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Loan Consolida/on •  Allows borrowers to consolidate/ combine mul/ple federal student loans. •  One monthly payment •  Best /me to consolidate?

Eligibility •  AKer a borrower graduates, leaves school, or drops below half-­‐/me enrollment. •  Do not need to be employed. •  Do not need a cosigner.

Loan Exit Counseling •  Completed aKer gradua/on •  Provides informa/on to help with handling loans •  Rights and responsibili/es as a borrower

Loans that can be Consolidated •  Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans •  Federal Family Educa/on Loans (FFEL) Stafford and Plus Loans •  Direct Plus Loans, Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS) •  Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Nursing Loans, Health Educa/on Loans

Loans that can’t be Consolidated •  •  •  •

Private Educa/on Loans Parent Plus Loans Primary Care Loans Medical Assist Loans

Advantages •  Allows more /me for payments. •  Depending on total loan amount –  $30,000-­‐$39,999.99 = 20 years –  $40,000-­‐$59,999.99 = 25 years –  $60,000 and above = 30 years

Advantages •  Simplifying finances •  Budget friendly repayment op/ons •  No penal/es for extra or early payments.

Disadvantages •  •  •  •

Can cause overall payment to be significantly higher. Interest rates can increase. Lose borrowers’ benefits. Once loans are combined they cannot be seperated.

Interest Rates •  Average of all interest rates of federal loans –  Max is 8.25%

•  Congress decides rates •  Rates are variable for different loans

Interest Rates •  Direct and FFEL subsidized loan –  Undergraduate –  Graduate

•  Direct Plus loans –  Parent, Graduate, and Professional Student

•  FFEL Plus loans –  Parent, Graduate, and Professional Student

How to use the Loan Consolida/on Calculator… •  You need these resources: –  Federal Direct Consolida/on Loans Online Calculator –  Na/onal Student Loans Data System –  Interest Rates Table

•  Electronic Debit Account

Repayment Op/ons •  Standard •  Graduated •  Income based (effec/ve July 1st)

Resources hjp:// hjp:// hjps:// hjp:// consolida/on.jsp •  hjp:// consolida/onprogram.html •  hjp://­‐loan-­‐consolida/on-­‐ informa/on-­‐a260650 •  hjp://­‐federal-­‐student-­‐loans.html •  •  •  •

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