helped roll the skiff down the beach into the

into the reef. Frank awoke to find the rudder breaking off and large jagged

water, using the old tried and tested method of running ahead of the boat,

shards of coral looking at him from within the yacht!

once it was moving, and placing poles on the sand for it to roll over. We were then taken back aboard Sulana by Bob’s youngest son, Henry,

The islanders rescued him from the wreckage, coming back early the next

and daughter, Mefau.

morning to try to recover the yacht and float her off, but all to no avail. Now Ri Ri of Philadelphia sits upturned, just inside the vegetation line off

Before the two youngsters left us we signed our well-worn West Mersea

the beach, with only half a hull left. This is used as a shelter for filleting fish

Yacht Club (WMYC) burgee and, with fond farewells, donated it to them

in the rain!

to add to Bob’s household collection of memorabilia, out of preference to leaving it unattended at the so-called Palmerston Island Yacht Club

Several of Frank’s Palmerston Island friends were delighted to hear he

premises. We would be delighted to hear from any other visitors or

had been able to buy another yacht and restart his cruising life, as they

WMYC club members who may ‘drop by’ Palmerston in future to see

recalled he had been having difficulty with his insurers in getting paid.

if it is still there.

I have to say I was also somewhat surprised that a school swimming coach had been able to afford to sell up and go off sailing, even buying a second

So, if you hanker after a life cruising the South Pacific, but wonder how you

yacht, too. I assume American schools must pay their teachers well!

will ever afford it, just remember, as I do, some words of wisdom once given me by one of my grandfather’s oldest friends, Group Captain Philip Plant,

However, as we were taking our leave of Bob and enjoying a not-so-small

with whom I was staying in London, during a brief free period between

farewell measure of his whisky, or from our gift of an Antiguan Bolans Post

school and university. He said to me, “It doesn’t matter at all much what you

Office Rum mixed with iced coconut water, Alex, the very big island

do in life, but always try to be the best you can be at whatever you are good

administrator, came up on his motorbike, having driven all of the 100 metres

at and you will always be able to earn a good living.”

from the administration centre, bringing our promised departure clearance papers. Enticed by the offer of a drink, he sat down to join us.

I recall I replied that I wasn’t much good at anything useful that I could think of, but I could ‘do’ foreign languages and could also sail and swim

Upon hearing of our meeting with the owner of Ri Ri and my saying that

OK. He said, “Well there you are then; be a sailor and speak foreign

Frank had told me quietly that he was quite a good free-diver, Alex said,

languages!” Or learn how to be a good swimming teacher – and then –

“Oh, yes, Frank is quite the swimmer. He went to the Olympic Games in

Bob’s your uncle!

Sydney. Did he tell you? He was swimming coach to Ian Thorpe!” I wonder if this little snippet is true, you quiet, unassuming, old dog, you, Frank? Or had it got better in the telling? I imagine Frank actually must have been coach to some star swimmer on the US team, not the Aussie one?

left » Sulana from the pass into the lagoon.

above» Will Morris and Jack Ollington toast Gospel Day.

summer 2014



above Mike Hahn’s stunning Oyster 655, Matawai , at the Oyster Regatta BVI 2012.



summer 2014

owner profile mike hahn

Oyster 655

» Matawai

M i k e H a h n i s pa s s i o n at e a b o u t h i s s a i l i n g a n d l o v e s t h e at m o s p h e r e o f O y s t e r R e g at ta s . H E IS H IG H LY C O M PETITIVE BUT STILL ABLE TO SEE T H E FUNNY SIDE OF LIFE . M i k e l o v e s t o s tay o n b o a r d h i s O y s t e r 6 5 5 , M ata w a i , e v e n w h e n h e p u t s u p h i s c r e w i n a h o t e l . M ata w a i i s h i s h o m e a n d r e c r e at i o n AFLOAT, BUT, ON LAND , M IKE IS a k e e n a n d v e r y a b l e h o r s e m a n a n d l o v e s t o s k i a n d h a s e v e n ta k i n g u p s n o w b o a r d i n g i n r e c e n t y e a r s M i k e H a h n w a s ta l k i n g to Lo u ay H a b i b at the O yster R e g atta A n t i g u a . P H O T O S B Y YA C H T S H O T S B V I & K E V IN J O H N S O N

summer 2014



Before buying Matawai I had never been sailing offshore. All of my sailing had been coastal but ocean sailing was most definitely on my bucket list

I grew up in Cleveland,

Ohio, on Lake Erie and my family always sailed but on motor boats

not sailing yachts. All of my siblings are at least ten years my senior, my older sister did a little sailing and she would often take me out but I didn’t really start to sail properly until I was in my twenties. I was drafted into the military, which took me out of college, but I was allowed to choose a branch, so I chose the Coast Guard. I did my year of service and was also sent to a special school for six months to learn search and rescue so I left the Coast Guard with a Captain’s licence.



summer 2014

Necker Island EUSTATIA Island

fa r le ft »

Virgin Gorda

Oyster 655 Matawai at the Oyster Regatta BVI 2012.

le ft » Eustatia Island, BVI.

british virgin islands

When I returned to graduate school I happened to gain a mentor at

electronics, including global Wi-Fi and satellite phones – and I can watch

Boston College who was starting a charter business in the British Virgin

TV anywhere in the world. With regards to safety equipment, we have all

Islands. I had no idea where the islands were but after college I went to

the latest available. I have a back-up for everything, and managing and

Tortola and started running a 65-foot sailboat with my girlfriend. I knew

creating the whole process is an enjoyable part of owning a boat. I guess

about motor yachts but didn’t really know how to sail; I literally got on the

the feeling of ‘you against nature’ really appeals to me in that sense. I can’t

plane with a Sailing for Dummies book! We figured it all out and we loved

control nature but I can be as prepared as possible for any situation.

it. Back then, in the 1970s, there was very little development in the BVI

I am an avid sportsman; skiing and horse-riding as well as sailing are sports

and no channel markers or moorings at all. You had to learn how to read

that get you outside, into the elements, and that is where I love to be.

the situation, where to anchor and how to negotiate the reefs.

Sailing gives a sense of freedom and brings me peace but I love a new challenge; I recently took up snowboarding aged 50!

We figured out how to get into Eustatia Sound and at the time we were the only charter boat that would go in there. I fell in love with Eustatia!

Before buying Matawai I had never been sailing offshore. All of my sailing

I remember one night drinking a beer with my girlfriend in the cockpit

had been coastal but ocean sailing was most definitely on my bucket list.

and saying, “I am going to buy this island.” At the time I couldn’t even

When choosing the boat, I did my research and aimed to buy the biggest

afford a case of beer but I finished graduate school, got a real job and a real

yacht I could handle by myself or with one other person. I have had

career and every year I returned to the BVI with friends for a week of sailing.

businesses where I managed staff and I didn’t want that situation on my

In 2000, I bought a home on Eustatia and, eventually, after 25 years of

boat. For the Oyster Regatta in Antigua, I have put all of the crew up in a

dreaming, I bought the whole island and started to develop a luxury resort.

hotel and I am the only guy staying on the boat; I love being all by myself, just having a cup of coffee in the cockpit. I don’t need someone hovering

I then bought a 40-foot sail boat designed by Ted Fontaine and really got

over me asking me if I need anything.

into sailing. I love the sea and the challenge of sailing; the fact that it can be dangerous is appealing, but I am detail-freak. Take Matawai, my Oyster 655:

I also wanted a boat that would be safe and comfortable offshore, and,

you won’t find a boat that is as well equipped, with top-of-the-line

for the money, I felt that Matawai was the best possible option. I looked at other yachts but the Oyster answered all my needs. Since then I have sailed Matawai many miles offshore, especially from Newport to Bermuda and on to the Caribbean. I have now been to three Oyster Regattas with Matawai and one of the good things about the events is that you get to race against similar boats, on a level playing field; a bunch of Oyster 655s racing one other is what I like to focus on. It really tells you how well you are sailing your boat. I have also met some really nice people at the regattas, which is a big part of the enjoyment of owning an Oyster. I have got to know the Newport-based Oyster team and I have grown very fond of them. I would tell anybody, the Oyster customer service is second to none. For example, when we sailed the boat down to Antigua from the BVI, we needed to replace a thermostat – the part costs about $3 but it needed to come from England. I emailed Oyster on a Saturday and by Monday morning the part was being sent by air for pick-up in Antigua on Tuesday. Other boat manufacturers would take weeks to sort out the problem and I really appreciate Oyster’s service, which is terrific. Oyster 655 Matawai is for sale through Oyster Brokerage. For more information visit www.oysterbrokerage.com

summer 2014



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Official government fuel consumption figures in mpg (litres per 100km) for the Aston Martin Vanquish: urban 13.2 (21.4); extra-urban 27.7 (10.2); combined 19.6 (14.4). CO2 emissions 335g/km


Maryland to Queensland a Photographic Diary Oyster 435

» Twice Ele ve n

B y D avid a n d Tamsi n K id w ell

U n l i k e t h e S w a l l o w s a n d t h e A m a z o n s , we did mean to go to

them again in Rhode Island where they invited us to join them on the

sea. We just hadn’t planned to go for so long. After three years exploring

Ocean Cruising Club’s cruise along the south coast of Newfoundland.

the Mediterranean, including a now unthinkable visit to Syria, we took the

A month spent listening to the amazing tales of these seasoned sailors

plunge and crossed the Atlantic. This was our first ocean crossing and we

settled our decision and we were Australia-bound.

were amazed but delighted that the Oyster team in Las Palmas spent as much care and time checking twelve year-old Twice Eleven as they did all

There was to be one more significant influence before our departure

the new Oysters that lined the docks.

but this time from a non-sailor. Wherever we visited, we tried to learn something new so whilst we were in Maine, I signed up for a photography

A quick skip through the Caribbean and back across the Atlantic was

tutorial where I met the renowned photographer Peter Ralston, who, on

hijacked by the almost perfect scenario of warm summers on the eastern

learning of our challenge to sail from Maryland (USA) to Queensland

seaboard of North America and hurricane-free winters up and down the

(Australia) and my passion for photography, challenged me to document

Caribbean archipelago. Throw in the magnet of the Oyster Regattas in

the trip by choosing only one photograph a month from the hundreds

Antigua, the BVIs and Newport RI and before we knew it another four

that were to be taken.

years has slipped by. On arrival in Australia in November 2012 I put together that portfolio of Now came an actual decision. Head back east to the UK or were we brave

the images with short narratives of the places we were lucky enough to visit.

enough to go through the Panama Canal? In our travels we had met an

I know that this image-based feature is not a typical Oyster News owner’s

inspirational cruising couple, Beth Leonard and Evans Starzinger, on their

report but I hope that it provides an interesting alternative approach to the

boat Hawk, whose books on their adventures had inspired us. We met

rewards that sailing your own boat to amazing places can bring.

summer 2014




1 » B l a c k P e a r l | Fakarava, Tuamotu Archipelago Imagine a grain of sand inside your eyelid creating constant irritation but

2» Kite Flyer Huahine, Society Islands

being unable to remove it. The oyster suffers a similar inconvenience when

In among the ancient sacred marae, a

a foreign-body becomes trapped between its mantle and shell but it is able

young boy flys a ‘UO’ – the traditional

to reduce its roughness by coating it in the same smooth substance that

kite of Huahine. The flying of kites was a

decorates its walls – mother of pearl. Naturally produced pearls have long

popular game in the old days but originally

since disappeared and now the ideally suited waters of the Tuamotus are

used for religious purposes. Bamboo

dotted with pearl farms where artificial grains are surgically implanted, left to

framed and dressed with tapa, the kites

form into lustrous globes and then harvested.

were shaped as turtles, birds or rays but could also have human shape. In the neighbouring island of Taha’a, the legendary god Hiro, while he was still young, is said to have been challenged by his brothers in a kite competition. On the advice of his mother, Fa’imano, he used ataeleaves (a large tree with red leaves) for the wing skins and tied dried banana stems to the string and tail. Hiro’s kite went so high in the sky it remained there to form the constellation Scorpio, called by Polynesians Te ‘uo a Hiro (Hiro’s Kite).



summer 2014





6» Desolation Sound Virginia, USA A more appropriate name could not be imagined for this swamp-based

3» In The Eye of The Beholder Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos

section of the Intercoastal Waterway, which was engineered to enable the

Darwin’s theory of evolution teaches us that, through positive changes

swift conveyance of troops up and

that increase our ability to survive, we become more attractive to a mate. Then again, it is only a theory!

4» Coconut Tree Climber Tahiti, Society Islands

5» A Whale’s Tale Ha’apai Islands, Tonga

down the east coast of the United States. Despite its shallowness and post-apocalyptic landscape it

A mother humpback whale, the size

provides an excellent alternative to

of a submarine, hovers 10 metres

experiencing, once again, the furies of

One of the more familiar noises heard on the Pacific Islands starts with

below us as her calf makes frequent

the deservedly infamous Cape Hatteras.

an eerie silence and ends with bass thump as yet another coconut

visits to the surface for air before

crashes to the ground not far away. While this nut is still economically

descending again for another feed of

important, producing the semi-dried meat ’Copra’, it is also a focus for

milk. Curiosity eventually triumphs

inter-island sports events where the winner is either the first to open and

and slowly the calf advances towards

clean out the flesh of a huge pile of them or the one who can defy

us, swimming on its back with one eye

gravity and scamper up the tree the fastest.

constantly staring until, unheard by us, a call from the mother makes it turn back and join her as she swims off with a graceful but powerful movement of her tail.

summer 2014




7Âť Kuna Indian Water Carrier San Blas, Panama When I see this picture I cannot but think of my own teenage years when being asked to cut the lawn or wash a car seemed to be the most unreasonable and unfair of requests. How would it have been if my twice-daily chore had been to paddle my pirogue to collect water from the river on the mainland to my thatched island dwelling so that our family could drink, cook and wash?



summer 2014


There is a deep sense of birth, life and death on Galapagos. Whole new islands are forming from the volcanic hot-spot on the ocean floor, and a cornucopia of unique fauna and flora surrounds you

10» What of my future, wh a t o f m y p a st ? Tahuata, Marquesas Islands A young Marquesan boy looks westward out to sea from whence his ancestors, inquisitive explorers and brave warriors dared to leave the security of their home islands and venture in search of new lands across unknown waters. Today, there is no industry on the island and his parents no longer need to work the land or fish the seas, as state benefits and money earned by carving bone or stringing necklaces for visitors provides enough income. But what of the future? As in many parts of the world, political parties are pushing for independence and French Polynesia it seems is no different. Painful as this change would surely be, perhaps it would help restore some of the traditions and vitality that still echo from their past.


8 » L e g e n d o f P o u m a k a | Ua Pou, Marquesas Islands To approach Ua Pou is to approach a past in which the towering remains of volcanic activity was not a natural phenomenon but a battleground of the gods. According to legend, there were far more columns reaching in to the sky but, one day, a rival from Hiva Oa named Matafenua, invaded and wrought destruction until their fallen bodies became the mountains separating the valleys. Eventually a new column named Poumaka was born and as he wandered the island he realised that there were dead columns lying everywhere.


Poumaka asked, “Who killed these columns?” and was answered, “It was Matefenua.” When Poumaka had grown up and become a warrior, he went after Matafenua and found him in the east of Hiva Oa. He knocked him down and cut off his head, which he attached to his loincloth to bring back to Ua Pou. And so it is today when anchored in the harbour, you are able to see, near the oft cloud clad Poumaka peak, a hill that is the head of Matafenua.

9 » C a c t u s S k e l e t o n | Isla Isabela, Galapagos There is a deep sense of birth, life and death on Galapagos. Whole new islands are forming from the volcanic hot-spot on the ocean floor, a cornucopia of unique fauna and flora surrounds you, and, even in death, the very structures that made existence possible on this isolated archipelago are revealed.

summer 2014




1 1 Âť V a l u e o f Ev e r y th i n g | Havana, Cuba Inbuilt obsolescence has become a Western affliction where manufacturers design products whose short lifespan ensure they are replaced more often than necessary. Nowhere is this in steeper contrast than the backstreets of Havana where the archetypal 50-year-old American cars are kept running despite a dearth of spare parts, and home-made peddle taxis are cherished as if they were newly purchased from a showroom.



summer 2014


12 Your Boat in Their Hands Miraflores Locks, Panama As line handlers aid Twice Eleven’s passage through the Panama Canal one cannot be but reminded of the ingenious engineering skills of two nations but also, sadly, of the thousands who died either through accident or far more likely through epidemic levels of malaria and yellow fever. Where today Gulliver-sized locks effortlessly lift unimaginable tonnage of cargo ships and wide channels weave through the hearts of long-gone hills there was only heat, tropical forest and swarm upon swarm of female mosquitoes in search of nutrition for their soon-to-be-born offspring. The death toll was so appalling that work was suspended until significant advances were made in the understanding and prevention of these diseases, which today stand as much as a monument as the great locks themselves.

summer 2014



Today? Making the most of the luxuriously appointed facilities on board your Oyster yacht. Relaxing, swimming, reading and alfresco dining in the sumptuous cockpit. Tomorrow? Departing the anchorage at dawn for an exhilarating sail to your next destination. Oyster Yacht Charter provides a bespoke service to charter guests looking to sample life on board some of the most luxurious sailing yachts afloat. We have a range of Oysters from 56 to 125 feet, all privately owned, impeccably maintained and operated by the owners’ professional crews. For more information please contact molly.marston@oysteryachts.com or visit us online. www.oystercharter.com


2 0 1 7

Oyster World Rally 2013/14 Pacific Rally 2017 Asia Rally 2018 Passage home October 2018 – March 2019



s u mm e r 2 0 1 4

2 0 1 9

o y s t e r wor l d ra l l y T h e O y s t e r W o r l d R a l ly 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 w a s c o n c e i v e d to c e l e b r at e O y s t e r ’ s 4 0 t h b i r t h d ay i n 2 0 1 3 . The route that took 15 months from January 2013 to early April 2014 was built around the weather patterns enabling yachts to enjoy 30,000 miles of sailing with barely 1000 miles of the wind ahead of the beam. This wonderful circumnavigation experience did mean, however, that the time in the Pacific Islands and Asia was barely a third of the overall adventure, and, once past Bali, yachts were faced with five months and more than 10,000 miles of ‘sailing home’ in long passages. Responding to these basic geographical and meteorological facts we will stretch the next World Rally into three parts over 27 months between January 2017 and April 2019. Yachts will be able to enter for each part in turn.

s u mm e r 2 0 1 4



O YSTE R R A LL I ES & R E G A TT A S The annual regatta programme, now in its 13th year and with the

Oyster Cruising with the RTYC

34th event taking place in Palma, Mallorca in the autumn of this year,

We’re pleased to report that we have started

is an important commitment Oyster makes to enable owners to enjoy

discussions with the Royal Thames Yacht Club (RTYC)

gentle racing against one another, exclusively together in wonderful

in London, who welcome working with Oyster and

surroundings. Conceived originally as a ‘rally’ rather than as a regatta at

groups of Oyster Yachts to join their extensive cruising

the first event in 2001, these events have become more competitive,

programme. We are planning a special membership

and the expectations for the style and quality of venues have moved

programme to first enable Oyster Owners to join the

significantly from the DIY beach BBQ gatherings that took place in

club and then a partnership approach that Oyster

Antigua in 2001.

will welcome and support, to jointly expand the cruising programme. With the worldwide network

The Oyster World Rally 2013/14 just completed reminded us all of the

of reciprocal arrangements the RTYC enjoys with

essence of cruising, exploring remote islands, running the dinghy gently

other yacht clubs around the world, this is a great

up on the empty sandy beach and feeling the freedom of adventure

opportunity. Please contact David Tydeman at

with everything you need carried with you on your beautiful Oyster.

Oyster for further information if you are interested:

This adventure inspired so many people around the world that while it


was running, nearly 40 per cent of the hits on the Oyster website were linked to people tracking yachts, reading the blogs and sharing the dream! More than 200 families have registered interest in future events and we now have the amazing statistic that nearly 10 per cent of all the deck saloons we have built since the Oyster 435 was introduced 30 years ago have completed a circumnavigation. It’s very clear to us at Oyster HQ now that we have two levels of expectations and opportunities that we will be delighted to support – one, the continuation of exciting annual Caribbean and Mediterranean regattas and, two, working out how to provide facilitated ‘Cruises in Company’ all over the world!



s u mm e r 2 0 1 4

Oyster Pacific Rally 2017 Starting in the Caribbean in January 2017, the fleet will generally follow the route of the Oyster World Rally 2013/14 but much more slowly between the Marquesas, Fiji and Vanuatu. This will allow extensive cruising in the Pacific Islands between April and August 2017. Further details are being developed and will be advised in due course. Routing south to Auckland the options will include the

Oyster Caribbean and Mediterranean Regattas

triangle between Tasmania, Auckland and Sydney during

As outlined in the programme over these pages, we will

will be such that yachts will have completed the

continue to run the two events each year – we welcome

‘Pacific Rally’ by December in time for entry in the

suggestions for new venues for 2015 onwards. We’re

‘Sydney-Hobart’ classic event. Deck Cargo options for

reviewing the Italian coastline, Sicily to Elba, with the

shipping home on a cargo-ship will be available from

Yacht Club Punta Ala encouraging us to conclude an

Auckland and Sydney in January/February 2018.

Italian coastal rally with a regatta based from their

the emerging summer months of October to December. For the regatta enthusiasts among the fleet, timings

club. The yacht clubs in Malta, Ibiza and Porto

Oyster Asia Rally 2018


Montegro would also love us to bring the regattas to

The route is being developed for this part of the

their venues … along with many others!

circumnavigation. The South China Sea and other parts


of Asia have limited periods of reasonable weather and The Yacht Club Costa Smeralda has teamed up with

hence this Rally is likely to be late April to August 2018.

us to host the 2014 Oyster Regatta BVI and we will

between Singapore to the west, Papua to the east and

enjoy a start in Tortola, visits to other islands and a

Darwin to the south and to include Indonesia. Routing

race around Virgin Gorda, concluding with a grand

via Vietnam and Philippines is also being explored and

party in the YCCS clubhouse.

again deck cargo options exist to ship back from various major ports. Fuller details on this part of the event will

If you would like any further information regarding Oyster Regattas or indeed have any suggestions for

be published in 2015.

future venues please contact Rebecca Twiss:

Oyster Passage Home 2018/19


The passage home will mean gathering yachts together in Bali and then Cocos (Keeling) in early October 2018

• Oyster Regatta Palma 30 September – 4 October

2015 • Oyster Regatta BVI 13 – 18 April

• Mediterranean Cruise in Company • Mediterranean Regatta


for the start. The route will follow the 2013/14 rally route

• Caribbean Regatta

to arrive in Cape Town early December 2018. With

• Pacific Cruise in Company

approximately 10,000 miles of long passages, Oyster plans to support those yachts wishing to ‘sail home’

• Mediterranean Regatta

much as it does the fleet entering the ARC each year ie. unlike the Pacific and Asian parts of this overall event, the support for the ‘Passage Home’ will not host a series of parties but will focus more on maintenance support

• Oyster Pacific Rally

and weather routing with key support being at the start

• Caribbean Regatta

and mid-route in Cape Town. Yachts are expected to

• Mediterranean Regatta

cover the downwind, fair weather 6000 miles from

Oyster Pacific Rally 2016


Cape Town to the Caribbean as a fairly self-sufficient cruise in company, much as the 2013/14 World Rally


A few owners were disappointed when we cancelled

fleet undertook, routing via St Helena, Georgetown

the World Rally planned to start in January 2016 and

(approx 900nm north-west of St Helena) then Fernando

that would have replicated the 2013/14 adventure.

de Noronha (approx 200nm north-east of the Brazilian

• Caribbean Regatta

The main reason for this change was the significant

Coast) and then to Grenada.

• Mediterranean Regatta

• Oyster Asia Rally

shift in interest to a longer adventure in 2017 to 2019. We will, however, work out how to support the smaller

We will be holding a Circumnavigation Seminar

fleet of yachts that want to head into the Pacific in 2016.

at the Düsseldorf Boat Show in January 2015.

Please contact David Tydeman at Oyster for further

Please contact us for further details

information if you are one of these yachts:



2019 • Oyster World Rally Grand Finale and Caribbean Regatta • Mediterranean Regatta

s u mm e r 2 0 1 4



Oyster Elite: Global medical assistance from MedAire

“In every corner of the sailing world, our owners can look t o u s f o r s e r v i c e a n d s u p p o r t, h e l p a n d a d v i c e ”

Oyster Yachts is dedicated to providing the most advanced yacht

MedAire is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to assist Oyster Elite

ownership experience available.

members with medical and travel safety concerns or requests while travelling, at sea or in transit. Members also receive access to the MedAire

As such, we are pleased to share that we are the first yacht builder in the

global network of credentialed physicians, hospitals, clinics, dentists and

world to offer our owners and their guests a comprehensive health and

dental clinics.

travel safety programme from MedAire as standard on all new yachts. Oyster is pleased to extend the Oyster Elite membership programme to Each new Oyster yacht delivered from the beginning of 2014 will include

all existing Oyster owners at a preferred rate as part of our exclusive deal

a two-year membership entitlement to Oyster Elite, the traveller health

with MedAire. The full range of premium yachting medical kit systems will

programme from MedAire. The Oyster options list will be expanded to

be available at preferential rates as well.

include an extensive range of quality medical kit systems appropriate for each yacht’s cruising plans. Owners, guests and crew will enjoy the

“We are delighted to lead the way by actively investing in the health and

certainty of premium 24/7 medical and travel safety assistance wherever

travel safety of any who sail on an Oyster yacht. This commitment is one

they sail.

that we are proud to make and actively support.”

“As part of our commitment we have also negotiated special membership

For more information on the features and benefits of Oyster Elite

rates for all yachts delivered prior to January 2014. We will be in touch in

membership and the MedAire medical kits for Oyster yachts, please contact

coming months with regards to how to take up this subsidy offer.”

Catherine Whyman: catherine.whyman@oysteryachts.com

“Our owners are adventurers, and Oyster Elite gives them the confidence to travel the world knowing the global MedAire network is available to assist with medical and travel safety advice, assistance, and referrals to quality health-care providers.”



summer 2014


world rally

2013 – 2014

summer 2014



T h e S u m m e r 2 0 1 3 e d i t i o n o f O y st e r m a g a z i n e f o l l o w e d t h e i n a u g u r a l O y st e r W o r l d R a l ly a s f a r a s F r e n c h P o ly n e s i a . S i n c e t h e n , t h e O y st e r e x p l o r e r s h a v e s a i l e d t o t h e r e m o t e i s l a n d s o f F i j i , b e f o r e m a k i n g l a n d f a l l i n A u st r a l i a , F o l l o w e d b y i s l a n d s i n t h e I n d i a n O c e a n a n d o n t o S o u t h A f r i c a f o r C h r i st m a s a n d N e w Y e a r . At t h e b e g i n n i n g o f 2 0 1 4 , t h e O y st e r f l e e t c r o ss e d t h e At l a n t i c , t h e i r f i n a l o c e a n o f t h e v o ya g e a n d , a f t e r m a k i n g l a n d f a l l i n B r a z i l , t h e f l e e t r e t u r n e d t o t h e C a r i b b e a n . I n Ap r i l 2 0 1 4 t h e i n a u g u r a l O y st e r W o r l d R a l ly c a m e t o a m a g n i f i c e n t c o n c l u s i o n i n N e l s o n ’ s D o c k ya r d , A n t i g u a , w h e r e t h e 3 0 , 0 0 0 - m i l e a d v e n t u r e h a d a l l sta r t e d i n J a n u a r y 2 0 1 3 b y l o u ay h a b i b



summer 2014


p h otos b y M a r k S y n d er a n d Ke v i n J o h n so n

summer 2014



Sailing around the world is an ambition

many sailors

immigration. Regulations vary enormously, especially at some of the more

dream of but never make a reality. For most, it is a daunting undertaking

remote locations. Through detailed planning and research, Oyster have

into the unknown, complicated by modern-day logistical problems in

been able to plan a route that would be virtually impossible for any yacht

far-flung corners of the world. Planning a bespoke individual route is

to undergo independently.”

difficult or even impossible. The first ever Oyster World Rally started from Nelson’s Dockyard, Antigua Conceived as an event to celebrate Oyster’s 40th Anniversary, the 2013-14

on Sunday 6 January 2013. The fleet returned 16 months later, having visited

Oyster World Rally took years of meticulous planning, even before the

15 different countries and sailed over 30,000 miles through the Caribbean

26 strong Oyster fleet left Antigua to start the 30,000 mile odyssey. Oyster

Sea, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and the Atlantic. It goes without saying

World Rally Customer Care Manager Eddie Scougall and Oyster World

that the participants were very different people after the experience.

Rally Event Manager Debbie Johnson accompanied the rally throughout the sixteen-months adventure and spent two years prior to the event travelling the route to put immensely detailed plans into place. “Prior to the start, each owner received an Oyster Rally World Guide: a digest of all that we have learnt, which is close to a thousand pages of well-researched and up-to-date information,” commented Eddie Scougall. “A comprehensive study of all of the destinations and practical advice designed precisely for the rally. Seminars were also arranged, giving expert advice from cookery to yacht maintenance and sail trim to first aid. The personal safety of everybody taking part was always our primary concern but the guide also covers issues such as customs and



summer 2014

june2013 Fiji, South Pacific

rally dancing on the beach under the stars. The party was a great


opportunity to catch up with friends after a month of independently cruising the beautiful islands of Fiji. Tales of amazing diving among pristine soft coral, snorkelling through passes with Manta Rays,

Fiji consists of 322 islands, scattered over approximately 75,000 square

whitewater rafting, visiting remote villages, and, of course, weeks

miles of pristine South Pacific Ocean. The Oyster World Rally had a truly

of perfect sailing conditions.

special arrival in the Lau Group – the most eastern of the Fiji Islands chain. Until recently the islands had been completely off-limits for yachts; they are still little-visited due to the necessity to check into one of Fiji’s main islands, arrange permits and then sail back upwind to Lau. The Oyster World Rally arranged permits in advance, and chartered a plane to fly the customs, immigration and quarantine officials to Lau to process the fleet.

July2013 Vanuatu, South Pacific


Vanuatu, approximately 1000 miles east of Australia, was a fascinating “Our first landfall was Vanua Balavu, a small island in the Lau Group.

archipelago for the Oyster World Rally to explore. Tanna Island is a volcanic

Villages in Fiji, particularly when so remote, still run on traditional lines

island with an active volcano, Mount Tukosmera, rising to over 1000 metres

with a village chief and elders, and there is a requirement, even obligation,

above sea level. The glow of the volcano attracted the first Europeans to the

for a formal welcome to the village. In the whole of the Lau Group there

island in 1774: James Cook and the crew of HMS Resolution.

are no shops and no tourists so a great fuss was made of us, with the traditional ‘kava’ welcoming ceremony. We were told that we may swim

“After anchoring in a bay at Tanna, a local came out in a simple dug out

and fish in the waters, walk anywhere in the village and that we were no

canoe, wearing a pair of shorts, full of holes. We were in the middle of

longer strangers. The children were dancing and singing and that evening a

nowhere and he came over to the boat and asked if he could charge

great feast was prepared, all cooked in the traditional underground oven.”

his phone. He pulled out this really old mobile phone but there was no

Andrew Lock, skipper of Oyster 54, Pearl of Persia

SIM card in it. He said that they had one SIM in the village, which they all shared. He invited us to his village and we took little gifts for the children

The final stopover in Fiji was at Musket Cove Island Resort, rated by rally

like fishing lines, pens and rulers and also oats and flour. We couldn’t

participants as ‘one of the best yet’, where they enjoyed an elegant but

believe our eyes when we saw the village: the houses were just made of

relaxed evening with a sublime dinner of Indo-Fijian specialities. After

mud but they had the most incredible unspoilt beach that you would just

dinner The Culture Band played an energetic playlist that had the whole

dream of.” Paul Fletcher, Oyster 56, Dreams Come True »

summer 2013



AUGUST 2 0 1 3  Hamilton Island, Australia


Perfectly situated on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef, among Queensland’s 74 Whitsunday Islands, Hamilton Island is considered to be

Mackay, Australia


one of Australia’s finest locations. The rally enjoyed a fantastic stopover in Hamilton Island with the fleet enjoying the first official Oyster race since they started the Oyster World Rally in January. Oyster CEO David Tydeman

After seven months and thousands of miles of sailing, the Oyster World

acted as Race Officer for the mini regatta. In sharp contrast to the stormy

Rally visited its first continent Mackay, Queensland, a short distance from

arrival into Australia, the racing took place in very light airs but the nature

the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. The Oyster fleet experienced gale force

of Oyster owners provided safe and competitive racing!

conditions before arriving in Australia. Apart from minor sail and equipment damage, the Oyster fleet in its entirety prevailed through the storm.

Ashore at Hamilton Island Resort, rally organisers hosted a party at the stunning Hamilton Island Yacht Club, designed by the celebrated

“We have certainly seen the most challenging conditions of our voyage so

Australian architect Walter Barda. The Oyster World Rally family enjoyed

far, with what the optimistic meteorologists call ‘Reinforced Tradewinds’

a spectacular evening, dining at the club over-looking Catseye Beach,

and most of us would call simply ‘gales’ plus the occasional 50 knot squall

with an eruption of fireworks after dinner.

thrown in for good measure. The sentence on everybody’s lips as they arrived; “We’re tired, but the boat is fine – thank goodness it’s an Oyster.”

Hamilton Island Race Week followed soon after the private Oyster party

Although not quite the halfway point on the trip, the arrival at our first

and Chris and Denise Ballard decided not to miss the opportunity of racing

continental land-mass since we left Panama feels like a huge achievement.”

at one of Australia’s most prestigious regattas. Their Oyster 655, Proteus,

Olli Brett, First Mate, Oyster 655, Proteus

claimed 2nd overall in their 21 boat division, a marvellous achievement.

“Two years before the start of the Oyster World Rally, we contacted

On leaving Hamilton Island, the Oyster fleet sailed to Cairns, North

Australian Customs, Immigration and Biosecurity, to plan the fleet’s arrival

Queensland, an ideal base to explore the Great Barrier Reef stretching over

and we have kept in contact with them ever since. I am delighted to say

1000 miles along Queensland’s coast. The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s

that entry into Australia was very smooth for the entire fleet.”

largest coral reef, comprising more than 3000 individual reef systems and

Debbie Johnson – Oyster World Rally Event Manager

coral cays and literally hundreds of picturesque tropical islands with some of the world’s most beautiful sun-soaked, golden beaches.



summer 2014

september2013 Cairns to Darwin » The Oyster World Rally route took the fleet to the northern most tip of Australia and then in a westerly direction. For the first time, the fleet were sailing back towards Antigua, the point of origin for the Oyster World Rally. After sailing past the remote coast of North Queensland, the fleet sailed along Australia’s Northern Territory to Darwin, the smallest and most northerly of the Australian capital cities. Darwin has grown from a pioneer outpost into one of Australia’s most modern cities. From Darwin, Oyster World Rally participants went inland to explore some fascinating national parks, famous for wetlands, wildlife and Aboriginal rock art. “We finally passed the northern tip of Australia, Cape York, and moved into the Torres Straits. Passing the Cape meant we could finally sail west again and closer to home. After a thousand miles of coastline without so much as a light, Darwin appeared on the horizon with its ‘skyscrapers’ seemingly out of place. There are always lots of jobs to do after a few weeks at sea, but we did manage a trip inland to the Mary River wetland area, which compared to the barren scrub we had seen from the sea, was teeming with life. The river was full of flowering lotus plants, with incredible birds, and crocodiles resting in the shade on the bank.” Andrew and Sussanne Lock, Oyster 54, Pearl of Persia “In Darwin, a group of us hired some 4x4s and headed out into the Litchfield National Park. There were about ten guys and girls and it was a nice break to get away from the yacht for a few days and do something completely different. Life on Proteus has to be very ordered and we maintain the yacht to a very high standard, so it was a nice change to rough it in the great outdoors and get covered in mud! Funnily enough the trip wasn’t that different to the Oyster World Rally – we were on our own, in the wilderness, having a great adventure: and that is what this rally is all about.” Tim Macintosh, Skipper, Oyster 655, Proteus

Bali, Indonesia


As planned two Oysters, Quester and Chinook, had stayed in the Pacific with extensive cruising planned. However, two more Oyster Yachts joined the Oyster World Rally: David Caukill’s Oyster 575, Serendipity, and Leo Nagtegaal’s Oyster 56, Duchess. Arriving in Indonesia by air travel is fairly straightforward but arriving by sea is another matter altogether. David Caukill, owner of Serendipity, described the yacht’s arrival in Indonesia. “Our passage through the channels of officialdom to enter the country were facilitated by the Oyster Team, shepherding the customs and biosecurity teams around the fleet, before we were allowed ashore. The Oyster Rally management team had managed to corral biosecurity, customs, immigration and the port authority into a single hall. Armed with ten copies of each of our clearance papers out of Darwin, our Permit to Cruise Indonesia – CAIT (obtained in advance), our crew list, our ship’s registration and passports and visas, we navigated that ‘room’ in about an hour. Heavens knows how long we would have taken had we had to go to each of their offices, one after the other.”


summer 2014



october2013 Cocos Keeling, Indian Ocean


Situated 2000 miles west of Australia, the Cocos (Keeling) Islands are virtually uninhabited. The 27 coral islands form a stunningly beautiful horseshoe atoll, surrounded by the crystal blue Indian Ocean. West Island and Home Island are inhabited with a total population of just 600. The islands became part of Australia in 1955 but few Australians even know of their existence. Cocos (Keeling) is considered to be one of the most remote island locations in the world. “The colours of the water here were vibrant, every shade of blue imaginable, unspoilt beauty to the eye. We drift snorkelled ‘The Rip’ several times, awestruck by colourful coral, abundance of marine life – it was almost too much to take in. Our heads were swivelling back and forth, our eyes drinking up the underwater world in perfect clarity. With the other boats gone, we became the focus of the Direction Island ‘welcoming committee’ – six black tipped reef sharks. We swam and

Mauritius, Indian Ocean


snorkelled with them, and they visited Amelie each morning and evening.

A warm welcome to Mauritius was extended to the rally fleet at Caudan

Quietly, contemplating life on Amelie in the anchorage, pilot whales and

Waterfront with the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority generously

dolphins spent hours dancing around the boats. The whales moving

treating the fleet to an enormously enjoyable tour, including a visit to the

gently through the water, whilst the dolphins playfully leap and perform

Hindu monuments and the sacred lakes at Grand Bassin and a tea-themed

acrobatics for their audience.

lunch at the Bois Chéri Tea Plantation. An Oyster Blessing Ceremony, with each yacht blessed by representatives of the Muslim, Hindu, Christian,

Reflecting on our wonderful stay in Cocos (Keeling), Life being life and

Jewish and Buddhist faiths, was well received, to ensure the safe passage

being in such close proximity to each other at all times, there have been

of the Oyster fleet. The ceremony was followed by a dock party at Caudan

inevitable misunderstandings and differences between us – but in Cocos

Waterfront, where a further taste of Mauritian culture was on offer –

(Keeling) we found the tranquillity of true togetherness.” Stephen and

delicious, spicy currie and salads – and the Oyster family was entertained

Debbie Gratton, Oyster 53, Amelie »

above » Oyster fleet in Cocos (Keeling).

right » Sailing into Cape Town; South Africa.



summer 2014

by, and joined in, a display of Séga dancing.

NO V EMBER 2 0 1 3 Reunion, Indian Ocean »

d e c EMBER 2 0 1 3 Cape Town, South Africa »

Reunion is a French territory located in the midst of the Indian Ocean,

The Oyster World Rally reached Cape Town, South Africa for the festive

east of Madagascar, south-west of Mauritius and approximately

season with many friends and family flying in from overseas to enjoy the

1200 miles from the African continent. Reunion has a tropical climate,

magical city and to celebrate Christmas and New Year. New Year’s Eve was

a stunning volcanic landscape and white sandy beaches fringed by coral

celebrated in great company with a tumultuous party and a spectacular

reefs. The island is only 39 miles long but has more than 800 miles of

firework display to mark the new year. It was a fantastic atmosphere –

hiking routes with some of the most spectacular scenery in the world.

very upbeat. The Oyster World Family were not just celebrating the arrival of 2014 but over 12 months of making a great adventure together, through

“The Oyster World Rally visits some incredible places but I have to say

the common bond of the Oyster World Rally.

that Reunion is just spectacular. The landscape is very similar to New Zealand but as a French ‘department’, it is also very European, which

“The services in Cape Town have been fantastic, even though it has been

reminds us of home. There is so much to do here, especially hiking,

during the festive season and everyone has worked so hard and been so

including the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, which rises to 10,000ft

helpful. Cape Town is an amazing and stylish city, there is so much to do

with dense forest on its slopes. The whole island has the feel of a real

here and the quality of produce, compared to some of the islands we have

community and there is very little in the way of packaged tourism or large

visited, is excellent. All of the yachts are stocking up with super wines and

holiday resorts.” Debbie Johnson – Oyster World Rally Event Manager

meat; the Oyster fleet has not had access to such great quality of supplies since we left Australia. Over the next few days, thoughts will turn to watching the weather before heading out into the South Atlantic.”

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa


Debbie Johnson – Oyster World Rally Event Manager »

The last leg of the Indian Ocean was to South Africa. The Oyster World Rally is supported by renowned meteorologist, Chris Tibbs. His expert knowledge proved extremely valuable when the fleet encountered rough weather before making landfall in Richard’s Bay, South Africa. The arrival of the Oyster fleet was met by rapid changes in weather and the Aghulas current created a significant sea state. Chris delivered bespoke weather briefs to each group about what was coming up for them. The fleet were in constant communication with one another on the Radio-Net, giving weather observations to go with Chris’s predictions. Armed with this information, the yachts could choose the best route to avoid very bad weather and they would know when to hold back or when they needed to speed up. Several Oyster yachts experienced stormy weather but they all handled it very well. “Ten days at sea and we are all feeling tired. Overcast skies, drizzle and big roly seas. Lee cloths tied up to stop us falling out of the bunk and so uncomfortable that no one managed much sleep. We sat below for most of the day in the dry, peeking outside every so often to make sure we weren’t about to be consumed by an oil tanker. Sussanne had a brainwave: why not watch a movie? Two episodes of Downton Abbey seemed completely bizarre in the middle of the Indian Ocean. We are gauging our speed to arrive at the Agulhas current at the right time. We don’t want to get it wrong. Our pilot book talks about freak waves of up to 20 metres high when the wind and current oppose. Despite the weather Oliver’s enthusiasm for fishing was rewarded and he landed a 7kg tuna this afternoon. I’m preparing the appetiser of tuna sashimi and he’s doing the main course of grilled tuna steaks, with sesame oil.” Andrew and Sussanne Lock, Oyster 54, Pearl of Persia

summer 2014





february2014 Salvador, Brazil »

Located in the South Atlantic Ocean, the volcanic island is about 1200 miles

Upon arrival in Brazil, Oyster World Rally sailors were given a warm

from Africa and approximately 1800 miles from South America, making it

welcome by the Bahia YC and enjoy the club’s magnificent facilities.

one of the most remote places in the world. Discovered by the Portuguese

The stunning Pelhourino district was a highlight for the fleet, who adored

in 1502, it became a Dutch and then a British possession, which was a

the pretty buildings, cobbled streets and bars bursting with live music,

strategically important port of call during the British Empire, until the

making Salvador one of the favourite cities on the rally. A group outing

opening of the Suez Canal and the advent of steamships. The island’s

was arranged to the Chapada Diamantina, a great opportunity to get

remote location made it an ideal place of exile for key prisoners, including

inland and see the different aspect of Bahia: rolling hills, waterfalls, lush

Napoleon Bonaparte, who died on Saint Helena in 1821. Saint Helena is a

plant life, caves dripping with stalactites and underground cool fresh

haven for marine wildlife, which thrive in the reef ecosystems off the island.

water lakes for swimming.

“In Saint Helena, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, we saw devil rays

“Sailing across the beautiful, All Saints Bay to Ilha do Frade was a highlight

with a wing span of over 3 metres but they were small in comparison to

of the rally stopover. With 30 miles of pristine beach, it was the perfect

the whale sharks, which where truly awesome. They were just spinning

location for an Oyster World Rally BBQ by the light of the full moon.

around us, just a few inches from us. When we surfaced from that dive

After the icy waters of the South Atlantic, a return to a morning swim from

we agreed that life doesn’t get any better than that. A 50ft whale shark

on board was much appreciated by all of the Oyster Yachts.

followed us back to the boat; it was so friendly and inquisitive. We know so little about these ocean giants, it was incredible to have such a

“For the Oyster World Rally Party at the Bahia Yacht Club, we all dressed

personal experience with them.” Paul Adamson, Skipper, Oyster 885, Lush

smartly and were royally entertained by constant canapés with copious amounts of champagne. The attention to detail, ambience and generosity

the South Atlantic


was fit for royalty. Local Salvadorian, Willy Pickett, made the evening fun by helping us to interpret the speeches and explaining Brazilian protocol. A fantastic drumming troupe was the highlight of the evening and their

“We have now sailed to so many places, but for me the destination is not

dancing, whilst playing the drums, was spellbinding. The emotion was

the most important thing. For me it is the journey. Other people like to

visible in their faces and the leader was trance-like at times. Young men

explore the destination but I love the sea. When I am in the middle of an

who could have been on the wrong side of the law had found a passion

ocean I am never bored; I love to sail. The fascination for me is that you can

and lifestyle, embraced it and made it an evening that we will never forget.”

go for so many miles without using an engine. It is nature that provides this

Stephen and Debbie Gratton, Oyster 53, Amelie

ability and when I am sailing, I adapt to the life of the sea, I adapt to nature and that is very fulfilling for me.” Joacham Riel, Oyster 56, Mariela



summer 2014

march2014 GRENADA »


The ‘Spice Island’ is a familiar retreat for Oyster Yachts. Many Oyster

There were emotional scenes in Nelson’s Dockyard, Antigua. As each

owners who sail the Caribbean love the fantastic scenery of the island and

yacht arrived in the historic Georgian Dockyard, the fog horns multiplied

Grenada is a perfect base to explore the Grenadines. Port Louis Marina

and the cheering got louder and louder. All of the yachts that had sailed

was a fitting rendezvous for the penultimate Oyster World Rally gathering,

around the world had crossed their track before reaching Antigua, but

as it has been the base for two recent Oyster Regattas. The marina staff

Antigua was psychologically where the odyssey had all started.

Antigua – The Final Chapter


have always been incredibly friendly and familiar with Oyster Yachts and the warm welcome was evident. During the Grenada stopover several

The tumultuous occasion was enhanced by the Oyster Caribbean Regatta

Oyster World Rally crew took a little time out at the nearby Le Phare Bleu

in Antigua and the combination of Oyster Rally, Oyster Regatta and Oyster

Marina, another Oyster Regatta destination, to participate in some match

Cruising Yachts attracted the largest gathering of Oyster Yachts in the

racing during the three-day South Grenada Regatta. In Grenada, Oyster

British manufacturer’s 40-year history. More than 50 Oysters and

World Rally Event Manager Debbie Johnson reflected on the amazing

hundreds of sailors celebrated the final chapter of the inaugural Oyster

adventure that was soon to come to an end.

World Rally, followed by the Oyster Regatta Antigua.

“Over the last few days I have been collating the photographs from the

Saturday, 5 April 2014 marked the official end of the inaugural Oyster

rally and it is inspiring to see how far these participants have come.

World Rally. Owners, sailors and friends of the 30,000-mile odyssey

Looking back at the pictures of the seminars before the start, they just

gathered in Nelson’s Dockyard for a day and a night never to be forgotten.

look like different people – wide eyed at the amount of information they would have to absorb and wondering what the Oyster World Rally would

The Marching Band of the Antigua and Barbuda Police Service fired up

be like. They looked like children taking their first steps.

proceedings with an early morning revelry in Nelson’s Dockyard, followed by the Oyster World Rally Awards Ceremony at the Admiral’s Inn. Oyster

“Now they barely need us, they can do just about everything on their own and that makes Eddie and I so proud of them. The Grenadians are

CEO David Tydeman welcomed the Oyster World Rally sailors to the awards ceremony. »

so friendly and genuinely happy that we have decided to come to their island. After that, it is going to be one hell of a party in Antigua.”

summer 2014



“That was a blast!” said Eddie, addressing the sailors. “You should be very proud of what you have done, 99 per cent of yachtsmen dream of sailing around the world and you have actually done it. This rally has seen higher highs and a few lows and you have taken everything in your stride and overcome so many adversities. Everybody has looked out for each other, providing all sorts of help, advice, moral support and occasionally a shoulder to cry on. If there was a spirit of the rally award, it would have to go to everyone; you have proved this by the way you have all bonded and every crew has stuck it out, right from the start to the finish, and that is something fairly unique in this type of event. Debbie and I would like to thank everyone for their kindness, consideration and putting up with us, even when things weren’t going quite as they should. Words cannot express how proud...” It was all too much for both Debbie and Eddie, who broke down in tears, spilling out the emotions of 30,000 miles and nearly four years work. It all came welling-up to the surface, as they left the stage to a standing ovation and a warm embrace from the Oyster family. A private party was held at Casa Lidia, one of Antigua’s most exclusive villas with un-paralleled views of Nelson’s Dockyard. After a champagne reception, guests were treated to an evening of unusual entertainment of their own making. Each yacht in the Oyster World Rally performed an amusing sketch depicting their take on the experience. Raucous laughter and tumultuous applause accompanied each performance but Bob Morgan’s video rendition of Billy Joel’s ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ was so good an encore was demanded. The sketch included a six-minute “You have been an incredible inspiration to an enormous number of

video, depicting the Oyster World Rally, a cameo of moments from the

people around the world,” commented David Tydeman. “Your fabulous

event: whales breaching, dolphins playing, scuba diving, tribal dancing,

achievement has been followed by hundreds of thousands on the Internet

trek walking and, of course, ocean sailing.

and Oyster has received expressions of interest from 200 families wanting to take part in the next event. Before the first Oyster World Rally started,

The party went on long into the night, with sailors reminiscing about the

43 Oyster yachts had received their Oyster Circumnavigation Award and

incredible experience they had shared together. The Oyster World Rally

it gives me great pleasure to give out 23 more today and I am lost for

had reached its conclusion but the memories and friendships made

words to describe how amazing that is.”

between a special group of people would last forever.

Ian Davis, owner of Oyster 56, Yantina, had operated a radio net during

A big thank you to all the Oyster World Rally participants who supplied us

the Oyster World Rally, which had offered the participants logistical and

with photographs from their travels. Visit www.oysterworldrally.com for more

moral boosting support throughout the adventure. The radio-net had

photographs, reports and owner logs

been a valuable asset for everyone: a way of communicating information, borrowing spares, and values that cannot be measured, such as companionship and togetherness. Ian Davis was welcomed to the awards stage by David Tydeman, to act as Master of Ceremonies. Much to the amusement of the guests, Ian used radio etiquette to call each yacht crew to the stage; the applause and laughter was long, loud and very genuine as each yacht received their silver salver commemorating their circumnavigation, together with a custom-made nautical chart, displayed on canvas, of each yacht’s unique route. The biggest cheer of the Awards Ceremony was the last; Eddie Scougall and Debbie Johnson have been the rock on which the Oyster World Rally was built. Two years of meticulous preparation was followed by 24-hour support throughout the 16-month voyage. Assisting in all manner of logistical and technical solutions, their support, along with the approved Oyster partners around the world and Oyster Head Office, had been a fundamental part of the Oyster World Rally success.



summer 2014

summer 2014





summer 2014


antigua 2014

A n i m p r e s s i v e f l e e t o f 3 5 O y s t e r Ya c h t s , f ly i n g t h e f l a g s o f B r a z i l , G e r m a n y, I r e l a n d , N e t h e r l a n d s , R u s s i a , S pa i n , S w e d e n , U n i t e d K i n g d o m a n d t h e U n i t e d S tat e s o f A m e r i c a g at h e r e d i n A n t i g u a , W e s t I n d i e s f o r t h e 3 3 r d O y s t e r R e g at ta t e x t b y lo uay h a b i b


P HOTO S b y k e v i n j o h n s o n

summer 2014



F o l l o w i n g t h e c o n c l u s i o n of t h e O y s t e r Wo r l d Ra l l y , the beginning of the Oyster Regatta and other Oyster Yachts cruising in Antigua, 60 Oyster Yachts were moored in Antigua – the largest collection of Oysters in the 40-year history of the company. Nelson’s Dockyard in English Harbour was the hub for the regatta and twelve different examples of the distinctive Oyster range dockside was a truly magnificent sight. Oyster owners, their families and guests enjoyed an exclusive sailing event blended with fabulous parties at some of the island’s best locations. The Oyster Regatta Antigua six-day programme included four days of racing on the spectacular coastline of Antigua. Warm trade winds and ocean swell combined with amazing scenery to provide a magnificent event in one of the world’s finest sailing locations.



summer 2014

left »


The Oyster 625 Lady Mariposa leading the Oyster 625 Red Cat and Oyster 655 Rocas.

Oyster 885 Lush ; Oyster Brokerage’s Tom Roberts judging Concours d’Elegance; Crew of 625 Lady Mariposa ; Owners and crew of Oyster 56 Blue Dreams.


race one – sponsored by dolphin sails

A Spectacular Start


In Class Two, there was an epic encounter between two Oyster 625s. Wolfram Birkel’s Red Cat was making its racing debut and the German Oyster 625 scorched through the starting line in style. However, Russian Oyster 625, Lady Mariposa, started the regatta where they left off at the

The first day of racing at the Oyster Regatta Antigua will be long

last Oyster Regatta in Palma, Mallorca by winning the race. After time

remembered for spectacular sailing conditions. A solid 15 knots of breeze

correction, Lady Mariposa took the prize by just six seconds. Russian

from the east built to over 20 knots during the race along the stunning

owner/driver Maxim Kudryashov, racing Guardian Angel, made it a trio

south-east coast line of Antigua. At the start, the magnificent 35-strong

of Oyster 625s on the Class Two podium by claiming third place.

Oyster fleet powered to windward, swapping tacks. The yachts turned downwind to experience classic trade wind sailing with the majestic fleet

Class Three provided an incredibly close finish, with just three minutes

surfing on Caribbean swell, followed by another tactical beat along the

separating the elapsed time of the top five boats. Eric Alfredson’s

awe-inspiring Cades Reef and on to the finish outside Carlisle Bay.

Swedish Oyster 53, Lisanne, produced a text-book performance to win the class on corrected time from Joachim and Rolf Riel’s German

In Class One, Paul and Penny Brewer’s British Oyster 100, Penelope,

Oyster 56, Mariela. Harvey and Sue Death’s Oyster 56, Sarabi was

revelled in the big breeze to take line honours for the class and the win on

placed third after time correction.

corrected time but only just, Irish Oyster 885 Lush with Eddie Jordan on board, pushed hard the whole way around the course and it was only a

After racing, the Oyster fleet enjoyed one of Antigua’s most sophisticated

small mistake on the last leg that cost Lush dearly. “That was a real blast!”

locations, a beach party and BBQ buffet at Carlisle Bay resort. Much of the

enthused Lush’s captain, Paul Adamson. “Lush was really lit up but in a

fleet moored in the bay, their mast head lights glowing at sea, formed a

tricky last beat, we mistimed one tack and that was enough for us to slip

beautiful back drop to a wonderful location. The chic resort with its own

back to second. Tomorrow’s another day and if it is anything like the first

signature style gives Carlisle Bay an attractive, well-groomed elegance and

day, we are in for a real treat!” Third in class and top Oyster 82 was regatta

the Oyster owners, family and guests enjoyed cocktails on the beach

veteran, Starry Night of the Caribbean.

followed by a succulent buffet – what an amazing start to the regatta! »

summer 2014




race two – sponsored by lewmar

Sunshine and smiles


The second race day was blessed with sunshine and breeze. The magnificent Oyster fleet enjoyed superb racing conditions along the stunning Cades Reef on the south coast of Antigua. The downwind start had pulses racing and spinnakers flying and a windward leeward course provided plenty of close quarters action for the Oyster fleet, although gentlemanly conduct prevailed. In Class One, Oyster 100 Penelope continued its winning streak by

Class Three provided an epic duel between two British Oysters, Tony

taking line honours and the win on corrected time for the second day

Keal’s Oyster 54, Wolfhound, and Harvey and Sue Death’s Oyster 56,

in succession. Tactician Jeremy Robinson was quick to praise the crew.

Sarabi. The two yachts were evenly matched for speed around the course

“On a yacht of this size, manoeuvres need to be perfect and the

and after more than three hours of racing Wolfhound crossed the line

crew-work over the last two days has been impressive. Penelope has

just a boat length ahead of Sarabi to take the gun and the win after time

been right up on target speed and her owners Paul and Penny Brewer

correction. Joachim and Rolf Riel’s German Oyster 56, Mariela, had

have been delighted with the performance.”

another consistent day placing third.

Oyster 885 Lush with Eddie Jordan at the helm, took second place by

After racing, the Oyster fleet enjoyed a private party at one of Antigua’s

just over a minute and Dario Galvao’s Brazilian Oyster 655 Rocas sailed

most famous locations. Shirley Heights is visited by thousands of

well to take third. Starry Night of the Caribbean was fourth and top

party-goers every year. The view from Shirley Heights Lookout is without

Oyster 82 for the second day in a row.

question the most famous on the beautiful island of Antigua and the 300 strong Oyster family was treated to a glorious sunset accompanied by a

Wolfram Birkel, owner of German Oyster 625 Red Cat, was a very happy

traditional steel band. After a delicious Caribbean-style BBQ, the Shirley

man having won his first race in his new boat. “We were so close to

Heights Reggae Band played into the night and the dance floor was soon

winning yesterday but we made a few mistakes. Red Cat is a new boat for

swinging to the rhythm. A lay day was to follow and although the fleet had

us and we are still getting used to her but today we put our experience

taken part in two days of energetic racing, the Oyster family partied long

into practice and sailed Red Cat in a much better fashion. I am so

into the night.

delighted to win my first race in an Oyster Regatta and keen to celebrate Oyster CEO David Tydeman and Race Officer for the regatta welcomed

with my crew.”

the Oyster family to Shirley Heights and gave out prizes for Race Two. Red Cat was the victor in Class Two, Maxim Kudryashov’s Russian

“The course was another testing one with a downwind start and boats

Oyster 625 Guardian Angel was second and with a great performance

sailing closer to one another and I would applaud the yachts who were

by Chris Glossop’s British Oyster 575, Dreamer of Hamble was third.

very careful and that attention to safety helped provide for another good day on the water. Racing was very close, which shows the competitive

David and Joanne Furby’s Oyster 625, Vamos of Portsmouth, had a problem

spirit but it was also good to see that everybody is here to enjoy great

at the start but recovered well to get right back in the mix, especially

company as well as superb racing and Shirley Heights is the perfect venue

downwind with their resplendent red spinnaker expertly trimmed. The crew from the south of England enjoyed some close quarter racing with other yachts. “You learn so much about driving the boat at an Oyster Regatta,” commented David Furby. “Sailing on the wind really tests your ability to steer the boat correctly and downwind under spinnaker requires a different approach; I have a lot to learn but I am improving all the time.”



summer 2014

to celebrate with one another.” »

left » The Oyster Class 1 fleet in the crystal blue Antiguan waters; Beach BBQ at the infamous Shirley Heights.

right » Wolfram Birkel’s Oyster 625, Red Cat , winner of Class 2 Oyster trophy.


summer 2014



Oyster Yachts are built for blue water cruising and the largest fleet of Oyster Yachts ever assembled in the Caribbean were most certainly in their element



summer 2014


r a c e T HREE – s p o n s o r e d b y P e l ago s Y a c h t s

Blue Ocean Classic


With just one race to go, a terrific battle developed in Class Three with four yachts in the hunt for the class title. Eric Alfredson’s Swedish Oyster 53, Lisanne, was the class leader. However, two Oyster 56s were still very much in contention, Harvey and Sue Death’s Sarabi and Joachim and Rolf Riel’s

Full-on ocean conditions were the order of the day for the penultimate

Mariela. Tony Keal’s Oyster 54, Wolfhound, was also capable of winning the

race at the Oyster Regatta Antigua. Race Three started from outside

class but there was heartache in Race Three for the Wolfhound team.

English Harbour with the magnificent Oyster fleet beating to windward passed the Pillars of Hercules to enjoy an 18-mile ocean race, finishing

“We lost electrical power before the start and we decided it would not

at Nonsuch Bay on the windward coast of Antigua. At times, the wind

be safe to race,” commented Tony. “However, we had no problem sailing

speed was close to 20 knots and the sea state past Shirley Heights was

behind the fleet all the way to Nonsuch Bay and will join in the party

significant. Oyster Yachts are built for blue water cruising and the largest

tonight. It was a great shame because the big sea state and upwind legs

fleet of Oyster Yachts ever assembled in the Caribbean were most

would have really suited Wolfhound. We are doing everything we can to

certainly in their element.

get the boat race-worthy for the last day. I have a great crew on board, who have all just sailed around the world in the Oyster World Rally on

In Class One, Paul and Penny Brewer’s Oyster 100, Penelope, showed

four different boats, so there is a lot of experience on board.”

impressive speed, to take line honours for the third consecutive race, and their third victory on corrected time assures Penelope of the class win with

Nonsuch Bay Resort provided wonderful hospitality for the Oyster fleet,

a race to spare. Penelope’s skipper, Mark Durham, spoke after racing today:

with water taxis ferrying the owners and their guests ashore to a very warm

“These are the conditions that Penelope really loves and that has shown in

welcome from the attentive staff. The fleet enjoyed drinks on the terrace,

our results but what has been even more pleasant is that this is the first

as the sun set on the Oyster fleet, anchored in one of the most beautiful

time that Paul and Penny Brewer’s children have raced the boat and they

bays of Antigua. The Oyster family enjoyed a sumptuous plated dinner,

have been very much part of the team. Their three sons aged 17, 18 and 20,

surrounded by 40 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens and stunning

have taken on important roles on board and before the regatta we spent

ocean views.

some time at Barbuda, scuba diving, so that they have now passed their PADI exam. Penelope is great to race but her real role is to entertain guests

Oyster CEO and Race Officer for the regatta, David Tydeman, announced

and we have definitely had a lot of fun before and during this regatta.”

the prize winners and commented, “Classic Caribbean wind and sea conditions provide different racing to our Mediterranean events. At the

Oyster 885, Lush, with Eddie Jordan at the helm and Dario Galvao’s

Oyster Regatta in Palma last October, in light airs with the same rating, the

Oyster 655, Rocas, had an epic battle for second place. Rocas won the

Oyster 100, Penelope, was beaten by Oyster 885s, 72s and the Oyster 82,

encounter by just 34 seconds, lifting them to third overall in class, just a

Starry Night! It’s great to see Penelope doing so well here and now with

single point ahead of Oyster 82, Starry Night.

three bullets she is assured of a win overall. I’m very pleased to see that she will be on the start line for the last race, showing good sportsmanship.

In Class Two there was a tremendous battle between three Oyster 625s.

The other two classes are still wide open and tomorrow promises to be a

Russian Oyster 625, Lady Mariposa, took the gun by four minutes but

fantastic day on the water.”


after time correction she took the win by just 30 seconds from Wolfram Birkel’s Oyster 625, Red Cat. Maxim Kudryashov’s Oyster 625, Guardian Angel, was third. With one race remaining, the three Oyster 625s were vying for the class title. Chris Glossop’s Oyster 575, Dreamer of Hamble was once again the top performer in the Oyster 575s. Danish sailor, Jesper Bank, sailing on Oyster 625, Lady Mariposa commented after three days of competitive racing. “Competing against the Oyster 625s is like one-design racing” said Jesper. “Both upwind and downwind we are really close on the water and that gives the owners and their guests a fantastic experience. Today, we were so close but we made the best rounding for the last beat to the finish, which gave us clear air but I am sure tomorrow will be a really close race.”

summer 2014



the Oyster fleet was a magnificent sight, flying spinnakers for a predominantly downwind race from nonsuch bay to english harbour

le ft » The Class 2 fleet racing back to English Harbour.

r i ght » Close racing between Oyster LW48 Scarlet Oyster and Oyster 625 Vamos ; Oyster 625 Lady Mariposa ; Oyster 100 Penelope .


r a c e F O UR – s p o n s o r e d b y Ray m a r i n e

Fabulous Finale


Paul & Penny Brewer’s Oyster 100, Penelope, was the overall winner of Class One, with Oyster 885, Lush, second, and Oyster 82, Starry Night, in third. Paul Brewer lifted the trophy and spoke at the prize giving. “The regatta has been absolutely brilliant, a really good atmosphere with a

Glorious but lighter conditions prevailed for the final day of racing at the

friendly but competitive spirit. We have finally got the boat performing as

Oyster Regatta Antigua. The Oyster fleet was a magnificent sight, flying

it can do and that is a great moment for us. It is the first time my boys have

spinnakers for a predominantly downwind race from Nonsuch Bay to

been on board, which was very exciting and they have been very much

English Harbour. Even the wildlife turned out to watch with sunfish and

part of the crew and loved it and learnt a bit about sailing, as indeed

sea turtles coming to the surface in the divine Caribbean swell. The warm

have I. So in every respect it has been an incredible week.”

tropical breeze had abated somewhat but 15 knots of trade winds and clear blue sky produced a perfect end to a memorable regatta.

Ross Applebey’s vintage Oyster 48, Scarlet Oyster, was third in the last race, after receiving redress for assisting in a man overboard retrieval.

In Class One, the final day of the regatta belonged to Oyster 82, Starry Night,

Scarlet Oyster was rightly awarded the Carlisle Bay resort complimentary

to the delight of the owner and crew. Starry Night won the last race by

Spa Day Award for their efforts.

25 seconds from Oyster 885 Lush. Starry Night’s skipper, Roger Whyld, spoke after the race. “We have been tweaking the rig and perfecting manoeuvres

In Class Two, there was a dramatic race between three Oyster 625s vying

for several years to improve the performance of Starry Night and we have

for the class win: Wolfram Birkel’s German Oyster 625, Red Cat, Russian

been delighted with the results against the other Oyster 82s but to win the

Oyster 625, Lady Mariposa, and Maxim Kudryashov’s Guardian Angel.

last race was a great way to end what has been a highly enjoyable regatta.”

Red Cat won the last race by just over a minute on corrected time to win the class but the three yachts had a close encounter all the way around the 18-mile race track.



summer 2014

“Everything has come right for us. We have done so much to prepare

Oyster CEO and Race Officer for the regatta, Tydeman, announced the

Red Cat for this regatta. I am so happy for all of the crew. I know we have a

prizewinners at the prize giving on the lawn at the Copper and Lumber,

special boat and to win our first regatta is an amazing feeling,” commented

Nelson’s Dockyard. “Fabulous racing, great company and great venues,

Red Cat owner Wolfram Birkel after receiving the Class Two Trophy.

this has been a highly successful regatta for Oyster Yachts and all of the owners and their guests. Many thanks to all of the Oyster sponsors, the

Eric Alfredson’s Swedish Oyster 53, Lisanne, held on to win Class Three

Oyster team and the host venues for all of their hard work and support;

but only on count back. Tony Keal’s British Oyster 54 Wolfhound entered

without you Oyster Regattas would not be the great success that they are.”

the last race despite having no instruments or electric winches. Defiantly and with great skill, Wolfhound won the last race by over five minutes to

The Oyster Regatta Antigua came to a conclusion with a cocktail party

tie on points with the class leader. However, it wasn’t enough, as the

courtesy of Christophe Harbour, St Kitts, followed by a superb buffet at

tie-breaker of discard score went against Wolfhound and Lisanne won the

the Copper and Lumber Store Hotel. Legendary Antiguan rock band,

class with Leo Nagtegaal’s Duchess taking third in the last race and Harvey

Itchy Feet, performed an electric set to a packed dance floor to play out

and Sue Death’s Oyster 56, Sarabi, taking third overall.

the Oyster Regatta Antigua. »

Eric Alfredson, owner driver of Lisanne spoke after the presentation. “It is a great feeling. I have been sailing with my wife and just our friends and we have never raced before. We knew that the other boats would be well sailed so we are a little surprised to win. The regatta has been fantastic, the weather has been just perfect for an Oyster, 18-20 knots of warm trade winds, and the people that are here are so friendly. The regatta has been extremely well organised; it has been such a great experience.”

summer 2014



r a c e o n e – s p o n s o r e d b y Do l p h i n Sa i l s Class 1 1st


2nd 3rd 4th


Paul & Penny Brewer



Eddie Jordan Family Trust

Starry Night of the Caribbean


Starry Yachts Ltd



Dario Galvao

Class 2 1st

Lady Mariposa


Daniel Hardy (skipper)


Red Cat


Wolfram Birkel


Lady Mariposa


Maxim Kudryashov


Vamos of Portsmouth


David & Joanne Furby

Class 3 1st



Eric Alfredson




Joachim & Rolf Riel




Harvey & Sue Death




Tony Keal

race two – sponsored by lewmar Class 1





Paul & Penny Brewer




Eddie Jordan Family Trust




Dario Galvao


Starry Night of the Caribbean


Starry Yachts Ltd

Class 2

Concours d’Elégance – p r e s e n t e d

b y O y s t e r B r o k e r ag e

Class 1 Proteus


Chris & Denise Ballard


Red Cat


Wolfram Birkel


Lady Mariposa


Maxim Kudryashov


Dreamer of Hamble


Chris Glossop




Mark & Sarah Driver

Class 3

Class 2 Sophistikate


Richard & Angela Parkinson


Harvey & Sue Death

Class 3 Sarabi




Tony Keal




Harvey & Sue Death




Joachim & Rolf Riel




Eric Alfredson

left » Oyster Regatta trophies.

r i g ht » Class 1 winners, Paul and Penny Brewer, Penelope ; Class 2 winner, Wolfram Birkel, Red Cat ; Class 3 winner, Eric Alfredson, Lisanne .



summer 2014

r a c e t h r e e – s p o n s o r e d b y P e l ago s Y a c h t s Class 1

The Yachting World Trophy Presented by Yachting World to the best placed yacht overall from Class 1, 2 and 3 not to have won a placing in Class 1, 2 or 3.




Paul & Penny Brewer




Dario Galvao




Eddie Jordan Family Trust


Starry Night of the Caribbean


Starry Yachts Ltd


Daniel Hardy (skipper)

The Oyster Regatta Trophy

Class 2 1st

Lady Mariposa

Sotto Vento


Richard Smith


Red Cat


Wolfram Birkel

Class 1


Guardian Angel


Maxim Kudryashov




Paul & Penny Brewer




Henrik Nyman




Eddie Jordan Family Trust


Starry Night of the Caribbean


Starry Yachts Ltd




Dario Galvao

Class 3 1st



Eric Alfredson




Harvey & Sue Death

Class 2




Joachim & Rolf Riel


Red Cat


Wolfram Birkel




Ian Davis


Lady Mariposa


Daniel Hardy (skipper)


Guardian Angel


Maxim Kudryashov


Dreamer of Hamble


Chris Glossop

r a c e fo u r – s p o n s o r e d b y Ray m a r i n e Class 1 1st

Starry Night of the Caribbean

82 Starry Yachts Ltd



885 Eddie Jordan Family Trust


Scarlet Oyster

LW485 Ross Applebey



100 Paul & Penny Brewer

Class 2

Class 3 1st



Eric Alfredson




Tony Keal




Harvey & Sue Death




Joachim & Rolf Riel

For full results and more photographs, visit the Events section of www.oysteryachts.com


Red Cat

625 Wolfram Birkel


Guardian Angel

625 Maxim Kudryashov


Lady Mariposa

625 Daniel Hardy (skipper)


Vamos of Portsmouth

625 David & Joanne Furby

Class 3 1st


54 Tony Keal



54 Paul & Trish Ducker



56 Leo Nagtegaal



56 Harvey & Sue Death

summer 2014





summer 2014

Night photo by Toby Essex

Oyster London

Owners’ Dinner May 2014

T h e 2 0 1 4 O y s t e r L o n d o n O w n e r s ’ D i n n e r w a s h e l d i n M ay at t h e i c o n i c O X O T o w e r o n L o n d o n ’ s So u t h b a n k . i t w a s O u r f i r s t v i s i t to t h i s u n i q u e v e n u e , a n d a f i tt i n g lo c at i o n , b e i n g s o c lo s e to t h e O y s t e r P r i v at e V i e w at St K at h a r i n e Do c k s , w h e r e a c oll e c t i o n o f s i x o f t h e l at e s t O y s t e r mo d e l s w e r e b e i n g s h o w n at t h e e x c l u s i v e annual event The contemporary OXO2 was host to more than 100 Oyster guests who were treated to a champagne reception on arrival, followed by a three-course dinner in the impressive dining room complete with panoramic views across the River Thames. The evening’s guest list included owners who recently circled the globe in the first ever Oyster World Rally, owners who are part of the Oyster heritage and those new to the ‘Oyster family’. Oyster CEO David Tydeman gave an opening speech welcoming all guests and introduced the owner of an Oyster 26 – the smallest Oyster ever built, and the owner of the new Oyster 885 – the largest yacht in the Oyster core range, demonstrating the breadth of ownership over the company’s 41 years. The room was filled with history and stories from seasoned Oyster sailors, enthusiasm from owners wanting to hear from fellow guests about the recent World Rally as well as those interested to hear plans for future Oyster rallies and regattas. The evening closed with Paul and Trish Ducker, owners of Oyster 54 Babe, one of the 26 yachts that participated in the Oyster World Rally, proudly taking to the microphone to share their own entertaining personal account of life at sea during their fifteen-month incredible adventure!

summer 2014



c r u i s i n g



summer 2014

i n Oyster 485

m e x i c o Âť S hi n di g

O n 1 5 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 2 at 1 1 . 0 0 Ro b a n d N a n c y No v a k , a b o a r d their Oyster 485 Shindig, left their Sausalito, California s l i p a n d h e a d e d o u t t h e Go l d e n G at e B r i d g e , t o w a r d s M e x i c o . T h i s i s t h e i r s t o r y a b o u t c r u i s i n g t h e C a l i f o r n i a c o a s t, pa r t i c i pat i n g i n t h e B a j a H a - H a c r u i s i n g r a l ly a n d a r r i v i n g i n t h e i r c u r r e n t c r u i s i n g g r o u n d s i n M e x i c o 1 ,1 0 0 m i l e s l at e r T E X T A N D P H OTO S B Y R O B A N D N A N CY N OVA K

summer 2014



We had been sailing in San Francisco Bay

for more than

loomed before us, we noticed other friends who were waving at us from up

a decade and looked forward to the day that we could have the freedom

on the bridge’s walkway. Once on the other side of the bridge, our sailing

to go cruising. Once the decision was made we started the process of

escorts peeled off one by one, returning to the port we had called home for

selecting and purchasing a cruising sailboat. Shindig, a perfect Oyster 485,

twelve years. We were now on our own and making the big left turn.

turned out to be that boat. We worked with Oyster Brokerage in Newport, Rhode Island, to secure hull number 24 that happened to be for sale right

The California coastline south of San Francisco is generally hospitable to

in our Sausalito Harbour. We started preparing her for the trip south, and,

cruising vessels, with many day stops along the way. We first stopped at

two years later, with our only son Bryan settling well into university on the

Half Moon Bay, a delightful seaside community, with an active harbour

East Coast, we were ready to set sail.

supporting local fisherman and providing a pretty backdrop for day trippers that venture across the mountain road from the Silicon Valley area.

We had given ourselves one luxurious month to meander our way down

We enjoyed a quiet night at a guest slip, tucked amidst fishing vessels.

the California coastline, with the only firm deadline to be in San Diego in time to join an annual rally, called Baja Ha-Ha. This sailing rally attracts

We continued south visiting Santa Cruz, where we spent the night in

more than 100 boats that leave from San Diego and arrive in Cabo San

the harbour at a guest dock, enjoying a homemade dinner at our good

Lucas, Mexico two weeks later with several fun rest stops along the way.

friends’ home, as well as making the most of a long, hot shower and

On our departure day from San Francisco the winds were blowing from the

laundry opportunity. Several days at Monterey Bay gave us time to stretch

northwest at 10-12 knots. Six boats full of friends tearfully escorted us out

our legs, visit restaurants, both casual and gourmet, and enjoy the

the Golden Gate Bridge. It was the culmination of goodbye parties that

world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium, which continues to update

had spanned the entire summer. There was friendly banter on the VHF

exhibits to encourage the love and the protection of the marine and sea

radio, with lots of “Goodbyes” and “Fair winds”. As the red spanned bridge

life for all ages. We re-provisioned with fresh vegetables and fruit from the farmer’s markets and kept updated on weather that was forecasted to build. We decided to leave Monterey Harbour, knowing there was a low gale predicted. We were confident in Shindig’s capabilities and wanted to test our own sailing capacity as a duo. Weather predictions were accurate as we sailed into a windy 12-hour passage on a broad reach with swells running 6–8ft. Dressed in our full foul-weather gear, we enjoyed surfing Shindig down waves. The passage was fast with 8 to 12 knots of boat speed. Our final stop that day was San Simeon Bay, an oasis from the weather. From the anchorage, we could see the glorious Hearst Castle, Randolph Hearst’s extraordinary home perched high in the hill. On other occasions, we’ve visited the castle, and recommend it to any tourist in Northern CA. The setting and furnishings are splendidly opulent, and one can just imagine movie stars from the 1930s and 1940s, such as Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin, getting away from the Hollywood lives as long weekend guests of Hearst.



summer 2014

We were confident in Shindig’s capabilities and wanted to test our own sailing capacity as a duo. Weather predictions were accurate as we sailied into a windy 12 hour passage on broad reach

Our next stop was Morro Bay, a protected estuary that is home to a fishing

After happy hour, we went into town with others for dinner, and then, at

fleet and recreational boaters. The Morro Bay Yacht Club is a welcoming

around 21.00, we crept back over their boat on to Shindig, and were soon

place for boats making passage north or south. Due to the gale winds the

fast asleep, ready for an early morning wake up.

guest docks were full with many boats that were drying out and planning their next move. With no open guest dock, a 50ft Bertram power boat

“Fire, Fire, Fire!!”

waved us over, indicating that we could tie alongside them. Bob Wilson

I was the first to wake and could see yellow flames coming from our

and his crewmate, Scott, both retired firefighters, were bringing the boat

neighbour’s boat. Rob was still asleep; I woke him up immediately and he

north to San Francisco from San Diego. Their passage had taken longer than

bumped his head as he was jolted awake in a panic. We raced up the

expected, and, on the last leg, they had experienced very strong headwinds

companion way to see the Bertram now engulfed in flames. Rob quickly

and waves. Their cushions and interior bedding were outside, drying from

started the engine, and told me to untie the lines from the Bertram. In slow

taking on water during some of the trip up.

motion, I thought, “Oh, no ... this is going to be hard.” Surprisingly, however,

A Night to Remember

each line slipped off easily. Our long power cord had been connected to the dock through the aft deck of the Bertram, and Rob threw the cord off

We spent a couple days in Morro Bay, enjoying the picturesque fishing

the boat and into the growing flames, and we backed away. At this point,

port and waterfront, which is filled with old-fashioned seashore and

it was probably 2–4 minutes since we had woken up. Smoke was billowing

tourist shops and restaurants. There are lots of places to hike, and the

up from the Bertram, and the entire upper deck of the boat was in flames. »

area also attracts foodie and wine gourmets as it is near the Central California’s renowned wine region. We got to know our new neighbours well and learned that their boat had an interesting history. It was used regularly in the 1980s TV Show Magnum P.I. As the weather cleared, thoughts of getting underway surfaced. Before parting ways, we invited our Bertram friends over for a round of Mai-Tai’s. Spirits were high as we discussed plans to leave the next morning, our friends planning a very early morning departure.

summer 2014



When we were 200 yards clear of the fire there was an explosion, the

around his modest camp and ranger site, encouraging us to browse at a

propane tanks had exploded. The entire upper part of the boat burst into

nice collection of publications on the history of the islands. Then he asked

flames. We slowly motored to the public guest dock, about a quarter of a

us what type of hike we wanted to go on as visitors are not allowed to

mile away. We helped other escaping sailboats tied up and then silently

roam freely on this protected island. We chose a seven-mile round trip

walked back through the streets to the yacht club to help.

across the top of the island, ending up on the bluffs overlooking sleeping and mating sea lions. There we spent an hour or so watching the young

The local fire department, coast guard, police and other officials worked

bulls frolic on the sand and in the water, while the older bulls aggressively

through the night to contain the boat and ensure there were no more

staked out their territories and partners.

internal fires. Speculation began on the cause of the fire, which focused mostly on electrical issues initially caused by the water intrusion as the boat

The hike back was very pleasant as the breeze was slight, and our guide

had made its way north from San Diego. Thankfully, both Bob and his friend

was chatty. When he escorted us to the overlook of the trail, we could see

were quick on their feet, and, being familiar with the boat’s layout, they

our sailboat Shindig proudly anchored in solitude in the pretty bay below.

found exits from the fire, despite the many challenges of it being night.

At the top of the trail, we bid George a heartfelt farewell. He followed us down a bit so that he could clear the trail of fallen rocks and debris.

By daybreak, their wives had arrived, driving through the early morning, from different parts of California, to support them. It was a sobering

We spent the next week exploring these islands, mostly Santa Cruz and

reunion for them to survey the fire’s damage and assess their losses.

Catalina Island. We divided our island time with back and forth trips to

After a day of sunshine, rest and regrouping, Shindig got ready to head

the California mainland, in Santa Barbara, which is our favourite California

towards the Channel Islands of California. This fire happened on our

coastal town.

seventh day out from San Francisco; it could have so easily ended our trip. Most land-based Californians know of Santa Catalina, the most visited of

Channel Islands and Santa Barbara

the Channel Islands. Day ferries, personal powerboats and sailboats cross

One of the maritime landmarks on the central coast of California is Point

the 26 miles over from the Southern California towns to bask in the warm,

Conception, which has been known since the nineteenth-century as the

beautiful harbours and shop and dine in friendly casual businesses catering

Cape Horn of the Pacific. Point Conception shares this reputation with

to tourists. There are also day and overnight camps available from Catalina,

Point Arguello, both known for confused seas, blustery winds, foggy

as well as private dive boats that can venture up into some of the less

conditions and several navigation obstacles such as oil-drilling platforms.

inhabited islands. We happened to arrive at Avalon Harbor in Santa

Our approach was to use Morro Bay as a jumping-off point to head

Catalina during the weekend of Buccaneer Days. It is a popular event with

south-west through the Santa Barbara Channel to the northern most island

several hundred power and sailboats from Southern California crossing

of the Channel Islands chain, San Miguel. We had obtained a permit to

over for festivities on land and on the water. While we had given away our

visit this national park in advance and when we arrived in the anchorage,

pirate costumes before leaving home, we rummaged through our flag bag

there were no other boats. We radioed our arrival the next morning to an

and hoisted a series of brightly coloured pirate flags to join the festivities.

unseen park ranger, who promptly responded, “I’ve been waiting for you

Several other Baja Ha-Ha boats, identified by their flying burgees, were

for several days.” Thus began a delightful day, commencing with a hike to

also in the harbour. We enjoyed meeting other fellow participants in

the top of a trail to meet George, a volunteer, part-time ranger, who

advance of the start as we enjoyed the California coastal waters. Soon we

manages this magnificently remote part of the island. He showed us

were heading south towards San Diego to get ready for the Baja Ha-Ha.



summer 2014

Baja Ha-Ha

In most conditions we managed to trail fishing lines in the water.

The Baja Ha-Ha is a cruising rally that departs each autumn from

We mostly caught Bonita, which is not a favoured fish on our boat.

San Diego, California and finishes at the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula,

The day we caught two large tuna changed our menu options, as we

approximately 750 miles away, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It is sponsored

feasted on fish tacos and grilled tuna steaks for several days. In addition

by Latitude 38 magazine. Signing up for the annual Baja Ha-Ha Rally months

to coordinating most of the onshore activities at each stop, the rally

before our initial departure had helped us maintain a schedule. The Rally is

committee boat, Proligate, a 63ft catamaran, led a morning check-in on

a nice, organised way for cruisers, many of whom are new to this lifestyle,

the VHF radio. As the days progressed, and boat distances spread out, the

to travel together. The first leg is about 360 miles, with a two-night rest in

check-in was on a combination of VHF and Single Side Band (SSB) radio.

Turtle Bay; the second leg is about 240 miles, with a two-night rest in Bahia

There were relays of positions requested, and the natural ebb and flow of

Santa Maria. The final leg is approximately 120 miles to Cabo. The stops

radio communications began. Naturally, some boats were more prolific

along the way provide opportunities to rest and to meet one another at

on the radio than others. I quickly overcame my ‘mike fright’, and helped

the potlucks, beach parties, baseball games with the locals and tug-of-war

relay positions in the early morning so that slower boats could have

contests. The Halloween holiday usually falls during the Baja Ha-Ha and

presence during the roll call. The first night out, some thought it was

participants can enjoy a costume party in San Diego with extra recognition

amusing to broadcast a snippet of their favourite song to all on the hailing

for wearing their costumes on departure day. We brought large bags of

channel; others chatted during the early morning watches to keep one

sweets to give out to the children at both of the rest stops, as they have

another company.

become used to asking for sweets from this large group of sailors each year. For organisational purposes, each boat was assigned to a division, with Generally the participants are sailboats, although this year there were a

names such as Guacamole Division or Jalapeno. We were part of the

handful of powerboats participating. The size of the boats ranged from a

Langostino Divison, which included the Swan 77 and several other larger

Morgan 28 to a 77ft Swan. With Rob’s father, Bert, and our friend Dan

cruising boats. Eleven days after the San Diego departure, we arrived into

from Sausalito aboard, we had a salty group of four on Shindig.

Cabo San Lucas, the southern most tip of the Baja Peninsula. With the sunlight beginning to peek up from the low mountain ranges, small

The winds conditions for the nineteenth annual Baja Ha-Ha were lighter than

charter fishing boats were zipping up the coast as we continued to sail

usual. As a result, the fleet generally had a ‘rolling start’ to begin each leg of

south. A few hours later we were in our assigned slip, anticipating long,

the trip. Boats were asked to motor down the rhum line at 5 or 6 knots until

hot showers, fast Internet, and a late night party at Cabo’s Squid Roe

the wind picked up; when there was enough wind to sail there would be an

tavern, where more than 100 Ha-Ha’ers celebrated and danced until the

announcement on the radio by the rally committee. The horizon would then

morning hours. That party is aptly named ‘We Cheated Death’.

fill with colourful spinnakers and diesel motors would be silenced. The Baja Ha-Ha Rally was a great experience for first time cruisers like us. With 115 boats in close proximity of one another, Rob wanted four-hour

It helped us set a precise timeline for departure and allowed us to meet a

watches with two people on watch. We rotated through different watch

bunch of like-minded sailors on our first sailing trip to Mexico. I would

partners during the three legs to mix it up a bit. I had prepared and frozen

highly recommend it.

many of the meals in advance and we looked forward to each night’s hot meal, which we all shared in the cockpit. The sunsets were spectacular as

For more information on the Baja Ha-Ha Rally visit www. baja-haha.com

the sun dipped into the Pacific.

summer 2014



owner profile Dr Nick Blazquez



summer 2014

Pre vio us own er of O y s t e r 4 8 5 » S o u n d of B re agha wit h O y s t e r 5 7 5 in bu ild “ G i v e a m a n a f i s h , a n d y o u f e e d h i m f o r a d ay. S h o w h i m h o w t o c at c h f i s h , a n d y o u f e e d h i m f o r l i f e .” T h i s w e l l - u s e d p h r a s e w a s c o i n e d b y a u t h o r A n n i e R i t c h i e i n t h e MID -1 9 t h C e n t u r y, b u t t h e c o n c e p t o f t r a d e r at h e r t h a n a i d c a n b e t r a c k e d b a c k t o t h e m i d -1 7 0 0 s w h e n A r t h u r G u i n n e s s f i r s t began brewing his creamy stout in the Emerald Isle

Aid or trade? Mr Guinness may not have coined the phrase ‘corporate responsibility’, but his legacy of goodness and vision to improve the communities and lives of the citizens where his products were sold, continues to pulse through the corporate veins of parent drinks giant Diageo. It is very much on the mind of Dr Nick Blazquez, too. The sailing-mad President of Diageo’s operations across Africa, sees more than his fair

B y B arry P icktha l l

share of depravation and poverty, and has become a leading advocate for trade not aid. The only difference between him and Annie Ritchie is that the answer is bound up in seed, grain and water, rather than fish. “Empowering people to lift themselves out of poverty is not only good for communities, it is good for business, too,” says Nick, who balances his time between the dynamic economies across Africa and heading the Group’s Turkish, Russian, Central and Eastern European operations. But Blazquez’s heart is very much in Africa, and he wears it on his sleeve. “Economists often talk about the prospects of China, India and Brazil, but Africa is also growing at a phenomenal rate. We operate in 40 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and although some of these are starting from a very low base, Africa now has 7 nations in the list of top 10 fastest-growing economies,” he enthuses. Under his leadership, Diageo’s African profits have been increasing at double digit pace year on year. One key ingredient is the Group’s ability to empower communities to contribute to the growth of their local economies. Not so long ago, the major breweries across Africa imported all their grain. Diageo, which operate 13 breweries in Africa, now source over 50 per cent locally, and have an ambition to increase it further. “We buy a lot of grain with which to brew beer, so as our business grows, the more we source locally, the better it is for the community. We now buy from approximately 100,000 farmers across Africa. Some think we do this simply because it’s a good thing to do locally, and that is a very real benefit, but it also makes sound economic sense,” Nick explains. He adds, “Our success is dependent on the health and prosperity of the communities in which we operate. In Africa, we see first-hand how socio-economic development can enhance reputation, attract talent and mitigate risk. We also see how it can help transform an environment for greater enterprise and entrepreneurialism to flourish. These are strong drivers of economic growth. Our investment in securing high-quality grain from local farmers has a broad impact on the immediate economy.” In Kenya, Blazquez and his team were faced with competing against a thriving trade in illicit hooch, which made up 50 per cent of all alcohol consumed. This was having a serious effect on the nation’s health. Diageo developed a low cost beer using local grain, for which the government reduced duty on the brand. “It meant that we are able to sell a mug of beer for the same price people were paying for their illicit brews. This means that drinkers are able to go to dedicated bars, where we also

invested in to provide a pleasant environment, and drink a branded beer. »

summer 2014



This not only helps safeguard consumers against unregulated and potentially dangerous alcohol, but has helped generate an entirely new industry within the Kenyan beverage market, where small businesses thrive and where jobs are created. There are now approximately 12,000 Senator bars in Kenya, supporting over 30,000 jobs.” Nick Blazquez predicts that Ethiopia will be the next big emerging market in Africa, and Diageo is playing a part in its development. “The government there was aware of how we partner with farmers in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda. We were looking to buy a brewery in Addis Ababa that imported all its grain. The Ethiopian

provided approximately 6 million Africans with a self-sustaining resource so

Prime Minister was keen to transform the farming sector, and brought

far. The Group currently has 170 water projects on the go, sinking wells and

forward the idea of a well-run corporate providing regular demand

providing sanitation systems in outlying villages right across the continent.

for local grain. That policy benefits us, it benefits the government in

This is all part of the company’s long-term ‘Water of Life’ programme named

supporting agricultural development and it benefits the local economy.”

after the Gaelic phrase ‘uisge beatha’ coined by the Irish monks who first brought whisky making to the Highlands back in the fourteenth century.

To give some scale to the market, Diageo now employs more than 6,000 people in Africa (1 in 4 of the Group’s workforce worldwide),

Blazquez is doing his bit too. Last year he competed in his first half-

and many more indirectly through the production and distribution of

marathon and raised more than £52,000 for the cause. This year he ran

their brands. Guinness Nigeria brews more stout than Ireland, and total

his first marathon in London. “It was a big commitment. I trained every

sales of all Diageo’s beer and spirit brands across the continent now

day, wherever I was in the world, sometimes going from -20°C extremes

exceed 6 billion drinks each year – net sales of more than $2 billion.

in Moscow one day to +30°C in Lagos the next!”

Some of these sales successes have surprised even Nick. Visiting one

Changing perceptions

remote township, he was amazed to find a $400 presentation bottle of

Temperature differences apart, Moscow and Lagos have much in

King George V Johnnie Walker Scotch whisky on display in a corrugated

common. Both cities share double-digit growth and both require a high

shack that was the village store. Asking what demand there may be for

degree of personal security. To many, Africa is a scary word. Rather than

such a pricy blend, he was even more surprised to find that the store had

conjuring thoughts of a land of opportunity, first impressions are often of

sold four bottles that month. “I learned that those who make a success

disease, corruption, famine, poverty and war. “That stuff does exist, but it

of their lives – and we have a good number working in Diageo – like to

exists all over the world and we have learned to deal with it,” says Nick.

return home and share their success with family and friends. Buying an

“Sometimes, it is difficult to get our products through ports. But we have

exclusive bottle of whisky and sharing it around the community is a

never paid bribes or made facilitation payments. People know us for

common way of doing this,” Nick explains.

never paying these and don’t bother us. That helps our reputation.”

Water of Life

In Cameroon, Diageo has launched an anti-corruption initiative in

Among the essential requirements for development in Africa is the need

partnership with government, private companies and police. “It acts as

to improve access to safe drinking water. Sub-Saharan Africa is lagging

a catalyst, promoting corporate integrity towards corruption. We have

behind goals set by the United Nations to halve the percentage of people

also launched the Africa Business Reporting Awards to encourage a

without access to sustainable sources of water, and poor sanitation also

more accurate picture of the business environment. The continent is

remains a substantial health issue. Diageo’s aim is to deliver clean drinking

transforming itself at a great pace and we are investing, innovating and

water to an additional 1 million people every year until 2015, and has

adapting our business to benefit from this rapid change.“



summer 2014

“Our success as a company is dependent on the health and prosperity of the communities in which we operate. In Africa and elsewhere, we see first-hand how socio-economic development through inclusive business models and innovating partnerships can enhance reputation, attract talent and mitigate risk. We also see how it can help create an environment in which entrepreneurialism flourishes and people excel – a fact that gives me enormous energy.” Born in Scotland to a German mother and Spanish father, Nick (51) spent his formative years living and sailing near Oban. “We had a Corribee 21 – the same small cruising design that first brought Dame Ellen MacArthur to public attention when she sailed hers solo round Britain at the age of 18. It was a great little boat, and sailing around the islands off the West Coast of Scotland taught me

Dr Nick Blazquez

Fast facts

51 years old Married with three children


all about navigating.”

University of Bristol University of Aberdeen

Nick gained his PhD in reproductive physiology at the University of Bristol and a Bachelor of

Career highlights

Science at Aberdeen. He has been using his talents to seek out profits within the drinks industry ever since, first for United Distillers and later with Diageo, formed from the merger between Guinness Plc and Grand Metropolitan in 1997. After learning all about blending and bottling whisky in his native Scotland, Nick was promoted to run Diageo’s operations in Asia before moving to Africa in 2004. His career has been meteoric and now includes responsibility for Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and Turkish markets. He is invariably travelling for three weeks in four, and, to relax, he runs to keep fit and enjoys sailing his Oyster 485 yacht Sound of Breagha. This year, he entered her in the JP Morgan Round the Island Race, completing the 50 mile circumnavigation with 1,497 other yachts in 8 hours 23 minutes to finish 12th in class. He is looking forward to spending more time sailing in his native Scottish islands. “I’ve sailed in the Bay of Islands, the Whitsunday Islands and the Greek Islands, but have to tell you that nothing quite measures up to the Western Isles. My first Oyster, the 485 Sound of Breagha, was launched just in time to join the last Classic Malt Cruise and we were blessed with wonderful weather. I certainly want to spend more time re-exploring the waters that I grew up in.” Nick’s long-term sailing ambitions, however, are much more extensive, which explains the recent purchase of a new Oyster 575 that is currently in build at Oyster Yachts Wroxham. “I really want to experience more blue water sailing and have a yearning to cruise around the world. The next Oyster World Rally in 2017 is really appealing, but work commitments probably mean that I won’t be able to take time out until a later date. But there is no doubt, the Oyster is an ideal yacht to achieve this.”

1989 – present President, Diageo Africa, Turkey, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe (2012–present) President, Diageo Africa (2004–2012) Managing Director, Asia Key Markets (2001–2004) Various managerial positions within United Distillers (1989–1997)

Recreation Running: Completed first 10k run in March 2012 in aid of Water for Life Completed 2013 London Marathon in 3hrs 32min Sailing: Cruising the Scottish islands Sailing Ionian Island Corfu to Southampton in 2012 Completed the 2013 JP Morgan Round the Island Race, finishing 12th in class

Aspirations Cruising around the world in his new Oyster 575

summer 2014




C ELEB R A T E 8 0 Y E ARS IN A N 8 0 D AY V O Y AG E ON A N OY S TER 8 0 !



summer 2014

T h i s s u m m e r , G o r d o n s t o u n s t u d e n t s e m b a r k e d o n a c e l e b r at i o n o f t h e 8 0 t h a n n i v e r s a r y o f t h e S c h o o l b y ta k i n g t h e i r S a i l T r a i n i n g V e s s e l , O y s t e r 8 0 O c e a n S p i r i t o f M o r ay , o n a c i r c u m n a v i g at i o n o f G r e at B r i ta i n . T h e c i r c u m n a v i g at i o n w a s c o m p l e t e d i n 8 0 d ay s t o c e l e b r at e 8 0 y e a r s o f t h e S c h o o l

C r e w e d by G o r don s to u n p u p il s , the boat left the Kyle of

sail training vessel the Oyster, Ocean Spirit of Moray. The school’s founder

Lochalsh on Wednesday 4 June 2014 to start its voyage around Great

once said that ‘the sea is our finest school master’ and this sentiment is

Britain. The boat was crewed at different stages by a total of 80 students.

still very much at the heart of the sailing programme at the school today.

The route took in nine ports, including; Leith Docks in Edinburgh, Ipswich, St Katharine Docks in London, Brighton, Portsmouth, Salcombe, Bristol,

Ian Lerner, Gordonstoun’s Sail Training Co-ordinator, said, “Sailing brings

Liverpool and Glasgow. Current and former students and their families

out the best in young people by challenging and appealing to many areas

were invited on board to celebrate the anniversary at each of the ports

of a student’s personality and interests. It nurtures a sense of adventure

and the crew offered Sail Training experiences to primary aged students.

and encourages team spirit – it’s hard to sail a boat on your own, you have to work together. These are all admirable qualities to be nurturing in

Gordonstoun, from its foundation in 1934, has always believed that

young students but sailing is about so much more; it is also about

academics alone are not enough for success in life and that valuable

intellectual challenge. You have to plan your journey, understand the

lessons can be learnt on the water. Sail Training has been part of its

wind and know how the boat works. Students can control their own

curriculum since the earliest days because of the amount that students

destiny by making their own decisions, with no teacher or parent telling

learn about teamwork, self-awareness and leadership. Typically,

them what to do. This in turn nurtures those all-important leadership skills

Gordonstoun students will start sailing in Toppers, progress to Lasers,

which are so valuable in later life.”

Cutters and finally to week-long voyages on board the school’s 80-foot Following this summer’s circumnavigation of Great Britain, Ocean Spirit will return to Plockton, its home port, where it will start its yearly programme of week-long voyages with the school’s students. Every summer holiday Ocean Spirit takes groups of students on a different voyage, recent ones have included the Arctic, the Tall Ships Race and the East Coast of North America. Next year’s summer sailing voyage is yet to be decided, but it promises to be another adventure.

summer 2014



taste of an oyster Oyster 56

Âť Sarabi

T h e C o o k e F a m i ly w e r e f o r t u n at e e n o u g h t o b e i n v i t e d a b o a r d t h e b e a u t i f u l O y s t e r 5 6 S a r a b i f o r a f a m i ly h o l i d ay c r u i s i n g t h e C a r i b b e a n i n u lt i m at e s t y l e a n d l u x u r y te x t b y j a so n c oo k e



summer 2014

In Spring 2013, the Cooke family –

myself, my wife Sarah, and

three daughters (Natasha aged ten, Bethany, eight, and Rosie, six) – departed on a long anticipated holiday to the Caribbean islands. Our accommodation was not to be a hotel or guest house, but the sleek and captivating Oyster 56, Sarabi, owned and crewed by my brother and sister-in-law, Harvey and Sue Death. Along with the natural sense of slightly nervous excitement that accompanies the prospect of any adventure holiday to an exotic location, we experienced a few more emotions as we prepared to leave England. This would be our first trip abroad for ten years (even the airline departure process had ‘gone digital’ since Sarah and I had last flown!) and it was only now that our youngest, Rosie, was a sufficiently strong swimmer for her presence on an ocean-going yacht to be countenanced. We were all classic landlubbers, our combined experiences of boats being a day’s punting on the River Cam in Cambridge, and canoeing down the Symonds Yat gorge in Herefordshire. We further knew that Sarabi had taken part in a regatta the previous week and we imagined her bedecked in racing pennants and manned by people (that is, her owners) who clearly knew a figure of eight from a half-hitch. So while we greatly looked forward to spending some quality time with relatives in an idyllic location, we wondered how we would fare as sailors – would we come up (several fathoms) short? We needn’t have worried. The whole experience was fabulous and even exceeded our expectations. From arrival at Maurice Bishop International Airport in Grenada a short taxi ride delivered us to the lovely Port Louis Marina at St George’s where we met Harvey and Sue and clambered aboard Sarabi to stow our gear. The functional yet incredibly comfortable layout drew appreciative comments from the children – “Dad, we’ve got our own bathroom” – and the novelty of repeatedly climbing up the short ladder to the companionway hatch took a long time to wear off! After a day in port enjoying the luxury of the marina (tropical gardens, pool, rum punch cocktails) and exploring the heart of St George’s with its old fort, colonial architecture and spice markets, it was time for our first experience of the open seas. »

summer 2014



A brief mooring at Union Island to clear immigration was marked by assistance from local boatmen in colourful boats, wrap-around sunglasses and smoking aromatic ‘local’ cigarettes, who helped us tie up to a mooring buoy, and the unhurried manner in which the local authorities process the paperwork of anyone entering their waters. By the afternoon, however, we had cleared immigration and made the four mile crossing to Tobago Cays where we moored within the heart of the shallow reef and in the middle of the five low islands that make up this natural playground. The two days and nights spent in Tobago Cays were, in a word, magical. The weather in the day was characteristically glorious and we spent our time snorkelling up close with giant turtles and residents of the reef, including rays, starfish, blue tang and groupers. When not snorkelling we were jumping/bombing off the side of the boat into the warm seas (the children declared Sarabi’s deck to be the perfect jumping height) or exploring the islands on foot. Evenings were spent on deck watching the sun fall behind the horizon, glass of wine in hand, while dining on barbeque cooked off the end of the boat or whole lobster cooked in garlic and spices supplied by the local fishermen. Unsurprisingly, the combination of a day’s watersports and excellent food and drink always guaranteed a good night’s sleep, even without the gentle rocking of Sarabi on her mooring. A course was set for a 42 nautical mile crossing from Grenada to Union Island in the Grenadines, an immigration landfall prior to a sojourn in the marine conservation zone known as the Tobago Cays.

Sarabi glided gracefully out into the deep blue water of the Caribbean sea, and it was not long before the children were excitedly spotting flying fish and frigatebirds

These sailors start early! Tea was served at 06.00 while still dark, followed by departure at 07.00. As we slipped out of harbour in the soft morning light, there was a hive of activity in the commercial port across the estuary,

Further great experiences followed the stopover in Tobago Cays. Our next

where a small freighter painted bright red was being loaded with crates

mooring was Saltwhistle Bay on the island of Mayreau, a haven of turquoise

by a crew dressed in equally garish T-shirts and baseball caps. Leaving

water within a perfect crescent of white sand and palm trees. This was the

St George’s behind, Sarabi glided gracefully out into the deep blue water of

spot for purchasing locally made T-shirts of every colour and hue, for

the Caribbean Sea, and it was not long before the children were excitedly

watching kite surfers scud past on the other side of the bay, and for

spotting flying fish and frigatebirds, which drifted lazily above us on the

swimming off the boat to shore, a 70-metre ‘open water’ exercise and

updraughts. Our passage parallel to the west coast of Grenada revealed a

a respectable achievement for a six year-old. A return to Union Island

surprising variety of features on the island, from the fishing villages along

followed to stock up on provisions, sample delicious ‘lambi’ (conch) curry

the shore to the mist-shrouded, mountainous rainforest of the interior.

in a local restaurant and engage in further watersports; swimming around

We resolved to explore the island by vehicle on our return. Aided by good

Sarabi and (in the case of those under eleven) press-ganging an ever-

wind speed and direction, we made good progress past Carriacou and

patient uncle and aunt into towing them around the bay in an inflatable

Petit St Vincent. Mercifully, the exposed section of the passage between

ringo pulled behind Sarabi’s dinghy!

Grenadan waters and the Grenadines, which Harvey and Sue advised could feel the full force of Atlantic rollers, was very benign. Our skipper

It was at this point in the holiday that the relaxation was complete. The final

pronounced it to be the quietest he had ever seen it, which was fortunate

evening before departure back to Grenada we paid a visit in Sarabi’s dinghy

as even in these gentle conditions the children were experiencing a little

to ‘Jonty’s Bar’ in Clifton’s reef-protected bay, an artificial outpost built on

seasickness, fortunately the only such incident of the holiday.

a foundation of conch shells and comprising an open-plan bar and eating area and the owner’s accommodation. We learned that the previous version of Jonty’s Bar had been washed away during a tropical storm, although Jonty himself was clearly not in residence at that time, as he was present during our visit mixing serious cocktails and mixing serious reggae from his sound system behind the bar. The hour spent at Jonty’s was one of life’s great moments. The sun was setting behind the peaks on Union Island.



summer 2014


above» Oyster 56 Sarabi cruising the crystal blue waters of Grenada.

left » Sarabi’s owner Sue Death with the junior Cooke sailors.

summer 2014



It was a time for reflection on the important things in life – family, friends and good times. This was definitely a memory to call upon regularly during the next stressful week in the office



summer 2014

We counted ourselves very fortunate to spot and then be accompanied by a school of dolphins, who kept pace with us by swimming and jumping alongside Sarabi

course while keeping an eye on the depth gauge. It was good to move over the white fibreglass and teak of her superstructure and just enjoy the feeling of being on a perfectly engineered and beautiful ocean-going craft. The children also took away a wealth of experiences from the holiday. They were already strong swimmers, but they found new confidence in sea swimming and snorkelling (and jumping!) during our time on Sarabi. They adjusted well to life on board, and quickly took on little tasks easily, The cocktails were delicious – I could detect mango and grenadine in

such as the need to pin towels and wet clothes to Sarabi’s guard rail at

my ‘Painkiller’ and I’m not sure what else! Marley’s finest issued from the

night in order for them to dry off. Bethany tried her hand at steering

sound system – ‘Stir It Up’, ‘One Love’, ‘Iron Lion Zion’. But most of all

Sarabi; Natasha dived for conch shells; Rosie enjoyed being dragged in

the enjoyment was due to pleasing family company and the general

the inflatable ringo; they all had a brush with seasickness but, generally,

ambience of this relaxed and beautiful part of the world. It was a time for

began to get their sea legs. These are all excellent rites of passage.

reflection on the important things in life – family, friends and good times. This was definitely a memory to call upon regularly during the next

In conclusion, we did not acquit ourselves too badly as a group of

stressful week in the office!

landlubbers, and did not get in the way too much! Observing Harvey and Sue did inform us, however, as to how much knowledge and

Our passage back to Grenada was blessed with similarly good conditions

resourcefulness is needed to sail and maintain a vessel like Sarabi.

as our outward trip. Another early start was helped by coffee and bacon

Would we do it again? Like a shot, anywhere in the world – as long as

sandwiches served up shortly after departure. As well as repeat sightings

we were under the command of sailors of the mould of the Deaths.

of flying fish and frigatebirds we counted ourselves very fortunate to spot

Thank you Harvey, thank you Sue – and thank you Sarabi. One great week.

and then be accompanied by a school of dolphins, who kept pace with us

100 nautical miles. A year’s worth of adventure. Not bad.

by swimming and jumping alongside Sarabi and by riding her bow wave. The delight of the children can probably be imagined! Our holiday came to a close after another day in St George’s marina, during which we hired a knowledgeable taxi driver to take us on a tour of Grenada. This tour took us right into the mountainous interior of the island and covered a visit to a nutmeg processing factory and a cocoa plantation. Our guide educated us on the history of the island from colonial rule through to the American invasion of 1983, talked solemnly about the impact to island life of the devastating Hurricane Ivan in 2004, and gave some insightful comment on the spiritual content of Rastafarianism. On reflection, apart from the sheer fun and exhilaration of the entire holiday, what experience did we gain? For myself I enjoyed learning something about the operation of a luxury ocean-going yacht. It was good to sit at Sarabi’s compact navigation desk and track the GPS plotting of the movement of our vessel against digital data charts, to learn something of the radio and satellite communications systems and listen in to the local coastguard ‘chatter’ on VHF Channel 16. It was good to at least attempt to assist Sue in securing Sarabi to a mooring buoy. It was good to feel the vessel heel under the influence of a strong blow, to feel the excitement as the boat tilted and yet know there was several tons of lead in the keel keeping her stable. It was good to steer Sarabi and attempt to maintain a

summer 2014



o y s t e r b r o k e r a g e a u t u m n BOAT s h o w 12 – 21 September 2014, 09.30 – 17.30 daily Don’t miss the annual Oyster Brokerage Autumn Boat Show held at

Oyster Brokerage Autumn Boat Show

Oyster Yachts Southampton, running at the same time as the PSP

Oyster Yachts Southampton, Saxon Wharf, Lower Brook Street,

Southampton Boat Show. The show is a fantastic opportunity to view a

Southampton, SO14 5QF.

large number of pre-owned Oyster yachts on the water at your leisure.

12 – 21 September 2014, 09.30 – 17.30 daily

Our experienced team will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you there.

Appointments are not necessary, but if you prefer to schedule your visit or would like further information, please contact us.

You can also view our new yachts at the PSP Southampton Show on berths M254 and M338.

O y s t e r B r o k e r a g e w i l l a l s o b e a t t h e N e w p o r t B r o k e r a g e B o a t S h o w , 1 1 - 1 4 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 4 , N e w p o r t , R h o d e i s l a n d , U SA . For further information contact Oyster USA t: +1 401 846 7400 e: newport@oysteryachts.com

100 O Y S T E R n e w s

summer 2014


2013 OYSTER 125 » Twilight

1 9 9 4 R OYA L H U I S M A N 1 1 2 » B i l l y B u d d 2

Twilight is a powerful-performance cruising yacht with a stunning open-plan, split-level living area. The upper saloon offers an uninterrupted panoramic view. This exceptional Oyster offers accommodation usually associated with 50m+ designs.

Strong, reliable and currently rigged for high-latitude sailing by her experienced owner. Major refit in 2010 on the machinery and standing rigging. Build pedigree and huge potential. €3,500,000 ex VAT | Lying: West Med

€14,900,000 VAT paid | Lying: UK South Coast

2012 OYSTER 100 » Penelope

2008 OYSTER 82 » Dama de Noche

Launched 2013, magnificent as-new Oyster superyacht, with three luxurious guest staterooms. Upper saloon with panoramic views, and more intimate lower saloon. Double header rig with in-boom furling gives powerful performance under sail.

Beautiful flag blue 82 only available as the owner’s new Oyster nears completion. Full hydraulic sail handling with in-mast furling. Superb raised saloon. Gorgeous maple interior, she sleeps ten in five cabins. Never chartered, immaculate.

£7,500,000 VAT paid | Lying: UK South Coast

£2,750,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster Palma

summer 2014



2004 OYSTER 82 » Bare Necessities

2 0 0 5 O yster 7 2 » B i l l y B u d d 1

Immaculately maintained regardless of cost, by the original crew. A striking yacht, with metallic blue hull and pearlescent mast. Exceeding MCA code 0 charter requirements, she also boasts the most comprehensive inventory seen on an Oyster 82.

Commissioned for high latitudes, but equally at home in the sun. Built to MCA code 0, with mahogany joinery below where she sleeps ten in five cabins. Only for sale as the owner plans a larger Oyster.

£1,850,000 ex VAT | Lying: UK South Coast

€1,700,000 VAT paid | Lying: West Med

2 0 0 5 O yster 7 2 » S p i r i t o f M o n t p e l i e r

2011 OYSTER 655 » Svetlana

The fastest Oyster ever launched, this is a very special 72 with a rare combination of speed and luxury. With beautiful teak joinery and up to eleven berths in four cabins. Now urgently for sale: bring offers!

Combining a slippery hull with an easily handled hydraulic furling rig, this is a stunning yacht inside and out. Comprehensively equipped for world cruising, she has been built to MCA Category 2, though never chartered.

£800,000 ex VAT | Lying: Oyster Palma

£1,850,000 VAT paid | Lying: West Med

2008 OYSTER 655 » Matawai

2007 OYSTER 655 » Acheron

Stunning Oyster 655 with state-of-the-art communications equipment, entertainment, electronics and remote GPS monitoring. Perfect gentleman’s Bermuda racer.

Beautiful 655 with cherry interior joinery, sleeping eight in four cabins. Cutter rig with push-button hydraulic furling to all her white sails. An easily handled yacht that has been skipper maintained since launch.

US$2,350,000 ex VAT | Lying: Newport, RI, USA

£1,500,000 VAT paid | Lying: West Med

102 O Y S T E R n e w s

summer 2014


2002 OYSTER 66 » Matelot Moon

2012 OYSTER 625 » Guardian Angel

Designed by Rob Humphreys with cavernous internal volume and split-level saloon, she really is a mini superyacht. Below decks she has ten berths in five cabins, all beautifully fitted out in light oak.

Superb raised saloon and navigation area gives panoramic views while her practical layout sleeps up to twelve in five cabins. Cutter rigged with hydraulic in-mast furling, she is a large yacht that is easy to handle.

Stunning dark blue hull, carbon mast and fully battened mainsail. Electric furling to her headsails. Teak joinery gives a luxurious feel, and she sleeps eight in four cabins. The owner currently has a larger Oyster in build.

£850,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster Palma

£1,900,000 ex VAT | Lying: Cruising

2001 OYSTER 62 » Pearlfisher

1998 OYSTER 61 » Modus Vivendi

1 9 9 5 O yster 6 1 » S e a E a g l e o f B r y l a i

An ARC class winner and powerful performer with taller carbon rig and fully battened mainsail, she has nonetheless proved to be a capable and comfortable cruiser, visiting some of the most inaccessible places on the planet. Superbly maintained.

Beautiful 61 with a superb custom layout, with vast owner’s stateroom forward, as well as sumptuous guest accommodation. The electronics package has been upgraded and a bow thruster has also recently been added.

Sea Eagle is a superb example with eight berths in four cabins, and teak joinery. A substantial refit in 2013 included new teak deck, sails, upholstery, navigation instruments and holding tanks, among other items.

£495,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£495,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster Palma

2011 OYSTER 575 » Cloud 9

2011 OYSTER 575 » Patrice

2010 OYSTER 575 » On Liberty

A 2011 Oyster 575 with £300K of extras. Perfect size for ocean sailing and live aboard use, while easy to handle. Meticulously maintained she is perfect for someone looking for a 575 without long lead-times.

Magnificent 575 with push-button hydraulic furling to her mainsail and genoa. Her shoal keel reduces her draft to just 2.06m (6’9”), opening up new cruising areas. An immaculate, almost unused, 575.

£1,290,000 ex VAT | Lying: Oyster Palma

£1,170,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

Professionally crewed and maintained since her launch in 2010, this exceptional 575 has beautiful cherry joinery. Easy to handle with hydraulic in-mast furling and electric furling to both headsails. Fully equipped and ready to go.

£975,000 VAT paid | Lying: East Med

£1,195,000 VAT paid | Lying: UK South Coast

£995,000 ex VAT | Lying: Oyster Palma

summer 2014

O Y S T E R n e w s 103

A v a i l a b l e v i a o u r UK O f f i c e

2000 OYSTER 66 » AnnaCay

2007 OYSTER 56 » WindFlower

2004 OYSTER 56 » Dreams Come True

2004 OYSTER 56 » Midnight Lady

Exceptionally well maintained, and comprehensively equipped. Her rig plan enables short-handed sailing at the push of a button. Interior finished in cherry wood with eight berths and all the home comforts.

An excellent example, beautifully maintained, and benefiting from a fully battened mainsail, which enhances sailing performance, and cutter rig. Seven berths in four cabins, all finished in handcrafted teak.

Nine-time winner of the Oyster Concours d’Elegance trophy. Midnight Lady is a beautiful, fully equipped Oyster 56 with a stunning dark blue hull and a maple interior. Original owner since new, and skipper maintained since day one.

£645,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£595,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster Palma

2003 OYSTER 56 » Moana

2001 OYSTER 56 » Purusha

2000 OYSTER 56 » Olanta

One of the higher specified 56s with a taller carbon mast and numerous upgrades including a custom layout that sleeps five in three cabins, and boasts a larger owner’s stateroom and en-suite head/shower than the standard layout.

Fully equipped for long-distance, live-aboard, shorthanded cruising. She features a beautiful custom layout that still allows space for guests, but a larger than standard owner’s cabin. Purusha’s owner is keen to sell.

Custom layout with large twin berths in the owner’s stateroom, and two further twin cabins, with a large sail locker forward. Ideal for family cruising and longdistance sailing. Recent new engine and chartplotter.

£535,000 ex VAT | Lying: Oyster UK

£475,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

1999 OYSTER 56 » Gwylan IV

1988 OYSTER 56 » Duet II

2009 OYSTER 54 » Blue Bayou

Super example, with the alternative ‘B’ layout, which moves the guest cabins further aft, and allows a huge sail locker forward. Cherry joinery and seven berths in four cabins. Push-button hydraulic furling to her main and genoa.

Extremely well priced Oyster 56. Just arrived to the UK. Oak interior with eight berths in four cabins. Equipment includes fully battened mainsail, air conditioning, generator, powered headsails, bow thruster and electric winches.

Lying in the Mediterranean ready to go. A rare opportunity to acquire a nearly new Oyster 54. She has been lovingly cared for and lightly used. On the market as the owner is moving up within Oyster range.

£415,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£370,000 ex VAT | Lying: Oyster UK

£699,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

104 O Y S T E R n e w s

summer 2014

£435,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster Palma

€850,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster Palma


2012 OYSTER 54 » In Flagranti

2010 OYSTER 54 » Om Shanti

2007 OYSTER 53 » Lisanne

Beautifully cared for, with a modern and contemporary interior of maple joinery and wenge cabin soles. With an exhaustive specification, she is ready to circumnavigate. Electric in-mast furling and electric winches make her easy to handle.

A practically new yacht that is fully equipped and ready to go. Fully battened mainsail enhances her performance under sail, while below decks she sleeps six in three cabins, all beautifully finished in light oak.

Extremely well maintained Oyster 53 from 2007. Eight berths in four cabins. Maple interior. Equipment includes generator, bow thruster, electric in-mast furling, watermaker, air conditioning, davits and rib. A very nice, clean and tidy yacht.

£665,000 ex VAT | Lying: Oyster UK

US$1,090,000 ex VAT | Lying: South Coast UK

£550,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster Palma

2004 OYSTER 53 » Spirit of Epsilon

2002 OYSTER 53 » Glass Slipper

2 0 0 2 O yster 5 3 » D r a g o n f l y

Superb example. Extremely well maintained with high levels of equipment. Spirit of Epsilon is afloat and ready to go for a new owner. Low engine and generator hours. New upholstery. A very clean and tidy yacht.

One of the best equipped and certainly the best maintained 53 we have seen come to market. A testament to Oyster build quality and owners who love their boat and keep her like their primary home.

Well maintained, with an up-to-date electronics package. Dragonfly benefits from a sloop rig and in-mast furling, set up for ease of use. Below decks, the teak joinery provides a warm and luxurious feel.

£475,000 VAT paid | Lying: UK South Coast

US$780,000 ex VAT | Lying: Annapolis, MD, USA

2003 OYSTER 53 » Janus of London

2002 OYSTER 53 » Fizz of Cowes

2003 OYSTER 53 » Infinity

A beautiful example of the Oyster 53. One owner from new, she has been well cared for. Cutter rigged with electric mainsail furling. Six berths in three cabins, with an additional single cabin/workshop.

Lovingly maintained by her owners who have enjoyed cruising her in the ARC 2009 and ARC Europe 2010. Extensively refitted in 2009 as well as upgrades to the navigation systems, new dive compressor, new generator and more.

Light use, low hours, excellent condition and topnotch specification make her a compelling example. Hydraulic sail handling, workshop and light oak joinery are just some of the highlights. Realistically priced and seriously offered for sale.

£425,000 VAT paid | Lying: Portugal

US$695,000 ex VAT | Lying: Newport, RI, USA

£430,000 ex VAT | Lying: Oyster Palma

£440,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

summer 2014

O Y S T E R n e w s 105

1988 OYSTER HP53 » Oyster Cove

2005 OYSTER 49 » Florence

2003 OYSTER 49 » Spirit of Mackenzie

This Oyster HP53 benefits from recent upgrades including a new Perkins Diesel main engine, new rolling reefing gears to genoa and staysail and new rigging, to name a few improvements that have taken place over the years.

A beautiful example of the popular Oyster 49. Joinery finished in maple, and equipment includes electric winches, bow thruster, generator, watermaker, heating, radar/chartplotter. Cutter rigged with fully battened mainsail.

Very lightly used 49, with little more than delivery miles under the keel. Electric in-mast furling and electric primary winches make her easy to handle. Stunning teak interior that sleeps six in three cabins.

£173,000 VAT paid | Lying: West Med

£499,000 VAT paid | Lying: UK South Coast

2003 OYSTER 49 » Shakura

1995 OYSTER 485 » Ariel

2000 OYSTER 47 » Oyster Cracker

Beautiful example of the Oyster 49. Maple interior with six berths and three cabins. Extremely well maintained and with a generous specification. Still in original ownership and currently ready to go for her next owner.

Shear line-sweet Oyster 485. Cruise-equipped with generator, full AC and diesel heat. New engine. Recent rig refit. In the water, fully commissioned, ready to go.

Rare cutter rigged Oyster 47, which, when combined with in-mast furling, gives her a versatile and easily handled sailplan. Accommodation for six in three cabins, with an open and airy feel below decks.

US$495,000 ex VAT | Lying: Newport, RI, USA

£345,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

2002 OYSTER 47 » Aequitas

2002 OYSTER 47 » Escapade of London

2005 OYSTER 46 » Karizma

Aequitas was built with a comprehensive blue water specification and set up with single-handed sailing very much in mind. The current owners participated in the Oyster World Rally, completing the circumnavigation in April 2014.

A beautiful example of the popular Oyster 47. Extremely well maintained, engine hours 2345, new sails, new canvas work, lots of additional extras. Stunning American light oak joinery, sleeps six in three cabins. Viewing recommended.

Beautiful 46 with a high level of specification. Equipment includes in-boom furling, generator, air conditioning, bow thruster, electric winches and much more. She sleeps six in three cabins and her interior is oak. Low engine hours.

£335,000 VAT paid | Lying: Scotland

£299,950 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£449,000 VAT paid | Lying: West Coast of Scotland

£375,000 VAT Paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£395,000 VAT paid | Lying: UK South Coast

106 O Y S T E R n e w s

summer 2014


2006 OYSTER 46 » Sophistikate A

1986 OYSTER 435 » Barefoot Oyster

2009 OYSTER OM43 » Cora

A lovely family yacht, only for sale because her owner has a larger Oyster. Specified for ease of handling with electric sail handling. She sleeps six in three cabins and her interior joinery is in light oak.

A very well maintained Oyster 435. The layout is extremely comfortable, and the teak joinery is in beautiful condition. The rig is simple and efficient and enables short-handed sailing. This is a very capable long-distance cruising yacht.

Twin-cabin version of the Oyster LD43. Twin Cummins 480hp engines and waterjets promise 30 knot performance coupled with shoal draft. Excellent high-speed sea-keeping abilities, and mouse control make manoeuvring child’s play.

£135,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£399,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

2006 OYSTER LD43 » Blue Pearl

2008 OYSTER LD43 » Aleda

2 0 0 6 O yster L D 4 3 » A u r o r a

Offering excellent high-speed sea-keeping abilities that make for effortless long-distance cruising, the twin waterjet computer-controlled propulsion system enables astonishing manoeuvrability. This particular example has been maintained to exacting standards.

Oyster LD43 powerboat, professionally maintained and lightly used. This example has twin 480hp Yanmar diesels offering exhilarating performance. The unique design of her hull ensures her occupants maximum comfort even at high speed.

Regularly maintained, lying in the UK South Coast. She has been used solely for summer cruising around the UK including Scotland’s West Coast. Ideal for short-handed cruising and ready to enjoy the summer season.

£250,000 VAT paid | Lying: West Med

£245,000 VAT paid | Lying: UK South Coast

£415,000 VAT paid | Lying: Oyster UK

£375,000 VAT paid | Lying: Italy

Uk | ipswich

Usa | rhode island

Spain | palma

Germany | hamburg

T: +44 (0)1473 695 100 E: brokerage@oysteryachts.com

T: +1 401 846 7400 E: newport@oysteryachts.com

T: +34 971 287 474 E: palma@oysteryachts.com

T: +49 40 644 008 80 E: yachten@oysteryachts.com

This is just a selection of the yachts we have available. Please visit our website for details of all our listings.


summer 2014

O Y S T E R n e w s 107

new arrivals recently launched Oysters


Oyster 575 – 24 Heures to D a v e M a r a j

Another new owner keen to compete is Dave Maraj with Oyster 575

24 Heures. Even his boat name witnesses he’s no stranger to competition: Dave owned the champion racing team that won the Le Mans 24-hour race in 2005.

Having initially commissioned a true blue-water cruising boat from Oyster, the racing bug again took hold while the 575 was in build.

The next step was an upgrade to carbon spars and North 3Di sails.

All moves that paid off when, during the handover sail trials off Miami,

the boat topped 11 knots. Dave is delighted, saying 24 Heures exceeded his expectations.

Oyster 575 – Ayesha II to D a v i d a n d L esl i e J oy c e

Making the crossing from Nautor to Oyster after sailing the Mediterranean and Caribbean aboard their 48ft Swan, David and Leslie Joyce, with a keen eye on performance, instructed a carbon Formula Shark Boom™ with fully battened main, and a large genoa for their new Oyster 575, Ayesha II, with which they intend not just to continue their cruising but to test the regatta scene also. Quickly setting that in motion, after handover she was sailed to Jersey before heading transatlantic on the 2013 ARC, and then joining the 2014 Oyster Regatta Antigua.



Oyster 575 – Global One to L a w so n a n d I a m Ar c her

Lawson Archer runs a successful worldwide courier company and for the

livery of his new Oyster 575, Global One, has adopted the red, white and blue colours of his firm’s logo, and that neatly also replicate the colours of his and his wife’s national flags. Readers may recognise this distinctive design, as

Global One has exhibited at both the Hamburg and Düsseldorf boat shows. After a cracking handover sail in the sunny spring weather with even the

asymmetric flying, Global One then set sail for Malta to complete formalities before heading for Palma where the yacht will be based. We hope to see

Lawson, Iam and son Jason join us at the Mediterranean regattas in the future.

108 O Y S T E R n e w s

summer 2014

Oyster 625 – Kathara to B a rry G ree n

This is Barry Green’s third Oyster after owning both an Oyster 485 and a 56. Kathara is his first new build. The deal maker for this project, he says, was Oyster’s willingness to produce an interior solution that meets his own individual cruising style and requirements that revolve around swinging centreboard SuperShoal draft, three double cabins, almost equally luxurious in their volume and amenities, and a fusion of detailed customisation. Barry was very much involved in Kathara’s build process. With a car racing background his sense for technical engineering and practicality was a benefit to the project, in the end delivering an Oyster 625 that is technically well thought out, full of typical marine and seaworthy details, and not a single unnecessary gizmo. The result is a very well balanced boat, easy to handle with her fully hydraulic in-mast cutter rig, and, is of course, a delight to steer with her twin-rudder arrangement. Kathara left Oyster’s commissioning yard in Ipswich in December 2013


bound for her home base in Florida after a short stop in the Channel Islands.


Oyster 575 – Josie Maria

to J oh n a n d V i c k i D e M a rgher i t i

John and Vicki De Margheriti, having recently sold their business back in Australia, are set to enjoy good cruising aboard Oyster 575 Josie Maria. They’ve not entirely escaped business involvement, however, so the boat has been designed with a private office with satellite communication in the aft cabin so they can always stay in touch. Wanting to build on their existing sailing knowledge they took on additional crew when leaving Ipswich to help familiarise themselves with the new boat that they’d researched so carefully and reassuringly commissioned only after reviewing many other yachts. Josie Maria featured at the Cannes Boat Show last year before heading to her home in Sydney, Australia with an impressive inventory including two Seabobs, two electric bikes, quad helicopter, full remote underwater camera, diving gear, 3D TVs, anti-pirate alarm system and more.

Oyster 625 – Vamos of Portsmouth to D a v i d a n d J o a n n e F u rby

This may be the first Oyster David and Joanne Furby have owned but they are very familiar faces aboard the Oyster charter fleet. It’s from those experiences they have now taken the plunge and commissioned Vamos with the intention of enjoying some extra well-earned time off from their successful business.


Vamos’s first season last summer was busy with corporate charter sailing out of Hamble on the UK’s south coast. She then took part in the 2013 ARC, after

which David and Joanne enjoyed time with family onboard over Christmas in

the Caribbean before taking part in the Oyster Regatta Antigua, and then again beginning a busy charter season.

For further information on chartering this beautiful Oyster 625, visit www.oystercharter.com

Oyster 665 – Call of North T O B E R NA R D R O S E N B E R G E R AN D M A R INA L I E

Having previously owned Oyster 56 Echo of North, Bernhard and Marina are no strangers to Oyster, and their new 665 Call of North is stunning both outside and in with an all-season interior finished in cherry complimented by


white painted bulkheads. As their chosen name suggests, Bernhard and

Marina have adventurous plans for Call of North. After spending time initially

in the Mediterranean this summer, including participation in the Cannes Boat Show, she will then set course north to Glacier Bay in Alaska where three to four months cruising will be enjoyed.

summer 2014

O Y S T E R n e w s 109

Oyster 825 – Reina to O yster R e i n a Ltd


The first of the eagerly anticipated new Oyster 825 line, Reina, was handed over to her owners at summer’s start after extended, extensive trialling and an earlier showing at Boot Düsseldorf and the Oyster Private View at St Katharine Docks, where she raised keen interest. The final handover for this twin-ruddered and carbon rigged sloop came with a superb sail around the Solent with owners aboard trying out the smart new North Sails Code 1 headsail and asymmetric spinnaker. With her four guest cabin plan and very experienced and personable professional crew of three, Reina is available to charter through Oyster Charter.

Oyster 625 – Bubbles to L eo N a gteg a a l


The twelfth Oyster 625 to leave the yard, Bubbles, was handed over in early summer to Leo Nagtegaal, an already very experienced Oyster owner.

Well known to many for earlier adventures aboard his Oyster 56 Duchess, and

with perfect timing, Leo was back in the UK for just a few weeks after completing the Oyster World Rally aboard Duchess when he took the helm of his new 625

for the first time and soon headed for Holland and a couple of months cruising. Bubbles is one of our Southampton Boat Show boats so she will return to

the UK in September. Unusually, she has a fixed GRP bimini, which is covered in solar panels and, depending on sunlight levels, producing anywhere from

20 to 60 amps, so Leo is hoping that his generator use on future adventures will be significantly reduced.

For more information, go to www.oystercharter.com


Oyster 54 – Hanuman to M orr i s S c h i n dler


Oyster 885 – Clare

to S i r F r a n k a n d L a dy K a r i Ch a pm a n

Taking delivery late summer last year of Oyster 885 Clare, owner Sir Frank Chapman launched straight into a very busy sailing schedule that’s hardly

paused since Clare’s inaugural success at the Oyster Regatta Palma and then two-way Atlantic crossings, after which she’s ready now for a busy 2014 Mediterranean season. This is Sir Frank’s second Oyster, the first a 56 also named Clare after his mother. Sir Frank’s decision to go big came aligned with his retirement and the opening of more time to go sailing. But as well as his family’s own very active sailing, good chartering was part of the plan and to match Clare with these calls Sir Frank’s own interior designer worked closely with Oyster’s interior team to perfect the detailing. Among the main features that stand out in this 885 are the galley with a deep gloss lacquered finish to the units and the convertible lower saloon that has a slide out bulkhead to section-off the area and convert the sofa into two single berths to form a temporary cabin.



summer 2014

Designed with circumnavigation in mind for experienced sailors Morris Schindler and first mate Deborah, Oyster 54 Hanuman displays a very practical working arrangement and a gorgeous American white oak interior.

In Vedic lore, Hanuman, the spiritual son of the Wind God, is known best

for providing shelter in the proverbial storm, so provides also a perfectly fitting

name for a future world girdler. The boat was recently at our St Katharine Docks Private View in London.

From the San Francisco Bay Area, experienced sailors Morris and Deborah have customised every detail of Hanuman with an eye towards their shorthanded sailing.

Oyster at the

boat shows As we approach the Autumn boat show season we extend a warm welcome to our owners, customers and general boat show visitors. We have an exciting line-up of new models on show for you to view, including the beautiful new Oyster 825. As usual we will be operating an

Open Yards at Orust, Sweden 22 – 24 August Oyster 575

Festival de la Plaisance, Cannes 9 – 14 September Oyster 575, 665 & 825

appointment system to enable as many

Newport Brokerage Show

visitors as possible to view the yachts.

11 – 14 September

While we do try to ensure everyone gets aboard we can get very busy at times so

Oyster Brokerage

it is advisable to book an appointment in

Southampton Boat Show

advance so you won’t be disappointed.

12 – 21 September Oyster 575 & 625

Please visit the Events/Boat Shows section where you can find more details about

Oyster Brokerage Autumn Show Saxon Wharf, Southampton

the shows and also make an

12 – 21 September

of our website www.oysteryachts.com

appointment by filling in the ‘Boarding Pass Request’ for the show you are

Monaco Yacht Show

visiting. Alternatively, please feel free to

24 – 27 September

call our sales teams:


UK/European Shows

Annapolis Sailboat Show

T: +44 (0)1473 695 005

9 – 13 October

E: sales@oysteryachts.com

Oyster 575 & 625

US Shows

Hamburg Boat Show

T: +1 401 846 7400

25 October – 2 November

E: newport@oysteryachts.com

Oyster 625

summer 2014



industry partners W e a r e g r at e f u l t o o u r m a r i n e i n d u s t r y s u p p l i e r s f o r n o t o n ly h e l p i n g u s t o b u i l d g r e at ya c h t s b u t a l s o f o r s u p p o r t i n g o u r e v e n t s a n d r e g at ta s

Bespoke quality sails and canvas

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hardware supplier for the leisure

specialising in yacht management

Matthew Vincent

marine industry

Declan O’Sullivan

T: +49(0)41 013 849 27

T: +44 (0)1255 243 366

Roger Cerrato

T: +44 (0)1624 819 867

E: m.schuldt@reckmann.com

E: sails@dolphin-sails.com

T: +44 (0)23 9247 1841

E: dos@pelagosyachts.com



E: rcerrato@lewmar.com



Performance masts, engineered

Optimal coverage for your yacht,

The world’s leading manufacturer of

to perfection

your assets and your paid crew

recreational marine electronics

Ben Collet

John McCurdy OBE

Harry Heasman

T: +44 (0)23 9259 7188

T: +44 (0)1752 223 656

T: +44 (0)1329 246 832

E: info@formulamasts.co.uk

E: info@pantaenius.co.uk

E: harry.heasman@raymarine.com






summer 2014

Reefing systems and hydraulics Marcus Schuldt


Oyster Representatives

General Enquiries T: +44 (0)2380 335 266 E: enquiries@oysteryachts.com

Oyster Yachts Australia

Sales Enquiries T: +44 (0)1473 695 005 E: sales@oysteryachts.com Customer Service Enquiries T: +44 (0)1473 690 198 E: customerservice@oysteryachts.com OYSTER YACHTS GERMANY T: +49 40 644 008 80 E: yachten@oysteryachts.com OYSTER YACHTS PALMA DE MALLORCA T: +34 971 287 474 E: palma@oysteryachts.com OYSTER YACHTS USA

Michael Bell T: +61 (0)2 9997 7133 E: michael.bell@oysteryachts.com Oyster Yachts French and italian riviera Guiseppe Carosso T: +39 019 939 9183 E: giuseppe.carosso@oysteryachts.com Oyster Yachts in Poland Tomasz Bartkowski T: +48 22 774 88 99 E: tomasz.bartkowski@oysteryachts.com Oyster Yachts in Russia Oscar Konyukhov T: +7 925 721 29 91 E: oscar.konyukhov@oysteryachts.com

T: +1 401 846 7400 E: newport@oysteryachts.com


OYSTER charter

OYSTER brokerage

T: +1 401 846 7400


E: charter@oysteryachts.com

Palma: T: +34 971 287 474


USA: T: +1 401 846 7400

T: +44 (0)1473 695 100

E: brokerage@oysteryachts.com www.oysterbrokerage.com

summer 2014



www.oysteryacht s.com

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